Step By Step Closure Wig Install!| Fav New Products & New Techniques Ft Nadula Hair

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All right y'all, so today we are working with this closure wig from the doula. Here, it's 32 inches yeah, not me low-key, like in my little closure, wigs or whatever. I don't know it's just they so easy to put on and i feel like because i know how to body it. Don'T really bother me that it's a closure sometimes unless it comes to the time when i want to like. I can't because you know it's a closure, we're doing this closure wig and i think i'm gon na throw some crimps in there, whatever the case may be, and we gon na get this a little quick, very simple, very cute for my girls, who don't like frontal Wigs, whatever the case may be, y'all know, i got you even if you want a little closure wiggle beside. I got a video for that got videos of all types of stuff, so we bout to get this wig on and continue what i would say or whatever i don't want to keep yelling um. I got my school's hair. We got that arrogant tape. Crimper boom boom bao did i put it down level, i sure didn't well. Let me just show y'all a few products that i will be using today. So i'm using my erica j wack stick y'all know i love my erica j products period. Then i'm going to be using, i'm also going to be using nairobi, my eben lace, adhesive spray. I got the black, the red and the yellow um i kind of the black one is really my favorite and i'm still trying to learn. What'S for what? As far as the other two colors but um, i'm gon na do a little bit more research, so i could give y'all a little bit more gems in all life, but for right now i've been having on a black. Can i have it in this size? This is the this: is the 14.2 fluid ounce, and this is the 2.7 fluid house, so travel size, i'm gon na make sure i keep this in my car. You always need a little. You know. Holding spray was some type of adhesive spray, adhesive quick, little travel size. Even if you need, like you, know a little glue. That'S that little arrogant i have and um you got ta. You know keep your hand because sometimes if it's lifting you don't want to be walking around chilling. So that's what we're going to be using, of course, the average intake crimper we're going to be using the hot comb and also we're using a product that i did not use in a while. I did not use my bio silky, bio soap. I used to live, live by bio silk and i started using the beyond the zone turn up the heat, um hair, protected flat iron protected. I believe it's cool yeah. It helps with heat damage and stuff, like that. This is very lightweight and it doesn't weigh your hair down at all this. You have to really know how to use it, because it can weigh your hair down if you put too much and i've used this so much in my life. So it's like, i kind of really know what i'm doing um, but these are my top two favorites. I'M not gon na live this right here. This is still one of my favorites. This is like an og, so i feel like i could never get rid of it. It'S just you do what you kind of you know. You can put a generous amount of this on and your hair will not be oily strangling stringy. Nothing so be careful. Do not don't need to spritz it down. It'S not bad, but y'all know what i'm saying so anyways now that i know that let's get this closure we're going real, quick and style it up. I also forgot to mention that i'm using my selection shape up yeah. I know i live by my fashion, shaper plus, and that's one of my favorite um. I don't want to say it's not really a holding spray for me. Well, it is a holding spray period, but it's not as strong as the sebastian shape and plus, which i heard it's like a got to be kind of consistency. I'Ve never used it, but the sebastian does me right, and it's just does good with. It goes really well with my wax stick and just laying down my hair and everything like that. Most of the stuff y'all see me using videos all the time, but i just wanted to let y'all know. I got no viewers how y'all doing if y'all don't know. Now y'all know put y'all into some good ass products or whatever the case may be, and if i'm gon na still be doing some hair videos we're gon na go all the way anyway, so um now y'all know i haven't had braids in so long. So this is what my hair is looking like right now, and i know i'm just giving like alien egghead a little bit. Don'T come for me because y'all be looking the same. If you wear wigs too yeah, i'm just going to color it. I do want to wash my hair and braid it on camera um. I want to try to do that today. I have no idea, but i want to try to do that because i want my wigs to lay real flat, especially the red one and the pvc wig. So i'm debating. But i don't know if i'm gon na have time and if i'm gon na do my natural hair on camera, i really want to give it to y'all like the best. So it's just one of those things um, i'm gon na just take my concealer. If y'all don't know my rk buckets concealer in the shade 12. um, i kind of want to say i vary between a 12. I don't think they have an 11.. I don't remember seeing that 11. They might - i don't know but um. I vary between a 10 and a 12 because i recently realized they had new packaging and um. I don't think new formulas. I don't think is that deep, but they have new um. The tones are just a bit like different, so it's just one of those things where it's just like. I guess you got ta just kind of eyeball it because i usually always wear 12. If you watch my videos, you know i've always been 12, but it just ain't been working out like that lately. So when i put this cap on, usually i like to slide it back a little bit, but i'm going to keep it in the front and slide it back just a teeny bit because it's a it'll be easier to blend with the cap. So i'm definitely going to do that now with hd lace. You don't really technically have to tin it, but i'm going to tip mines because i just feel like even hd lace, if you it it'll blend, but i feel like if it's not your exact skin tone. It'S going to leave like a white like shadowy cassy. Looking we don't want that. Nor do we need that, especially if you are any type of melanin like i'm, pretty sure it could look ashy if you're like a light, light skin tone. But i'm talking about us right now and we don't need that, because people already be feeding the clock us. We don't need to be clocked that much like you're feeling why you pulling my face but yeah. So let's get this one real, quick style it and let's come back for some commentary, so foreign, my so good too, all right, shaw, so um, i'm not sure i got to do the baby hairs, i'm all sitting all in the back, [ __ ] up yeah. I don't in the back. I want it to kind of relax a little bit. You see how i want it to be big, but i still want it to be like a little bit more chill too. So i'll probably put some mousse on the back and just tame it down a little bit, even though they are going to drop too. But now i need to work on this part. You see, i got ta define that make it look a little bit better and then i got ta mess with these baby heads. So i think i'm gon na mess with the baby hairs and tie the wig zoom and then do this part yeah, because this part got to be nice. This is going to be messy, so i'm going to do this part last, so we almost done baby hairs and then we're done. Oh me, all right y'all. So let's take off the little time. Okay, cute little baby hands, i'm gon na go hold on. I need to comb these out because y'all know we don't do crunchy baby hairs, but i don't wanna comb them out too much. So just a little bit, i'm not gon na lie. This is when this little travel size thing yeah. I want too much comes in because once you comb it out too much, sometimes it'll lose its shape and i definitely don't want that. So i already know i'm going to want to buy from the comb it out again because it is spritz, but at least if i get it in the shape i want by the time the spritz sets in and all that i'll be good to go. I'M not even going to touch that now because that that i don't want to keep it like that, all right y'all. So i got to put something on my lips. So let's get the lips lipping real, quick, okay, guys. So this is the final look. This is what the hair is looking like. This is with the knots and the baby hair. Let me just zoom in i'm oiling your face. I got ta bend down a little bit, but this is what the knots and the blending gives. Let me show you how long the hair is. So this is how long the hair is. I got a tippy toe little bit for y'all very nice, very long, very full, quick little one, two, you know and i'm loving it. I love the way it came out. I came to take some nice pictures as soon as i were, i'm gon na go take some pictures, y'all know have a go and yeah. Let me know down below in the comments which i think about this look very cute, subtle, simple, with a little bit of glam volume, you know how it goes like if you like this video and subscribe. If you want to see more videos from mom and i'm gon na see y'all in my next video and tune into this vlog, because we're about to see what this here is really giving, while mom's signing all that today,

Mumu John: Wow it looks so good! Watching this made me feel like I could actually do this too. Love your videos!

alexis christine: Great video, can you do a video of applying a closure wig when the lace is already cut off? thanks xoxo

THE BARBIE: I’m loving it per fkn usual

Stacey Garcia: Slay as always

Bariah gaillard: Very nice sis ❤️

Jasmine Rochelle: Slayed❤️

Ms Monrow: What was used on the part ?

Aleeta Victoria: A hit, per usual

Mmkayash: How tall are you ? I worry 32 in might be too long for me

Mya Sterling: what was stick?

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