$29.99 Amazon Wig Review | Ft. Noble

  • Posted on 04 July, 2020
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous

12.5 lace front bob wig from amazon



Hi guys, Oh welcome back to my channel, so today's the third and if you watch my last video at the end, you know my wigs came in so I'm super excited to put this on. This is a by nobles. This is a bob wig, it's twelve and a half inches long, let's open this so inside it looks like this. It comes with. Let me get close, it comes with, but if there's a towel on the wig and then it comes with a wig cap, there's a way Cod, it's actually pretty dark. I don't have my other one with me, but this one's I'm a pretty dark wig cap, which is nice if you have a darker skin color and here's the wig okay, it's very nicely packaged like this wig is pretty y'all. Look at that look. How long that hair part is? Oh that's why wet look so here's the inside of the wig looks like this. There are two combs right here: can y'all even see, there's two combs right there and then there's a back comb by the nape of the neck. With your adjustable straps this, it's so gorgeous, okay, that was exciting. Okay, I need to put a wig cap on and I'm gon na pop this sucker on, so we can just see what it looks like and then I will be right y'all. I finally got this a wiggling and when I told y'all I am up says I am so excited for this new wing. I bought this way he's gorgeous. It is gorgeous. I paid my total was $ 32, but it was on Amazon for 29.99. Anyway, can we just like look at that part? Look how far it goes back. It definitely needs to be plucked, but as of right now, I don't think it's that bit. I don't really think it's that bad at all the way it swoops in the way it stands. Here'S this side, I'm really hoping there's not about. If there is then major, fail, here's the back and this side, this wig is a way more comfy than that. Other Bob I did - and this just looks so raw completely better, so I don't know what the difference is between this way and the other way and price-wise. But definitely if it's like $ 8 difference, save your money and get this wig it's a little. Then I think I wish it was a tiny bit thicker, but overall this is such a cute way. I highly recommend you go pick it up if you're looking for one because $ 32 isn't not bad at all. For this beauty, I love y'all, I'm so excited anyway. I'M gon na go ahead, cut the look, cut the lace off and get to running errands when I have to go to, but thank you so much for watching the link will be down below. I guess if you'll have any questions about this wig comment them down below. I will answer y'all, but yeah. That'S it. I see it in my next video

DJ THINK realdjthink: i am learning about feminine beautification as a guy with no sisters raised by a single dad. i didnt understand why someone like you with such luxurious long hair would have a need for a wig, but once you put it on and your visual style did a nice 180 from a nice previous look, i said ok, wigs make changing up hairstyles so much easier and fast, allowing enough time to enjoy a night out on the town, instead of being stuck in the hair salon. make sure you take professional portraits. you have an excellent look and should certainly have more followers than just 50/51 followers

Patrice Owens: Much more bumped than the photo shows I would attempt to straighten it slightly

Sam Colins: You sound so cute

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