Some More Hair Practices We Do that Everyone Says Are Bad for Us

00ca01184ec0f9a342b33427e40aba5eEarlier this week I discussed some hair practices we do that everyone else is like, “Really? That’s bad for your hair…you should do/use this instead.”

There is so much information we have all heard and they can sometimes get crossed with another. If you are on the receiving side, it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and irritating. With that said here are 5 more hair practices we do that everyone says are bad:

Being a product junkie and jumping on all natural hair bandwagons

“You are using too many products!” “How do you know what product or strategy is working for you when you just used 52 products in one day?”

Yes, there are cons to be a product junkie: spending lots of money, not knowing exactly what works for your hair, and product waste.

But there are benefits of being a product junkie and going on natural hair bandwagons: supporting small businesses, exploring hair products, always have certain products for certain styles, and knowing all the products out there. So don’t make others feel guilty if they are a product junkie or doing every hair trend that comes up.

Sealing hair with oil

How am I supposed to seal the water/moisture in my hair? Sealing with oils* and butters* right? To me that’s scientific, but during the Ouidad #FRIZZ 101 hangout, Renee of In Her Shoes was speaking about using oils to seal in moisture and Ouidad cuts her off by saying, “Oil does not seal in moisture…”

Even Jennifer Rose of Bellissimo Hair Spa in NYC said, “Oil does not ‘seal’ moisture into the hair. If you have to L.O.C., that means your L is a crap product…” [from Black Girl Long Hair]. I mean, don’t slather my hair with oils*, but I do use oil over my moisturizer and that works very well to my healthy hair journey.

My thing is hair cannot be suffocated with oils and butters* because hair is a dead protein. So it cannot live and does not breathe. Sure oil on dry hair is greasy and oily, but oil on moisturized hair will lock that in for your hair.

blue-magic-conditioner-hair-dress-340g8487536-2000x2000Using products with petrolatum and mineral oil*

My best friend has been using Blue Magic for years for her two strand twists she would do and re-do every two weeks.

Her hair has been healthy and moisturized. Did I mention that her hair is mid-back length, from ear length, over a 5 year span, and all she uses is her moisturizer and her Blue Magic?

Sure, it is a bit unorthodox to use grease and synthetic oils* in a hair regimen, because of all the information about them being bad for our hair. However, if a natural girl is happy with the products she is using and her hair is happy, then be happy for her.

Not trimming hair

We have been taught to get those pesky split ends off of our hair by trimming effectively, whether it be every few months or as needed.

The longer we keep them on our hair, the further they will travel up your hair shaft. Split ends come from too much manipulation, rough housing with the hair, overuse of heat, misuse of hair tools, terrible detangling.

You notice that your ends are frizzy and damaged. So of course you want to trim your hair to have healthy ends…or so we thought.

On the contrary, some women choose to not trim their ends. I mean, how is that possible besides wanting to keep the length of your hair and your hair remain healthy?

Well, length is good but health is important. Many women don’t need to trim because they use little to no heat, seal their ends with oil religiously, and wear protective styles. Even if they have split ends, there are some women who just don’t see trimming necessary to their hair health.

Passing flat iron* over each section more than once

You don’t love a sleek flat iron* style every once in a while? You want to exchange your curls for a straightened look. You already know that using direct heat can damage your hair, and that is why preventative measures must be taken so you won’t need to pass over more than once for that straight look.

Using an effective heat protectant*, use a fine tooth comb for a sleek look, and keep the temperature from 350 to 375 degrees. There would be no reason to pass your flat iron* more than once for your straight look.

There are some hair practices that won’t hurt our hair, like not trimming, washing your hair upside down, and using certain products others feel are not beneficial for natural hair.

However, other hair practices should be stopped immediately like passing the flat iron* more than once to keep you on your healthy hair journey. Just remember, whatever you are using for your hair, make sure you are using healthy practices to continue with your hair journey.

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