Beginners Friendly|| How To Customise A Closure Wig||Detailed Pluck,Bleach And Baby Hairs||

#howrobleachaknot2020 #Howtocustomizeawig2020

Hey Subies, today I’m gonna show you guys a very detailed how to make a closure wig look natural, how to customise your closure, how to bleach the knots, and baby hairs on closure wig














Product used to bleach

Truelites powder bleach

Truezone 9% 30vol creame developer


iPhone 11 Pro Max

Non copyrighted Music

Alright by Michael papsy

Oh, my goodness, whole one away, hey like this huh know what talking? Yes, let's customize, hey subbies welcome back so today we're gon na be doing this Ellie grace hair and he came in this packaging in the package. There is a little card telling you how to maintain the hair, a free gift, wake up and he hates the hair. Okay, my back, I kind of took the hair out and rough it up a little bit before putting it back but yeah. This is a unit. We'Re going to be working with today, it has like two combs in front and then one at the back. As you can see, that's how the net is looking. I don't like it, so I'm just going to go ahead to bleach it. The unit is a 23 inches, you need it, cuz, you're weak and yes, as you can see, this is how the lace is. Looking I told you before I came pretty close. If you don't know what bleaching is I'm just going to go ahead and died in it a little bit just for it to look more natural on, like my skin tone, I'm using the true lights, rapid bleach and the true stone cream, peroxide 90 % developer? So I'm going to use this bowl to mix and that brush to apply it now, because I don't have any hand gloves in the house, I'm gon na be using my bare hand, and hopefully I do not burn whatever that is anyway. So I'm gon na take two scoops of this bleach and later on, I realized that it was too much of a bleach for me and because it's a closer week, if it's a frontal week, you might want to take two or three scoops, but really there's no Measurement to these things, just gauge it the way you feel would be enough and then you can use it now. Remember you need to use a foil or a drug surface, but I'm gon na be using a foil setting and, as you know, this my first time dying and not like bleaching in knots of a week. So yeah I'm just gon na go ahead and you know braid the tapes off, because I do not want to bleach to actually touch the hair and bleach it. So I'm going to take the hair out of the week like totally out of the way that way. The bleach can only touch the net and not the hair once it's tied in I'm just going to go ahead and turn it inside out, hiding all of the hair and coming back. The baby hair and I added a little mousse just to take all the hair baby hair backwards. I kept adding it and I kept mixing until I've gotten the right consistency and to me I feel like I did too much bleach. It was too much because I'm just going to bleach the closure knots up front too so, like I will save a lot of bleach and Iranian took a little bit of the foil just to place it underneath the closure, because I'm extra like that, I really really Don'T want any of that bleach running through the unit and touching my hair like bleaching it so I went and did that step, and it can be skipped if you don't really mind well. The next step is to start applying the paste and make sure that you paste it all around the closure and make sure that it touches every single bit of the closure you're doing the closure. If you're doing a closure week, then you two don't have it that much of a stretch. But if you are doing it front all week, then you might want to be really really really careful. Okay, so once that is pasted and it's all um good, I went in because I'm extra I went in and checked underneath it to see if it's running through and it's definitely not running true and then I'll just go ahead and cover the foil and cover the Week with the foil and let it sit for about five minutes, I'm saying five minutes. Other youtubers will tell you 20 minutes. 30 minutes 15 minutes whatever, but this peroxide is really fast in action. So I think five minutes is more than enough to give me that tinted list that I need so I'll just go ahead and take it out and rinse it. And, oh, my goodness, I think it's warped, so I just put it under water and then run what I truly it. Actually you have to run warm water through it. It takes it out fast, ball extra again and run in a very hot water through it. In my damaged week I don't know I don't care, so this is always licking and I think it's looking really nice, it's exactly what I want not to bleach, not over bleached or if you want it to bleach, you can actually go in and wait for 15 Minutes or 10 minutes, but I just basically wait for about 4 4 to 5 minutes not to fight over within 45 minutes. So I mean even added a little bit of shampoo just to take that strong smell and a bleach off my net. So I just washed that out - and I made sure that I just I don't wash it like - I'm washing it cool like just use your hand to brush it all off and because the bleach touched the Watauga torch to the hair. You may want to get the smell off it, so I just waiting with a little bit of shampoo and conditioner, and I broke. I just stroke it through the hair, and this is how the unit is looking right now towel just for it to like Pat it dry, a bit just like so now. Normally I live my week to a dry to the next day, but today I won't go in and clock the week, like, I said before the we came pretty close, but I don't have to tell you that makes try again. So I'm gon na go in and pluck it more and if you don't know why people clock wigs, it's basically because you need it to look real. You needed to look natural like I have seen people take out a week from the bag and they put it on their head really. Those days really who's gon na tell her anyways. So you must always want to customise your wig, so I'm just gon na go in and choose it twist that and because it was pre plucked before I'm gon na need a very tiny mouth just to fit how it was tone. So I'm just going to go with this, my tiniest tweezers and this I call it baby fast action once you put it in if you're not careful to just zap all the hairs around so yeah, I'm gon na be using this baby sucks up and I'm gon Na stab tricks and tricks in clocking all of the hair, where I need it gone and you're gon na see a difference between this and how it was looking before. So I went in unplugged plot plot and it's looking like this: can you see that little little holes? No, my hobo, let's just paste in between the hair for beginners. That is what you call blocking, so I'm just gon na go in and Pat the hair and I've gone in and twists like plucked the middle before, and I think I overdid it at the top. There wait looking like he's getting bald, but when installing the hair I would totally fix that there is nothing unfixable in a week. Everything is fixable. You just have to try. So I'm just gon na pop the hair and I fell while patting the hair. I felt like it wasn't really that you know perfect the way I want it. So I'm just gon na go in again with my treaters and I'm gon na clock a little bit they're like little knots in the middle and the part is not looking like neat or straightforward. So I'm just gon na go in and take out all of those tiny, tiny notes in the middle and then make sure that the part is visible. So I went in I'm locked and blocked and then that side looks good. So, let's just jump into the other side, so I'm spacing this one's out and I think I overdid it on this side because I say that tiny thin there. Yes, looking like whoo, I think I know who okay so I'll show fix that when I'm installing the head, so I won't even kept doing that and the part was looking good. It was getting physical was getting nice and I kept doing that and bring your clock in a week. It'S not a like one-time thing where you just go in zap, zap, zap and everything is all good, no you're going. You do it you think you're doing, and then you see something else and then come back and do it again and then you go again it. So it's like an unending process until you get them perfect. Oh, you know hairline or perfect parts that you need and for my beginners, this tech can be totally skipped. You can just go ahead and add a little makeup, add a little concealer and you're good to go okay. So I'm just gon na cobble up the hair to the back, just like so, and I'm gon na do some baby hair. Like I said this, video is about customization, so we're working on blocking bleaching, baby hair arm, and it's been pretty locked, like I said before it came with baby hairs. So I'm just gon na define that baby hair bring them all out and not much of a baby hairdo. I have not really good that baby hairs like it gives me a headache, especially when I'm doing it on my head, but because I'm doing it on this money came here, let's go ahead and see how it's gon na be okay. So this is how the hairline is looking right now. This is how the closure is looking, and I have plans for this hair like really at Conway Cove. It is making out stay at home, we're not going anywhere, and we can. You know just sleep go anywhere, but I'm definitely going to slay Dee's hair sit down in my sitting room okay, so I'm gon na choose my blade and I'm gon na try to like cut down that baby hair, just reduce it a bit. It'S long. I have same people just by week, take it out of the bag, and then we think baby hair that comes with it. It'S hanging on their head like that, going out like that, like that's always strange looking to me, so I'm just going to go ahead and cut the baby. I'M sorry guys, but it's just so important for you to customize your hair. I do the baby had a new one, not what this seller added for your week. He gave I mean besides, it's not compulsory for you to have baby hairs like some people, don't even like baby here. So just take it all back. You don't need to let it hang from like your hairline looking like anyways, so I'm coming back the hair and then I'm gon na start customizing. The hairline and I have like this little baby hair brush that I have and it's actually upstairs. I couldn't go, get a so I'm gon na be using this comb, which is like very, very, very difficult to do. With on this mannequin head cuz, a mannequin head is like a blockhead, so it's like very hot, but cool just kept doing. The thing goes. Okay, so it's looking good right now. This is how the baby hair is looking and I'm just going to go ahead to wrap it down. You know when you do a baby here, you need to tie it down to you, know slick it really. Well, so I'm gon na take one of my rat strips and I'm going to start tying, and this wrap strip is just amazing like it just holds that head down and then this is the next day. Let'S go into the finals, styling y'all, so I'm just gon na stretch it, but this is how the healing is looking right. Now it looks so good, so I'm just going to start stretching it using my hot comb and my straightener just to make that hair. Sleek old down, I do not want this video to be too long, so I'm just gon na show briefly how I straighten my hair and then I'm going to should go ahead to show you the final look of this hair. So this is me straightening the hair, and I went all like this from the back to the tip using my straightener and voila. This is a final lick. This is how the baby is leaking. Thank you guys so much watching this video and I'm gon na be back on Friday to show you guys how this hair looks on my head and if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe to my channel and I'll see you in another video bye,

Sandra D: Love it, Love it, Love it! It came out so nice . Can’t wait to see how it comes out on Friday.

Tima Keith: How you do all of this with ease Is amazing.. nice one tessy

Fikeli Dain: I'm very curious how this will come out after install, can't wait for friday

Oma Gail: Wow.. it's looking really good

Osibamowo Laolu: beautiful

ᗯIᑎᑎIᗴ IᖴᗴOᗰᗩ: You are just on another , when will I learn? Chaii pls Adopt me maybe I will learn more

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