Alipearl 30 Inch 5X5 Closure Wig Unboxing & Initial Review #Alipearlhair #Closurewig

link to wig:

wig specs: 30 inches, 200% density, HD lace

hair dye used: adore dye in off black

this video is not sponsored, i purchased this wig with my own money!

Hey y'all, so i'm back with another video um. This one is going to be a wig unboxing and i am very very happy that this wig is here um. Let me just give y'all a little backstory about what happened. So i ordered this wig last week. Let'S see um, i ordered this wig on december 29th. Today is january 11th, and i am just now getting it and fedex said that it was delivered on the 6th so last week and it was nowhere to be found. It was not outside of my apartment, it was not outside of my door. I just was not understanding like where my wig was at so i reached out to the company. The wig is from ali pearl and, like told them like they said, my wig was delivered. I don't know where it is, they said they delivered it, so they should have to reach out to y'all. Now they were, they like didn't know where it was either, and i guess, like the company, has to wait until, like the shipping company or whatever like closes the case like for you to get a refund or like get a new wig. So i was just stressed because my founder's day this weekend, i really needed this hair. But today, when i got home, it was at my door, so i don't know what fedex did, but my wig was missing for a week, but now it's here so anyway, since the wig is here, i just want to unbox it for y'all, which is why i Have a hoodie on because i have on a wig cap and nothing else and my head is cold, so just came in regular bedding packaging um, ally pearl is an aliexpress company um, but they also have their own website. I ordered this week off of their website. Uh i have had a wig from alipro before and i really liked it um. It was like last year and i think i lost the wig like when i moved, but it was. It was nice there too. So it comes in this pink bag. It says: ally, pearl, says, 100 unprocessed human hair. I like, when wigs come in these bags, because it's good for storage and there's nothing else in there so see what they sent. So in here you have okay, this is nice. You have an edge brush, not max. I just bought one of these today um the elastic like to tie down your edges, or you can use this um as an elastic band to put in your wig. You know like this way if you want some extra security, so that's nice, um pack, a wig caps. It'S nice too, can never have too many wig caps, and then they sent this care booklet that has their contact information as well on the back. So it's pretty nice brochures, nice heavy, like cardstock, um and then finally, this is the wig. So obviously it's body wave and it is supposedly hd lace. We will see about that um, it's 30 inches and 200 density. They offer 180 density 200 and 250. I almost always go with 200, just because i don't like my hair, like overly full, but 180 just sometimes looks a little thin, so um price wise. Like i said i bought this wig like two weeks ago. It was five hundred dollars. I don't know how i feel about that, like the cost of hair is just like gone up like too high for my liking um, but i guess that's decent for like like normal for a week, this long. So it's five 500 um. I did use a discount code that gave me 30 off so total with the insurance for lost package. I paid 486.29, like i said, i'm used to like back in the day. You know like 10 years ago. My hair was much cheaper than it is now, but i know it's not like that anymore. So this is the wig. Now i will, let me take the net off. It is like a natural brown color. It'S really soft job like it feels really good. You see these ends are very, very full. I think it is true. Oh my god, it's true to density. It'S very bouncy, like i said. The hair feels really good, i'm running my fingers through it and i'm not getting any shedding. It is very much, though, like i said that natural brown color, i might dye it like off black, but it looks good the lace. I don't know if they said it's pre-plucked, but it's not um, but it's not super dense lace. This is what it looks like um lace seems pretty thin, i'm not too sure if it's it's not focusing that well, but if it's hd or not, but it looks good. So this is a 5x5 closure, wig um, so you have a good amount of parting space in the wig and then it has like these little baby hairs. Already there um in terms of cap construction. It has two columns here at the front one in the back and then it has these straps the adjustable straps. So i'm going to go ahead and try this on right. Now, i'm probably not going to install this wig until friday, um just because, like i said it is founders day this weekend, so my hair to be fresh, but i will go ahead and slap this puppy on. So i got a medium cap size and my head is kind of big, but it fits like perfectly honestly like there's some room in there. I probably could have got a small, but this feels comfortable. The wig lays pretty flat, so that is good. Obviously this is no styling or anything. So, let's see about the length stand up. Okay, so this is where the wig is hitting me, and i am five five. So it appears to be true to length it's. I should not have one all black um, but it's a little bit past my hip bone. If i put it to the back, let's see yeah, it's like right in my butt, so i think it's like right there, my butt crack so that that's true the length um 30 inch like i said i am five five, so so yeah. I just kind of want to do this initial unboxing, so y'all can see what the hair looks like straight out: the packaging and um hair in my mouth um, and i will come back once once once i get the wig installed on my head. So y'all can see what it looks like styled and plugged and everything so. Okay, so yeah, i'm about to um, get my hair braided down and install this wig. I did end up dyeing it black um like off black, so it took the color very well. I used the watercolor method and the wave did obviously drop um a tad bit, but it did not drop too much and then i just uh washed and conditioned it, and it's still very soft and has bodies. So i'm gon na go ahead and get this installed and come back and show y'all what it is. Looking like all right, so i have the hair in y'all. Finally, it looks so good um, it's so soft, like you can brush right through it um, and this is how the color came out. I will leave the dye that i used um in the description box. It'S just some um adore hair dye, but i think the black really brings out the shine, but you can see it's very soft, i'm not getting any tangling at all. I will show y'all how long it comes down, so it is definitely true to length. Um comes past, my hip, and i am five five and then in the back. It hits right, above my butt, with the curl and like right in my butt. That sounds weird but like right, like on my butt um, it's fully stretched out. The ends are really full um. They don't look scraggly or anything like that. So that's good, like i said this week is 200 density. So i think it's like the perfect density. If you want your hair to be full, but you don't want it like super big um, i would say, though, if i was going any longer than 30 inches, i would probably go for 250 just because we all know longer hair the longer the hair, the thinner, The wig or the thinner, the bundles or whatever um - and this is a 5x5 closure wig. So this is how far the parting goes back um. It has really nice parting space and then the closure goes all the way like right here. So you could do a side part if you wanted to, but i am kind of like wedded to middle parts, so yeah i just want to show y'all what it looks like um, like i said, no shedding the knots, bleached well, um and so far so good. So this is my initial review of this alley. Pearl uh body wave unit and like the hair is really silky like it feels really good. So i am very impressed um with this unit. So far, so i will leave the link to the unit and to ally pro's website in the description as well as, like, i said, the hair color that i used. It'S not like a jet black, but i think the color, the adore color is actually called off black. It'S like it's dark enough where it gives it that nice, like shine like oh, like that hair, it's black, but it's not like super stark, um black, because i'm not really used to wearing black hair. So, yes, i will leave everything in the description box and make sure y'all like comment and subscribe, and i will be back soon. Thank you for watching you

Asata Toure: I ordered from this company twice and they sent be bad hair both times. It was never true to length and had lots of flyaways. Thankfully the first time was with Amazon. This second time I ordered through their site and they blocked my email. The customer service person was so rude. I’m currently disputing with Klarna . If you’re not an influencer save you money and yourself a headache

Rika Brooks: Hi there! This unit looks really great on you. Would you mind posting the link to the unit again? The one in the description doesn’t seem to work.

Juliana xo: So cute!

Trisha Deniese: I would add 2 more bundles.. it looks thin

ExistenceIsPain: Having the same issue with them now. But your hair is very nice

The one: The hair is very beautiful but that line of demarcation is killing me I hate that. It makes the whole thing ugly.

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