Magic Hair Company: 360 Lace Frontal

Full details about this unit and Magic Hair Company are listed below in the details.

360 lace frontal

Magic Hair Company is located at

8638 washington blvd. culver city ca 90232

Monday- Friday 10-7pm, Saturday 11-6pm pst


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This is the 360 lace frontal for magic hair company. As you can see, our frontal are specifically designed for you to have a completely new hairline and be able to pull this unit up into a ponytail, so we're properly installed. It'S gon na give you all of this nice natural hairline in our 360 frontals 360 frontals are perfect if you're, creating a wig or if you want to sell it down with Western hair. You can utilize this lace that we've included in the middle as a sewing guide to glue our sew down your tracks here, or you can simply cut it off if you'd like, as you can see by the inside construction, we do pre bleach the knots for you. There'S a naturally less dense, hairline and baby hair around the perimeter. Now at the nape of the 360, frontal you'll find these adjustable straps here these can adjust the tension around the front perimeter of your 360 lace frontal, and this is also a great help for stylist. Installing this for a sewing, you can see all of our product line and all of our different textures available at magic, hair, company, comm and you'll also see all of our products available in our covert city store. Come visit us in our Culver City store. We can have a custom, color consultation and book an appointment for your next installation shop with us today, online and in store season.

grandma shannon: what color is the lace? how much parting space? how long is the hair?

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