The Facts! Lemoda 30" Inch Closure Wig|Affordable Aliexpress|Truth About Hair Reviews Not Spons



150 Density, 30 inch, 4x4 Regular Lace

PRICE $136.47 ( Purchased! Not Sponsored )

US $54.17 51% Off | Lemoda Lace Closure Wig Straight Lace Front Human Hair Wigs For Black Women Pre Plucked 4x4 Lace Front Wig

The Truth! 1 Week Update ✨ SUBSCRIBE!

| Hey Gorgeous!

INSTAGRAM : @ceo.micalaha

SONG: prod. Kiddvolcanic “Look At It”

*Yes I make Custom Wigs!!

••• If you want a Closure or Frontal Wig made contact me on any of my Social Media’s!

••• For business inquires such as sponsors or reviews, please feel free to contact my email at: [email protected]


I don’t own copyrights to this music

Age : 19

Height : 5’8


Is if you wan na know about okay, you guys. So this is what the unit looks like straight out of the box. It has four cones in it and I'm just gon na go in and bleach the nuts. I normally don't do this for my soldiers, but since I'm gon na be putting glue on me to install, I just went ahead and didi. This is my first time making my own bass team, so I'm gon na pray - and I do I did use read I so if you guys need a video on how I did ditches. Let me know in the comments and I'll get it down and being that. It'S my first time idea overloading and I went to blow dry you you don't want to go dry if you use a spray because it will turn white. So I need just a couple of times until I got it right in thirty three thirty six dollars and forty-seven see here you can. I, like you, like I've, never had 30 inch is silky styles, it's very big for the land yep, so just watch. My last video, you know that I've been purchasing these please for my home to show you that what's affordable. Thank You Emily. So I might have a ever loan. So, let's right now, this is what I use only you can get it from Sally. It'S just those crayons lobster and flying away. I didn't have a lot that I can use that to be glue, put it on my hand and flatten the mouth, and I get to have more videos like this out, so you can save your coins. Do your hair like simple, easy and go check out my last video of the from tool? We thank you guys so much for a little of make sure to subscribe. Keep the life and call me any questions that you can are any companies that you've been scared to try now and want me to purchase you

Nanette K: Heyy! after few months do you recommend this wig? the quality is still good ?

SERENDIPITY: Heyy this wig looks super nice on you, was it a transparant lace?

douthern's life: Lovely video

Life With Leah: Love this

Zeikaria La’Ashley: Hot mama! Love it

Rodnesha Hilliard: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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