Affordalbe Curly Bob Wig| Outre Cilla

  • Posted on 18 April, 2020
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous




PRICE: $28.94









EMAIL: [email protected]





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I'M definitely not the naturalist. Most natural person on earth - hey, no cigar disasters, booting me back with the voiceover, so this unit is another unit that I caught with my own coins child. It'S the gun, good girl, like it's the go, I'm good! Oh, my god anyways y'all, so this unit does come with your standard. Two comms in the front won't come in the back with adjustable straps and it is a lace front week, but it has like this lace. Parting, did I tell you, who's back chat is by our tray in the style sealer, and I don't remember what color it is, but I am gon na have all that in the actual portion of this video. So if you are interested honey and all of that, as well as some more details and specs and all that good stuff about this unit, then please continue to watch and I will see love ups, an outro obviously finished on this wing, and this is what I Got if you're interested in the details and specs and all of that good stuff about this unit, then please continue to yeah, okay, so I'm gon na do a quick disclaimer. I lied. If you hear an echo or you know, the quality sounds different. It'S because I did my mic is done for okay, I'm ordering a new mic right now. It just has so much air and Static in it. That just could not aware it like. Probably the video you will see before this one or I don't know it may come after this one. I could actually record it without knowing that my mic was just like done for and after recording it and getting ready for anything up here with air. So I tried to you know, tone it down as much as possible, but you haven't cause they're gon na hear air in that particular video. Just Shh like it's awful, so yeah. If my video, the audio, doesn't sound perfect or as normal as it usually does, then forgive me, I will be back on schedule soon, so yeah as well and fine outside we, even I think so. You may hear that as well. I just I'm just sorry honey. Okay, bear with so about this unit. Now I'd air conditioning with my own points: okay, girl, okay, I did buy her and it is um by all tray. It is in the south, Selah Selah Sylla, see. Look, I don't know see I ate. I do have gon na call a dr for blonde golden honey chair. I don't know oh yeah, it is the art for blonde golden honey. So that's because i have named this - is the sweet swiss lace i parting unit. It comes with natural baby hairs. It is a lace front wig, obviously, and it is heat safe up to 400° and it does come in a variety of special colors. Obviously this is one of them, and this is a really cute color. I love the 613. That'S randomly in there like that. I think that is so cute, then they have dr2 cinnamon spice dr2 blonde brown sugar, and they did have that color on the site and hunted that colors. Oh, look, okay. That color to me is for girls that are afraid that blonde doesn't look good on them. I'Ll go ahead. You cannot tell me that blonde just doesn't look good on everybody, honey and understand in the dark of the belly. That'S my personal opinion, but for girls that well that whatever shade you are you just fire afraid of lon I feel like that is a good color. The are two blonde hazelnut and DRL self chocolate truffles, so it doesn't come up some really cute colors, and this is what the unit looks like on the spot part, and it gives you two different sounds of it. This is what it looks like straight out of passion, and then they have over here, fingered out and that's kind of like the style that I was going for on this one side. Would that be on y'all? I don't know the smile, the picture, okay and that was kind of a more the far the most more so the style that I was going for either very slow, she's she's moving a little bit and you girl. I don't know, what's going on here, like what her finger that looked better than my finger out, probably because I got wary of my fingers and spotted just saying just gon na brush out and got cavities but anyways y'all. So I would suggest just fingering it out to achieve that particular look, and you know that is pretty much it as far as, but if I'm a stock heart now they shouldn't does come with two times in the front: walk home in the back was adjustable straps And I say that this wig does come with the baby hair, since you can style on an up child. Like I don't know what was going on my baby hair, I'm just sorry. This is my baby hair sighs. So this is stylish. Oh yeah, I hate when my baby hair seemed to blend with the hair. I don't know like I like for it to be. I don't know if y'all know I'm telling my, but this is how I like my baby, look but yeah yeah, so analyze the week. The color y'all this color is everything to me. I do go for colors like this. I like the definition I might for it to be like more than one dimensional. You know I like to have a hole just a bunch of different stuff in it so yeah. I do like this color. It does actually sort of kind of where my meal FFC ember, and you guys know that. Yes, you, girls, color, so yeah. There may be what I like the color so much now it's wise the week. I don't know I don't dislike the week, I think of something every day week. I would definitely wear this week to work because I don't feel like the colors are crazy and it's not so long that I wouldn't be able to do what I need to do at work. But it's not my favorite weed, like I don't know having. I don't know what the issue is like I do like it, it may be a grower. You know fan like how some people said. Some people aren't really a show or their grower. You know. Maybe this week has to grow on me. I don't know if we can know. I know that. Let me know what you guys think have you guys seen any reviews on it and I did when I was looking at. I saw a couple, but it doesn't seem like a lot of people have reviewed this week. So let me know what you guys think: quarantine making you grow lazy. Okay. Now I do always get a lot of questions about when I have something on net apartment. So a lot of people just aren't middle pack Park girls. You know a lot of y'all girls, aside, chicks, okay, a lot of you. Girls are side, chicks and I get a girl. I too was a side chick okay, pun intended, but now I'm not I'm not so much a side chick as I used to be now. I can wear a middle part and be you know, be fine with it. It'S just fun that you kind of have to grow with. Maybe it comes with age, I don't know. Okay, maybe you get used to your forehead. Man be at a certain age. Back in the day might be forehead was back, and then I found out a girl's. A big for half, I always pretty. Okay, like okay, don't worry with me girl, don't argue with me baby ways. So now I am okay with the middle part, but I do understand that a lot of you, girls are not now. That being said, I do believe, if you twist this week, that you want to end up with the asymmetrical bob. I personally don't mind the asymmetrical bob and I think I a symmetrical bob is a lace girl, okay, but if you're somebody that not once you weave being even either you're gon na have to cut her or you're gon na have to fall in love with a Switch from asymmetrical bob length: those are your options, so just keep that in mind, because one side is going to be longer than the other. If you wear this on the side part because this week was made for a middle work. So just keep that in mind. Okay, that's one chef is handling honey. She is non-existent like she's, an entire like a bi because she's not and she's, not sanguine, and I really think I didn't expected some tangles on just because of the way the curls look to me. The way he's his normal wavy unit than curly unit and the way that it looked to me, I didn't expect it to share a little bit and be a little bit tingly but she's. Not so, who knows to you? Oh, my god, so that's basically it as far as the big hair frilliness. I do feel like this week is big hit friend. I think. If you got a water head, you can make a work. I do feel like if you have a small, yet you can still make her work. I personally have a medium-sized head and she send me there. So that's that on there but hey you got nothing so ways. Obviously, I'm not gon na give you a lint check cause honey. This is it y'all know what I say: no Michael Jackson, we're gon na go ahead and get into the room. Okay, so honestly, I think she's a little she's a bad. I like her. I think she's cute, like I, have no issues with her, but it's something that's throwing me off and just they completely be that it is the middle part, and you know like I said, even though I wear metal parts now, I'm still kind of a side chick, But starting certain metal parts don't aggravate me. I still think it's a cute week. I would recommend it, it could be that brushed it out. I don't know what it is, but something is throwing me off about the unit I keep playing with her and, like I said, maybe she's a grower and not a shower like I don't know, okay, so maybe I have to do an update order, but you know Just straight out for that I don't dislike her. I would recommend her she's, just not my favorite unit, like I'm, not everything, but that's not how I feel about this particular week, but I don't dislike her like I'm gon na wear it today and go and put on my coronal mass. We can't stick around on YouTube channel, go put on my mask and go and pick up some Easter eggs to die at me, some diagnostic guy and I'm glad it's eggs, my kids, so they can freaking go Easter egg hunting in my backyard. So I'm gon na wear her out. I don't know y'all, let me know what you guys think down below. If you like her. Let me know I will have a direct link to it down below in description box, for your convenience and slash products that I used on this week and really didn't need a whole lot like she's. She just didn't. I'M not used was my TIGI Bed Head to lay her down and I did not lay her down all the way across. I learned later down, where you guys pretty much see it at like right here. This is this is my stopping point so yeah and I used some edge control. What does the cottage booster on the baby hairs, and I use my Sephora micro smooth on the hairline and honey? That is it? No, I feel a bit like, that's it so yeah. Let me know what you guys think about him down below in the comment all right and give you guys a for 360 and wrap this thing all the way and remember y'all, I'm not talking fashion business, okay, so this is the unit in the front. This is the only love that this is it in the back. Ah, this is the only access, so yeah once y'all see that the color is everything the color gets a whole honey grade-a effect from me. It'S just the week. It'S just time throw me up. I don't know, oh by the way y'all. Let me know what you think about it down below any comments, and I will also have a direct link to this unit list down below the description box. We convenience and yeah y'all we through ok week or so. If you like, this video, give me a thumbs up cause, I don't you, I'm a hand-up, feel free to comment down below and even our subscribers. Oh, what are you doing your life honey? What are you doing? Click the subscribe button and, if you're not ready at home, you know I'm a social media platform for intersection beauty about the idea of Facebook. Um helps from SEO snapchat and I'm disastrous be on Twitter, and I will see you love us next time. Bye,

Nikela2426: She is super cute and I love the length and wave pattern also. This is something I think I need and could work with because it gets super hot in Alabama. Also, it gives me vintage glam that can be an everyday slay. I would have to cut her just a little in the front, or shift her because I have an Eddie Monster widow’s peak and middle parts don’t work for me ‍♀️. But as always, you make the unit look gorgeous. Stay blessed and safe and I’m looking forward to your next review.

Prima Kaliebe Gonzalez: This wig looks bomb on you. I love a good blonde wig. Especially a wavy bob. May have to get this as I am not a 'side chick" the middle part is where it's at for me. Oh, and I literally laughed out levers time you said "grower, not a shower"

Sunshine: Wow! I've seen a number of your reviews hunnay and this is my absolute fave. You totally slayed and this color was made for you.

Nikki Laniece: This is really cute!! I'd just finger comb it too. I love this color blend on you!

Queen-lee Mi...: Sisssss you made this look so gorgeous I just got six wigs in the mail today so I'm fresh out of a wig budget right now but she is bombbbbb.

Mia Peete: New subscriber! I love your personality. I think this unit is really pretty on you. I use to be a side chick too Lol but now I'm loving my middle parts Tfs

Cynthia Cummings: I really like Ms Cilla! She's right up my alley: short, wavy & blonde with highlights. I love it!!! Maybe she's a "grower" for you. I hated that flip wig, Outre Sarita, but now I really like it. I'm just "fass in the tail" enough to rock the heck out of her. You never know, Cilla just might grow on you too.❤️❤️❤️ Side chicks?‍♀️ Thank God, I have no issues with middle parts.

Lady K.: The color is definitely a look Love it

crysten brooks: Very cute every day throw on! Love the colors! I feel you on the baby hair tip. It's always one side that gives life, and the other side be like Sis what you doing lmao!!! Thank you for the upload!!

Robin Perryman: Kie Rashon reviewed this wig too in a different shade of blonde. It looked good on her as well. You look beautiful girl.

DollarsNCents Online: You look so good in this wig! What growing does it need to do?! Lol! You slayed this and I loveeeee the color on you! I am going to feel the same way about the mid part too, which is why I don't get bobs much at all, but they do grow on me.

SKIN BY AMANDA: Yesss! I was looking at this wig I love it ❤

Taunjashair journey: Gorgeous perfect length love the color

iamBabyGirl Franklin: Love the color, looks fabulous on you chile

The Manifestation Magician: This is so cute I love it

Love Yourself: Cute curly bob. Love the color

Zondalyn D. Noble: I just love U girl! Cuz u make it so easy to do da tricks of trick'n da wigs! Plus u give allll da details and I don't have to ask seperate questions lol! U always truthful not like some other folks out here reviewing, they neva like to give up the info on the accessories like da lashes, makeup, hair, and all. So from this Creole Queen to another Beauty Queen keep rep'n lol!

Jelisa Sails: This unit looks amazing on you

Gaynell Glaude: Yessdss Gorgeous I'm loving the color and the wave pattern Yes I would rock this everyday its a whole look

Karen Greene: I think Cilla looks gorgeous on you!! I've been eyeing Cilla for a while & I think I'm sold! Gotta get her.

MrsBrownSugar Richards: Heyyyyy boooo this unit is Supa cute on you I’m ordering right now thanks for sharing

SMACKR 21: Girl you are my spirit sister!! SLAYYYYYYY!!!

Lightnluvli Beauty: I love her on you! I have a review coming out on her. I love this one!

Sophia Payden: I love it ♥

Tinisha Robinson: I can't with you every time I look at your videos I go broke I swear you can rock anything it doesn't matter ❤️ I just love all your videos please never stop hope you and your family stay well doing this mess keep them videos coming

Robin Perryman: Beautiful. I'm not a baby hair kind of girl but you did that! It the perfect length.This may be the blonde wig ice been looking for.

patrice moore: This is very pretty and this color is beautiful !!

Kie RaShon: This color is bomb on you!!!

nessa d: Girl you look beautiful in this!!!

DollarsNCents Online: Thank you! Placed order before you sell this beauty out! Haha

Dee Eley: Beautiful ! I like this wig. ☺

Phenomenal Style LLC: #SOLD I like it on you it looks really good on youI love middle parts and side parts purchased the unit in 5 different colors

Rochelle Smith: My favorite color, especially for the season!!! Can it be a side part? I don’t like middle parts, these curls are

SweetBrownSuga504: Oh Chiiiile how did I miss this one adding now

Beauti FAHT: Cilla is cute! And perfect in color!!!

Meekah Lynne: You sold me cause I keep eyeing Cilla, the short length made me say no but Im lovin it on you! Its the heaviness in the front, needs a lil layer.

tamesha donawa: Loooooove it

Debbie Barrow: She is pretty for sure been on the fence colour is

Shekeyta Jackson: I love it

Jus Mek: I think its super cute

Tina Wilson: It gorgeous

She'sa beauty: Chrissy Boo Cilla is everything. I’m not a middle part type a chic...definitely a side chick but this middle part with these lil body waves is the truth. I love it Sis... I do

Inni Baybee: Beautiful! #love I like it but wish the hairline was customized..still cute tho

Erin Marie Mason: Beautiful Queen Yesssss

Angela Ridley: I love the color on you. My delimma is I have very slick hair. I cannot keep my wig on. I have tried the stocking cap, wig grip, both fail. Help

Works Hard 4 MK3: The way the colors mix are beautiful Growers & showers

Tawana Thompson: Yasss Divaaa!!!

Kimberlyn Crawford: You love these outre wigs with a part on the side or in the middle.

Lynn Johnson: You Look Very Pretty in this Wig But I know that I cannot wear Bobs , They Do Not Look Good on Everyone

Holla At The KI D: That wig reminds me of the what lace wig without the lace.

Zyri BeautySmart: what hair care products do u use plz list thks


Sakita Clark: Another banger!!!!!

Zyri BeautySmart: that wig reminds me of Liberty but more modern

Erin Marie Mason: Okkurrr Mary J. Vibes bring it

Sade Reese: I would like it better if it was the blonde that's under the honey blonde

Cynthia Smith: Hey girl yeah I was just going to ask is that a side part Haha but you look beautiful! no you didn't Asymmetrical Bob

mlissyann: Chick i like this. For real, For real. Change it to the side. I like it.

Meg Amor: Welp!, out of stock already‍♀️

Shining Star: This is your color period

Rochelle Smith: What color lippie are you wearing?

Jackie Ware: Hi i would like to say u have a beautiful soul ( i love. That in all black. Do u no do thay have it in dark brown ?

Angela Ridley: Lol.

Melbelle: Combs

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