Top 5 Synthetic Bob Wigs + Giveaway Winners

  • Posted on 07 March, 2020
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous








Not gon na Bob is freaking life girl. You mean like an entire freaking look honey. Coincidentally, I'm wearing a bob. Well, I'm doing my top five Bob. We I'm definitely not the naturalist. Most natural person on earth disasters Beauty coming back with the video, so this video is a faith on my channel. It is a top 5 video. This video is gon na be top 5 Bob weeks I was looking and I was like dang did I not do a top 5 ball, which is really really odd because child? I wear a lot about weeks, but I couldn't find the video. So I don't know if I did or didn't if I did yeah somebody some somebody nice enough to like link the video down below in the description box. And if I didn't y'all, I do apologize because some of these ways may be sort of repetitious because I was like girl girl. I know I know you did not do a top 5 and did not do top five five weeks like this. Just I don't know it's just uh, okay anyway, we're gon na for getting into this video, because I don't feel like rambling um. If you're not already subscribed subscribe it like it's 399, just click, it honey click it and it's not ready. Follow me on all my social media platforms. I am disasters really on what the IgM Facebook um helps: miss teal, snapchat and I'm disasters be on Twitter. Now, let's get into these top five Bob. Okay, let me give you guys a little bit of disclaimer like honey. It'S night time like lately, my lighting has been off anyway. Like I don't know, what's going on my camera like honey, we be fit me and my camera. I definitely beefing I'm like literally using pictures from my phone for my thumbnail, because me and my camera. I don't I don't know, but we're not here. So if it looks a little off, I am filming at night on top of me having all these camera issues so honey, don't judge me, okay, like there's. No, don't judge me only one here like Oh only one of you, okay, now we can get to the top. So my number five, oh let me let me give you guys as other disclaimer, I'm not disclaimer. Let me tell you that's the rules, oh no Chicago. So anyways, I will be ordering these weeks into number five being my least favorite number, one being my most favorite, so yeah, so we're gon na start. With my number five be, my number five wig is very sensitive ax and I see my aunt gets a shine that she that she needed that she deserved honey. Okay brie was talking about girl, you look like you're 80 and I know these type of colors can really really age. Somebody like I know I don't mind like. I don't particularly kill like oh it's far as colors go, I don't care about colors aging me, like. I love grace. I love lavenders and I know that those are typically really really older colors and they can really really aid you, but I actually got this color by mistake by mistake. I wanted it in like a brown color and I felt like it would be a really dope wig in a brown color, but I ended up getting this color by mistake. It was totally my fault, so I couldn't even plus at the company like I like to do so. It was completely my fault so, but the wind in itself y'all, even the color. I like the color. I don't like ice out on my lavenders and stuff, but I know this way something that's like occasion, lady, like I get it this, but hey, that's what I got and I thought was really cute and I got a lot of compliments on this color because I Ended up having to go to the store right after I applied the weed, and I got a lot of compliments on this week. But I guess, because it's just one of those colors it's really really striking and either you're gon na say: oh girl, you look good or you won't thinks you're. So good you look. So I got a lot of compliments on this week and the wig and this stuff is a really really great everyday week and I don't feel like. I saw a lot of reviews on this week. I don't know why, because the wig is bomb, but I do feel like this week will look really really amazing. I feel like it would have got the shine that it deserved in a natural color, like the color that I had is like one of those colors that most people will not gravitate towards. So it kind of threw people off in my opinion, but the wig and that stuff is a really really nice week, so definitely check out xeresa stiva like if you're looking for a really great everyday type, a bob or a workplace bob in a natural color. I would definitely recommend you guys. Checking out this week is really nice and honey. The hair line is everything. Okay, don't sleep? Don'T sleep on TV, honey? Okay, don't sleep on earth, so my number four week it's another way that was sorta in a funky color. Okay, like I don't know what it is with me in these colors, I like a good color week, especially in spring and summer life will rock them child, okay, with no problems, and this wig is sensational Jalen and I have sensational Jalen in like a yellow color. I don't remember the exact color, but it was a yellow week and I really like the wig like I like the color. I don't know I feel, like everybody didn't really love the color. I love the color like try, like, I say any afraid. No come on. She'S, just not okay, she's, not just gon na call it, but I feel, like everybody, was so focused on the color that they didn't focus on the week, and this is another we can. I feel like would have got the shine that she needed that she deserved. That she was entitled to as a bob if she was on natural color like natural colors, make people feel more comfortable, especially with Bob's and stuff like that they're like, oh no, you know she looked kinda cute, but all I see is yellow okay, so they it Kind of takes away from the week, but Jalen is a really really nice week and I would recommend you guys just checking her out like she she's look great also every day Bob like when I think about Bob to me Bob somewhere, everyday workplace friendly, especially at My job, but I think window yellow Bob to work, but that's why sobs in general is great to have a nice every day Bob to wear to work. You want to be cute and when we stylish - and you know - and you got ta worry about long hair. Getting in your way, okay, so yeah definitely check out very sis. Jalen China Zeus's definitely check out sensational Jalen. I will definitely recommend you guys checking out Jalen cuz she's she's a look honey. She just she's an entire look and she's by sensational y'all know how I feel about sensational sensational move into Goethe's gia, so Gio is definitely on one of my other lists. What was the list? What was the top five hold on? Look, I want to say gia was on my workweeks list. It had to be on my top five work weeks because she is definitely one of those work type of wigs like she's cool, she's funny and she's sexy, but she also has that classy type appeal to her and honey like she has that doggone frickin human hair Feel toward most people would probably think that gia is a human hair week because she just she just just gives you human hair, feel like yeah, and I think this is actually from the human hair field collection with Reese's, I'm not a hundred percent sure honey. Don'T quote me on that, but I do think it is from that particular collection. This week is definitely workplace friendly, it's classy, but it also gives you that good sexy appeal. You know like I'm, I'm classy, but I'm sick. So you know I mean like you can be both uh okay, you can be both. Do it be a working woman that sexy and that's what gia kind of gives me? I love a good sexy Bob and that's what that's just the whole feel of gia. I feel like gia, wasn't slept on, but she was also another week and maybe Bob's had just slept on in general. Like maybe y'all. Just don't realize. Oh, I don't know, but everybody's all seem to be filling the bombs like I'm feeling the balls. Okay, Oh Bob kind of girl and yeah. I just don't feel like Gia got the praise that she deserves. Cuz gia was definitely a look and it feels so good. I still have gia in my collection, honey. She still looks good because shad your girl can go through some weeds and I'm really bad. My sandals, like a chair, I'm so bad on Wii. It'S not really the fact that is that I'm harder on my synthetic weeks. It'S just that. My synthetic wheels tend to not last like wide open here we I treat a lot of the same honey, but my human, my synthetic girls just honey they just they just can't stand the torment but yeah. I definitely will recommend you guys chicken out gia cuz. Just a whole look like don't sleep on Gia she's, look check her out. So my number two week my number two week is sensational Chrissy like honey. I know you guys knew. Chrissy was somewhere up on this list like if you know me, if you've been watching me, you knew Chrissy was on this list. What'S wrong, Chrissy is my nickname, okay or not nickname? Is this abbreviation of your name? A nickname like? Let me know because in my family, like literally when I'm trying to name like here's and stuff my girl, my father, would say: well, we don't go, unlike my family, just believes in abbreviations, like my auntie Lena's Lynette, my cousin Fredrik is Freddy and snook. You know my cousin Brittney is brent. My cousin, melanie is male. My cousin Ashley is ash, like that's just what we do in my family anyway, because I name is Christina and I am called Chrissie by my family by my husband, my husband literally my hurts. My only calls me Chrissy when he goes with Christina, shall we beautiful okay? So not only do I love that week because it is basically my name, it is also just a barn wait: honey, like Chrissy. I literally have this week, and this is another week that was on my workplace. We live not only is this week like workplace freely, and I only do you girl. I have her in like a regular Degla, stegler 1b. She also has her and blonde okay. Actually, our and blonde before I had it in 1b, and this was just a bomb week and honestly believe it or not. This week actually looks better in to me my personal opinion in the natural color versus the blonde Colleen. You know you've you're a lovely blonde. I look I'm a blonde chick, especially in the spring and the summer. I'M just one of those people that likes to wear a blonde in the summer and spring, and I like to wear dark colors in the fall in the winter, but honey. When I say that got bone, one beat is bomb in this wing honey if you're like Chrissy in a blonde, definitely check her out in the one being, oh honey. I promise you will not be disappointed. If you disappoint it, you can come back. So this video comment down below and say girl. Okay, I'm disappointing! You were wrong, but I know I'm not wrong, because that week is bomb okay, that wig is freaking life. I would definitely recommend you guys checking out Christie. Chris is another one of those weeks that gives you sexy classy. Oh, it's just the whole look. I will definitely recommend this week and it is a Synthetica that lasts a lot of shorter weeks, synthetic us they last sandy. Okay. This is what somebody's hard on weed. Okay, so they last for me they were definitely last for you and Chris is just a whole look. Okay, I mean. How can she not be I'm Chris? Can she not be in it so definitely check out Christie. I would really really recommend if you don't get any of the wings off this list, these next to this one and Crissy and the Wonder, that's gon na be my number one. We definitely check them out honey. You will not be disappointed. They are definitely worth your coins and they don't cost you a grip. Okay, definitely check out Chrissy she's away John, so we are now at our number one. We and once again I don't have my kids to do a jump, the drum roll. I can't even start getting them jumping in plays. Like look your mom into the top five. I need y'all in place to do the freakin drama bro, but since they're, not here, I'm just gon na have to do it for y'all. So my number one weed is sensational: Audrey Audrey is an entire look and I know sensational Audrey isn't a week that I have listed in a top 5 video, probably period, no I'm not period honey. I think it was one of my top 2018-2019 European. In my twenty nineteen top five week, but honey Audrey is a whole freaking look. Honey. Okay, like Audrey, is one of those weeks that looks so good. It looks natural it's sophisticated, it's sexy like it gives you everything that you want in a frickin Bob and like what my favorite thing is about. My synthetic insanity is that they come freestyle. I can't I do all the extra stuff that I have to do to a human hair week and Audrey comes definitely freestyle, like I'm just giving you the curl she's, giving you the whole entire look and she lasts sunny those curls freakin last. My curls are still looking bomb and I'm clearly that this week, for a year now granted I haven't won her a lot like because cha change, my hair everyday, but nevertheless I'm hard on wigs honey. Okay, you know like I'm super Autoweek, so even the fact that is right now says enough. Adri is definitely a look. She'S, definitely number one. You guys. I feel like we're sleeping on our dream, like I did see a lot of reviews on her initially, but I don't feel like she got the praise that she deserved. You know, like 30 weeks when they're really really nice, even though you know even when it first comes out. You know people talk about it whatever, but it doesn't fade out like noona the day years later, people still say: noona is Bom neasha. Today, people still say Nisha is Bom, it's like certain weeks that literally stand the test of time Dasia to this day. Two years later, people still said, deja is Bom and I feel like Audrey is one of those weeds like I don't feel like she got the the credit for left with a better word that she deserved. She'S got its higher vibe honey she's, an entire look and I feel, like y'all, got a boner like a boner y'all ain't, giving her that that praise that you gave the noon of the day just anisha's, you know, but she will look. She is definitely definitely a look and I do have her in a blonde color. I'Ve been meaning to actually get her in unnatural colors. I would even, though I can wear blonde to work, and I have worn her to work. I do want to get her in a natural color. To give me the house sophisticated back like a natural natural colors. To me, give me sophistication like blonde gives me sexy and natural colors just give me sexy and sophisticated, so I definitely plan on getting Audrey in a natural color, because I do feel like she's a really nice week and because of how I feel about Christy in A natural color I feel like I would feel the same way with Audrey but yeah she's, not tired of look honey. I don't know why y'all was sleeping on her like she ain't like a noona sukkah. She isshe's look: okay, she's, a look, okay yeah. So that is basically so let me know cuz, I really want to know. Do you guys own any of these weeks that are on my top five? Let me know down below in the comments. Let me know which ones are your favorites? You guys know I like to know that, like I like to know, what's your favorites, and on top of that, I wan na know the favorites from my list, but I also want to know you guys favorite Bob. We that way we can kind of help each other find new, wigs, try out new ways. You know step outside our comfort zone. I always every time I do these videos, you guys give me new weeks and I always try to write them down. So I can visit them at some point because honey synthetical is just life, okay and I'm always looking for. I knew no way to try out because I always I know I miss a lot of weeks. So I love that we can do these videos and we can kind of help each other try new weeks, so definitely comment down below your favorite Bob weeks, so we can help each other out and also don't forget to let me know which ones were your favorite On my list, okay, so yeah coming on it down below in the comment section, I love you guys so so much and y'all y'all. You know we're gon na wrap this thing over up all right child. Let'S get into these giveaway winners. Once again, I forgot to include it in the actual video. Well has come that I forgot, and I didn't know what video the announcement was gon na follow. So I just decided to add it in right here: okay, so we are doing first and first place and second place giveaway winners. My second place winner can get any week up to $ 30 and my first place winner can get any week up to $ 60. So my second place winner is miss Kristin Brooks. All you have to do is email me and give me your name and address, and I will ship that unit out to you. Oh and of course whatever we get is and my first place winner is Miss Bri, Bri, black and obviously it's the same with you. All you have to do is email me and give me your name and your address, and let me know what week you have Charleston, even if you haven't chosen a week like right off the bat just email me. So I know that you know that you have one, if neither you guys, email me or when you guys don't email me within three days. I will have to pick another winner, so yeah just email me and then you can take whatever time. You need to pick out your week. So yeah. Congratulations, ladies and I will be having another giveaway my next 10,000 subscribers, so there will be more chances to win and I'm also trying to do a giveaway, probably a little sooner than that. If not, then it will be my next 10,000 subscribers. So, once again, congratulations I appreciate you guys so so much and yeah love you. If you like this video give me thumbs, I love the questions that you feel like. I may have left out honey. I don't know what I can leave out in the top five way. You know, that's just what I say coming down below any my responses subscribe when I'm eating honey, it's 399 and in Ann Arbor. To follow me on all my social media platform. I am disasters be doing what IG and Facebook I'm heading, misty all snapchat and I'm be on Twitter, and I will see you love us next time. Bye,

She'sa beauty: Congratulations 40K winners...Congratulations Chrissy on reaching a new mile stone, it only goes up from like you was saying about these wigs not getting enough hype, Sis that’s the same way I feel about you/ it doesn’t get enough hype but but I have no doubt it’s just going to continue to grow and be bomb. I’m definitely a fan of bob units, that’s nearly all I wear these days and these were definitely definitely a slay. Now Miss Jailyn Sis I love the yellow on you but my complexion would not allow me/She to be going out in a yella wig hunny but nevertheless she is still a winner !

Zany Siren: Congratulations to the winners!! Chrissy is definitely a look. Bobbi Boss “Precious” is my favorite Bob. The movement and density of the unit is A1. I have her in a 1B and TT1B/DGRN.

De'Adrea Battle: Yasss my fave is Ms. Teva!!!! I didn't even know she existed prior to watching this video! Thanks for putting me on! ❤ As of right now my go to everyday bob wig is Taylor by Mayde Beauty! It's a gorgeous middle part bob with gorgeous color selection!

Bubbles_69 Jackson: Audry is the first wig i ever bought once i saw you feature it...its beautiful!! Thanks for introducing me to the wig world

Cynthia Cummings: CONGRATULATIONS to the Winners!!!! Heeeeyyyyy Ms Chrissy!!!!❤️❤️❤️ First off, what's the beauty on your head right now? It's Gorgeous on you!!! I love your Top 5s!!!! I just bought Gia in color #2. My daughter Krissy stole her. But she been rocking the heck out of her tho. I also just bought Mayde Beauty Taylor in color GD Brick. I think I'm going to wear her to church tomorrow. But my favorite bob wig ever is Bobbi Boss Lyna!!!! I have her in a few colors.

Jus Mek: Yes!! I have Chrissy and Audrey!!!! I wore Chrissy yesterday!!! They are BOTH really nice wigs!!! I need to try GIA!! These are my favorite videos!!!!

patrice moore: Love them all but Audrey is my favorite. Congratulations winners !!!

LOVELYLIFE536: DB, Thanks for sharing. I have the Chrissy wig. She's definitely a keeper. I like Bobby Boss Lyna Sleek too. Think i might order Audry soon.

crysten brooks: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! I LITERALLY JUST GOT IN FROM WORK AND WAS LIKE I GOTTA CATCH UP......AND LOOK AT THIS !!!!! I WON. LOVE YOU GIRL. THANK YOU AGAIN!!! Also my favorite bob is and forever will be Miriam Bobbi Boss!!!! (Ash blonde lol)

Aretha Robinson: Great picks Sis!!!! Just getting over that dang flu...whew chile! Congratulations ladies!!!!!

Michele Proano Kressin: Girl, I love bobs too! My current fave is Sensationnel Sheer Muse Zion. They have 3 ash blonde tones, so I am in love! Even my hairdresser didn't know it was a wig. The one you are wearing here is awesome :0)

BriBri Blacks: Girl I so love the top 5 stuff...girl I commented before the end. I genuinely like your content i never expected to win. I was shocked when my name came up.

Tina Wells: Hey girlfriend good morning!! You're always looking amazing and I just love all these styles they are so beautiful!!! You look great in all of them!!!! Have a wonderful weekend God bless you always!!!!

rajirasmom: I love all these units thanks for the top five

Roshawn White: I love Bob's they will never go out of style love that working ladies Bob simple yet still pretty. And since you're rockin different colors on this one have you ever done a light pink? not hot pink or dark pink a light pink . know that would look beautiful on you if you are sampling fluorescent colors I think that would be a good one on you.

Julie Campbell: I just came across your channel, your loud, proud and in your face, I love it! Girl I need you in my life! Don't ever change, you are the bomb .com lots of love from the UK Before I forget new sub

inez pruitt: Hey Christy you always look amazing on your videos I just wanna ask you a question what is the week that you have on right now that’s a bomb ass week? I would love to know what the name and company is it so I can purchase one keep doing what you do because you do is so amazing.

Erin Marie Mason: Sis I was on AliExpress on saw you modeling a beautiful red wig. I hope they paid you for using your photo. Your Amazing. Of course another amazing video as always. Continued Blessings Queen. Love how you entertain us. Your personality is great.

Nik Nak: Audrey and Chrissy are a whole vibe. You can throw them on and go. They look so natural. Idk why ppl sleep on bobs cuz I love me a good bob honey. Idk what color it comes in!! I will be walking down the street looking like Rainbow Bright, PJ Sparkle and Lil Kim's love child

SheBroke BeautyOnABudget: Audry is my favorite for your list. That wig you're wearing is bomb too

Love Yourself: Congrats to the Winners Blessings ❣️

Tamarra CS: Congratulations ladies!

Tamarra CS: Chrissy is my fav from your list and Bobbi boss Lyna is my favorite! I have her in 99j

YoItsJordanSky: I love Teva I'm one of those people that love it. Also that yellow with the yellow shadow poppin.

Chernario Torres: I'm new to your channel and I love your personality! Yes, I subscribed.

Love Yourself: Yessssss Miss Audry with that color is They all are " Sensational" and I really like that yellow Kaylyn, Gia, and Chrissy.. I don't own any bobs.

Miss LaShay: Honey I love the look

Sakita Clark: All these were a hit!!!!!!! I must purchase teva, jaylynn,and the one that you are wearing. Girl another slay!!!!!!! Now this looks like your hair, or is it your hair? Either way this is super cute!!!!!!

Ash Real works not to be fake: I love your channel girl an those wigs on you gorgeous

LolaG100: I'm going to try Audrey if these ladies ain't bought the wig out Chile thanks babe

Lit’tel McBride: Girl! You are so beautiful! Longtime subbie...p.s. ugh! I never win anything!!!! p.s.s. I’ve been seeing ur pic on allot of different wig companies. Not sure if ur sponsored or not but just thought I’d let u know. Congratulations if you are girl...get that money

DEBRA DICKERSON: Love this collection! What is the color of the rainbow wig? What do you think of outre perfect hairline Skye?

Ann Williams: I love Audrey in that blonde. I love her. She is a look.

Shani Smith: I'm behind congratulations to everyone I missed giveaway maybe next time love girl

missfeb74: Uuuggghhhh! Now I'm gone be out here shopping for some bob wigs.

Fefe_fuh_lease: Audry was the first video I watched of yours and she was definitely slept on and Gia too.

rainbow79: I love nice as usual

Ejecting king: Where did you get your lashes from is what I’m wondering

mlissyann: I love me a Sensationnel Audrey too.

Mrs.Angela Angie: Your the bomb

Jennifer Sample-Hill: The first one is bomb on u

KittyCake3700: Hella cute!!

Gail Talley: Hey Chrissy, I've stepped away for awhile, but I look in now and again. Girl your face is thin! Looking good as usual just wanted to see you and hear your voice. Be Blessed. Say hey to Journee Brown for me.

BiancaLacey: Ur accent is so funny. I love watching your videos

Dee Luther: ❣Good Video as usual❣ Lovebug 4ever All them wigs Look BomB as Hell On You U Slayed AnyThing u wear Gorgeous you are Your makeup so cuTe Happy Bless Fabulous Weekend

Wiggin Out: I loveeee Teva

chocolate kisses75: Luv a cute bob

Christina Munnings: I Love Teva❤❤❤❤

Sarcastic Beauty: Dang! When did you do a giveaway??

lqgipson10: Number 5 ain’t it Sis

Raul Hluz:

Barbara Ferguson: I luv Teva on you

Mz. T. McKitt: P R E T T Y❣❣❣❣

MarzZ BarR: Fire is the one your wearing! Audrey 2nd..

StylezBy ROBIN: Ouuuuuuuuu

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