Affordable Everyday Bob From Luvmehair!

  • Posted on 13 February, 2020
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous

Hi there,

Welcome back to my channel! In today's video I'm sharing with you my current favorite wig! It's affordable, cute, natural and SUPER easy to maintain. Whether you're a beginner or a weave/wig"ologist" this is definitely worth checking out. I bought this wig with my own money honey Lol trust me I loveeee it.

Link to hair:

Length: 12 in

Follow me on IG: survivingadulthoodrm

Hi guys welcome back to my channel welcome to another episode of surviving adulthood if you're new here welcome and if you're returning welcome back today's video is all about the wigs that I'm currently wearing I've had it for a few months now, and I've received a few. Compliments so I wanted to share it here. On my channel in case you were looking for an everyday, simple, affordable, beautiful wig. I bought this wig from love me hair, dot-com. Back in October, it came pretty quickly. I'M gon na write down how much the price was, because I don't remember it off the top of my head right now, but I'm gon na write the price that I bought it for versus what it's currently being sold. This wig is so far amazing um, but before I get into this wig, I just wanted to remind you to don't forget to share like and subscribe this video if you enjoy it and now, let's actually get onto the hair. So, first thing: first, what I think is important to know about me: the person you're currently watching as far as when it comes to hair, to help you see, you know where we're at with each other. Is that what I look for in a wig is affordability naturalness, it has to look natural, it has to look natural. I don't like ones that are like two too out there. It has to be affordable. It has to be easy. Okay, I'm I'm an appreciator of baby hairs and all those things, but as fries me sitting there to do baby hairs, that's probably gon na happen, maybe five percent of the times. Ninety five percent of the time I'm gon na wake up, put it on, put a little got to be and call it a day, and this week is very much that it doesn't like. It doesn't take a lot to manage it. The most that you has to do well me personally, I don't sleep with wigs on so the most that I have to do, as I mentioned, is everyday, just brushing it out putting got to be and just flat ironing the front. I don't even usually do the whole of my head, so yes take a look at it. It'S really affordable. It'S amazing. The thing that I like the most about love me, hair dot-com, was that the hair came with absolutely everything that I needed. It came with a rat tail comb, it came with a fly, fly away, tamer, I believe it came with the wig itself already had a band saw it onto it. It came with so many things. I think you came with clips as well. There are cheap clips, but there were clips on the left and it also came with this cute little hair barrette thing that everybody's doing. That'S not really my vibe, but I appreciate it. So I really think that love me hair dot-com. I'Ve bought three weeks from them outside of this one, but so far I feel like they're a pretty safe site if you're looking to buy with, like, if you're, let's say a wig enthusiast, yeah a wig enthusiast, but you're not looking to spend three hundred four hundred Dollars on a wig, because that's knife - that's neither within your budget nor within, like the lifestyle that you're trying to live, which is me it's like that. I can't afford a three hundred all the way. It'S that I don't want to wide there's other things I can use. I can. I can do with three hundred dollars so yeah. I hope you guys enjoy. This was the big video aside for me, just letting me know about it and giving you the information. How much it costs the site and all that stuff and my opinion of the site overall, I'm gon na show you guys how simple and how easy it is to put this wig on, like I said well, I haven't said that yet, but when the wig first Came the most that I did was just cut off the least I didn't bleach the knot or anything like that. Actually, no, I added um a little bit of foundation on the inside of the wig, but aside from that, I really didn't have to do much and in this video you're gon na see the wig I'm gon na be putting it on. I'M gon na show you how to put it on every day. The only difference between my routine everyday with this week in the and this video, oh, is that in this video um, I flat ironed the entire wig, because the day before I walked in the rain, and it was kind of frizzy and um, the ends weren't as, Like bumps, I wanted them to be bump. They were more like straight and kind of like doing this, so I did have some flat iron, the entire wig, but that probably took me maybe like 10-15 minutes, which is not a lot, I'm pretty sure most people would be down to do that every day, but Not me me, like, I said three to five minutes. It'S all I need so. I hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure to leave any comments. Any questions that you have down below I'll do my best to answer it. I know people are always asking about. Like does they shed a lot um? It sheds like a regular normal wig. I'Ve had it since October, and it's not bald I've worn it consistently. I wash it once a week. You don't need to wash it once a week. I don't add any oils or any products on it, because I like it to look natural. I don't like that. Like shiny, look on wigs, so I don't add anything much to it, I'm just trying to make sure I've covered everything. If you guys, like my makeup, it's kind of like my anti Valentine's Day kind of sort of makeup, if you guys like it, my next video will be me showing you how I did it. It won't be me teaching you how to do it, just showing you how is in it anyways. I think I've talked it up. I hope you enjoyed this video and don't forget to share like and subscribe, and if it's your first time here, welcome and so ends. Our journey together, so this is the final result of everything this literally took maybe 10 to 15 minutes. Like I said, I don't have a lot of time to devote to flat ironing hair or doing hair as much fun as it is, but our journey together does not have to end on this video. If you want to see more videos from me, if you're into hair, if you're into talking about life stuff and getting real, deep and personal, then this is definitely the channel for you. So don't forget to share like and of course subscribe for more videos, and I will see you next time right here on surviving adulthood, see you soon bye. You

MySweetEscape: Yes I love your makeup! ♡ You are one beautiful lady

Torri Graham: Hi! Is the bob still holding up? I want this one, but the first one I bought from them did not last more than a few weeks.

Ashton M: Hi, can a side part be done with this wig? <3

mirror: Your wig looks natural I have the same wig but 12 inches

Surviving Adulthood: The hair has been “upgraded” this is the link for this hair as of July 2020 Im wearing the 12inches

cupidgal: I just purchased this wig and really like it. But do you cut the lace off or close to the wig hairline? Not familiar with lacefronts.

Kimberly Sanders: Do I need to bleach knots? I just purchased ❤️❤️❤️

Stacy Mo: I have that same wig and I love it. I need to wash it. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?

Elle A: Yassss bob and makeup


Belle Tv:

Tanie Baker: Beautiful!! Is it a 4x4 closure wig??

High Vibrations by Latasia: Did you have to pre pluck it ?

Real Rap: How many inches did you purchase?

Deshantae Travis: Which Wig Is This?

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