Find Drugs In Abandoned Manor Bar And Grill Venue - Abandoned Places Uk - Abandoned Places

we explore a abandoned bar and grill venue a Grade II listed building closed down 2016 we think, we explore the the amazing hallway with expensive figures and the chandlers left behind also beautiful cellings and we find a old tv hidden away. along with mouldy food left behind. #abandonedplacesuk, #abandonedplaces,

I'Ve just been around guys yeah, you wait until you get into this grand entrance. Oh wow! I wasn't coming here. It'S nicki, minaj, hello, welcome back to this week's video, and this week we are somewhere completely different on this video yeah. So we've come back to um. Another pub, but this time it's a slightly different pub to the last one. I did well whether the video goes or yet or don't know, but um yeah we've come to this soul pool which used to be some kind of a manner house. Uh, correct now think we're in the extension part i'm not too sure, but i think it's massive. I did try and get into a hall earlier on uh, but i've cut myself open scuffed because i couldn't get it so i thought stuff. So we come back here and come to here, but we may do the whole later on. Maybe i don't know it's a bit: quieter. Sorry people! I don't know what's going on with my camera, but it's playing up. So let's go and take a look around this uh amazing pub open. We can get into the manor. Well, hanley god it's a nice pool. This is cool. We still look like a new build pool to me. You know you got like stuck look at that glass. Stone window kids have been in there and smashed it. Well, we can take a look at that anyway, can walk around to eat, but look up here, dale look stuff, only some stairs, so we're going to take a good look around this place because it looks quite large as well may have been funny. Was this some kind of a nightclub? I don't know see what we can find anyway. Let'S have a look around here. First, we need shine yeah. This is, i think it was some kind of nightly. What would you think on the floor? Yeah, we'll take a look around here. First, it's a shine. Look at them windows then. Would they look stunning that one's kind of intact? Oh? How long has this been developed yeah? This is a nine on there from the wall. I can see that it's not unknown. The name i tell your name because that's a b, it's in the plaster work, it's happened birthday it's a bit of a weird one in the poster work it's restrained! Well, we are in amazing state to be honest in a dodgy location as well. Looking in there. Oh wow look at them from windows and it looks originally this place. I think it was a house a hawk what the heck mine living quarter before it was turned into whatever it was a ball. Oh, i don't know. Oh they're, not glass, it's not glass. It'S fake: it's made out of um that corrugated clear plastic, but it looks good though it's good to be coming out chilly. Now, there's your wood pub table. Maybe we've got another one. Then windows up there round one but, as you can see, you've got nice beams on the ceiling. I don't think this place. Oh, that looks. I thought that was the extra room, the back there. It is mirrors. Oh, i thought it was actually. Oh wow look! No wow, that is amazing. All the disco lights and speakers are still here. Is that a proper skyline to see what it's got? Well, it's glass! It'S not fake, because i can see what we all, but i call the lead. It'S still got the uh disco lights in good, nick as well, the kids say smashed them yeah. You believe that i don't know a few people have had a few parties in here. I can see glass chip, wrappers bottles, you name it. So we've got the board over here we're going to take a look at the bar. I don't think there's going to be much left behind behind here, because i don't know. Oh, it's still got yeah. I want to try these. These are new to iceland. Chubby cola spirals, oh god, what have i eat? It'S quite dark in here as well, which how do you get over the bar? I don't know, but the barrels i'm still plumbed into the bumps. Ah, i think i know what this was. This wasn't the main pub this bit. This must have been like a um, a venue thing that you could rent out for like parties and stuff - maybe maybe because looking at that, it didn't look like a proper bar unless it hasn't got a cellar. We'Ve got some beer mats on there reliable and damn tasty. Oh my god is that a wig yeah. Oh, i want to try and get in this bar. Somehow. I think we might have to go around. Let'S go up here. First, what you mean good luck! You know the toilets are like in these abandoned buildings. Yeah, you got a sink there. Random sink, what's been pulled out from somewhere up here. You'Ve got all the cleaning products, cups, juices loads of lemonade. Oh one of them might be cocktail, maybe not sure that could be could be cocktail, but also don't know. What is this scanner? Maybe when do deal comes back in a minute? He'Ll uh tell me what they are. Ah richmond. This was the old cigarette machine. That'S pretty cool yeah. What did what's that? Is that a photocopy you think it's a teal? Oh! Is it a tip? Well god yeah and over here? What'S the use of these for cocktails these bottles yeah? I was van gogh with that cigarette machine. It'S calling it! You don't see cigarettes in there. Oh, my god, you put the money in there as well lumberton butler. How old's that old, because there's a money slot of boy cigarettes and then your charge comes out of there and then your cigarette comes out of there. The cigarette boxes - oh my god, prestige, it's a bit dangerous! Really i mean i mean yeah kids have been in the airport, it's not bad bad, but i think we should add that knife. You know what i mean: if kids see that knife and play around with it. That'S that's a bit of a knife i'll see. Well, this is what i was looking at. Look. Oh, they are full full beer. No wise! I'M gone. Try these! No, the more! The the electric ones are there. This gives us an idea. It says here best before the 23rd of october 2014., so shoes 2014, then imagine tapping and venting now yeah, that's the co2 for the popping stuff in it. I'Ve got the co2 in it no way. Let me know it's full yeah. There'S a gas shortage - oh no, not in here there was a shortage of that as well, not longer down in the pubs. Thank god. If that's still gas. That means you put that in here. That'Ll work and that'll stop pumping guinness. Actually, an electric still working in here. No i'm surprised nobody's been in here, oh cause, i'm traveling. What would this have been down here? Adele yeah before there's still quite a bit of stuff left in here i thought it'd be like you know: here's the cash box. I thought that it'd be trash too well, on our mean trash because, basically looking down there, we just walked through the door and gone in sure we're so lucky. Really we just walked in here. So we'll take a look around the next parts of the uh building. Yeah, i think the electrics have been turned up. Well, i went into like a crevice in this place. Loft up there yeah it's a news, the extension this is caviar, but yeah. I went into a crevice in this place. The actual manners got like an underground crevices bottom floor, but then it got built up it's weird, because those windows and everything yeah, it's very strange and i'm hoping fingers crossed. We can get into that part. Oh wow, look at this. Oh we have things in here. I'Ve got a slur, the show we need yeah. So we have things in here all the teapots glasses to the store room, and this is oh, my god, thick cream in my eyes, looks i've looked at a date on that yeah we'll see what if there's a date, it's got tea bags. That could be anything. There'S some more tills, there's your receipt printer. What would that be for that bottle? Big round thing, but a lot of this stuff still we're trying to get remember on exeter. It'S delish we're nowhere near any of those places yeah like the other end of the country. What dates on there 14 again so yeah this is closed down 2014.. It looks a bit meant to be uh that long, it's not bad in this room. You'Ve got a brand new lamp. There we've got a gassy there's no way. That'S working doesn't know why. Well, i don't know now, that's empty, it works. Never! Oh! So if you plug that in this heater will fire up huh, would you believe that smart, actually i've never seen the heat a lot of welcome to las vegas? Let'S go actually they've been watching the drawers just a few light bulbs. I can't believe there's stuff in here people say these chairs are pretty old as well. What'S that all about, i don't know it's caught onto the next room. Oh wow, look in here dale. It seems every room's got well where's the space room where's. He say that right in front. Oh yeah, okay, we should be well the ceiling's going up there as well. Look. It says there do not remove suspense in here some old ladder. This is the central heating yeah. We'Ve got 20 liters of cooking all there yeah the summit on the floor down there as well balloon gas, it's an old bottle. I don't want to stay in that room, nothing interesting in there. Let'S just get over this clutter. There is another way around there. Of course, there is a way why just climb over it yeah, but there's a better way. Why you're going to miss it? Oh, is that there's a corridor and it's a straight corridor for some doors, i'm guessing that what a wasted place, though, how cool in here to have like a you know, a disco or celebration would have been nice. I like how they've done that with the mirrors up there, because it looks like an another room beyond where we are, but no it's mirrors this place. I thought it was just about the house itself. I didn't think this side this bit was on the end of it. It'S that fake brick, it's real brick. Who is it it's actually real, real sandstone? Hmm! Oh! I don't want to look at toilet steel. What'S it tall, it's bad huh. This is the nappy challenge. Room, it's nothing interesting, toilets to be honest, there's an old cotton reel on the chair, actually that toilet's quite high up just say so, ladies: that is it. This is the baby challenging room. Sorry, brother loft up there. I can't see a switch as well. Oh no! Oh, it smells damp in here, though. Oh no, why kids are? I can't believe that we've got some. I like the little bowls and they're cool someone's left the taps. Out of it, though yeah look at the pop, you even got the hand lotion there. You go. You haven't got the hand lotion antibacterial hand wash. You won't think this was abandoned, that's insane any of the toilets clean. No, why not not what the last places we've been doing the glass? This is be careful. This is a bit bad in it. Oh, i did say, go the way. I was going it's an angle. Let'S keep that open. For me, this is insane with all this glass. Oh we're at the front doors. Are we or something? What'S this all about? Actually, i want to look at this picture now. It'S the front doors to get in. Can you just open the store? This is the front door. I just want to look at this picture on the right. I'M not liking all this glass. Oh look at that. That is amazing. So this is the main entrance to the put your torch down. Sorry, skipping off of shiny i've got to get out of here. The glass is terrible. That is quite nice and you've got one my side as well. I just don't want to get caught, no mate, because this is bad kids. The kids done this actually and these all down the these are from the celery. Something breakfast have the kids done this or is it the people, so they come in and cook themselves? Maybe it seems to be off-white all the glasses. Are there at the front door? Was it in a pint there, egg, shell, okay, the other way, then i'm open fingers crossed again the whole bit. I really really do because that's going to blow them all in the way, even though you've probably already seen it we haven't. Oh, it was a wedding venue makes a lot of sense what that room was down there. Oh, my god, look at all this in here deal, there's all sorts. You got dvds down there. This is the pool, oh cause. It smells like fishy huh. Oh it's awful something steady deal, no spelling! Oh god, i've got no mask. Oh god! It'S in the air thing: oh brolly, oh god, the smells, horrific! I'M sorry! I'Ve got to be silenced. In there. I'Ve got i've got all my nose. You got to belfast stink as well: oh she's, bad something dead. Oh okay, some nuggets! Oh the last place. The last day so did was bad enough. He got all the baking trays pumps, beer, barrels, oh, i can't spend longer there hoover i'll die. If i see something dead on the floor in there oh wow, this is where all the um - oh god, the smell. Oh sorry, people, but you know to smell something like that. It'S just oh guys over! Oh god, it's awful she's coming from in here. I think so, i'm just going to show you around look at that. Oh there's something rotting in here. Oh all the clothes are in there. I think that's a picnic like type of thing or something. Oh, oh god. I know where the smile is coming from. It'S the freezer. I think we might have moldy food in there. Oh god, oh god, yes, people! Oh, that's! Where the fire's coming from oh, my god, i can see bread cubs and, oh, my god, that's all, there's so much rotten in that bag. It'S a freezer full of food, yeah, yeah yeah! It'S not gon na be bad yeah. I'Ve just been around guys yeah! You wait until you get into this grand entrance. Oh wow, it's the right thing. I wasn't coming here, it's mickey mouse! That'S my baggage! Look at all that! Oh, my god! Oh there's! A cake! Let'S get out is that i told ya, i did say, don't come in, oh, why somebody left the freezer bloody open. Oh, oh god he's sick. I need to breathe the people i'll be back in a moment. Oh right, we prepare to go a bit more. Oh wow, look at this room. This is cool all these pictures going across the wall. I'M just going to take a look at this and we have some kind of nice staircase as well. Oh, that's! No! No! Stay! Okay! So i teach the proper one. It'S a wedding venue yeah because there's uh ladies there in the pictures in the wedding outfits and all the cakes this room here behind me. I think this is where the bride, the bride, all the room, would have come yeah the wedding look and sat down. I wonder what these peach, these pictures random, you think of people who got married and had the wedding venue here. It'S all random, pretty cool birthday party, oh god, i can smell that freezer. Listen! I just want to get all right just get in there. There'S nothing in here. This would have been the entrance for the bride and groove and then that's like sit there and wait to be taken through. I oh look at the suppose panel in there. No that's original. It is like um i'll show you about the outside of the building when we leave, but it's quite amazing. It'S no ordinary, like wedding venue, pub thing: it's it's quite nice that is old up there. Of course, a nice room all right, yeah. We have a lot. The draft coming through this uh down here, that's what i'm talking about bringing the smell out the freezer. That'S where they've got all the valuable stuff in there it's a big place. I mean i have seen another set of stairs from where we come in. We'Ve got to check out as well keep our area clear of objects of all times, some of chess, really old, okay, we are going to come in here, yet no, no, because we don't spoil the surprise okay, so you take me where you've just seen, i'm gon Na go down to the main level now when it all begins. Okay, i mean you can tell this has been left a long time. I mean look at the state of the carpet. Here'S where it all begins, it's looking underground. This is a nice surprise, this underground. Okay, this is the old house now, so this would have been like the servant's quarters, i'm guessing i'm guessing the toilets are they're going to be even nicer. Oh, oh god, look at the decay there's holes in the ceiling. That is quite bad. Oh, my god, all the watches fell down in there and the bisons. What'S in a bit of a state, this is so. This is like a uh functioning room, big function, room, oh look at the moles in the damp dance floor over there dj and everything men's toilets. Oh wow, we've got a room here as well. Where do we start another bar? What are them called now? These chairs? Quite nicely, oh, my god. You scared me down to things that aren't. Don'T god make me jump behind. We'Ve got to be we're going to be hive today. What? Oh god, you can tell we're in the cellar strider. Oh we've got some old pictures down here. Just looking on here, some old is that new one 2013. So that's when it was used. 2013 yeah, oh the electric's on in here you're having me on there's no way got the meters on the meter's ready running. There'S all the uh pulls for the cable machine. Yeah coca-cola, so there's an extra coming into the vice pictures, but this is not the cellar look at them all pictures yeah, they've, converted the celery into like an extra bar in that it must have did well yeah with the uh parties, weddings birthdays. You know celebrations all sorts, really it's been down here for some years football, all the glasses there just cluttered up the side. Was it 2014. yeah? I think it was about 25.. We did say that this price has been abandoned since 2014.. You can tell that i mean look at the state of it. Look at the beer, it's like the old, strong there's, a full corona there. Oh, not corona, some kind of beer, somebody's pulled. Hmm, i mean the ball's all rotted. So but don't forget! This is a center part. It'S gon na rot more yeah, it's cold, so there's a cold damp, moldy, quite cool, though even the till. Still here, that's cool. I like these little glasses, some shot, glasses, quite cool, come in just neatly, stacked still to the style. They'Re. Still fresh, i mean that one god, that's monk, must have had coke in it fresh calling glasses yeah got all the pools. I can't believe it in here to be honest, all down there as well yeah turkey machine, it's just mad. This is all expected. Normally, i really will, and even you got the copperberg mat and you've got the ice scoop in there. Everything just left the way it was amazing, oh wow, so all the tables are here all the chairs. Even the tv tell you what, though it was a big bloody seller. I know yeah, it was the seller, because this now it explains that bit i walked around earlier on. It was like those windows, but this was it yeah, so that would have been the first well the bottom ground floor of it originally yeah there. You have wedding photos on there again. You'Ve even got the cameras on the wall when it was running this any things at the back of there, no dji stuff that would have took that out, not necessarily the tv still standing, but it is an old one. Yeah look again christmas party 2014 can't show you no, no, don't give the location out yeah, god no way. Oh, that's just wrong deal, nelly's trading, that what is it dog? Is it human? Not you? Yes, that's just wrong! Oh god, looking in here, look at the mold now why it's an old kitchen - oh my that's insane mold, that is the cash too, who sold gloves, could do with them or nothing in here going for the next level. I bet this would be the living quarters money somewhere. You still lived in here. No, it goes up again. How big is this place? Do you not obstruct this passageway? Well, it's obstructed now. Look at all this slot. That'S going back, that's going back to where we've just come from another lamp there as well, but that lamps never been used. Have we been down there? Yes, you can go back to where we come from stairs. So that looks like moldy bread. It'S not moldy. Bread is it his foam in it. There come on. No, oh wow. Look at these people, oh god, how grand is that it did kids, learn to put the tall screw the roof. That is beautiful. Oh wow! Look at this! Oh! This is amazing. This was one hell of a brand building. Oh look at the features up there. Look at that. I didn't expect this god look at the chandelier and he's still standing in one piece. Look at the doors. This is nice. This is so nice, so we stand currently standing in the main entrance where you would have come in and look at the floor. Look at the detailing flooring now. This is original. How many was a manta rays and take a look at these and that's amazing pop a stone stone? It'S the kind of thing you have in a state. You know a stately estate and things like that. Look at this look at that. Oh nice and then you've got that grand staircase look at the mine entrance. Oh oh wow never saw that. Look up there look at the detail on the walls. I mean ceiling the coats of arms in them. I windows the can't get the proper lighting there. We go ah showing the roofs going up there, though. That is a shame i mean i do like this light. That'S amazing alone. You'Ve got all the outdoor brothers stacked up there and an old cupboard. Oh, it's just wow bar deals: smith, 2.20, god that was cheap for a point calling 2 pounds. 70. I mean i'm talking a long one in there for a point to be a. You know: four five pound. Yes uh! You can tell it's been going back a while, ah look at all the eyes to shine them. I'Ve been smashed up there as well. Oh wow, look at this look at this for the window. That is such amazing look at these old candlesticks. They were beautiful. Is it metal yeah, you see the old candle wax. This is the tiles are just literally coming off the roof or whether kids have been up there through the tiles for the just take a look in here and then we'll go around by the bard area. This looks like a bit of a children's park or something oh wow. Look at the ceiling in here. It'S got patterns still got the shoulders. Oh wow, some reason i'm having trouble with the lights in here. I don't know why them are they're original. Oh look at that part over there. I know i think, that's built because oh look at the pine pill as well. Originally that roof wouldn't have been black, no they've just painted it black, which has ruined it, but at least the features are still no. No. What a shame, what a waste but then again there's that many wedding venues just left abandoned like this now, because you know people haven't, got the money for weddings like this and knowing places don't like this anymore, it's the cost of living. Oh no! Oh! No! Oh you, i can smell it. Oh there's brown sauce everywhere. Oh it's been all over the webs. Oh god, there's a kitchen: oh no, no i've, but we've got rotten food again. Kids have literally thrown brown sauce everywhere. It'S everywhere. Oh my gosh. I'Ve just got tubs of brown sauce. There'S just no need for that. He'S done. You know what i mean. I mean they've been smashing all sorts up here, but at least you know it's a shame if they smash all these nice features. Look if this ends up like that last store. We'Ve done like you know that one would be a shame. Oh god, we've got red sauce here on the floor. Oh look at that. That window is stunning, absolutely stunning what we've been doing with the salt? Oh god, there's another sauce open down there, actually there's a big footprint there with it yeah tomato sauce. Oh this is an old kitchen. It'S all like doubles itself, god them pet pans. There they've seen a bit of food at night how black they are. Could they rusty have been used to be 2014 again? Yeah, that's uh! Well, if you've got a date well, it's really all cooked all the food yeah, so it must have been like a house um. Let'S go and look at the bar. What'S that red sauce? Oh god, don't a skiddy in that be a ripe mess, there's a menu on the floor here. What'S that with the name of the place on it, um yeah, look at the promises as well, we'll bring it over. This isn't just toilets. Oh no. I'Ve tried in that sauce, i think steak. Grilled tomatoes filled mushrooms, choice of chips or mashed potatoes at 12., mashed potatoes. Oh no, you know. I have mashed potatoes steak 12, pound 50. 12.90. That would have been the price. Then money. I mean you're talking how much you're doing oh yeah one course 7.95 two course 995 and a three course tenner. Oh bad, no bad standing here, look at the skylight beautiful and then the light fittings doing around the edges of them. We'Ll get up there. In a moment oh cause, i got ta try and tread over here to have a look beyond the bar there's all sorts just literally everywhere. Actually it's got christmas bells up there so much to shut down at christmastime, one of the smaller logs yeah. Oh wow, look at. I want to this if we can get up there later on, but it's got like the leafy decals going around the ceiling. Look at that that is nice, just love architecture in buildings like this, i just love seeing it. It'S amazing shoe on there that was mint. There'S no head they've cut their head out. Oh god, you got ta laugh at some things, yeah it's every christmas. Is christmas! Teddy bear look, my god another room. No! These haven't been touched in here. To be honest, just like you know the cleaning and things are down the glasses and yes, the cleaning room. There'S cleaners creamy stuff down there, huh there's a nice crusher up there as well. These are nice looking knees. I'M me to you just on the floor. Yeah. So this closed down into christmas time - i don't like them, i don't get where we are. You won't think this would be here. No, we wouldn't do it on the ceiling again up there on this room. It'S lovely architecture i mean really. This should be turned back to a home. I think places like this, oh because i'm falling over that. Actually, that is brand new. It'S never been used watch it. You can buy glasses on the floor as well. I believe this place has been abandoned and they've done. Nothing with it and if you look out the wind where you can't see, but if you look where we are, you would not believe all right. Look at that chair. It'S a bit of a never seen a chair with them on the ends before big rooms. Yeah nice big bar, i found an old telly. I don't know if any exporters found this, but i tell you what i've got a good spot. There'S this picture. Look no face face. Piano'S still working here. Look now why oh wow, that's cool that is old, old school. I wonder if i could take a look and get up on here. That is amazing. Can you get the that you sold yeah? You are a patch of the camera, while you're up there that he's cool. What do we call leave that what's up doing up here? You know these ceilings papered well, papered just noticed, because that is cool down there. Oh got my shoes been used to be. Oh no look there's stuff inside the ship. Oh, is it brown souls? Look i've just noticed beyond the bar. Oh god, it's a proper one as well. It'S a paper kettle, that's cool and me amazing. I say you've got to take a really good looking places because you can just easily miss things. So quick and you know we always take a good look around places. Look at the detail up there, stunning this bit of weird artwork. You got this where's the head. I can't see the sense in this: can you don't like that, and it is plastic, got a bottle. The champagne? Actually it's unopened too by the looks of it, laurent pereira, champagne, i don't think he's. Oh, it has been opened. I think, take a look yeah. It'S been opened, i think it's empty, oh yeah, pair of bellows, though look at the stairs the grand staircase. This is nice. Imagine what it was like when it was actually a house. No, no! It was very grand back in the day. Look at this. We just start the cars. Okay, i'm in a bit of a really rough area. To be honest, oh wow, look at them. Look at them lights, i'm not getting the perfect light for some reason. So i'll do it. When i look at that look at the mirror, it looks like it's extended again: oh, that's cool cool effect. Look at the pine peel up there as well. I mean the color of it. Looks like it's been smoked on loads. This is going to be a long. Video, oh wow, look at these for basins. These are nice, nice, bisons! Didn'T i, oh god a wig and somebody's done something in there. Let'S go out, don't scare me, i do like them lights. Oh, very nice. There'S a good view of the skylight try and take a closer look at that. I really like that. That is very unusual stunning place how many balls was living here. I'Ve got to watch that the nines on the uh huh another christmas teddy bear drunk paraphernalia, where okay i've been having the party neighbor looks of it. Then again, this could have been left like this from my last party in the building think about it. They want to clean the mess up if it just shut down. No, it won't make any sense. So this is from the last party got signs of uh looks like somebody's starting trying to fire things up there. Well, it looks a bit to me: we've got even more things in here. It'S a problem. Look at brolly, i think we'll film, the rooms that we're filming and then we'll get out of here. We'Ve got a lot of locations today, yeah we have, but we have got stuff in here. We got all sorts of bits and bobs. Oh wow. This is full. Oh, my god, nice forks till row rolls that's old, yeah, that's old! This is the monitor. Yeah. I'Ve got that tails and he's over there there's all sorts. It'S just full. Oh, i bet yeah those bugs well hello. I bet it them the candles what they would have been on. The tables look um the tea light in there, god. How many tills is there is another one. Over there, we've got muffs really come out of that free view box. Then oh, nothing of interest in here really that must have been the old uniforms as well in that box, old, shirts and stuff. It'S just all junk. In it, a lot of these wigs are baked there's another one here. Oh actually look at the wall, there's poo! That'S what i'm saying yeah we had bird poo up there as well. That'S probably what i heard i heard like a screech like i can't don't know. Oh yeah, look at the floors full of it full of birds. Yeah the beds have been in, don't forget, well, watch this hole, yeah there's another floor, another we haven't finished you're. Joking heavy! Does this place? Oh that's! Going down to the main stairwell watch that yeah where's this going. Oh, what was that space this place is awesome. Actually the carpet's been ripped up. I don't know i'm guessing. This would have been the living quarters. Yeah they've been enough to cop it up here. All right, all the floorboards are being taken off, so one be long before they start on the downstairs by the looks of it. There'S a part i'm gon na find i need to get around a little mooch. Oh, oh, this is storage room. This is storage, room, good old christmas gear up it's here, all mistletoe bulb bubbles, quilts all sorts of junk. In there yeah. This has been lovely for a bedroom light. Look at the decay, though it's so bad, the ceiling's coming through and everything yes have. You noticed something: birds, birds, yeah, there's also rats in here as well. That'S what we are, i think, that's rapport that was an ice cream today. I know shama can't take a look out there. Well, actually, i think i can look at something all the fireplaces have been took out. That'S all i'm giving just bit of a housing, few old doors and actually that's a very, very old mirror as well. It'S worn you can hear the wind coming through. There is a nest i like that you can use them for gardening, oh yeah, barrel barrels, yeah, more storage, look at the pictures as well paints, small vinyl, emulsion down there pictures there's quite a bit of stuff in here fish tank. Bumper! No! Oh! Look at this man with his uh camera pretty little photo. I don't know who he is some photos down here as well yeah. This is the top of it. Is it there's no signs they used to live up? Here, though, i think they just didn't use it to be honest up here. This is the top of the skylight. Oh wow, look at that straight down, see. If i can, i can't get. I can't get it in the torches doing nothing. Basically, if you look see what the kids have done, they've just where they've got them tongues from oh cause, they said that's the table. Look at all the bird poo, oh my god. I should watch the floors up here. This has been left like this. For some time this house and look what they've done as well and gone where's all that what the wire is coming all down there just slide it over there over the skylight. Why an original skylight, though i think it's like a glass, i think it might be! Oh yeah, i've smoked a chair on there, ridiculous in it. How long's that chair been up here, look at the state of it. Actually, what is in there? I can see something old in there. What are they? What are in these just the water, the water? These are the water, oh, it's the loft space. What am i doing in there? It'S just the water, oh, is it water yeah some tanks over there and you can see the original design there and that's the landing there's my skylight then so you can see that showing that is original in it. Yep wow, this building's sad, sad, sad. It needs saving. I haven't seen them myself. Look the webs, oh yeah. We saw somebody whistling outside. I think that's it we'll go back down right, so we're going to work our way out of this place now uh what an amazing place. I wasn't expecting it to be this good full of this much stuff inside the the grunt staircase and that skylight is unbelievable. The main entrance for all that detail and the statues and that unbelievable. But we're going to call this one to an end now, because we've got some more locations to go to. I hope you've enjoyed this video stay tuned for more videos, so come in and also don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell notification icon to keep notified new video every week, uploaded so be sure to check us out. So until next time, herbex adventures out and i'll see you soon,

Julie Walls: Great explore guys, you could just imagine the people who used to live there two hundred years ago with their staff xx

Tomski: Was looking for a farm when title says drugs

Jonathan Hodges: The detail in the crown moulding along the ceiling by the bar and entry/foyer is amazing. (48:10). I'm amazed that a large portion of the leaded glass is still intact. Truly magnificent. That place seemed to go on forever.

Jim's Modern Life: Good video, that freezer of food must have been bad, amazed the place not vandalized more than what is was

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