Asmr │ Crazy Beauty Salon✂


Name: Yoo-cheon

Dog breed: Maltese

If you're curious about [Yoo-cheon]? Come visit Puppy Boy Blog!

hairsalonasmr, hairasmr, hairclinicasmr, animationasmr,

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☆★What if our dogs are people? The story of a dog who loved his master more than his own★☆



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Please turn on the CC Maltese Yoo-cheon, 3 years old. I came to get my hair done because it got fluffy. It'S been a while ). What kind of style do you want? Is there a style you want? Do you want me to do a hairstyle? That'S popular! These days, OK, ) You've grown your hair. A lot. Please raise your head. Oh you're, awake, Your hair looks good right. What do you think Do you like? It Then I'll end it this way? )! Oh you're, awake! It'S almost done! It'S almost done. It looks so good on you. I love this style so much. It looks so good on you. Let me put some wax OMG. It matches you so well. I only dyed ears. According to the retro vibe. This is the latest style. This is not a normal pink. It'S a strawberry color, that's popular these days, blah blah! If you want to know YOUCHEON visit the Puppy Boy, blog

Kitsunekage13: This video was so fun! I love his facial expressions, especially at the end and the hairdresser dancing at the end was so funny! Thank you PUPPYBOY!!! :3

百瀬: アニメーションも音もストーリーもたのしくて心地よくてだいすきです今回も素敵な動画をありがとうございます‪.ᐟ‪

ででし: 髪切ってる時の手の動きすごすぎん…?どんどんアニメーションが進化していく…もちろん音も最高です ほんとにやべーなこの担当……(

Pranju: I laughed out loud at the hairdresser applying the blush and doing that cute dance at the end. Our puppyboy was so annoyed Ah i would love to see puppyboys with long hair in the future.

Regina di Spade: That was so amazing. Every single detail. And I think the ending is so fantastic

Aylin Olivares Martínez: Me encanto y más cuando el peluquero se puso a bailar además de que los sonidos son muy relajantes me encantó esta bello el vídeo❤️

UnusuarioqueamaHwasa✨: Wooooooow cuando pienso que la animación no puede ser mejor,llega otro video mas hermoso que el anterior ✨

Sweatcokie Ana: Definitivamente este es mi canal favorito de asmr, desde el arte a los detalles, el sonido todo esta increíble, este video me recordó a los primeros que vi, lo extrañaba, lo amé ❤️☺️

SugaMB: Me encanta! Me recordó a los primeros videos que vi Gracias por el video! Y nuevamente te digo que me encanta tu estilo✨

Yuke Chrey: Muchas gracias, los sonidos y el asmr son lo mejor de lo mejoooorrr, gracias gracias, los sigo desde hace un rato y de verdad siempre han sido increíbles sus proyectos y van mejorando muchísimo ✨

다일 DA1: 작가님 덕분에 일요일 저녁에도 미소를 지을 수 있어요 미용실 소리 너무 좋아요

Ikkoo ☆o☆: DIOS MÍO ESTA HERMOSO EL VIDEO... LO AMO ❤ amo todos tus videos, las animaciones siempre tienen buena calidad y se ve q te esfuerzas en ellas, sigue así chico ❤

コムギ: 最近の素晴らしく綺麗なアニメーションもめっちゃ好きだけど今日の昔みたいな白黒のアニメーションも好き!!!!!!!! 【結論】 動画全部好きです

chu wanning: the black and white feels really nostalgic i love it!!!!

봉봉: 역시나 소리도 너무 좋고… 말티즈 귀만 분홍인 것도 현실반영이네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오늘도 잘 보고 갑니다❤️

Unknown Potato: Como siempre, absolutamente todo es precioso

orange soda: Such pretty animation! I love both the sounds and the drawings! Good Job, and Thank you!

Sam G. H.: Los sonidos y la animación son muy buenos ✨️

ramen: I like these tapping sounds in the middle, it's the best!! Plz make more of it

кто-то: всегда радуете нас чем то новым, спасибо большое) Видео идеальное

🌌Beby Wonderland🌌: I always love the humor behind your videos. I love it! ❤️

Es: This was so cute I am definitely a Yoo-cheon fan

なろ: 道具を使う音だけじゃなく、最初に使う道具で出せる1番いい音を聞かせてくれるの凄くすきです いい音が聞ける上になんの道具か分かりやすくて最高です! 伏せ目と顔を上げた時の表情刺さりました好き...

CatttN: Aha! This is my favorite of the new season!! I absolutely loved the sounds and really enjoyed the hair stylist ahah !! Great work & thank you for a great video !!!

Solène Art: Really appreciated the sounds and the animation was relaxing too ^^

Oliverカイ: YAYYY!! You uploaded, im so happpy!! Thank you for always putting subtitles I really always look forward to watching your videos!! Everything is amazing!! I love the hair cutting noise haha^^ the animation looks really good here! Thank you again PuppyBoy!! Take care!!(^ω^)

루하: 앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘어울린다고 박수치면서 궁댕이 흔드는 미용사가 너무 귀여워요ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

とうふマヨ: I was looking forward to it today too!It's been very hot these days so please be careful about your physical condition

3 8: 毎度の事やけどほんま音も映像も一級品やでぇ……

Amynity: is grooming time for puppyboys edit: wow, he looks..really good with short hair. the dance at the end was funny, but i feel..kinda bad yoo cheon.

さのちゃん: お…音が最高すぎる✨アニメーションも神ってるし お耳が幸せです!今日も素晴らしい動画ありがとうございます!!

Ririthu: Ohh the vibe for this one is so nice!!! For a second I thought our new puppyboy was the same as the hairdresser in one of the earliest videos

karmi: this style... so nostalgic!! lovely video as allways puppyboy <3

ふぁなるあっく: このクオリティでお手軽に見れる短さ、、、最高

Victoria Pierce: I'm not sure why but I adore the little detail that the hairdresser has a wedding ring, it's really cute

카페모카: ㅋㅋㅋ 미용사 오두방정 넘 귀엽네요 머리 길러도 이쁘고 잘라도 이쁜 유천이♡♡

Dilek Jo: EVERY detail in this video is INSANE

八木: かわよいのぉ…

カータピオ: The sound is very good and you can see where it is! It was interesting that the clerk was twisting at the end! It's funny, the sound is good, and it's the best! I will continue to support you! The language may be strange because I use a translator! sorry!

あ ん: またまたバイト終わりに素晴らしいものが…!!! 今回はされている側のASMR!アニメーションが新鮮でしたー!今夜もこの動画で眠りにつこう…

さなえ: 髪切ってもらってる時眠くなるのめちゃくちゃ分かる

ぎゆ: 今回もすごく癒されました…!! いつもありがとうございます!

ちょーくくん: ほんとにいつもいい音とアニメーション✨ 今日もupありがとうございます!大好きです!

Elton: I'm inlove with this omg, this made me have a relaxing sleep. Thank you so much‼️


尚志 景山: はい、乁(°ω°`乁)マジ神✧*。 お疲れ様です!いつもこんな素晴らしいものをありがとうございます! 毎回キャラがイケメンなのよ…(⑉・̆-・̆⑉)

Flower Blue: 美容室系ASMR好きすぎます Love you!

6.4 츄르리: 드디어!! 저번주 부터 기다리고 있었다고요!! 최근 머리카락 소리?? 에 빠져있었는데 너무 좋내요.ㅎㅎ 유천이 완전 내스타일 넘 이쁘닿ㅎ역시 말티즈 귀는 핑크색!!

kei !♡: Amazing vid as always!

:D: Thank you for another wonderful video! <3

Ratona /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\: Hi Puppyboy! Your videos are amazing and I really love it⚡⚡⚡

sy: 애니메이션이랑 폰소리 그리고 캐릭터 표정 너무 재미있고 좋아요! 수고하셨습니다!!

ねねこ: 久しぶりに初期っぽい雰囲気のアニメーションですこ!!!いつもありがとうございます!!

mochi: soooo goooood! Love your videos as always :)

daizuミルク: 癒されるぅ(◦ˉ ˘ ˉ◦)

miao: kyaaa, he looks so cutee, such a cutie pie! ♡(> ਊ <)♡

waxxonmaxxon: Put the asmr in ASMR with this one.

vexana: he looks like taesung of cherry blossoms after winter, but with long hair☺ btw, love it

coffee leijon: ahh this takes me back to when this channel first starteddd

k K: 오늘은 재밌는 컨셉이라 더 집중해서 보게 되는 것 같아요!! 가면갈수록 소리도 제 스타일이라 너무 좋구..오늘도 너무 완벽한 영상...❤️


はにゅうだネコ: めちゃくちゃ動くアニメーションがとてもすごいです! イラストや演出もとてもオシャレだしパピーボーイ最高すぎます 最後のタオルで叩く音が一番好き!

Megzou Fictions: 5:40 best moment

꿍꿍이: 우리집 말티즈 미용해준것마냥 깔끔하니 귀엽다ㅋ 말티즈 is love

賞金首.: スマホ触ってる音めっっっっっちゃ好き❕

hae: 하이곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ유천이 귀 염색된거나 표정만 봐도 큰일날것같은데 뒤에서 촐싹거리는 미용사님ㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠ 살아있으실라나 모르겠네요ㅠㅠㅠ

Eleanor Aimer: Этот пёсик мой любимый персонаж (人´3`*)~♪

주스타님: 머리 긴게 더 예뻐요 . 소리 항상 잘 듣고 있습니다 그림도 그림이지만 소리도 엄청난 장인이세요!

진힝보: 미친 미용실… 제목부터 끌렷어… 이번 아이도 너무 잘생겻는데요?… 항상 눈호강한다고 잘려고 폰을 덮을수가 없어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 오늘도 감사히 봅니다..!

Nishinoya yuu: thank you aaa it's so relaxingg

howl: Как мило!!!

yuina: ロングも短髪も似合うのは反則

Hana: i love the phone typing noises❤️

김 에이: 홀리몰리 3:38 귀엽.. 4:58 에 뭐야 볼터치?? 기여웤ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ぬっ: やばい。この子どタイプすぎて無理 髪の毛長くても良いし短くても良いしほんとに好きです。

ゆう: 音も…絵も…最高〜!!!!

Hiro Naminyan: I love both hair

うに: 髪短いの似合ってるかわいいです、、

opapi: Thank you for your wonderful video!!!!

suuu uu: 太可愛了!!

さつきちゃん: 最後のクッソうねうねした動き好きwwwwww

せきや: はいユチョンくん推しです 音も映像も最後の立ち絵も最高すぎた…

小麦助.: かわい?!!何この子〜〜!!無口なのもかわいいね

。 teacup 。: lol the little dance at the end xD

Аферист: Я прихожу подровнять кончики и прошу убрать сантиметра два: Сантиметра дава:

💫야옹💫: Почему. Это. Так. Прикольно.

요시: 자다가 깬거 귀엽 ㅋㅋㅋ

Holly⭐️: SO BEAUTIFFFUUULLLLLL☁️⭐️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️⭐️⭐️⭐️

고등어치즈: 헝 너무 귀여운 에피소드에요ㅠㅠㅠ 다음영상도 넘 기대돼요!!!

하슈슈: 어머 진짜 찰떡이당~ 어디 미용실인지 정보 좀요~~^*^

Yoen: Aku sangat suka bagaimana cara Animasi ini berjalan dan suara asmr nya sangat membuat ku ingin tertidur

BAKHA: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀랑 볼따구에 핑크염색.... 너무 귀엽댜 ㅠㅠ 햐....지나가다 본 흰색 말티즈 애가 기억나버려 ㅠㅠ

피자사줘: 작가님은 일본어도 잘 하시나… 일본인 팬이 점점 많아지네요…

おー社長: 今日はとてもいいものが見れました❗自分がされている気分でそわそわしましたがとてもいい音でした、ありがとうございました

いろは: 目つきが最高

10연두: 핑크귀 개웃기넼ㅋㅋㅋ 말티즈는 참지않긔 복수하고 돌아갔을듯

Yoyleb17: gotta release that background music someday. very good stuff

ゆか: 概要欄のキャラ紹介キレ気味なの草 ユチョンくん可愛いね

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