Water Wave 4X4 Lace Front Wig | Tanyabeautiful


PRODUCTS USED : Water & Conditioner

Eco Styling Gel

Cantù Curling Cream/ Leave in Conditioner

HAIR IN VIDEO : https://www.amazon.com/Closure-Human-P...

OTHER HAIR OPTIONS : https://www.klaiyihair.com/?rfsn=63504...

BUSINESS EMAIL : [email protected]

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TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRjpDAwW/

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/cuteness285

SNAPCHAT : https://www.snapchat.com/add/tanyabeau...

TUMBLR : Tanyabeautifultou


What'S up you guys it's tanya beautiful here and welcome back to my channel so today, i'm back again with another video and, as you guys can tell by the title and that thumbnail i'm backing up with another hair review. So, basically, in this video, i'm going to be showing you guys how i just put the wig on blue list just wanted a little bit of baby hair and just try to make it simple and easy for all the people that don't want to do all the Got to be spray and all that other stuff, you know i just wanted to do something simple today, but before we get into this video, be sure to click that subscribe button down below and also turning your notification bell to be notified. Whenever i upload a brand new video, because i know you don't want to miss none and with that being said, let's get into it. So before we get into the styling portion of this video, quick disclaimer, my camera cut off before i actually was able to finish styling it. My camera has an overheating problem. So that's number one number two i haven't recorded in a long time. I'M just gon na be giving you guys some of the details on this wig. So this is a 12 inch short curly bob wig, it's kind of almost like asymmetrical. The wig is 150 density. So i got this hair from an amazon based company. Of course, amazon always come through with the cheap, nice good quality, affordable wig. This company is by the name of sweet girl, and i will leave a link in the description box where you guys can go ahead and check them out. Guys can definitely click the link in the description box down below, for you guys to get all the details, and you know just everything you need to know about the wig. This is a 4x4 closure. I just decided to just leave the part, as is because, when i do get wigs, i kind of like to see how i can style them the way that they come. I don't really like to do too much to them, because there is some people out there who don't really know how to do the plucking and the styling and the got to be spray and the gel and all that extra stuff. So i kind of just wanted to install the wig the way it came and tried to do it the easiest way possible. If that makes sense, this is 100 human hair. This is in the natural black. Natural black would be considered 1b, it's kind of like a wet and wavy, but like a loose jerry, curl type of thing. I just love how the curls look. They'Re, really really pretty. If you guys are interested, definitely go ahead and click the link in the description box below and with that being said, just let's get into the video, so hey, so so so so so! Okay, so that's it for this video! I really really hope you guys enjoyed this video, like i said, i'm just getting back on camera, so i'm a little bit discombobulated, but i'm gon na get it back. I do apologize for not being able to fully finish like styling it on camera. That'S it for this video. Thank you guys so much for watching. I really really appreciate you guys for sticking around i'm out.

Keomaru1: Yasss your Back Love that easy to apply

Hall Batson:

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