Diy Synthetic Wig With Lace Closure | Short Bob With Bangs Wig | Vivian

  • Posted on 29 August, 2019
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous

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Thanks for watching this DIY SYNTHETIC WIG WITH LACE CLOSURE | Short Bob With Bangs Wig. I hope you find this tutorial helpful if you do, please don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE

Click here for the lace closure tutorial



Let's Make a Bob Wig With Bangs | Crochet Braids Inspired Hairstyle | deep side part

#shortbobwithfringebangs #bluehairondarkskin

Hi guys welcome back to my channel if you're new, you welcome. I hope you all are doing well, so in today's video I'm going to be showing you guys how you can make your own setec wake and also make it look natural. So we're going to be making a lace closure for the week so that way that will help you to look natural so to make this wig you're gon na need needle a lace for the closure. You don't need scissors you're gon na need a small large hook. You'Re gon na need comb to control the hair and also you're gon na need the hair you need to be using for, though, in making the week. Okay so right here, this pack has like four bundles. So these bundles are not like the regular you might have on those they're like small and any you might hair bundles, okay, I'm starting by measuring out the length of the bank so how wide I wanted to be on the front. So once I decide on that and went ahead and cut it and cut it so using the first one as a guide and when I hit in cut a second one. So I didn't want the banks on the front to be too full. So I only caught up to, but if you want just to be fully in the morning, you can definitely cut out more if you want otherwise does it for this Pat, so moving on, you want to go ahead and sew down the lace fronts on the cap And then cut out the the black cap under the lace, okay, moving on to the total next step, if you're using a synthetic hair. So this step right here is very potent. So do you see right there? That is the wrong side of the of the weft. So that side, this part right here is the right side. So I didn't want the wrong sides to touch my skin, so I'm gon na flip it over and place the right side of the of the of the weft down and the wrong side facing up. So now I'm only doing this for the first one on the front, so this next one I'm going to be doing in the opposite way. So I just down down so right now, I'm just going ahead to also it down and also you want to make sure to place their hair really close to the edge of the black cap. So that way, when the wind blow, you will see the you won't see, the black cap will just be like the hair blending in of kind of, but it's better to place it like close to the edge of the cap and also while you're sewing this down. Well, on the elastic you don't want to sew on the elastic band. You only want to sew these on the fabric. Okay, so next I'm gon na go ahead and sew down the second one. So I'm gon na do that by placing the right side of the weft facing up and the wrong side facing down. So that way, it's a point where, with the with the lace closure here, alright guys so now that that is done. The next step now is to uh prepare the hair for the lace closure. So, if you're using the aesthetic hair, I have a separate video showing you guys how I made the lace closure from start to finish. The link is a description. It'S in the description box down below so be sure to check that out. If you want to see the full details on how I made the lace closure, so this is just like a short clip in this very video. So it's not everything if you want to know everything about making your own lace closure system, etter click the link on the description box, okay, I'm taking this too far, but for real click. The link in the description box. Ok, alright, let's go back to the video okay, once you're done, making the lace closure. The next step is to braid it and make sure it's out of the way so that we have you know it's not on your way. While you try to well sew down the rest of the hair, so that's exactly what I'm just doing just braid braid braid all the way to the tip okay! So now that that is done, the next step is to sew down the hair. So, on the back of the way you can do like the you can do the fold-over method. Okay, you can do the fold-over method on the backbone get into the front of the year of the cap. You want to cut the hair, so if you want to start from one end, all the way to the second end and they cut off the excess weft. So that way it would be bulky. But if you're using a human hair - and you don't feel like cutting the hair, what you're gon na do is to do the foot over method, but in the next clip I'm gon na show you guys how to like how to sew it down. So that way, it's not so bulky, okay, doing the same thing and make sure that the right side of the of the weft is facing up and the wrong side is facing down so right here, if you're doing the fold-over method, so you want to go ahead And do the regular so just tie the knot, so why are you pulling on the trade? With your other hand, you want to use your thumb and press down the spots where you fold over, so why are you putting pulling on the trade at the same time using your thumb to try to hold down down so that we have to lay it flat? I hope this helped guys but yeah. Okay, doing the same thing want to make sure that the wrong side of the head of the weft is facing down which is facing the cap, and the right side of the weft is facing up. Okay, and also when you place in this this part right here and when you place on it done you want to make sure you you place it in a slight and go so now, when you don't saw anything so in that the weft it will cover up The first one on the bottle, you won't see the the kind of blunt straits line going across the forehead, so this kind of helps you cover that up. If you place it in an angle way: okay, okay, we are almost done so. The next step now is to well tie the wig so to do that and went ahead and I'll put on the wig so for the banks right here I make I divide it into two and then cross the crusted over. Take one side cross it over to the wall to the other side, just and hold it together before going ahead, cutting with the scissors, so I make sure to cut it a little bit longer than the length I want for the bangs, because if you cut it So short you'd like stuck with it, so you want to make sure to cut it a little bit longer than the length you want for the banks, and then you can go back and correct the lengths you want for the banks, think that is the safest way To do it so, as you can see right here, I'm just going back in to reduce the length on the bangs just a little bit. Okay. So next, using the measuring tape, you want to go ahead and measure out the lengths you want for the back and next you want to go ahead and pin that pin do the measuring tape to the to the cap. So that way, it won't move while you're trying to measure out the exact length you want so using the rubber band. You want to take the rubber band, wrap it around the the spots where you want the bushes, the lengths where you want the year, the back to be and just wrap it around, remove the measuring tape and go ahead and cut it. So next you want to go ahead and cut both side of the of the wig. So just be careful gently, gentle and kaalia kaalia to the length you want for the in front and the side. Okay. So once that is done, we're gon na add a little bit of a finishing touch to this week. So you're gon na take your flat iron. Okay, before you panic, I promise you, it won't damage. Your wig depends if you use the right sizing, so I've already tried it on this one right here and this here. This is the same here, the same static hair, so I've already tried it on that and it worked so the reason why is because I didn't use full on high heat, so you don't want to use a high heat when it comes to synthetic hair. So you want to set your flat iron into like a low heat or a medium heat, but never never high heat, okay, because that would definitely lets the hair. So you want to set it, so you want to start with a low heat. If that is not going in the hair, then you can increase its own medium. People do not use the high heat. Okay: okay, one more thing: if your flat onion does they have the low medium and high heat setting, what you can do, you can use a hot comb if your hot come have the medium or low high heat. So you want to go ahead and set that into low heat on your hot comb and use the hot using the hot corn we'll go ahead and comb through the hair. Okay, alright guys! This is the end result of the wig. I hope you find this video helpful. If you do, please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and also, if you're new to my channel, please don't forget to hit the subscribe button down below if you already subscribed. Thank you so much for subscribing. Thank you. So much for watching to this video - and I will see you guys in my next one

Shamrah Taylor: Been waiting for this video here for a long time viv!!! Thank you so much for this video u killed it that wig look so gorgeous!! You go girl!!!

Jmac: Thanks for the bang cross over cutting tip.

Nyashadzaishe Chiyaka: Thanks Viv for this!!

Mavis Fiagbe: Beautiful

FRESH LOOK BEAUTY SALON: Well done babe, i have a question to ask you about the bang, you placed the first weft of the synthetic hair the other way round won't that have a kind of bad effect by the time its been trimmed like some synthetic hair will not work

Kayon Mitchell: I wish i knew the amount of hair to fold for ventilating

Aniude Tochukwu: Nice

Aniude Tochukwu: Pls how do i knw how to do the water endowment

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