Bob Haircut For Simone

  • Posted on 15 August, 2022
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous

Simone was nervous to do this so she went for a Bob, and she had a lot of fun.

00:00 Intro

04:51 Haircut

27:36 Blow Dry

28:08 Finishing Touches

30:28 Outro

Wow, thank you. Don'T you love it yeah. I do that's so cool. Are we live yeah? We are looks okay in german, but people can't pronounce it. So i just say simone because i don't like to pronounce. You know the other ways in germany yeah. Yes, it's like yeah yeah, so they used to tease me and say simone torna. You know lemon like when i was in kindergarten, cool yeah. No, my kids are yeah, of course, but yeah it's pretty harmless yeah. So it's harshly time yep yeah, which we're starting. I don't know how you say bob in german, but exactly but i was saying: das is good. Harshner and that's boss is good arsenal and she's, like she's, not sure, she's, not sure, but she's thinking, bob you're thinking of bob with the fringe, with a pony in germany they say pony yeah, bob um and i'm like see what happens. Okay, okay heads! You get a ball tails, you get that one. Let'S see what happens, which you can be, though so head to the bob tails is you're going for that one ready. Oh, that means you get that one. That means you get mad house is good, but it's up to you it's your call. I still like to go for the ball. Well, yeah see. Anyhow, we love to twist arms around here, but it doesn't work. It doesn't work all right. Here'S what we're gon na do we're gon na say to the tubers. You leave a comment below which haircut you think she should have got of the two. Maybe come summertime yeah. Then i will go for the shorter one. Oh, i think you should do that right. Now i'll be so cold tell him about your life experience. So when you're 80 years old, you look back on this you're like oh, my god, i'm so glad i did that yeah! It'S all about your life experience. Well, you only live once yes exactly, but you can change your mind so we're going to do the ball, but you can change your mind any time like like like once we get back here, you're like we'll. Do that and then you'll be so excited and also everyone watching we're lucky we're quite persuasive, but we like to take people outside of their box yes way outside the box yeah, and then they can find a new box, because the old box wasn't working anymore anyway, And that's a big concept on this channel. So that's what i'm doing, i'm inviting you to take you outside your box and then you can find a new box and then you're a new woman, yes yeah, because a haircut can make a huge difference. Yeah when it changes the hair is about to change your life yeah, because sometimes women like after a breakup or you know they decide to shave the hair off or yeah. Just because now, if i broke up with someone i wouldn't shave my head, i wouldn't either no it's hard to do. A read like rebound sex is hard with the shape. It'S all about the rebound right i want. I might want to go to a bar and get drunk and flirt around, but if, if you're like shady o'connor, that's a bit the rebound's a bit harder come on, let's watch here yeah. I think some people must find cathartic when they do something drastic like that. Yeah, i was never one of those or if they died, they're like crazy, color pain for purples and stuff, i mean if they like, they're fun, that's not gon na. Be me. Yeah kind of wishy washy, just don't know, come on over grab a seat here. What to expect? No, it's true yeah! So here's what we're gon na do we're gon na go um we'll be off camera. No! No! This is very interesting. I'M enjoying this conversation. Yes, i'm into like real conversations, not just oh about the weather and about the rugby and yeah. It'S like oh yeah. We can talk about that anytime and it's really not interesting. You know yeah, no, i agree cool or what's on the news yeah i can go and look at it myself. You know that's true cool yeah, we're back on camera. Now we just had a little rat. It'S all part of the fun tough part of the one. Well, you have more fun with people that you get to know right well, i should have broken the ice and built a bit of rapport right now. We are comparing our immigration stories because we're both immigrants into this country we're off camera we're comparing our immigration. You know like what's that from the immigrant song. I grew up um like learning uh classic. Well, my parents yeah. We all learned classical instruments like piano and violin, so wow i pretty much just knew classical music growing up in there yeah yeah no you've got to find my brother when my brother, because he's five years older than me, he was a teenager in 80.. So i got into 80s music and actually loved it because of him. Yeah phil collins. You know oh cool, oh john, what's the other one? That'S probably my favorite like that yeah so yeah! I i looked up to my brother because he had a motorbike. He was in 80s music, i thought he was cool and we would have dance battles and he was really good at playing violin. Like he's amazing, i mean he played it, the longest out of all of us like from age, eight, probably all the way to his. Maybe thirties - i can't remember he's in in his forties now yeah, because now that he has kids so he's pretty busy with his work and kid's thing doesn't really have time: yeah yeah cool, let's start with the pony, shall we yes yeah, so wait a second before I get the pony um because if it's a bar in the pony well, they think they can switch it now. If i do this haircut, i have to do long pony now, if we're doing a bob, it's gon na be shorter pony. So are you nine? Is this a nine yeah, nine? Nine? No! I respect you not the number, nine, but nine nine anyhow. They can look up their german nine all right. Let'S start with that, shall we yeah - i was just thinking now. The job that you could have been good at is flight attendant. I reckon oh yeah. No, i did go to flight school. Oh really, a long time ago, like midnight yeah, because when i was in my like early 20s, i had that i didn't know what i wanted to do with my life. Now i've been kind of guessing. I was like 15 because i my grandmother and your influence and then you give it a go right um, but there was 24. I was working with one of my friends on you know apprenticing with him, but he was also going to flight school on sundays because i thought i want to be a pilot, but then what i learned from high school was what i really wanted was to have Been a pilot in the late 60s, but it was like cool like jet setter right yeah, but the aviation industry wasn't cool anymore. You know like i would be like you know, um. You know it's like 10 a.m, on a boeing 707 and like oh, what's? Where are you going next, oh rio de janeiro? Like you know, they want to be all that cool time. Yes um, but and then the more i learned about like you know, i went to flight school, even more you learned about. I was like wow they're. Like truckers in the sky, truckers with wings, and one of my flight instructors said it best you dream of flying yeah, but reality is your caged bird and i was like yeah. That'S all true overrated. That industry is far over regulated for my brain. Yes, i mean also, i like to i like to drink beer, but yeah. That'S the thing when you, when you're scheduled, like that and you're flying big passenger plane, it's not like you can just go on a detour, suddenly be spontaneous. Do what you want to do? You know it's over, that's the thing so so this is mid-nine days and then it was over-regulated today, um due to the events of 9-1-1 way, more over-regulated and now due to the events of the pandemic, even more so yeah. Thank god i didn't do that career. I would have been terrible at it. No, i flying airplanes was cool like i could you know land and take off and all those things you know that wasn't uh yeah, especially with modern technology, yeah yeah. So i know the regular, the the anyway i'm a hairdresser yeah, and i can see you a person that would like variety. You know you wouldn't want to like the same routine, all the time and feel like you're being controlled or kind of yeah. Yeah said caged bird, it would be yeah like misery for you. I could imagine no. There was a moment - and there was a moment and i had the application because they needed air traffic controllers, because i'd already been in flight school and i had my radio license for flying planes and i thought maybe i should do this, but that lasted about five Minutes and then i imagined, through the stress, the lifestress of an air traffic controller yeah that lasted about all about five minutes like okay, that's a bad idea, yeah! No! But the reason why is because i saw there was a there - was something in the newspapers like we needed air traffic controllers and applied today and now it is after i went to play uh flight school. So i already had the aviation experience. I already had the radio license and blah blah blah. Oh, that would be good on the cv for when you do your application, but then it was like the stress effect like nah nah, not a creative job either. No, i think you're talking a little bit. 372 turn right, 180 and uh meet you at uh cement or whatever you don't like to do yeah. You know, i think i mean yeah. It'S different. Being pilot versus flight attendant flight attendant you'd have a bit more freedom to play. Oh because it's working with people yeah i'd rather just people cut my salon and i cut their hair than to uh, serve them um on an airplane yeah, no i'd, rather this at least but after you finish, you get to go home sleep in your own bed. Yeah - and you know like oh no, that's true as well - it would be really hard to be up in the air all the time like it would. I think it would have be pretty bad for your health if you're doing that for many many years. So we're doing longer ball or you want to go up. Should we flip a coin um, i'm just trying to think of the pictures that i looked at yeah that you know that lady yes, so she had longer fringe but shorter. Sorry here in that balance, nice, yes yeah shorter, so we're going to do is going to go just past the hairline in the back and that'll be just past the jawline in the front, yeah it'll be a cute little bob it'll be yeah very different to what I'Ve had in long term that she's good it's good to get out of your way. Well, that's it! That'S it we're putting that's the point of the channel, we put you outside your box and we have a conversation and we cut hair and we put you inside the box yeah. I think it'll make you look younger. So that's good. It'S always good to look younger when you're, older and short enough. Then you can do half a pat down, no more ponytail yeah yeah. He didn't eat that anyways, and this is the beginning of an amazing friendship i can tell yeah. I actually wanted to be a flight attendant myself in the past year. Oh that's where that probably is yeah, but then i became a mum in my 20s. So you know because that's what i was thinking of doing yeah um. You know, and i wanted to be international fighter tenant, because i speak my languages because i started traveling at 10, so i wanted to um. You know i was very confident and traveling independently at 10 years old overseas. I would speak to people in different languages on the plane. So if i met someone, if i heard someone speaking japanese, i would approach them and speak in japanese. It was a german person or french i'd speak to them their language and i would try to exchange um. You know details, and so i could go and visit them. I never did, but i tried you know and talk to them so yeah. I was pretty um. Confident and independent, so yeah now i'm gon na spin a chair for a spin, because i want people to see them in the car a little bit, but i like the french already. I can't wait to talk to more japanese already. Oh, i just feel at home. She'S: half german, half, japanese and now we're there we're gon na yeah yeah go in there now that people don't see where we're going just past the airline yeah. I think that makes a big difference when they can see the back. Doesn'T it yeah that does yeah because they say on those on those comments like? Can we see the cutting in the back so sometimes i'll spin, the chair on because i guess you would have quite a variety of people watching the channel some might be hairdressers or wanting to count others? Oh, i'm not sure summer hairdressers could tell you what i'm as a hairdresser. I can't watch haircutting videos. You can't no. Why not? Because i spend my whole weekend here like i'm gon na go home and relax and watch like oh come on now. No, no uh disrespect to other people out there who do their haircutting channels, i'm not watching, but what yeah, but then you've been a hairdresser for so long. What? But what about like people who are more beginner like amateur hairdressers? Maybe oh, they would be that's what i was thinking that they might be really happy, because if this is first time they're going to watch it or even apprentice right that would give them you know, would help them yeah, but the best thing about um having this. As a resource, if you're up and coming is the best hairdresser takes the best from what they see from this source and this source and this sources from multiple sources and brings what inspires them from all these different things into their own yeah. And as long as all hairdressers have a uniqueness, yes, then that makes this industry better yeah. Definitely you don't want to have a cookie cutter. Now the mistake in the past was like, for example, north korea. The ladies standard, which is a textbook which is the standardization beauty industry um, but modern learning, is uh. Let'S, let's look at all these. Let'S look at all the rules and let's learn how to break all the rules right like let's not follow the rules. Let'S here are the rules and let's break them and that's the best way to learn like modern, hairdressing, yeah, here's the rules now, let's break them, um otherwise it'll be very boring, yeah and so like to be young you're, going to look at all these sources and Take a little bit from this a little bit from all these different things and make them your own yeah and the lady standard that textbook throw that thing away. What what? What era is that from? Oh, that was originally, i think, published in the 50s or 60s. Okay and then they do a new edition, a new edition of new york there's some things that are still valid like bacterology and whatnot, but um you know like, like you know, there's the old rule like if you have this face shape. You should have this haircut. Yes, yes, this face shape and you should have this haircut. Yes, no. You should that's not that shouldn't be a thing anymore at all, because if someone, if a girl, says that um, you know she sits in my chair and she says i always wanted to bump and say. Well, why don't you get a bob? Oh because these other hairdressers said that'd be the worst thing on you. I'M like, let's do a bob and i gave her a bob. I just like this is the best haircut i've ever had wow, even though everyone else was like that setting. You know. Oh that's! A bad idea, that's interesting because, and you know what happens: is those other hairdressers she's not gon na go back to no, but you have to think this day and age that okay, maybe according to ladies standards, that face shape with a bob is wrong, but you Broke a rule, and you did it do you know why? Because he did it for a woman who's also going to tattoo and pierce she's breaking all the rules anyway. So is the butt wrong she can get away with it yeah and it is the piercing one or is the arm tattoo wrong, like really you got the space shape and you got a bob and you got an arm tattoo like it's, not the 1950s anymore yeah Girl wants a bob give her a ball. Girl wants an arm tattoo give her one, like i think this day in asia. I think the hairdressing industry could learn from the tattoo industry. Do you know why? Because the tattoo industry is more like what their hair industry used to be in the 80s, far more creative, yeah right and then the heritages become far more regulated um. So i look at the way that tattoo places work and they have the creativity and outside the box and the you know the the support you know like the talent management that the hair industry used to have. I like your way of thinking, though, because like yeah, it's a shame when you put people in boxes, i suppose when you, even if you give someone a bob haircut, they're, probably variations and within the haircut like with other styles of haircuts, so yeah, you could find One that you know suits everybody, probably you know um and if you have enough experience at yourself you would you would be able to do that, like you don't have to follow. You know follow a textbook because you already done so many times you could play around with it and make it work, which is the fun part as well like. Then again, you know when you're talking about face shapes and how the people, you know they still talk about certain haircuts. Certain um hair uh face shapes. I was thinking it's like what they talk about body shapes as well. Like clothing suits. You know certain clothing cert, certain body shapes, but that said some people, if they're really confident they wear stuff that you, you wouldn't necessarily wear normally, if you have a bigger frame, for example, but it looks great on them, yeah true, because they have confidence, so they Rock it yeah and they look amazing better than someone who looks like a supermodel who's really tall and slim as long as you have the confidence yeah you can rock it. I i agree, because you see some of these really big curvy women and they look amazing and with the stuff they wear. It'S like wow, yeah, they're, amazing. You know and you get some people, they look like supermodels, but they've got no confidence. They'Re, just really um timid, you know and shy. They try to hide away, which is sad, so it really comes down to the person. I think, and nowadays they're saying like um 60s and you're 70 and and all of that, like oh seniors today, are are not like seniors in the past, because no they're, not conservative, like they were in the past. Like you know, yeah you went to your hairdresser and you got your hair all coughed up and roller set, and then you put on your sunday best, but you know seniors today. They want like a longer fringe asymmetrical haircut. They want some like blue and pink in the long frame they do and they wear the jeans and like really hip sort of clothing like and going back on, the tattoo like if you like, if i own, a tattoo parlor. What'S my growth business, current retirees because they're as open to tattoos as ever, but the younger generation is like they're already like, like you know, 67 year old woman, like oh, your puppy just died, hey, let's put a memorial in your arm. Oh yes, let's do that because seniors are like this day and age will do nothing huge, but they will do some they'll do little tattoos! Okay! That'S that's interesting! But 20 years ago, like oh, only sailors get tattoos like someone in the room - oh only i said, but this lady's, like oh my little poodle, guy's like oh, let's put a move, that's tattoos! Oh! That'S! A good idea leave a comment below if any seniors are watching um. How many seniors have got a tattoo, either from your youth or younger days or you're, officially tattooed as a senior, because you know it's different times, but the tattoos are meant to be your life story, part of your life story and that's what you do is you Mark your life story with a tattoo, well the interesting thing speaking about that story, so i managed to buy a long ball for 25 on um trade me because i wanted to learn yeah. So i've got this guy who's going to teach me yeah um, but i wanted to get someone to paint my life story on there key parts of my crawl, because i wanted to have conversations with people when i skateboard like so you need a graffiti artist and Well, i actually know somebody coach well, there was a lady on facebook that had lost her job. That was amazing artist and i saw her. You know she had painted the skateboards and other things, and so i i got this idea i should buy. I want to support her yeah and i want to pick you up beating these together straight yep, cool and it'll be fun to um. You know like learn how to skateboard, but also have conversations with people and support her yeah, so um yeah hong kong is a big thing in new zealand flying down a hill. Have you tried it? I'M not stupid yeah. I heard i need to get some safety. No, when i was young, i used to skateboard mm-hmm, but you think i'm gon na go on a long board and go flying down a hill at 50. Well, you live well, no, but they're too um old. Well, the problem is, if i break an ankle, i i have to cut hair right like i don't even go bladders anymore, like you know my partner's like. Oh, can you go up a ladder and check that i'm like no hire someone to do that, because if i fall off the ladder, i can't go there no 20 years ago or 10 years ago yeah. I would have gone on the ladder now, i'm like really. You know how much money i could lose if i fell off that ladder. No, actually i still got fires. I didn't i did but honestly now in my 40s, i feel more like my 20s than when i was in my 20s, because that's that's just you know. Well, i i think it's just because well partly my son's grown up. That makes a difference, but also, i just think i've just gone through so much stuff and i'm just a different person. Now life was like a roller coaster, but now i've come out of that and it's like they come after storm, and i see things differently and it's like wow yeah. You know just have a whole new perspective and confidence that you didn't have anything you're living dangerously with a little ball. It'S a lot shorter than i've gone through in the past. So this is i'm stepping out yeah. No, it's just a channel go outside your box. It'S gon na, maybe i'm gon na look like a kokeshi doll. You know the japanese, oh with a fringe in there. No, but you know what you don't come across as like. We were saying earlier off: camera yeah, yeah you're, the german japanese, but your mom was japanese yeah, but she didn't really look. Japanese, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! Japanese! Yeah! Now! There'S karen oil! You ever seen her she's the singer of the ias. I know no she's pretty unique too, because she's half korean polish, oh wow, yeah. No, you don't interesting. Polish people have high cheekbones and then korean people are like a certain eyeshadow yeah. It'S got hot. You know it's mixed together, oh wow and then she's got dark beauty, so she's got like the almond shaped eyes or yeah yeah slightly slightly and the high cheekbones definitely mm-hmm and um, and then also she does these kind of haircuts, like you know, cool cuts. Oh wow yeah, so it's like it's really wow. You have all these face. Shell features working against you and then you do this haircut, which brings it out even more wow, which is so bold and you know it's a punk band yeah. He has a bit of a it's a bit of a modern punk band: okay, but no she's real cool i've seen her like in concert twice in my life, yeah, very unique by the center fascinating. But you know where she's a good born and raised in new york city, but that's you know new york city, you get that you get the you know like the polish greets, the the korean and uh fall in love and yeah. This is the product of that relationship right. Well, i love that and america is so diverse. It'S amazing i that yeah, i i feel like if i go over there, it's easier for me to fit in in here, because everyone's like pretty much mixed, that's normal. I mean same would be in canada as well yeah, exactly big mixture of everything mounting. We were saying software like new zealand, new zealand, new zealand. Like you know, kiwis, are it's a little big immigration policy? It'S it's! It'S progressive absolutely, but you still get those moments, but conservative comparison. Now i will say this too: now: it gets to work with a girl caddy, who was from sierra leone born in sierra leone, but the u.n soldiers took her out of the village and brought her new zealand and the doctor off to kiwi family. So she came as a baby she's a kiwi right anyhow, so she has a boyfriend. I think she's only. She was about 18 at the time and i worked with her, and so she has a boyfriend who's. Nigeria yeah and she used to always complain about the kiwis, because you know she's she's been here as a baby, but has a hard time fitting in especially when you're like you're alone, like you're dark, you know, you're, you really standing there so, but i used to Make jokes all the time break the ice she loved that so here was the best she comes into work one morning because, oh my god, you wouldn't believe what happened like what she was. Oh, i got my mother with my boyfriend and the lady in front of us turned around and went how long have you been in this country? Now that is like all of my life. He thought it was the funniest thing yeah, but yeah, no she's. If you were taken from your village in sierra leone, when you're like nine months old and adopted off to a kiwi family in the south island, the west coast of south island you're, a kiwi, don't look into the color of the skin you're a human you're, a Kiwi, but it's good that she was asked to laugh about it and she wasn't upset about it. That'S why? Because i'm probably from like a melting pot city toronto and then i would talk to her like she's like toronto, which at first when she met me, she's like oh, my god. No one ever talks to me like this. I'M like yeah, i'm gon na talk to you later, if you're from toronto right, and so she talked to that right away, yeah and then then she would like warm up with these. Other jokes, like oh you're, gon na, be grabbing today. So you know her her. Not going great, i wish she would work here patty if you watch this, video should come back and work with me. Did she? Where did she wakes up the street yeah she she's yeah yeah she's, like i'm, not going to poach people from other salons. Like me, joking on camera, but it was fun working with her and she works up the street um somewhere else and that's cool. I don't bulge. I mean it's great working with people from different cultures. You know. Oh absolutely we're in here we're different cultures, we're um yeah. We had to be a little slow look at your haircut now. I am going to blow dry ridiculously 80s yeah yeah. No just so. You know like if you're like what am i done like not gon na blow dry, it even worse. Is it gon na be like out here we're gon na have some volume in it yeah we have temperatures yeah yeah, so just because this is uh, you know haircuts. So i'm wondering if it would be best for me when i wash my hair and stuff. I like to blow dry it as well yeah if you want to look like uh now. What i'm going to do is the classic denman. You know penman brush, which is from germany, ah yeah, interesting yeah, it's a german company. I think we're going to do that. It'S a german uh, so cute, and you know i even use mousse on it. I just use um the vegan stuff on it and i, like vegan stuff, the gum vegan cream, make modern product like use mousse on it, but um, because the mousse would give it it gives it less volume right, yeah and it kind of gets it to stay. In place yeah exactly oh, but we're um, we didn't go full on loose um. Let me get that towel right there. Why? Don'T you clean up your hairline when you're saying full-on mousse, i'm thinking like a mousse. You know, oh you think about it like an animal yeah yeah, i'm glad i don't have endless. Do you guys have moose in germany most animals yeah? No, no, not that. I know i think they haven't have them in russia. We have them in canada, yes, canada. Yes, but russia, i don't know yeah russia's, like canada, they got bears, they got some commentary, it does suit me. It does yeah. I wasn't sure. Oh, it's good yeah. You were freezing. Well, i've never seen you come here, i'm thinking, i'm sure everybody has a lot of experience with their whole life, but you just don't know until you've seen some of them. No, it's like this is a nice uh, like trust. Building exercise between that kind of almost makes me think of 60s as well. I love it. I love it, but if you look at the back, the back looks like a really expensive wig yeah it does it does it's like so you're setting a line. It'S like. Ah, because it's nice and full yeah, it's real volume. Yes yeah, it looks like a really expensive, wig, yeah cool and the fringe is cute, because they've got slightly longer fringe and we got a little split going on yeah. The fringe is cute, i think it it makes me look younger. Yes, like adds a bit of a retro, look to it. So now that i am happy with it. Yes, i think it's great and then you'll come back next time as that fringe goes out and we're going to do nice things. Do you know what, if you love this haircut, you keep it for the next five years yeah! Well, i don't know what i'll do. Next, we'll see, maybe i'll become more adventurous after this. True, let's do some after shots. Now i've been a record player over there, so i'm gon na change the way we do after shots, cool, yeah and we'll say bye to the papers. Let the tippers know how you feel: that's a good hustler. Yes, i think it turned out better than i thought yeah i did yeah yeah and this was like i said i wasn't sure what to expect i'm sure, but the french yeah with the fringe. It works together. Really well yes, okay and i'll spin this. So they can see yeah, i feel like it's in 1965 yep yeah a little bit like um like hers yeah, but but it's like it's interesting um like you're, saying wig, because i'm trying to think of somebody that i remind myself of when i look in the Mirror, but i can't think of who it is it'll, come to you whenever the camera's off, probably yeah anyhow, let's say bye, tubers, bye, everybody

Kaia Kakós: It suits her! And she would look amazing even shorter!

Pagey 54: She was nervous and best to break her in gently and let her get used to it. Looks great with the bob but I really think she would look amazing with the shorter style. My new stylist did something similar with me over the last few months. Persuaded me to go to an undercut bob then insisted on a pixie the next time. I gave in, was really nervous but excited at the same time. I love it now.

Jayne kittycat: Lovely neat Bob Matthew. Glad we can see you cutting the back. She suited that style. Very nice.

Shelley Ridler 🪖🪖: Love it Matthew. She looks great! I wonder if she will go to the shorter one next time.

Deborah: Some people go for practicality to, to their lifestyle, amount of time they want to fuss with their hair, hair texture, in a haircut. In HS, they had recruiters ,for flight attendants. I almost signed up, but didn't. But any job ,working in the flight industry, is very stressful and regulated. It's a good thing that you knew your self well ,at a young age. You are a hairdresser and a remarkable one. Hairdressers want their clients to look better, but people want to be individual too. And people aren't ONLY their face shape. The BOB on her looks great.

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