Merel And Patrick She A Stunning New Color And Trim He Donates His Hair Tutorial By T.K.S.

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Hi Everybody!

On my Barber channel 'theoknoopkapper' you can see all different haircut's (and make-overs) from beautiful people. Im from the Netherlands (Dutch) and make English videos in High definition (HD).

I love working with people and their hair but what I love the most is sharing the things I know to make more hairdressers creative. In my video's I often use a scissor, razor, clipper, tondeuse and many products of Goldwell and L'Anza. I hope you like it and please subscribe to me!

Thanks for watching!

With hairdressers love,

Theo Knoop

Hi, my name is melo and i'm here at dios and he's making my hair pretty again yeah. And what do you want here? I want uh orange here on top and red on the other side, uh, something like it yeah, that's a slight piece of yeah just to have good hair again yeah yeah, but he will make it um yeah i'll start it. Okay, your boyfriend will be also in this video, yes and he's going to donate his hair yeah. He will be donating. His hair for two stitches geekads is for donating hair, so kids with cancer can can have a way yeah yeah, it's nice, it's not after that voice, donator, no, not a lot most girls yeah, but he has very pretty hairs. There'S a little video there's, also a lovely video to have you both in one video, okay, let's study hello friends on youtube, we always beg to have a new color and a slight trim of our hair. So that's why we culminate with a boyfriend in one video. So you have more to see in one video start, of course, putting on protection towel major two colors, both colors are of black main one is 7 49. That'S a copper and 6 59 plus that's a real red color start by brushing a hair and then parting over the line. I'M gon na color it brushing underwear the olivia garden brush, has real good colors to get the colors on because yellow is the base color of the color she's going to get so uncertain. We have a stunning effect on our hands. Watch the perfect line you have to see. The colors, of course go sit about four centimeters above her uh ears and when i talk a little bit, not straight it's coming because it's about, i think 25 degrees and even more in the sun. So that's what and it's very dampy moist moist yeah, it's nice with the wood could be that be where you can do. I'M going to vaporize just split the hairs start of course, in the undercover, oh nice, industrial music. I really love industrial sounds as new dentists started nearby. That doesn't sound right for a dentist. Oh, i hate these black gloves. I love black, but i always put them there. You can see it's also a little bit moist using mirrors words starting in the neckline pinning up turning, so you can see where we're going. Let'S look on the outside. She may take off her glasses and makes life a lot easier, starting with red made. This color on three percent base the stem volume and put in extra conditioner to get maximum conditional, hair, ammonia, free paraben, free, a sticky guy. A little more straight understand the new line, and so we're talking parting line, of course, so there's enough color on the hairs hair pulls in the collar, but also the conditioners into the collar ac has a little outgrow, but that's not a problem that will be red. Also so now all the red is in her hand to take myself plastic foil part it on the line making sure the colors doesn't get together. Take a new line out. I'M going to do this all with the copper tone. Also, this is on conditional base. Of course, and also this is the luck main color - it means i've developed a little bit, so you can see it's a copper, it's a very bright, copper color, and this lay, of course, the plastic bowl get myself a new coil, making sure the coil is nicely Massaged into theirs, it will be easier to get into the hairs because there's a deep conditioner into it. So i have lots conditioners, i'm certain of that snaps that what are you doing, i'm eating conditioner, what kind of ganache hair conditioner! You know the moment when, like the food is really good, it's still food but you're eating it so well, you're kind of inhaling it yeah yeah. That'S my hair weight conditioning, yeah snap snap, yes, inhaling the conditioner breathing breathe. Let'S, of course, do all the hair. Now both colors are on my hair. What i've told you is no ammonia coming up from this. Just gently close this up, go away for 25 minutes. In the meantime, adorable boyfriends here make a nice package being aware that the plastic board needs to stay where it has to stay. Fill this up, don't need heat, because it's warm enough in the studio, but we'll be back i'm here with yeah almost for 10 years now so yeah she's, very patient, still going strong, very, very patient to be putting up with a lanky dude like me, but you're Going to do something: wonderful, you're, going to donate your hair yeah, i'm going to donate my my hands to fine, it's the third time, yeah, it's the third time, so i've been saving up my hair for like three years now i think yeah, which is like the Third time, i think the almost now well even longer, i think, because when you grow this length it's about three to four years yeah. So, in total, i've been saving up my hair every three or four years so um, i'm saving up my hair for um a decade now yeah a decade yeah you want to go ultra short, this time, yeah um the amount of of of discomfort and sometimes even Pain of this long hair, but um, you know when i think of you know i'm doing this for somebody that really needs it. You know uh they're, they're gon na make a wig out of it for a terminally, ill children or maybe even somebody that really really needs yeah here so yeah, but i always chose for foundation kika, which is for um, youth and children that are terminally ill. So yeah it's the third time and i'm kind of you know after a decade of shaving up my hair, i think i'm gon na keep it short for a little while but yeah i just get some time. I'M not saying this is the last time. Maybe they see you back after a year or three four yeah. Are you still going strong with me, though? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, yeah yeah return, so they can see how your hair is and throw it maybe to the back. So you can length so yeah, i'm not sure, i'm very clumsy, with my hair, because i don't do much more. I'M just uh yeah saving it up. Okay, let's start on you. Thank you very much. No problem, hi friends he's going to get an ultra short hairstyle. So gon na twist this hair hold it together. Then i don't need that. I don't need is too short part it in three parts, and i want to save as much length as i can. So when i go in with the clipper, i'm going with the clippercon protected, starting with a large clipper comb, because i need a little bit length on top, but i will also make an overflow of hairs. So i part this and the rest will be yeah free. But i can always twist it afterwards, so keep also rubber bands on the part where i started putting on some protection: oh okay and i'm working up. Oh, it's especially in the neckline it's hard to get to the skull by the protection protection blades protection on on the thing, though, hold the tie. Okay, sure, oh, oh, oh, almost done. The strongest hair is the nearest to the skull. Take a large flat corn. I'M getting that ultimate shortcast time, yeah, it's off again! I know the first time i took off my hair when i was 23, something like that. I had curly hair a lot of curly hair and i was construction builder. So every time i had very dirty hair when i came from the job and then i went to the hairdressers and took it off, i came outside and i thought i could breathe without breathing because it felt so nice to feel the wind on the skin. Of your skull and head so i stood outside and i didn't breathe for more than three minutes. I think just to feel exciting of having this short hair yeah, i'm probably gon na, be jumping home and happiness yeah. Also, knowing that you know my hair is going to go to the place yeah and i'm just it's just you know, i just told you about the amount of sometimes discomfort and pain of having this long hair yeah um is is, is an understatement. You know because it's almost every day that i'm struggling with this long hair, you know yeah it's a fight yeah, because i'm not really doing anything with it. You know, because, if you're, if you're destroyed, if you, if you're, if you're just having very long hair and you're, actually twisted you're doing something with it, you know and you're. You know, but i always have a cap on which is you know which people say is not really good for your hair, but you know i keep it. I keep it out as well, but only at home, but when i'm going out, i just keep it. You know underneath my my beanie or it's a baseball cap, because i'm i'm not doing this for me, you know the long hair, it's not for me. Let'S turn them around no, but when you do it for somebody else, it's very nice to do, of course, because you deliver yeah that pain you have with the hair the struggle, but you give also a beautiful thing back yeah yeah, at least i hope somebody will Smile with you yeah and have a good time yeah, you know you know and and discomfort is just you know it's it's it's uh non-existent to. You know you know just for the people that are going through something much much worse. You know, and it's a little thing for me to do, but you know it's uh, but i think when mira and you're going to have love this feels nice, it's so near to everything. Then she can almost touch your mind yep. The meantime you talk judge also because we're interested, not german, with some type of things problems in france. I always smile and do the things i like to do so. I go into the shop, take whatever i need put my wally on the counter and just take out what they need, because i don't understand and think of that. What they're saying, but when you smile, they're, always honest and honestly face up cleaning in between the upper hair is gon na wet a bit. So i turn them around to the front. Come on! Oh and it's over here like thank you. It'S actually good wow good! Oh sorry, i'm excited he didn't have a hairstyle for a long time, but now it's summertime so when he doesn't put his cap on, i don't want him to burn his head, because i i don't i don't. I don't burn, you know. No, no! No! No! No! No, no, i don't burn them. No! No! I don't i never. I never had i never ever in my entire life that i had a sunburn ever becomes very, very i just become very, very, very tanned or yeah. I just i. I also never burn because i have i really don't burn in our family long time ago was one of my grandmothers slave. So we have black blood in our systems. Yeah. I went to florida and i was so weak unprotected that it didn't uh my family. Is you know my mother's side is fine, no um. I think oh, what he tells you in the meantime. Is that he's very happy with what he does so black igbos, i'm so happy, i'm so happy! Oh! So happy, i'm as happy happy can be. In the meantime, is watching them. Ah thank gosh. You know she's coming home, it's not a screenshot. I want to see your hands so uh again blow out some small hairs, foreign oil, because this doesn't feel like sticky and it smells really nice and it nurtures the skin and, of course, the hairs yeah. I think my my my skin on the head can actually use some nurturing yeah most and all this whole has come out because it's warm, i take a towel to get off the small hairs and he will turn around to show you episode is going to work Out this, so i'm not getting bald. Now, no, no, no, okay, it's good who died yeah! I thank him for being muddled and now i'm gon na rinse out meals here and then we'll back the mirror back from coloring now rinse. It out, of course, put the tank conditioner of glint on it. It'S rotary based conditioner, but it seals theirs really nicely brush it with a leafy garden brush. Take my chopsticks pin the hairs up now she wants to stay almost the same length so take off. Only the dry ends, of course, put on the cape still a towel under the cape set. This part aside, starting the neckline, is concentric here to the lines of the skull line with a round shape. So this is like a smile go into the underlines. Take key on the scissors. Take off about one half centimeters bent head to the front, make sure i have a flat back. Take the parts that come from on the lines off take some new air on it. This hair comes from just beneath the skull bone, and this is the length i'm gon na work in going on the skull bone. Take the extra bit to the side. I connect all the lines that i get on top of this line and i go to the front coming to the front. Take the hairs off in the light of the alcohol line, because the glasses are anyway take some hair from the back with it. So i have a guideline a little bit layering to the front, not much just follow that back over the same line, take a new line all in the same line, and do this, of course, on both sides. When i get to the running, take cares up, lay them into the bending okay from the slight right away into the back. So i get a nicer flow to the back, bend them in and then have a nice soft fold to that. Come on the other side. Do of course, the same part hairs in the line of the eyeball line, get on with the chopstick take over the ears nicely stuck at the end, take a part off the back with it. So i know where my guide is: connect it on that give it a slight running like i did on the other side, then take it down and to the back again take a new line on it. Come to the last part, lay all the hairs i'll show. You that they all the hairs nicely on the runnings of a beautiful skull, all my core in the same line come at the point where i want to turn a bit to the inside, so take the hairs up. Lay them in the rounding go to the front again. Watch the natural fall watch, always through the lines to the chin lines. So i watched this line going in opposite lines, hold my fingers in this line and go out there so on the center line. Go to the center line take off only the small parts, that's sticking with so now this is done so now i can dry your hair, let's start with the red color sofa blow drying now. The only thing i want is a little bit nursing on the hair. So just a little bit of glow, but the hair feels really nice take a little bit of golden oil. Alongside the healing oil. One drop it's more than enough spread this all over my hands, applying it. First. Only with my fingers and the wonderful thing of this product is that it nurses there it really smells ultra feminine and gives a nice glow on the house without greasing it i'll thank mill for being my model and a boyfriend. Of course she will turn around to show the entry result. Maybe she also had hair up high, so you can see the underlines, because it's really nice and ultra flaming breath we see jello next video. Of course you can see it also in in the photos turner. A bit so, as you can see on the lines, but when she's going to twist this, you get a real nice flaming effect, girls, girls, always so when she turns now, you see how nice that's the on the lion side. Yes, yes, sure, there's stuff! That is really nice on her bye bye see each other's video freeness. You

Nonie Fuss: Love the two tone hair on Merel, and Patrick was so generous to donate his hair after growing it for so long!

karen4you: I understand completely his pain while having long hair. It takes time to get a length to donate. Long hair can get in the way. Love her two tone hair! Sweet they came in together for hair styling.

Melodie D: They both look fantastic. I'd like to see the reactions of their friends when they see these two for the first time after their transformations.

Suzy F: Patrick looks great with short hair and Merel's color is amazing! Thank you again Theo!!!

Barbara Miller: Patrick looks great with the new cut. Kudos to him for growing it long to donate it. Merel…the color is fantastic!! Good job on both, Theo!

Htown Andi: Stunning hair color on Merel! And Patrick looks so handsome with the shorter hair!

Joann Lindsey: You are a master with color theo, no doubt about it. The haircuts were on point too.

Gordon Foote: Wow just wow . Absolutely love her hair colour. And well done to him for donating his hair, well done .

T K: Both of them look great! Nice job Theo!

Susan Binks: Hi Theo, Wow! Merels' Hair is beautiful the 2 Colours compliment each other very well, the Cut is perfection ! How nice of Patrick to donate is Hair, the short style looks much nicer! A great Video Theo! Thank You for sharing, Lots of Love XX

Linda Holley: She is beautiful with her new color and he is very handsome with his new cut! Bravo!

Teresa: Perfect color for Merel!! Patrick is so handsome!! ❤

Melissa Andrews: Wow, what a transformation on Patrick!

Grazyna Joanna: Wow! Beautiful intense colors!!!

Olsen Tapper: Omg! What a color! Respekt for donating his her!

Jantiena Visser: Zo Patrick heeft weer een lekker fris gezicht goed dat je z,n baardje ook meenam.Merel,s haar was ook mooi.

Buzz Cut: Very very beautiful I really like it a lot

Snow White: Awesome

Joan De Winnaar: Looking good

Lisa SPRiTe: ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍

Jeanette Ernsberger: Ouch

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