Lexy Invisible Lace Wig By Mora Mode (Ash Blonde) | Wig Review | Alopecia - Natural Human Hair Wig


Hey gorgeous girlies!

This beautiful Lexy Invisible Wig was sent to me from the lovely Mora at Mora Mode. It is not a paid nor sponsored video - just a gorgeous wig I think you all deserve to see! totally amazing!

Dont forget - keep sparkling, and be your own beautiful x x x x

lots of love, Michelle



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For more information on this wig email [email protected]

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Hey guys, it's Michelle welcome to my channel, if you, if you've been here before, thanks for coming back so today, is a bit different from a lot of my way confuse. This is going to be a wreck review, and this gorgeous swag is what I'm going to be reviewing now. This is from a brand called motor modes. You me or me not of here to them and all honestly, I had not heard until the owner Laura reached out to me and she is such a lovely, lovely woman. That'S why I mean how gorgeous this is human here. This is called the invisible wig, and I have not put on my head for very specific reason is because this honestly has such a natural hairline, but I want to show you first of all, I'll show you the wig on this is an ash. Laurent Nomura has colored Bess herself, it's absolutely gorgeous. It'S Brazilian Ramey Street here she's also scales up for me, which is super cute thanks Maura, it is lovely now I'm going to put it on and sure you know guys got me a second here. So if I fit on what you are going to notice T off the bat, you will see that this has lace here and you'll be wondering we have Amanda Michelle. How are you meant where that was with all that least sticking it Devon? No, that's because this does needs trimmed. I was planning and doing it and then just putting audience shown you and doing it a few. But I thought, let's just do the feel thing and ensure you how you turn the leaves, what you do better and how you, how best looking have it's meant to look because guys, it's very, very exciting, so actually comes from box. Look at the natural here. Elena. Now, obviously, you've got this excess lace here, no look the best look, how natural? That is what a lot of people do with Elise wake and for this release he will maybe glue on Marco and then take off and trim. So if you've never had the Phillies but before or a bike that he fires from glowing or you're wanting to glue - and it's got this really fain all these are the front. Let me show you, when you put this on here: you'll see the excess Lea setting. Now what I'm going to do is trim back now. I want to move all of us here out of the way so that I don't want to cut off sections. I don't want it to be cutting. Obviously you don't want to be ruining your ranking. So what you want to do is tie all that hair back. I would recommend, if you don't, have an actual, proper tracing pencil weight, eyeliner or mark out the lease, and what you want to do is Marco roundabout, where you're going to cut now, you can use just a white, pencil, eyeliner or Ness, and it will show where You'Ll be cutting and that'll wash off nice and easily if there's any excess, Lucia meaning what you will see with this as well at the very back in the nape again, there is a section of lace here and that can be Gladstone, so you cut off any Excess lace - I don't the fill cap, that's all yeah yeah! That'S me back. I have done my kind of washing all the next offer, so this is the investable waked from motor modes. She is beautiful. She is straight rainy, but as though, in here now what I did was turn Milly's. As I said I was gon na do, but what I also did was the Sadie's that I would wash the leg. I have said in the past. I'M not happy to review a human hair wig without having not just on the cheek wash to ensure there's no inversion, but to I always tend to on human here, do two to three shampoos: minimum before ever doing a few, and the reason for that is because F, it has a me silicon quarter on here I wanted removed. I would see what the actual hair quality as this left underneath, so that I am commenting Anna because human rights that expensive that expensive, because of the time required to make the ethical sourcing of the hair ethical conditions for the city workers. They are very time-consuming. As an expensive product is a lot of work for somebody to make a human here, awake and, and so as such, I think, if you're going to invest your hard-earned money n21, then it's only fair that you're well aware or for your gates, and if the egg Comes as straight as it going to wash up the street, but is it gon na go all wavy? Is it going to require deep conditions constantly with every single wash or as the Kanan quality? So this is great. So that's what here this is the investable white from modern wood, she's 12 and she's 12 and she's all over him, so 12 inches from the top is to here 12 inches from the nape. It'S a lot longer and then to here. We'Re just goes over all this. What I did with us just to steal, because I've obviously totally washed her. What I did was a blasted hard with my hairdryer. I literally just gave her a blast what I did a blast or Wolford, and then I caught my bore brush bristle brush, and I just I turned some of the ends under that's way. Some of the ends under that way, besides me, but of texture to the end, what she was straight, this hair is soft. It'S beautiful I've, not added anything other than my usual Argan, shampoo and conditioner that I always use and all human hair wax. That is, what's really all ident and then blast cedar and she has come back to slash date, she's beautiful and really really amazing, phenomenal quality. Honestly I just I I actually can I wish. I wish that you could put your hands through your monitor and have a feel of hello, Julius as he does. She is beautiful grazie they made straight, but as OE in here, because I mean here can be quite difficult to come by. There'S not a lot of expertise. This is so so beautiful to me. It feels very similar to European. Here it is lovely. It is very, very pretty very nice and very good quality. Sometimes we can see wakes that our lace wigs they can have the most phenomenal appearance with that release itself. The lease on this is called Caucasian Plex. No, sometimes we will see wieck's that are the most accessible lace, the most incredible hair line. They look very natural, and sometimes you then hear from people they enforce their like a few times and it's not been great quality here. This has the phenomenal lace, but it also has the incredible hair quality. This is premium premium. Crazy Remy here is so beautiful. It'S unbelievable. I have no students, I've not used any tools other than just a hair dryer to blast it. I'Ve done no fancy sailing or anything. The thing that places me so much with this gorgeous, like is this incredible natural here, lay in the invisible like it's whale means because honestly is totally incredible. I mean look at that hairline there, it's so natural. Now I just roughly cut the lace on this. I kind of marked and chopped I am going to do one of a precision cut order, but just to show you how it looks even quickly is just gorgeous now that leaves runs right down to here, or so I'm gon na show you a butter Felisa. I cut off best part of the lace that I cut and it does for some heat attached to it. Now that might freak. You know if you've never had a like that. You'Ve had to kind of trim, especially if you see that you're not just terminal lace and you're, tough enough others get here. That was part that came down here basically and my haters petite average. If you've got smaller, heads expect to have to cut some of the leaves that has here owner, but even so just look at it. Just ensure you're not cutting through the main camp section. Cutting the lease is feign, so market first use a white, pencil eyeliner and then just follow what you've done and a little bit a team. It'S amazing honestly, this is just I actually can't go be with her, not sure that says it's just incredible and we have the lease that they need, because we also you tie up. It looks extremely natural. Now I'm going to take off and show you the inside of this camp. I have not actually blurred that stone a shake means ease. Thank you Cheers either like your wingtips. Are you rank glue, whatever you're, just using yourself use something appropriate for lease on a way to ensure your use and the connect product? You don't want to damage the lease. The lease is fragile. This will ensure that you use the adequate products for your lease. I'Ve not closed it down when you glue it down at Lowe's the lease to its here more to your forehead, and it just looks even more natural. However, veces, how it looks without the English sewn and to me, I'm just like Caden blown away at the end of the day from yes, I hear this go at my head. I don't think you get much more natural than that. That'S but it's not trouble, as you gay felt looks like it's my hair, it's coming at my hands that looks natural, so I'm probably not gon na glue it I've all, probably clearer than eight just because I've got a smaller hit and but yeah it's bonkers Harrigan. What a, how can this happen? How can it look so real, I don't know it's like it's invisible and it's just amazing. I'M going to take off. I'M gon na show you that inside of the cap very very quickly. No, we have this Caucasian Plex lease, as we have said, and the Caucasian part is just to do with the coloring on Feliz. This is a fairly transparent ways for people. Her pista, quite like me and Polly wolly, know that lace is running right round from behind your ears at each side's rate roads, and then we have some lace at the nape. Now I've trimmed the lace at the nape. We have these we hook and clip tape. Idea to take not the self-confidence of the way, what we also have, or unless you might've noticed as a big black strap here now it fastens like who can clips kind of like a brass trap, theater three say things over my head is quite petite. Therefore, I put on the tightest it does come with combs attached. If you have here, combs are perfect for making the super secure. I don't have here I'll, be removing the combs personally, but I wanted you to see the investable wake as she comes. This is how she comes, so I recall my other side and I come up here and that was secured. If you have, I've got no hair I'll, be removing the combs, so the top, as we say this fill section here - is oldest caucasian plate, please the mccain of back from the cone down. In the back of this week we have covered over with snow. They have covered over with a really really soft, smooth, lovely type of material which i prefeer open waves I tend to feigns can be able to eating to my skin. I don't know why it's overly sensitive skin. I prefer, if I'm gon na, have waves at the idle cause then - and I do like that - it's really really nice. Also. This makes for an extremely secure wag. The heel is like slightly to [ __ ], when you have all steps go into these widths at the sides and back and that's good, because this hair quality saw me sang a problem. I fulfill he's like you. Cat is not a problem. Sorry, but you do get some of my caps are made with Phillies. They can be lovely and some people just adore that and love that and they are beautiful and they can look very natural. The are very fragile. I'M gon na show you when I that that's we're going for I do with it now at this aids here, where the bands are on, there's a be thicker but of more secure material. Now I will be setting the lace about here and pull on the way back. So let me show you if I can now, you will see that when I put that wig on, I set her Lord Odin and then I am bringing her back. Never pull on the lace ever because the lace is fragile. You towards Tita. I am clean, I'm lifting it with the secure parts at the side here, just to possession it to the connect positioning and then leaving it there. That'S me! So don't ever pull on lace, whether you have any way any way, don't pull on lace. Lace is fragile, but look gorgeous here like cute. I love her L of are so yes, this is the advisable, a swag sway over and she's long missus. This is the ash blonde she'd. This was custom colored from Mora who owns motor modes, and these lay spikes are just lovely. They are really really beautiful and so that it's probably all I've got to see. I'M feeling kinda awesome and I'm really excited about winning this. I'M exactly we've been able to pay up and that's what you need to leave in sand hangings and I actually feel like. I really wanted to pull her off my face just because I've had a natural. She look. So, honestly, I think people would be shocked if you had the Sun and they need to go off. They'D be like that was a bike, so yeah she's really gorgeous. Thank you, mother for saying the mess to me guys. The motor mode works are gon na be available at Mema works very soon. In the meantime, you can go to the modern world website and check them out. They have a selection of wigs. Now I feel so honored to have had the opportunity. Thank You Maura for reaching out to me and asking if it likes it. If you one of your wigs, this is not a sponsored as ideal guys. It'S not paid. It was less literally a case for Michelle because I send your bank. Would you be happy to do it if you and we have a look at it and honestly just go for your opinion and I was like yeah: that's fine, yeah, okay, then I'll have a wee look and see. No, I actually, when I saw this and feel that so much myself, the quality I did say to Maura aim. Would you be happy for me to stock these wigs because they are amazing? I would recommend them anyway, even if they'd want to talk them, because the hair quality is really really beautiful, and I think it's important for people to know where you can actually get really amazing quality. Wigs and for those of you who love Elise, wake or quite a blow at least run it on your wig in a very natural. You also want high premium quality clarity here, it's good to know where you can get up from. Unless is a bands that I and honestly hadn't heard of before, but I am pretty sure that most of us both heard of them very very soon, because the quality speaks for itself, it's beautiful. I do need to tidy up the way I've cut my lace in the front. It is not the most hazy, however, honestly it's it's incredible. The hairline is just second to none. I apologize if you follow me and under sit down, because I'm totally bombard my personal Instagram with photos over the lease time and spatially masked useful gorgeous, but guys until next time take care, keep sparkling beetle beautiful I'll, be back soon. With more reviews, I will have more of the more and more it works to show to you, because I think it's good for you to be able to see who else is available. I think it's good to be able to see people wearing wigs. I actually watched our interview throw tasks franchisees by closing earlier on today, and she was talking about how she feels that wicked reviews are probably the best tool. You'Ve got in your tool belt and actually I am in total agreement because I love to see all the model photos. I lost to see how you can sail your hair. I like to see your people weeding, wicks and trying them on, and I like to have a look at them and hear people's opinions on them. So I hope this has helped you guys I'll be back soon and I look forward to speaking to you soon. So take care he's Franklin feed on beautiful, ah

Privacy Matters: Beautiful!!! Thank you so much for this awesome review! It’s about time someone made a natural hairline. I want one!!!!

MB D: That is a spectacular wig. The hairline is amazing, and I love the combs. They're such a handy thing for those of us with a bit of hair. Thank you so much. It's beautiful on you.

Sandra Wiatrowski: Thanks for introducing me to this hair. I was about to make and dye my own wigs... This is less intimidating. And your thorough how-to introduction also helps bunches. Stay pretty, m'dear!

vascoe myer: I appreciate the creative talent that obviously went into the crafting of this unit.

Louise Fairegold: Gorge!!! That is a good length for 12". I love my MM wig. Its been going strong for 6 months, no shedding and the quality is unreal, I think i've washed and conditioned her 10-12 times.

Jes Jacobs: I just got mine and it's incredible!! Love your videos. I have a receding hairline that's getting worst each year so this gives me confidence. Finally expensive but I'm hoping I can take care of it enough to last a long time

Sue Malone: I love that lace front, when I typed in her name all I got was people putting on wigs. I wish you carried them already. You look amazing, but you always do. How can I see what she has in stock? That hairline is absolutely the bomb!!!

yummi118: one of the most thorough wig reviews ever! thank you!

JodisDream: I was just watching a wig review from a site based USA and the prices were extortion! The wigs were not greatly relieved but several posts mentioned Mora Mode . . So I started looking and Loved what I found and saw So I was made up when I stumbled on your review Michelle! Darn, I want this NOW!!! Totally awesome etc and this looks beautiful. Nobody honestly would have any doubt . . How bloomin' refreshing huh?

Peach: That is absolutely gorgeous!!

Piper Pippins: As someone who underwent chemotherapy and still am, I would LOVE to have this wig, only, there is no way I could afford the one in this video. :(

Fiona Angus: Hi great review! I love the natural look. Are you offering and discount codes at all??

Sophia C: Thank you! I don't know if it's your honest Scottish tones but you've justified everything i was thinking about the price, feel etc. It looks lovely on you ❤️

Kirsten Cione: You look beautiful as always! Love your eye makeup!!❤❤

Peach: And you look gorgeous too lol! Your face looks so sculpted in this video, just beautiful!

Jen: Your head is so stunning that you don't even need a wig but this hair looks amazing on you!!

Tracy Doyle: You are so cute and adorable and a total bombshell at the same time! I don’t know how that’s possible but I want to be you when I grow up! I’m quite a bit older than you are so it may be too late for me but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I’m new to wigs (thanks to some health issues) and I’m learning so much from you about alternative hair and life. Thank you for what you do!

Mom InWigs: I barely need to finish watching to love how u look!!!

Wig Queen: Nice video. From Wigqueen.com, love your personality.

Mikell Wilcox: Are there any human hair wigs you don’t have to glue? I know I’m too lazy to do it...

Emmi B: Is the video blurry? Could be my eyes lol. This is a gorgeous wig. I am interested.

Penny Holiday: Beautiful woman ❤️updated skin care routine please

Marija S.: All Mora mode wigs are so gorgeous, but I really can't manage to reach them. Please Michelle help!!!!

Lucy Chews: Do they have synthetic wigs? I’ve bought human hair wigs but the hair is bad quality. A lot of breakage

Angelica Garcia Saavedra: I noticed you did not place a wig cap but this is the second Mora Mode wig review I see on YouTube and her person showing the wig is not wearing a wig cap. Is this because the wig cap shows through the lace?

Dee Luther: Your Beautiful Self Makeup is FuckinG Popping Such a Great VideO As AlwayS BreathTakinG Ass ThumbNail ThO

EMILY LOPEZ: Is this HD transparent lace?

michele clutter: I received my unit yesterday and wanted to cry. It is shorter on one side, the lace front doesn’t lie flat, and the part doesn’t look natural. I am sick because I spent a lot of money on this.


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