The Harmful Effects Of Relaxers - A Critical Look And My Own Experience


Our girl Chime Edwards has been on a real educational kick lately and her latest video is about some of the harmful effects of relaxers.

She makes a note to say that her video is in no way intended to bash women who use relaxers but basically to give you more awareness on what we might be using in our lifestyles. “Each one teach one”, right?

I never watched Chris Rock’s movie on black hair back in the day.  Actually, I generally do not really watch videos about the dangers of relaxers, just on this occasion.

This video intrigued me, more so because I am subscribed to Chime and I trust her content for the most part. Additionally it reminded me of my own experience with relaxed hair.

I remember before ‘the final straw’ I could not for the life of me get my hair to be healthy regardless of how much protein I used, how much money I spent with the stylist, how much I deep conditioned, it just did not matter. My hair broke and shed as if I neglected it for months at a time.

With all of that said I never one time considered giving up my relaxer, I never ever thought that it was the problem because I just did not want my hair any other way than straight. I refused to listen to what my hair was telling me.

Then it happened, I lost all of my hair in the middle of my head. It fell out, gone,…. kaput, it gave up on me and I was forced to make a decision.

My hair is very very fine. If you read my posts you will probably hear me say that I have the finest hair on the planet. Fine hair cannot survive years of relaxing and I learned that the hard way.

Ladies when your body is telling you something you should listen, this is my one and only message to you based on my own experience. But I have to be honest, do I recommend relaxers? No! Based on what I went through, how can I?

What I will not do however is bash another person for their choice to relax. We will not stop educating women who relax or go natural on the best way to care for their hair though. Through education you can decide for yourself on the best choices for you.

Check out Chime’s video and share your thoughts below:

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