Amazon Closure Wig Review | Ft Domiso Hair + 5K Subscribers Giveaway Winner

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Hair Wearing: Domiso Hair 4x4 Lace Closure 180% Density Silky Straight Wig 20 Inch

New Arrival: 4x4 Lace Closure Deep Wave Wig  

Hot Selling:Brazilian Straight Bob Wig

Most Popular:Brazilian Straight  Wig

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Welcome back or welcome to my channel so today i am back with another hair review. What did you expect? You know? What did you expect so yeah? Today'S video is sponsored by talk to hair. I don't know what this name is right here. I don't know who this is and why that's on there, but the company is called talk to hair and they were kind enough to sponsor this video and send me over this 4x4 closure unit to review for you guys. So that's what we're gon na do so. Yeah we're gon na go ahead and jump right into the video i'm gon na start with the unboxing. As always so y'all just saw the box, but this is what the box looks like 100 human hair inside your wig is on top and this plastic ziploc bag. This is the 20 inch straight 4x4 closure unit, it's 180 density and then at the bottom of the box are the nude wig caps, and that was all that was in this box, no other goodies, so yeah, that's the unboxing. This is what the wig looks like straight out of the bag. It'S got stuffing on the inside and then this is the construction. Like. I said it's four by fours, so y'all see the lace closure right there and then it's got two cones in the front looks like two combs in the back um like towards the top and then one at the bottom and then an adjustable strap. It'S also got some lace in the back as well. Yeah, that's what it looks like, and this is the hairline and like the knots before i bleached and plucked them. So i did bleach the knots and plucked this unit, not too much, though i didn't do too much plucking, and i guess i forgot to take it after, but i did like show y'all. I do have a little clip in the install portion of the video where i showed y'all like up against my hand with the hairline looking like so i'll. Just insert that clip right here of what the hairline looks like and the knots look like after i bleached them and i plucked the hairline so yeah girl, that's what it's looking like. Y'All know: i'm not used to closure units. This is maybe my third closure. You mean i'm not the biggest fan of them like i can get used to them. I'M just not used to working with them and i just prefer frontals, but you know it's actually quick and convenient. You know if you want something, quick and easy to install so um, it's like half the time, a lace frontal install. So you know that's a plus or whatever, but yeah oh, and i don't know if i said well, i didn't, but this is an amazon wig review, so this company is on amazon. It says: okay, now that i'm looking at the amazon store, it says del meso. So i'm pretty sure this is what that's what this says right here, but the company, when they emailed me said, talk to hair, so i don't know which one it is either way. The link to the wig will be in the description box and all that so yeah. You can get this wig on amazon. This 20 inch one retails for 119 on amazon, so yeah they have other inches as well, but yeah that was the unboxing and everything. So now we're going to jump into the install portion of the video i actually just reinstalled this wig i didn't like do the bow hold and all that i just put some got to be spray on here. Just to do this part of the video, because i had this hair in for over a week and the wig had came off. So i just slapped it on real quick to do this part of the video but yeah. So we're going to rewind to like a week and a half ago when i installed this and y'all could see me install her and also me cutting it. I did that little cut that little layer cut that people be doing that little trend um. I don't know what it's called, but i tried it. I did it. I think it turned out pretty decent for me to not know what i'm doing because girl i don't cut hair. I don't know how to cut no hair yeah. I think it turned out cute though, so, if you want to see the install portion of this video then keep on watching. Also, if you want me to do a detailed, install video, then you can comment that below. I say that all the time, but i'm not talking an install portion, is just a sped up clip of me installing the hair, so yeah. If you want to see me install this wig then keep on watching and also stay tuned to the end of the video, because i will be announcing the 5k subscribers giveaway winner in this video, so yeah girl, so boom onto the install portion. So recipes is, oh, so see oh foreign, oh all, right guys. That was the install portion of the video. As you can see, the install went by super fast um. Well, obviously, i speed the video up, but i'm telling y'all the install for me went by really fast because, like i said it's four by four closure, it doesn't take as long as the frontal 13x4, 13x6 lace frontals. Obviously, because you only have this patch of lace right here to glue down so yeah, it didn't take long at all. For me to install i plucked. The part did some quick little baby hairs. I straightened it and then cut it. Um like bump the ends. A little bit after i cut it but yeah, so that was the install. I think the cut turned out super cute. You know, let me know how i did because you know i don't cutting over here. Don'T judge me either don't y'all licensed folks and cosmetologists. I don't claim to be no cosmetologist, no hairstylist. No none of that. I just do this. You know i just do this, so don't come for me because i didn't cut it right and you ain't supposed to do it like that. I'M not no professional! So don't come for me, but you know i think it turned out cute for me to not know what i'm doing so yeah. So let me give y'all my review on sis. I really love this wig like it was really quick. Like that's my favorite part about it is how quick it was. Obviously, because it's a closure, the knots were easy to bleach. It took oil to the bleach or whatever doesn't shed that much at all. I don't even really get strands throughout the day at all. It'S just when i comb it or brush it to get ready to style it for the day or whatever. It'S the only time. I get like a couple streams, but that's it like a few strands so shedding not a problem. The lace did pretty well, like. I said the install went by really fast and easy for me. So perfect the lace melted. Well, i got it to match to my skin and melt into my skin. Pretty easy. So you know it's getting the girl scalp. You know yeah, that's another plus. It is big head friendly, y'all know i got a big head and i cannot work with wigs. It don't fit me because girl what i'm doing that can't get it on. You know what i'm saying can't do that with that, so yeah, big, head friendly, didn't have no problems. I wasn't struggling to get it on or whatever the only complaint i have about this wig is. I just feel like it's not thick enough for me. I don't know if i do if it's just me, but it's just like it's rare that i find like straight or body wave units. That'S full enough, like am i just extra or are these people just not enough, like you know what i'm saying i don't know it's just not thick enough for me like this is all the hair. I have all the hair to the front. There'S no hair behind me all the hair is right here like this, is literally it and that's just not thick enough for me, like my hair, the hair on my head, my natural hair, let me know if y'all want to see a video of my hair. I know some of y'all haven't seen my real hair before, because a lot of y'all come from my week. Videos. I have posted a video on my natural hair before, but let me know if y'all want to see videos of my natural hair or like how i prep for wigs like how i print my hair for weeds, because i wear wigs for months at a time and Don'T see my hair, so you know, but that's how i get it to grow like my hair, so much it's just so much to deal with. So i just leave it alone and let it do its thing so, but yeah the hair on my head is thicker than this. My real hair is about the same length as this about this long, but it's thicker than this. So you know i just was a little bit thicker. That'S all you know when i wear units i wanted to be full, you know i want it to be all the way notch top tier. You know all that, like i don't want to bend over and my hair busts down the middle and you see all the tracks and all that you know. I don't want it to be that thin to where you can just see all up in my wig, like you know what i'm saying, and i know i can't tell because i can't see behind me, i don't feel any track, so i'm assuming you can't see them, But i am a little self-conscious about that, because it's not thick enough like it's just not thick enough, so that was the only complaint i had about this hair other than that. I love it, not sure if you can get it. Let me look if you can get it in other density neon. You can uh. It only comes in 180 density yeah. I like this like a 200 or something in this, because it's not giving 180 for me it's giving 150. So yeah, it's just that's my only complaint other than that. I love this wig. But if you like this density, like you like wigs of this density, then you know go for it. You know it's just not for me, like you know, i, like my wigs, pretty full so yeah better than that. I love it. I'M gon na give this wig a 9 out of 10 just for the density, which is still pretty good. So you know that's all. I got to say about her: that's my review on this unit. If you want to purchase her, the link will be in the description box below, as i said before, and yeah now on, to the giveaway winner. So in the video that i did right here, i announced the giveaway the blonde unit from superb wigs. I announced the giveaway for y'all to win. Basically, a bag of wig supplies gon na be like a satin little drawstring bag full of weight supplies just some that i picked out so yeah. I had y'all comment on that video new content, ideas or content that you want to keep seeing for me just so. I could you know, interact with y'all a little bit more and see what y'all want from me, because obviously i make these videos because y'all don't want to be watching them. So you got to tell me what you want sis you know you can't just sit around and not say that now i usually do like a little generator and pick the winner. Let me go ahead and put the picture on the screen of the prize. Your giveaway prize, this is everything that will be included in the bag. When i go name everything, but this is everything that will be included in your little drawstring bag. You can also use a little drawstring bag to store your wigs in so you know, that's a plus, but yeah. This is what you will be winning yeah um. Usually, i do like a generator just a random person to pick who will win the giveaway, which is what i've done before. But for this giveaway i decided to hand pick the winner myself, and the only reason for this is because the person i chose is because i see this girl on every video i post like she's there. This is always there. You know she don't never miss a video she always in the comments. You know this is always there like she's, never miss a beat, and it's just like it only felt right for me to give this to her like she's. Always there like. I pay attention to people that come back to my videos and i always comment always support and stuff like that. So it just only felt right for me to hand select the winner this time, because this is always there and i just got to. I got to give my thanks to her, so the winner for the 5k subscribers giveaway is marissa g, hey girl, girl, you'll, be on every video i'll, be seeing your comments all the time like you'll, be there for me, so i'm gon na be there for you And give you all these weight supplies so yeah, but yeah. She recommended that i do more than hair videos, maybe some cooking or high sewings or things on my website stuff. Like that, that's what she had recommended for content ideas. I did read everybody else's comments as well, and i will be doing those videos for everybody else that commented their content ideas. I will be including those so yeah girl, so marissa g is the winner. Congratulations to you girl and thank you so much for supporting. Like i said, i see you all the time i swear every video i post like she'd, be there like it's crazy, so yeah shout out to you girl. Thank you so much for your support and thank you to all that enter. There will be more giveaways. Of course, y'all know this. You didn't win or whatever just more giveaways come, so i'm always getting back to you guys because y'all support me, i wouldn't be doing any of this. I wouldn't be having any sponsorship or none of that without y'all, so i'm gon na always be giving back to y'all, so don't get discouraged it'll be more giveaways to come so yeah. Thank you to everybody that enter and thank you to all of you that support me. I love you guys so much and stay tuned for more giveaways, so yeah, so i'm gon na hit you up girl. I'M not responding your comment because i'm not sure you might have posted your instagram before when i did a giveaway before, but anyway, i'm gon na contact you somehow to get your shipping information, so i can't send your little goodies or whatever so yeah. That is it for this video guys, don't forget to check out my website,, where i sell my lashes, my big blinkers to my 25 millimeter lashes and my baby wings, which are my shorter lashes for my natural girls. I also sell lip gloss. My lip candies, which are my tenant glosses. I have juicy watermelon, which is a red tint. Georgia features peachy tint and cocoa kisses, which is a brown tan. I just restocked this and i made a new formula for this lip gloss. I never got any complaints about the other formula, but i just wasn't happy with it or not as happy with it, as i am with the new formula is way more chocolatey. Now my boyfriend said smell like a tootsie roll and they do, though i'll go cop. The new coco kisses so yeah go check out those i also sell regular, clear gloss. I have strawberry q, which is a regular, clear gloss, and then i have diced pineapples, which is a clear glitter gloss. I also sell bags. I have the crystal money bag. I have quilted mini bags. I have spring mini bags. I sell a rhinestone face. Mask covered is not gone. Quit running around here. Acting done covered is not gone. Get you a face. Mask yeah. I sell those. I also sell press-ons, i make myself, you can shop any designs that i have on my website or you can get my business page on instagram who's. She beauty. We can discuss a custom order over there. I do accept custom orders. I will be releasing a new set on the website for the fall. It'S the tortoise shell print. I showed y'all in a couple videos back the last video of the video before that i don't remember but be on the lookout for that. I also sell jewelry necklaces anklets, i sell sweat sets. I sell handmade velvet durags and i also sell lash tweezers. So if you have trouble applying your lashes, get you a pair of lash tweezers after you, cop your lashes from me and yeah, it just helps the process go by so much faster. If you have trouble applying your lashes, it gives you so much more stability. You have more control over it. I feel like this is what i use every time. I apply lashes. I'Ve been applying lashes for years. It'S not like. I even need this, but i need this because it just goes by so much faster. Why would you prolong the process if you don't have to you know what i'm saying so yeah but yeah go check out my website link in description as well as my business page on instagram. Well, that's it for this video. I hope you all enjoyed. Don'T forget to like comment and subscribe to my channel please and thank you and make sure notifications are on, so you don't ever miss when i post, because you don't want to do that. You don't want to do that so make sure those notifications are on, and i will see you all in my next video what you know about bye. What you want to know about me and all the boys

marissa G: Omg I feel so blessed ngl, I’m over here blushing ☺️. Can’t wait to see more of what you have in store sis ❤️❤️❤️❤️

robin reeves: Congratulations to the winner.. I feel the same about wigs they be to thin. So I usually add tracks and thicken it up sis . Works awesome. Wig is beautiful on you ❤️❤️

Iaam. Bree: I literally love this on you I want a look like this for my birthday which is next month now I know where to look

Valencia Walker: Looks beautiful

bluequeentv: Love the hair.

Simply B: Very gorgeous

Pretty313Eyez: Love it. Where can I find the scissors when you cut the lace?

Kulki9713: Super cute

Domiso Hair: well done,babe.

Sea Guerra: It's the companies. They don't put enough hair. I think they're always thin too

Shamira Brooks: Yesss!!!

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