The Only Braid Out Routine You Will Ever Need To Get Your Style To Last All Week Without Re Braiding

Tenesha Locke Bailey
Tenesha Locke Bailey

Do you want to perfect your braid out? I do, because it is my preferred style for texture and I just want it to last without having to start over. The thing about braid outs is that we are always tempted to re braid every night just to get the style to last all week.

Youtuber TheotherqueenB aka the lovely Tenesha has perfected her braid out and her routine is so simple that it was definitly worth sharing so that we all can get this style right and lasting longer than 2 days.

The perfect braid out is dependent on 3 things:

1. Clean hair with perfect product layering

When you do a new style that you want to last all week, it is important to start on clean hair with a clean scalp. Cleanse your hair and deep condition as usual to ensure that your hair has enough moisture to last all week long. To style your braids you will need a leave in conditioner*, some sort of sealant and a styler.

You can use the same products Tenesha uses however you can mix and match the products that you like as well. If you like trying out a whole line of products make sure that you purchase the three things you will need to complete a style then buy all the other additives, like glossers and other cool things the line might offer.

Once you have moisturized and styled your hair you are ready to see about maintaining it.

2. Nightly maintainance

Personally one of my issues is playing with my hair way too much once it is set. The best way to keep your hair’s shape is to just leave it alone during the day and at night as well. In the video Tenesha just puts her hair in a light bun, covers with a satin scarf for the crown and then a bonnet.

That should take you all of 30 seconds to do every night. As the week progresses your hair should get fluffier and bigger by itself.

3. very minimal product throughout the week

A little birdy told me that she uses an oil mix every other day to maintain her braid out. You can do this if you like because a little oil is great on your finger tips for scalp massages before bed. Do not re wet the hair with product, just leave your hair alone!

I do not know about you but if I could perfect this myself it would make for an easy life since I love braid outs so much. Check out Tenesha’s video here:

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