Make Closure Look Like Frontal | 6X6 Closure | Closure Wig Install

Yeah, hey, hey, hey guys! Welcome back to my channel, I back again with another video today I will be using a closure, a 6x6 closure. I will be styling like a funnel and we are going to do the half up half down. This is more like an arrogant, a inspired. I'Ve seen him do it. I wonder sexy Jonathan, do it as well, but we are going to do the same. Look and we're gon na use the 6x6 closure, I'm using the ball, hold active adhesive and then I'm gon na go over with two layers of the Walker tape adhesive. The reason why I'm using both because some of my clients, they don't have time to get touch-ups and I need it to last longer. So I use the boho the two legs of the Walker tape or I'll do three layers of the water tape, but I always feel like when you combine it to give the stronghold, but at the end of the day they both give a stronger hold in they're. Both good clues, I'm now turning away Foundation and then next I want to go over with my uncle axe for you. I just wan na spread the roots, because sometimes I make it doesn't come out the roots, and I want my hair to look black and still like a brown but um. Thank you guys for watching. Please subscribe to my channel comment below what else you would like to see. Thank you.

Joey’s Asscheeks: Looks like scalp. Amazing !

Koconut Kirby: This is so gorgeous

Benita Rich: Yasssssssss Love it!

SignedNichole: Damn you plucked the fvck out that thang ! It melted like ICE

Jazz: So cute

Pauline Deah: Where did u get the hair from?

shanelle Wilkinson: Was this wig already made & you just installed it

Cancerrr Babbyy: What length is it 16?

Abby Matthews: What song is this

Kharis Appiah: Please songggg name

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