Learn How Perfectly Blend Baby Hairs + Melt A Medium Brown Lace !!!! (Beginner Friendly)

  • Posted on 23 July, 2022
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous

WHAT TUTORIAL SHOULD I POST NEXT??? #imaslayyobae #wigtutorials #babyhairs #crimps #wiginspo #curlywigs #gummyglue

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Did you know Gorilla Snot is one of the best gels to use on your baby hairs? Want to know why? Gorilla snot will have your edges stuck for two weeks. Especially with using our gummy glue lace adhesive to melt your lace down.

ONE on ONE classes- https://imaslayyobae.as.me/schedule.ph...

Online classes & Gummy glue lace adhesive - https://www.imaslayyobae.com/

30" medium brown wig from https://iamhairextensions.com/

Hot comb - https://touchedbytwaski.com/

So you're here, because you want to learn how to slay like say, obey, make sure you hit that subscribe Button as well, so we are going to get right into it. I know you guys are here for one purpose and one purpose: only. I am going to try to get this done in one take. It is right now it is Saturday July 23rd of 2022 and it is 12 47 a.m. I finally got to update my computer um and get this video done, because I've been waiting on this, and this has been like a hot topic that everyone has been talking about. How slay does her baby hairs and I'm about to show you how we're gon na get literally right into it, because I don't need to exit out my video, because I ain't teaching you nothing even though I speeded this video up, it is going to be very Detailed, so right now what I'm, showing you is our gummy glue, lace, adhesive. We have a sensitive and we have an extra gummy. I like to use the extra gummy because it clears faster than the sensitive does and it holds longer so. But if you do have sensitive skin, I recommend not even using any type of um any type of lace adhesive at all. If you have sensitive skin, don't try to keep going out with different products, because basically majority of the products kind of all have the same thing: um it's just probably your skin you're not going to be able to use any type of glue. So I would use gel try to use some gels. Some got to be glue um. What else got to be glue? Eco gel stuff, like that you're going to be happy to someone you're going to have to be someone who is temporarily wearing their wigs? So if you have sensitive skin, I would recommend that you go ahead and try to learn how to at least lay your wig back down without glue now another thing: A lot of people do not know when you're using the lace, adhesive anybody's lace, adhesive, you want To make sure it is dry before you actually uh put any lace on try to cut any of your cap away. You want to make sure it is dry and the way that you will notice. That is when it turns clear. Another thing you want to add when you are laying the glue you want to add about three coats: do not wait until the coat turns all the way clear in order to add another coat, because when you do that, then your um lace, adhesive cures all the Way, you don't want that you want to find yourself building up and building up and building up trying to get your glue to be sticky. So if you do have that problem, that's what it was you waited too long in order to add an extra coat to it, make sure you are adding your coats to your um to your client's head, their thin coats, they're, not chunky coats, if you're using a Lot of glue, then you are going to be able to tell that you are using a lot of glue, don't be that girl, anyways, so right now. What I'm doing is I'm going in with makeup on this medium brown lace, because the only thing that can change this color lace is makeup, any brown lace any any of that you're going to have to put some type of coverage on top of it. So I know a lot of people try to use lace tint. No, you cannot use lace scent or medium brown lace, lace, tint is um a water-based product, especially my product. It'S a water-based product and it's not a coverage. This particular lace you're going to have to have something that is coating the lace to change the color, because, as we all should know, lace cannot be changed to a different color unless it is white. That is like a scenario that is like you trying to change black lace or just a black fabric, because lace is fabric to White you're, not going to be able to do that at all, especially with majority of these things being um, not chemicals. Once the lace is what it is, that's what it's going to be for the people who don't know me, my name is I'm a celebrate and I am a celebrity hair, stylist, regular, hair stylist. Anything you want to call it whatever you want to call it. I am based in Atlanta Georgia, but I am originally from Dayton, Ohio, yes, Dayton, Ohio, who is from there right a lot of people, don't know, but my name is Jasmine, which is spelled j-a-z-m-i-n-n-e. Let me know if you ever heard of anyone whose name was Bill Jazz mini yes again, j-a-z-m-i-n-n-e, I have a mini in my name literally, my mom was like. Oh no one else has your name, because it's not even Jasmine. It'S jasmini duh mom, anyways back to the video. So right now what I am doing is: if you go back, you will see. I was customizing her hairline. That is very important when you are doing a lace frontal. You do not just want your frontal to be straight across you kind of want to mimic it to be like a person's real hairline and that's where you're going to get that naturalness from especially using medium brown lace. So if you see um the front it's flat, it's kind of like a male's hairline. Have you ever seen a male's hairline, where it's straight and then it has those curves and then it goes it dips back again, of course you wouldn't be doing a male's hairline. You would kind of want it to mimic a woman's hairline or I guess I'm doing it now in the video. But another thing that I'm doing is I'm pushing that hair back that I don't need. I'M gon na make hers to look more so like a Widow's Peak, I like to kind of make my clients hair. Look that way, just so that it doesn't just look like straight across um. Just make sure that when you are going in you're not taking away too much hair - and I did pluck this before - I put it on her head - if you are not good at plucking - I remember I would recommend buying my plucking and bleaching class I'll attach the Link below but um a tip for plucking. You do only want to use steel plate tweezers if you are not using still plate, tweezers baby you're doing something wrong. I don't know if you guys have ever got flyaways in your frontals or your wigs when plucking. That means your tweezer is not strong enough. It'S not strong enough to pull that hair all the way out, especially with thicker lace. Majority of the time you need the still plate, tweezers, because number one they're, sharp and number two. When you are dealing with big knots, you want to be able to take those out, so this client is my sister Jane well, my adopted sister. I adopted her myself um. I wish you guys could have heard our conversation, but we honestly will say that for another date, so what I'm doing now is I'm going in and I'm making kind of like ripples in the lace, no do not go by those fabric scissors that you can make Ripples with just go ahead and do it yourself, I feel like stylists, do stuff that are just kind of crazy for no reason at all. You'Re wasting your time. Doing that I see a lot of people uh. Do the cap, the the ball cap method and they're. Putting holes in their clients eyes, I guess that's just for the views, I don't really know, but a lot of people who come and take my Hands-On classes. They'Re always like. Oh do I need to do this and no please the advanced salads. Please stop tricking the people, please stop tricking the people so back to the video I'm going in. This is actually our sensitive glue, I'm going in with our sensitive glue and I'm going to trace right where her hair is going to lay I'm going to trace it. So that I do not lose that spot, I don't need a mocker. I don't need anything else. I can just use my glue to trace it. Make sure this is the space that it's actually going to be in because, as majority of us should know, you cannot take away glue. You cannot take away lace glue because you're going to see here in a minute. We are bonding all of that glue together. You can't just take a piece of it if you take a piece of it. You'Re just about got ta, take the whole thing. So what I'm doing now is I'm going through and I am just putting it across her whole head and then you're gon na see me smooth it out once I smooth it down, I'm going to smooth it out really really well, so that it can dry and It'S not going to look clumpy, it's not going to look comfy at all, make sure that it dries good but make sure that it doesn't dry too much. Please y'all kill me with the lace, adhesive yeah! That'S why I'm stuttering it just be too much because, like I say, go in and we're going to put three, maybe four coats when it comes to a medium brown lace. I would say four coats, because you want that lace to kind of melt into the glue and the more coats you put. I wouldn't recommend those seven or eight or even five I mean you probably can do five, but the more coats that you put down the more stickier, the more gummy and the more oh, my God, the more you're gon na want to take it off. You don't want your glue to seek through the lace. You just want it to blend your lace, all the way down. So if it's sticking to the lace and it's all on your um, what do you call those things? And it's all on your um, your bed? Your elastic band girl, you use too much glue Girl. You Used too much glue. Okay, so I do want you guys to kind of interact and tell me what you would like to see here in the future. What I'm going to be doing the YouTube videos? We do have a lot more to go, but I just kind of want to get a feel of how the YouTube field is. Do you hear me? I just want to get a bill out of YouTube field. Is I can kind of tell you like a background of um just me like I said I am a celebrity hair stylist. I guess you can say I've done um, who all have I done. I'Ve done basically more so influencers I really haven't touched any like A-list celebrities or anything like that. Of course, I love all of my clients but um, I'm kind of scared to touch A-list A-list celebrities, because I am not the average Dallas. Yes, I will come through and I will do celebrity hair, but no no! No, I do I just do not like to be talked too crazy. I do not like to be talking crazy if you don't know the background behind my Gloom. I'Ve been having this glue for going on 10 years 10. Why am I lying two years I've been having this report going on to two years in our first eight months. We made a million dollars, so I say that to say: Don't just have the dream of being a celebrity stylist that gets your Cloud up, but that don't get you paid and when I say that don't get you paid that do not get you paid, they don't Get you paid, it may get you a little bit of money, but majority of the time when you were towards celebrity class, they kind of want to lock you all the way into the point where you're only working for them you're only working for them and how Can you make you can only make a set amount of money when working for one person, so let's get back to we'll come back to that later. So what I'm? What I just did is I cut the extra lace off that didn't get glued down. Like I said when you are doing your frontals and uh, you are laying them down, make sure that it doesn't look straight across your clients head. That is the worst thing to put a straight frontal on somebody's hand, but anyways. The ear Tabs are always the ones that do not lay down, because if your client does have sideburns that creates the issue, because the glue is not supposed to lay on hair. It'S supposed to lay on skin, and a lot of you didn't know that either I would like uh. I actually would like to put in a request that you stop packing so much glue on your client's head. Well, why do y'all do that it'd be too much? So what I'm doing now is I'm just pulling some hair forward so that I can go through with my Fantasia Spritz and when I said that Fantasia Spritz melted even more, it just binds everything together, you're going to have to get that Fantasia Spritz. I use Fantasia Spritz and I use Fantasia heat protectant spray, and that gives me everything that I need everything that I need. There is not one particular one that I use. I do get them all, but you want to be careful, especially when getting these Fantasia bottles. They do have one that actually comes in a oil yeah, uh oil. Why would you put oil in the same damn thing killing me yeah. So one time I did get the oil um and I sprayed it on my client's head just like this, and when I took that off that thing was done. That thing was done so I would say, um watch out for that number. Two make sure you have enough elastic band and make sure that you are not um. You are not tightening your clients. What do you call it? You'Re, not tightening your client's uh head cutting off their circulation with this band. Okay, please I've had it happen to me and it's not comfortable at all. I am going through with touched by twice's um touched by twaties, hot comb. I say any hot comb that has bedazzles on it is way better than that. How comb you're gon na get from the hairstyle that little gold one you hang it up? Hang it up unless your mama got an old one or your Auntie has an old one that you can use and uh burn your scalp with, because those were the ones that actually got hot, so um I am going through that's. This is what I'm using my Fantasia heat protectant spray for in order to flatten out her wig, make sure that you are not soaking your wig or your um lace with defensation heat, protectant, 90 yeah, the heat protection spray. You only need just a little bit right at the root in order to get that hair to lay straight down in a good hot comb. Take your time and do a section by section like I said it is um. Well now it's 114., oh yeah! Now it's 114, so the video is probably all over the place. But if you need to just go back cause, I'm tired, I'm tired! So, do you guys see that milk stop playing with her, and did you see that lace beforehand, how great it was that was nasty um? I am going in with my silkened um going in with my silkened heat protectant spray. I did discontinue this product, so that's. Why I'm saying use the Fantasia heat protection spray? That'S the second best thing that I can vouch for, and I'm just I'm just really straightening, that hair out, especially in the front, because once you take that band off it always has that dent in it always has that dense in it and just because those baby Hairs are there, that's not me, I have to lay them exactly how they are placed. I do not have to do that. I do not have to do that so now. I think that I am going to be going through and showing you how to do. No. Actually, I'm going to be going through and I'm going to be flattening the other side make sure you do this with both sides. If you cannot find a good hot comb, I have a trick for you. Take your comb and take your curling irons and just run the comb right and run the cone right in front of the the curling iron make sure it's a good curling arm. Okay, make sure it's a good curling arm, but you do want to flatten it out. We not we. We don't wear helmet, wigs anymore, we done with him and wigs, no more heavy Wings anymore. Why are your clients wig? I don't care how many clients that you got y'all need to stop taking so many people. Honestly, a lot of people don't know that the bet, the more that you perfect your craft, the less people that you actually have to take, because people are going to be willing to pay you ever to sit in your chair and you're, going to be happy with That don't be the girl that literally is busting out clients all day long and not truly caring about their craft. Your craft is Gon na Get You indoors. It is going to get you into doors. I have been so many doors have been open for me because of my talent. You have to have talent, you have to have time. That'S what's going to take you to the next level, your talent, so do not sleep on that. Make sure that you practice practice practice practice practice practice. Ask all the questions that you can to anybody, invest into yourself and take classes. If you need to a lot of us need to I, I would even take another class, especially if it's something that I don't know about. Never think that you are the best always be able to be teachable. They say the most successful people are teachable, because you don't know everything trust me. You do not know everything so I am going through and I'm just plucking that part just to make it more um, more presentable. I like Parts, I like um, 13x6. I do not like the 13 by horse that is too small for a girl. Like me literally, this was a full lace wig from I am here, and I'm gon na tag that in the description below as well so um. I can't remember what I was talking about earlier in the video wow. It'S still getting late um. I can't remember what I was talking about in the video. Oh, yes, do not push to be a celebrity stylist. You can do that, but do not make that your main goal that is somewhere, that I did mess up at um, just growing up, always seeing everybody being celebrity stylist, and I didn't know that that was not what makes you your money. That is not I made to me almost three million dollars in the past two years and it was never about any celebrity clients at all, so we're gon na go back and um. The reason I say do not don't focus on that is because the money that us Dallas won nowadays, no one else can give it to us. We got ta go get that ourselves literally literally, so your best option is to come out with a product um a lot of people uh like to sell hair but hair. All my friends that sell hair. They are very tired, they're tired. They are literally tired. It just takes so much money. You always have to deal with the middleman. Just be cautious about that. So, to get back to the video to end it, I am going through, I like to use Gorilla Snot, and I like to use Eagle gel when using these two, your baby hairs are going to be gelled down literally Jill, damn um, it doesn't really dry fast, Especially the gummy I mean, I said the gummy, especially the Gorilla Snot, if it's not an old bottom I'd highly recommend using these two products, I do not use edge control, do not use any type of edge control on your client's lace, baby hairs. Please please please, please, please and thank you I will be coming through and doing another video showing you guys how I got these crimps as well. I really want you guys to subscribe to my channel, so I can, just you know, keep doing videos for you guys, because I am the hair girl room and I can teach you a couple things like subscribe share. I really don't know how um YouTube works, but uh yeah. Thank you for watching um and comment below what videos you may want me to put up next.

Celine Malcolm: I appreciate the business tips! Do more please

cassandra williams: I let my daughter watch your videos to help her with her installs she struggles with the baby hairs. Oh and class of ‘01 Dunbar

Aminaaaa: best lace video i ever watched by far ! Go you !

Beauty Secrets byElle: Plucking and bleaching videos would be nice. Basically a customization video for wigs☺️

Jazmine Vereen: I love this !!

Cameryn Williams: You back n better than ever‼️ u are rlly taking ur branding n marketing to a new level


Glory Obatayo0mb: Such an informative video thanks please what’s fentacious spritz and where can I buy one

Sammy Da Goat: Fourth Comment Lovely Hair Stunning Thumbnail

Kentassja: Love my boo jazz ❤️

sofia alexender: ♥️ ❤️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine verwohntt.online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfaira, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

Peter Sam: Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine verwohntt.online Brünette und eine anderej Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

Nicholas Murphy: ❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine warmthh.Online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennk ich 4 wählen würde

Antonio Lipa: ❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine emprutt.ONLINE Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenno ich 4 wählen würde

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