3 Reasons You Should Always Use a Leave-In Conditioner

Natural hair Raise your hand if you never use a leave in! That might sound a bit odd, but there are women out there that think conditioner is enough and they don’t know the purpose of using leave-in conditioners.

If you are a part of that 1% let me school you a bit. Here are 3 reasons you should be using a leave-in conditioner*.

1. Moisture

Leave-in conditioners are normally used to help keep the strands of your hair moisturized after you condition your strands. The product gives your hair almost immediate moisture and  you do not wash it out because it is meant to keep your hair moisturized long term.

2. It keeps the hair soft

These days, most leave in’s come with some amazing properties in addition to moisture, they have enough umph to them to keep the hair soft and some of them even add shine to the hair.

3. Great for using before heat

If you use heat a great tip is whenever you blow dry your hair, use a leave-in conditioner* prior to blow drying it. This will keep most of the moisture in your hair instead of your hair becoming crunchy when you blow dry it.

All leave-in conditioners are not the same. Some are thicker than others, and some are a watery-like substance. Experiment with both to see which keeps your hair moisturized the longest.

When choosing a leave in ensure that the first ingredient on the list is water, which means that the product is built to moisturize your hair.

Kinky Curly Knot TodayIf your hair is protein sensitive or you just used a protein based conditioner in your hair, you can choose a leave in that does not have protein in it so that you can avoid the crunch that ‘too much’ protein often gives to your hair after an intensive protein treatment.

Additionally ensure that your leave in conditioner* does not have cones if you want to keep your process is curly girl friendly, if you do not mind cones then go for it. If you need a list of great conditioners to choose from, click this link.

It is just a matter of preference! What are your favorite leave in conditioners? Comment below!

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