Baby Fine Hair Or Not..... This Hair Tool Will Add Volume To Your Hair Girl!

  • Posted on 04 September, 2022
  • Closure Wig
  • By Anonymous

Best Hair Tool I've Ever Used For My Baby Fine HAIR!!

Please S U B S C R I B E, L I K E & S H A R E!!

This Blow Out Brush is amazing and LOVED the way it worked so well with my baby fine thin straight HAIR! I couldn't believe the VOLUME it gave me and believe me I have used just about every styling tool there is!!!! Today I'm excited to do this review for you on this product and see just how awesome it is at helping you achieve the fullness and volume you will love! Plus, I will show you the products I use before I dry my hot mess thin HAIR!

Please CHECK OUT this fabulous product and see what it can do for your Hair Too!


40% TYMO WEBSITE DISCOUNT CODE: YM40(2022/9/5-2022/9/12)



Products Used:

Caviar Anti-Aging Replenishing Moisture Shampoo:

Caviar Anti-Aging Replenishing Moisture Conditioner:

Caviar Anti-Aging Priming Leave-In Conditioner:

They didn't have the mask one, so here is an alternative one:

Caviar Anti-Aging Restructuring Bond Repair 3-in-1 Sealing Serum:

Caviar Anti-Aging Priming Leave-In Conditioner:

L'ange Thick It Cream:

L'ange Posh Hair Polish:

Big Sexy Hair Spray & Play Volumizing Hairspray

Item 2558477:

Please S U B S C R I B E, L I K E & S H A R E!!

Check out all of my fabulous Youniaue products:

Here is my tutorial from Ladies Night! We had a great time! https:

Nikkie Tutorial:

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Hey this is slapout lash girl, melissa and welcome back to my channel today we're talking about hair. If you have baby fine hair girl, you need to watch this whole entire thing and see how i get this fluffiness in my hair. I have stick straight baby, fine hair, it is touchable i'll show you all the products that i use. I'M going to show you too how to dry your hair with a very special uh tool, and you will love that too, and yes, it's from tymo, they sent me this and i'm so excited to share it with you. I'Ve also liked their airflow curling iron. That'S another plus i'll be showing you that as well at the end, so stick around hang out with me just a little bit and watch how i transform my hair from what you'll see to the end. Okay, so keep watching alrighty. My hair is washed and i haven't taken it down. I haven't put any of my products in it yet that i use before i dry my hair. Now we are going to use this today. This thing is fabulous. It'S a volumizer, hair, dryer thing from tymo. It'S a hot air brush and i really do like it. I'Ve tried others um one. I have is round um and i don't really like that one, but this one this one is oblong shaped. You know it's not like super round, so it works really well. It has two settings, so we are going to volumize up my hair, but first we're going to put all of my good stuff that i put in my hair, and i want to show you too what i wash my hair with, because if you have baby fine Hair, this is for you, this is for you, volume and all the good products that i put in my hair. So i might as well show you what i use and then we're going to use this in the end. So for those of you who have baby fine, hair um don't be intimidated when something says: replenishing, moisture, okay, these are from alterna. I love these. I get them at ulta and i get the uh replenishing moisture, that's what you want and then one of them is the conditioner, and one of them is the shampoo okay love these love these and about once a week. I will do this one. This is the caviar anti-aging bond repair and it's also by alterna. I love this. So these things right here is what really makes my hair like perfect. So when i go to blow dry it i'm not having all that breakage. You know what i'm saying: baby: fine hair, that's what usually winds up. You know when you get through with trying to dry your hair, you have your brush and then it has a gazillion like this hairs in it. You know i'm saying look at that, so this is a better alternative to me, because you're drying your hair, it's much easier on your hair than just doing that and holding it so and then i'm going to use a couple of more products, um that i use Right before i blow dry, my hair okay, look at this mess of a hair. Now i have had it cut and i have had it colored recently um. I have noticed lately. You know my hair has kind of thinned out a little bit, but you know i'll be 60 this month. I'M a little scared of that, but you know it is what it is right. So let me show you what i put if you've got baby fine see my. I have really baby fine hair. This kind of hair, like you, can see through it. Okay, my mother, had really thick hair and i didn't get that my brother's got it. I wonder why, because they didn't even comb their hair, just wasn't fair to me all right. So what i use is uh i like to use this leave-in conditioner it's by alternate, also it's moisturizing. So what i do is i go ahead and spray that around and then i just take my hands and kind of you know go through it like that for the volume, especially for the volume up here at the top. All right do like that. Put that on first and then comb through it: okay, cold. I like big, wide combs. I'Ve had this comb for 20 years. I know it. I know it look at it, it's worn and torn, but it still works and i'm not going to give it up now. I have lost it a couple of times and then i found it and i was so happy because these are hard to find now i can't find them, they always have handles on them, and i don't like the handles, but this product here these products are really Nice, i love them um, the time i'll, do send this to me and for me to try. I'Ve also tried another product of theirs, which i really love too um. It is the the one i have a video on it. It'S the one with the curling iron thing: oh girl, you got baby fine hair. You need to get that one too, because that one, you can curl your hair and it has a cooling around it and when you you go in and you turn it and you leave it, for you know count about three or four seconds, and then you let It go your hair's curled and it stays that way. Oh even for baby, fine hair like ours. If you've got that, if you have great hair, then it will be great for you too so now. The next thing i always put in is thicket cream. This is lounge, i i don't do anything for lounge, i don't you know i just like their product. I like these two products i'm going to use, so this is thicket. You'Ve got baby, fine hair, you don't need very much, you see and you take it, and i only put this like right in the top of my head. So i go underneath and through the top like that right just around the crown, because that's where we want the lift right, that's where we want it and then i'll come through it again, comb it again, okay, and then i like to put on this posh hair. This is like hair polish, this really kind of smooths your hair out, especially when you're going to do the blow drying and stuff like that. It you don't have you have those flyaway, frizzy kind of things? Well, this prevents that and it works well for me and look you only use just a little bit put it in your fingers and just kind of run it through your hair. I don't put it on top. I run it through the baby, fine parts of my hair, where i could wind up having the frizzies. You know what i'm talking about when you have baby fine hair. So but this hair dryer is wonderful for our type of hair. So if you've got it doesn't matter if you've got thick, hair you'd love it too, but i have really really super fine hair. I mean you can like see through it. Look at that it is, and i've had it like this and when you color it you know it does give you a little bit more volume but um styling. It is another thing. So, let's get started with this, i don't have any makeup on. In the end i will have makeup on, i won't be scaring you to death, so let's get at it all right. So let's talk about this just a minute. This is the product. I love it, it's so pretty it's pink and but it is not shaped. You can see that now it's not shaped um like it's like oblong, it's not round, which i kind of like i like the shape of it, and it has these settings down here so you're gon na have um you're gon na have a high setting like this Right then, you're going to have a lower setting and the heat comes out all the way around here and then you're going to have another setting, and this is hot, with a lot of heat. So i wouldn't use the hive with a lot of heat on my hair at all. I say i stay right up here in the where it's you know just really slowly flowing through. If you got really thick hair use the use the big wide open one. I can't do that uh, my hair is going to dry so fast, it's already drying. So let's get at this - and i don't know if i need to talk through this or not, but i might try to say a few things, but just kind of hang with me and i'll probably speed this part up. Okay, if it gets too much. I always start on the low, because that's just the way i like to jam and you're just going to turn this really slowly. You see that and you want to maybe stitch your hair off. I just put mine over like that. You can use clips if you want to i'm going to section this off and i'm going to start at the bottom, and i work my way up and that that just gives you the fullness all the way around. So look how great that dries. Your hair, of course, my hair, is going to dry very quickly, um because it is baby finally see how smooth it is. I'M above that and i'm gon na get it in the back back here. I just got my hair cut to cut it more like in a little bob type thing. This is good for my baby. Fun, hair love, my hair, i'm glad i have her all right turn it really slow and then bring it down. Oh look. I love how it smooths out the hair and it dries it so quickly. Look at that don't even have to use a flat iron. I like that too. I do not like putting the flat iron hot flat irons on my hair. I do like curling it, though so i've been trying to do a good regimen with my hair and not like wash it every day, which is really hard for vapefine girl, hair people. You know what i'm talking about you go and you you put products on your hair and it weighs it all down, but the products i've been using right. This is great too just kind of hold it and pull it out. Oh, i love it. I love how it straightens my hair. I like that part. I love that just do it in sections and i'm not like a hairdresser or anything like that. I'M just your regular old girl from a little town in alabama, yeah, and but i do love good products, and this is one of them. I, like i, love how it looks in here and get back. I got a flat spot. You might too in the back of your head, so i really have to concentrate on that area. That'S one area that i kind of let it sit for a few minutes, because i really would like the lift right there in the crown. Otherwise, it's just gon na, be, you know a mess. So i really just i love this. Look. How easy it is! You just grab it and go with it girl, i'm at the top. Now like i said it doesn't take long to dry. My hair i'm gon na, let this fix it just a second look at that and then i'm gon na come here because i like this part to go to this direction. Yeah can i hold it and just kind of pull it out. Look at that! Oh girl. I'M going to turn it down now, because i i do like bangs okay, i, like my bangs, i like my bangs to use and if you want to you, can always put in some velcro rollers. I do that on occasion here in alabama. It'S really humid. So sometimes you might need a little extra. You know i have to do a little extra some days and i will um but i'll show you how i do my my velcro rollers. I will put those in, but look at that. Look how fast it dries. My hair, i still got some right here. I need to do y'all close your eyes when you do that again, i kind of visualize the back of my head. So let's see what she's like okay, let's comb through it. Oh it's so soft! I love this. Look at that, no flyweights! That'S what i love! No flyaways! Look at that! Ah, yes, so when the baby find hair, it's so hard to um find the right things to do for your hair, but i have found these products. This is wonderful too. It dries your hair, you see how quick my hair dry look at that and you know i don't. I know i don't have a lot of hair, but it dried very quickly. It'S it's nice and smooth the way i like it. So if you want to wear it in a bob, you can wear it just like this. I could put some hairspray in this and just go. That'S what i love about it so, but i am going to put the velcro rollers in and we're going to let it get real poofy okay. Here we are my granddaughter calls me alligator when i do my hair, like this kind of, does look like an alligator on top, but this right here i love it. Look at that how it does and smooths that out right there. I can't get that with a brush like this. I just can't it's round. This is oblong. There is a big difference to me. It is if you have baby fine hair like me, and you struggle all the time to get it to do whatever i love this now i do um use a little hairspray, not much big, sexy spray and play. I don't use the spray and play harder, because that is too too much for my hair can't do it can't do it now, as this dries i'm going to do my my makeup and i'll, let it stay the whole time. I do my makeup and then we'll come back and we'll take them down and we will see how fabulous is it gon na? Be yes, look at that, i'm ready for it. I love it. It'S some humidity here today and listen. This really helps here in alabama. The humidity it sucks because you can fix your hair, you have baby fine air and it's gon na go flat. Now with this, i find it doesn't. So that's a plus two. So if you live in a humidity type area like i do, you might wan na think about getting this, because this is really nice for our baby, fine, hair, anybody's hair, it doesn't matter, it really does a great job. Ta-Da makeup's done. Okay. So now we're going to take out the velcro rollers, so i always start at the bottom. Yes, and then you just lay them to the side and then i'll come here and kind of pull those out and you don't really pull them a whole lot. I don't have, i wouldn't recommend spraying your hair and then rolling these up, because you could pull some of your hair could break it, especially if you have baby fine, hair like mine and we're just going to take this down. These are bigger rollers on the top. I did order these off of amazon. They got a little metal in them, so you know, if you want to get some, you can get some, and here we go. I look like an alligator, like my granddaughter says, and then we're going to pull this one out and look at all the lift i have on the top of my head. Now the hairdryer was wonderful, it did its thing. It got everything going in the right direction. It dried it very quickly. You saw that now. I, the two items that i use to do my hair are a pick and a comb, and that's it. I don't use brushes and then, of course, you're going to use big sexy spray and plate. Okay, i don't use frame play harder, so basically, i can kind of fluff this out with my hands and look at my hair. Look at this. Oh, my goodness, talk about fullness talk about fullness now. This is what i will typically do. I um before i start combing it and stuff i'll do a light, little dusting of the hairspray and let it sit okay, so that gets the poofiness still there isn't that pretty i love it when good things come together. I love my hair fluffy. I do. I love it fluffy now i'm going to let it set just to oh, i may be about five minutes and i'm not going to mess with it. You know it's kind of like when you take hot rollers out. You got to leave them just for a little bit and then you come back and we'll finish, fixing this hair all right. So i got to thinking. Let me show you this other product by timo i've used this before i had. I think i did a video on this already, but this is their time. Oh, this is their airflow. It also has a little air holes. You see them around there and see. That is a straightener and you can curl your hair with this amazing. If you got baby fine hair, you need this, you need this. You need this now. This is what i use on my second day hair. When i go to curl it um. I use this girl, it just puts the curls in i fluff them out and and i'm good to go it's going to set your curls believe it or not. You got baby fine hair. You need to invest in this one too, and i do like the hair dryer, the airflow hair dryer too. So all right, let's get down to this hair. Let'S finish it out. I just wanted to show you that, because that is one of my favorite products. It was the first product that i tried uh from time o and i loved it. It'S been one of my favorites. I can never get my hair to curl ever and this. That was the first um, the very first product that i've ever used. That gave me that it gave me the curl i wanted and lasting curls. So if you have baby fine hair, i would say - and it doesn't matter what kind of hair you have but baby fine. Really, when you don't really have um, you know the ability to keep the curls there, then that i would recommend it. So i'm just going to pretend i can see the back of my head close your eyes. Girl close your eyes. No, i'm not gon na sing for you, okay, love it. It is so perfect and today is a rainy day, and so i'm gon na have to really. I don't want my hair getting wet. It'S not gon na, be pretty here uh this weekend at all. So, let's, let's get this done, see i like to play with the top a little bit. So what i'm going to do is go ahead and sit back and spray it, especially on the top and around, and you know if i was in the bathroom, i would have my mirror in my little hand, mirror, and i could turn around and look at the Back so i'll do that you know when i get in uh done with this, because it's hard for me to. I can't see the back of it anyway. I'Ll have a mirror where i am out here so you're, just gon na have to pair with me. Look at that. I love it. Absolutely love! Love love it. Of course. You know the hair products you use are a number one thing too, but when you you're styling tools, you need to you need to find something good for your hair too. So i love these and i will continue to use these pretty much. I use them every day. I do i use one or the other every day, so i like it, i like it alright. So what do you think? What do you think all right? This is one tip you can do if you got baby fun here lean over hold it out, like that. I know it's crazy, but it works, and it will give you a little more fullness see that do the same thing over here. I got lots of tips and tricks, don't i have to play with my hair quite a bit to get it to do what i want it to do. There we go now. I am ready to face today. Oh, my goodness, all right, so i want you to promise me that you will take a look at this and at least think about it, because this is a fabulous product. You saw dried, my hair so quickly and then you've got the other item that curls your hair. So i can get three days now three days of not washing my hair using these products and stuff so y'all give it a hand. It turned out really good. All right, thank you for watching. Please subscribe and click that notification bell. I'M here on sundays only it's the only day. I have because i work full time, but i would appreciate you liking and sharing this out to someone else share it with somebody that you know has baby fine hair. Like me - and i know i know you're gon na love it when you try it okay, i will see y'all next sunday. Y'All have a great and wonderful week, see you later

artisticrabbit AtEase: Good morning, Melissa. I trusted your review & reveal of the TYMO curling iron and I bought one. It works amazingly for my fine hair and it's one of my all-time favorite purchases. Thank you for that. I just now placed an order for this oblong-shaped hair dryer from TYMO, again, based on trusting your review. Knowing that my hair issues are similar to yours, I just wanted you to know you're sharing real solutions that make a difference.

Lori Becchi: You really have to try a "mini crimper" You clip up top layer of hair and crimp underneath (you won't see it) It changed my fine hair, it gives you a "scaffold" I saw it on Sugar puff and fluff. Works great! I still use the velcro rollers, then do this.They sell a product called Valoom but the mini crimper is way cheaper!

susanloveshuskies: Iift your hair lightly and spray up with your hairspray. Helps to keep it put and doesn't lay on top weighing hair down. Helps me.

Beverly Hardy: That dryer really did the job! Your hair looks great ❤️

Kristy Mitchell: My volumizer brush has given me the ability to do a blowout that looks every bit as good the one my stylist does. It’s a miracle for my baby fine hair.

Brenda Hipp: Omg I have that exact comb and I have had it too for 20 years lol. Love it°

Lori Abercrombie: I have the exact opposite problem but my daughter got her Daddys pin thin hair and I'm sharing it with her and Twitter! I do use that style of dryer to smooth out my hair and give it that bend at the bottom so that dryer is good for thick hair, too! Big Sunday HUGS to you and enjoy your day off tomorrow! You deserve it!

Monica Wilson: I got a volumizing blowout brush with several attachments (one is like the brush you used) made by Calista from QVC. I love it!!! Does exactly the same thing for my baby fine, thin hair. It also has a smaller round brush that will curl your hair.

SurgicalTech Crafter: I LOVE my Tymo. My hair feels so luxurious after I style it and my style lasts for up to 10 days.

Chelley Chelley: I too have fine hair. Try taking biotin and using Rogaine - it's cheaper to purchase the men's version. I love both these and I have made such a difference in my hair. My hairdresser was shocked at how quickly my hair grew. I have been using Biotin for a while but stopped because I was afraid it would mess with my Thyroid meds but realized I should not take everything at the same time so I went ahead and used the St. Tropica and wow it really works. I didn't purchase St Tropica again but instead just took a high mcg biotin from Walgreens to maintain my results.

Sheryl Wickenheiser: It’s unavailable on the website but they have you leave your email for when it comes back in stock. I have the dryer and I love it too. I have fine straight thin hair. Love your hair!

jill lehr: Very nice cut and color suits you! You do a great job with styling and curling, also! Quality and the right products make all the difference in a great blowout and style!

Special Moments: Love love love how you do your hair!!! Your hairstyle suits you perfectly. You look amazing . Rediscovering your channel here. ❤ from

REIKI WITH CARY: I gave one of these to a friend... she loves it too! Great video!

Jackie Davis: Have you ever tried adding Rosemary to your shampoo? This is suppose to help thinning hair. Mine has been getting thin so I am trying this. You add like 3 drops to your shampoo. I am also dermarolling my scalp.

OK TERI: I have this same model of brush in the Hot Tools brand. Doesn't get as hot as the Revlon and the activated charcoal bristles help with next day touchups.

Martha Harris: Hello Melissa do you think I can use it on my hair by me being a black women? I have fine hair as well. I am growing my hair out. Thank you

MegaMoonlighter: I have a Revlon brush like that and it works good but it gets so hot I can't use it very often. does this one get really hot? I have baby fine hair also. also does the Lange thick it dry your hair out? I notice it has some alcohol in it?

katrina jaramillo: My hair was falling out and I use Nioxin serum or foam, and you apply it day and night to your scalp. I massage them in and i have a ton of new growth. Im sure it would work for you if you want to try it.

KIMBER DAWN: Melissa, I went to the suggested shopping links and they took me to a black straightener iron, not the pink blow dryer. Just thought I'd let you know.

Anne Hazell: Hi Melissa have you tried John Frieda Volume and lift shampoo and conditioner it's brilliant. X

Lori Abercrombie: @shannonlynnmomof3 not only menopause but low thyroid which I have. My hair is thick but I have half the hair I used to have since my hysterectomy and hypothyroidism. You can take Biotin for hair skin and nails which helps after a few months. But you do have to keep up with it and be patient! I was on HRT and it did help a little but Biotin will help. I get mine on Amazon.

Mama Cita Brady: If you are noticing your hair is thinning I suggest you go to a dermatologist that can help you because there are things that can be done. A multi prong approach is best. Don’t wait to wait until hair shaft completely “ dies and can’t be reversed. I’m speaking from experience. I put it off for a couple of years after I noticed. By the time one notices it’s farther along than you thought. My dermatologist has really helped me. I love your videos and I love your personality.

Julia Kelly: Your joy is infectious. Thank you

shannonlynnmomof3: Hello. Thank you for sharing all your tips. Menopause does a number and even seems to have changed my hair, I am curious your experience and do you take HRT. I am wondering if it helps hair at all. Thank you and I understand if you’d rather not share.

Ms- Kaus: Looks great!

DABS: Please clarify for me. You put rollers into the dry hair? And that works? Or do you leave a tad damp? Thx. I have similar hair.

Lea Fergusson: My brothers got both the thick beautiful hair and long thick eyelashes!

K Johnson: Hi Melissa! Great tool! We need all the help we can get with baby fine hair in ALABAMA…humidity…ugh!

MegaMoonlighter: great video by the way!

Georgia Swangin: Wish this would work for me my hair is so thin on top.very sad

Elizabeth Burkhardt: Your hair looks great!!! I love the color, where’s the gray???? ☺️

Mary Jean: Iam curious, I have thin fine hair and use multiple products to style. Dry shampoo does not do anything for me on second day hair. It gums it up, therefore I wash my hair everyday. You you all wash your hair everyday?

MaryBeth Miller: I’ve been using basically the same hairdryer by Hot Tools for about a year. It’s fantastic for fine, thin(ning) hair. I love Big Sexy products - you HAVE to try Big Sexy Blow Dry Volumizing Gel. Talk about amping things up! It’s amazing stuff!

Pamela Cossey: Is this a heavy brush?

Diane Davis: Wow sixty you look great girl

Diana Perkins: Collagen is your best friend for hair, skin and have to be religious and take it every day. My hair has gotten so much thicker and healthier

•Copel•: You don’t use It’s a 10 any longer?!

Mairead Crabb: What is the brand name of hairdryer and the cost?

Stephanie Keith: GIRRRRRRL! You have AMAZING ARMS!!! Wohoooo honey 60 what?

Md Emran: ❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Cucuzz.Online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennf ich 4 wählen würde

jennyflotilla: Are we supposed to hear what you were saying while drying your hair?

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