My First 360 Lace Front Wig For Only $90 On Amazon | Ali Julia Hair

#AmazonWig #AliJuliaHair #MelaGang


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COUPON CODE: julia567

Same wig in video➤:

Julia Official amazon website➤ :

Hair Detail: 360 lace front human hair wig 14inch

10a grade wigs ,fast shippin


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Intro song :Story: OUT THE WHOLE ALBUM

I'M your biggest fan such nada. What'S that melody, it should go so Mel and I'm back with another video Danielle. As you guys can see, your girl is rocking her really hair. You know saying, like you know, just got me like a little fresh. You know relaxer, and I said, as you can see by the title today, I'll be giving you guys, another hair review and this hair was sent to me by Ally. Julia Harris is a 3/16 lace front. So wig you guys. This is the first time I ever got a wig like 360. I'Ve never seen that option available before it. I was like baby. Let me get this one to show my Mel again with this wig looks so realistic. You cannot tell me this is not my hair, but you can't tell me oh you're, just a hater, like you just say, hey and also guys. This is pretty much how I wear my natural hair, Oh instead of video, so you guys can see. My natural hair looks shipping was so quick, you guys, let's time you blink, your eyes is pretty much at your door. Two days later, I received the package. I love the packaging. It was really cute if you're selling anything you have to make sure it's presentable. How the box came it's so when you turn the box around, it also tells you how to care for the hair. It tells you the instructions on how you can take care of this hair, so you can last you a really long time. So once you open the box, I will show you right here how the wig look. They sent me something. They also sent me to Lee camps, which I'm really grateful for I love the color cuz. I know I can blend it to match my skin and I'm so happy with this. It comes a little note that says thank you, and it also has more details about the hair that you order. Let'S start with how much this hair was. This way, talks 96 dollars and 20 cents run and purchase this hair right now, the body wave hair I just went and straighten it. I wanted to see how straight you can get and obviously it gets pretty straight, and I really do love that I didn't sit here and go over it with the flower and over and over. I did it like once or twice and that's pretty much it just a 14 inch wig. So you guys, I ended up cutting just a little bit of the hair off, because I was looking for more of a blunt cut type of loan. I'M always trying something different show you guys. I love trying different stuff. This hair came in a natural color, which is black. I love this natural black color. Like I said before, it's not a two-door. It looks just right on my skin, so y'all fun. Fact. The craziest thing is, I used to hate wearing black hair cuz, I'm like oh, my gosh. This all look good on me. I don't like yeah. I'Ve been in love with black hair. Lately, don't worry, I'm about to bring the colors back and the density of this hair. It is 150 percent dense and you guys to be honest. It'S pretty full to me. Y'All know how I felt about my hair. I think my hair being full cuz. You got ta go with something that goes with your head. She says it's pretty pluck with baby hair. I could not find the baby hairs anyway. Okay, so I'm gon na show you guys right here how the front of the hair look cuz. I had to go back in and I had to look because the hairline was way too thick. I always tell you guys how I keep telling you guys, please customize your wigs, hey and I generally okay. Another thing I love about this way. You guys the not bleach so quickly. I know how much I love it when that happens. Just to let you guys know this hair did not get tangled at all. As far as it goes for shedding, I barely get shedding. I could run my fingers through the hair right now, for you know Shetty's. Maybe if you start combing your hair, you may get a string or two, but it's nothing major. You know your real hair shed. So don't expect your Witek not to shed it doesn't matter who you get it from the most expensive, the most cheapest. It'S gon na shed Perris this lace on this hair. It'S pretty much like a medium brown, I would say, but this matches my skin perfectly, but I did have to go in and put just a little bit of foundation on my lace. Thank you guys for a 14-inch. This is not bad. It was pretty long. I said before I did go back and cut it for a 14 and she all look how stuff that's not bad at all $ 96 for 14, and I said it's a 360 baby run and go purchase. The only thing I have to say about this thing. I do not like is the fact that it has so much flyaways. I took my scissors and I tried to trim some of the hair off, but it was still pretty much there just to let you guys know. I did not bleach our plug the back of this wig because I'm not wearing the hair and a point inside of so I'm gon na show you guys how it looks when you try to put in a ponytail for the good part that y'all been waiting for. Do we have a coupon code and I will be putting it down below, so you guys can go ahead and pressure this week and save your money and also you guys put down below in the comment section what else you want to see on my channel? Thank you so much Mel again for watching, don't forget to Like comment and subscribe to your girl and click on that notification. Bell see guys may be notified when girl upload anything. I'M your biggest fan, such not in the clean shirt you

Daphney: It looks so natural ❤️❤️

Anouchka Abellard: I love it

Abby Louis: I love ordering from ALi Julia

Daphney: I’m shocked this wig is so cheap

Kay Truly : Hey pretty I just subscribed love your content hope we can support each other

the goat:

the goat:

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