Crazy For Charisma | New Wig Showcase | Cysterwigs Livestream Party

Hi, there, Wig Lovers! Tonight, Nigel and I plan to rock your socks with CHARISMA -- a deliberately wild and untamed little stacked heat-friendly synthetic bob wig we created and recently released on the CysterWigs site. We'll chill, share some laughs, and play dress up with Charisma in three different colors: Moonlit Orchid-R, Smoked Plum-R, and South Beach Sands-R. Ask your questions in the live chat and get answers from us in real time.

We hope to see you tonight! :)

We'll also be broadcasting here, Vimeo, and on Facebook.

We'Re getting there. Yes, there we go hi, everyone, hello, everybody. It'S me heather and nigel. Yes, the husband, yeah uh, he's literally right behind me. You can actually like see his shoulder and stuff yeah, so yeah. Today'S gon na be a fun one um. What did you say about yourself practitioner of goku, the way of the house husband go ahead and plug it all right. I may have mentioned it a couple times in previous broadcasts, but there's this amazingly fun cartoon on netflix at the moment called the way of the house husband. It'S about this absolutely terrifying and lethal gangster who decides to retire from uh organized crime and be a devoted house husband to his corporate wife, but he cannot stop being intense about everything. This scares the hell out of everyone, even as he's making the most divine food uh but uh yeah. It'S it's hilarious and there's a live action thing that goes alongside it. That called the ingenuity of the house. Husband, um actually has some handy tips like how to clean filters on air conditioners and uh and such like. He is obsessed with the show and its spin-offs clean, clean, uh, burnt, stuff off pans, looks pretty darn good, but it's i find it hilarious. You are adorable you light up when you talk about stuff, you like it's so cute, it's fun and it's funny. I love you um, so uh speaking of delicious food, did you notice that barbara is offering us pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese? Absolutely my mouth started watering. While i was trying to say the word cupcake and it just came out like but yeah. That sounds fantastic. Oh yes, absolutely! Let'S see who's in here you wan na well earlier on nyd mom says faith brown says hi. Everyone hi jackie, says: yay, it's wig party time, hi everybody. It is. I even told nigel when before we came on air like two seconds before the thing was, i was like. Jackie'S got the right idea. Yes, michelle says good evening: everyone hi michelle liz, says hi. All hi liz jen says hi everyone hi jen liz. By the way, did you see that i um uh put pictures in the posts and stuff of uh the chocolate icing, i'm so excited to show what i look like in that i put some of that in the slideshow. So i was thinking of you when i did that and uh hi jen again, i'm sorry that cut off the highs there yeah barbara we've covered her fantastic, yes, fabulous, opalonius, hi liz says beautiful, necklace, heather! Thank you. I love orange. I i can barely wear it, but the the slightly cooler melony type shades. I can wear like corals and stuff gwen says hi heather, you're beautiful and i tend to agree. Thank you and the wig is charisma. I'M wearing that right now. This is what the reason for the season tonight is all about. This is in the smoked plum, which is very soft. It'S a really really pretty kind of muted plummy color, it's very accessible all righty but dina says: oh, i all love that wig heather i'm getting ready to eat a late. Lunch sounds good to me very late. Mostly yes, good stuff liz says. Oh yes, believe me. Chocolate icing, or is my go-to kathleen ryan, says hi everyone and the indecisive, wig wearer, says hi hi all right for the comments at the moment, hooray. Well, i am going to get right to it. I took a ton of pictures and they were all really super good, so i don't want to hold you guys in suspense too much, so i'm just going to go ahead and do a little presentation. Boop, look it's both of us okay, so i took these pictures last night by the way i stayed up until like one in the morning. It took forever i'm getting very good at my concealer game and i wanted to make sure everybody knew that there was no filter, no blurring no photoshop. This is literally how my makeup turned out last night, my my concealer. I wish i tried to duplicate it again tonight, it's not quite there, but for some reason, the stars aligned and last night my concealer was freaking fantastic. So that's a raw photo with the wig unstyled. So i'm super super stoked about both of those two things. Um we're going to be talking about charisma, which is the style that i'm wearing again the color i'm wearing right now is called smoked, plum, r um, it's kind of a muted, almost like gray undertone, which is kind of hard to explain, but it you can kind Of see it has kind of that smoky undertone to it um when it catches the light. You know, and it's it's a really really nifty color we're also going to be showing you the moonlit orchid, which is definitely a favorite of mine, uh and then, which i think will go really. Interestingly, with this ensemble. By the way, the necklace will tie it all together, hopefully, uh and also south beach sands. We'Re also going to show you um another way to try to remove the dreaded taco head that comes from a flat, packed wig we're going to be using a hot air brush. I showed nigel what to do. I did it on this wig. Of course, you'll get even better results if you wash the wig first and let it dry on like a styro head or something like that overnight, it'll soften it right out um. But if you want to use heat to reinforce that or get some more layers uh to lift up that hot air brush will definitely help you with both of those things. We'Re also going to be playing around a little bit with this jon renau, easy hair peace out, contour, creme um. I i really like this stuff. I use it a lot, particularly on wigs that are really shaggy in the front. I like it when it looks kind of pc. You know like um early 80s, not quite seen, but not not seen. You know uh kind of shags in the front and then it's got all this layering on the sides. I was kind of like all right, so the 90s are coming back. I'M gon na i'm gon na show you this one more time with just me taking over. So you can see the smoke plumb really well, like the 90s are making a comeback. I kind of loved all those shaggy hairstyles, you know um. The thing is, though, i wanted to make it a little bit more. You know contemporary looking, so i thought one thing to do would be to incorporate kind of a deliberately in you know unique texture pattern. So, where you really get that is here in the back how's that look honey, that looks fine, okay, cause. I can't really see what i'm doing, but, okay, if you can see the texture in the back alternates between uh kind of like deconstructed, wavy bits and straight bits, and it's meant to look a little crazy on purpose. You know like um, jen likes the funky. Look of it, i i love stuff like this um now. The thing is, though, you have to play around with it a little bit to get it to to lay the way you want, depending on what you want right, because she's gon na have that kind of unkempt appearance and she's gon na be flat-packed. So, like i said, i think just anticipate that this one looks best when you style her a little bit, and i figured if i introduced her that way. Right off the bat, then that'll make things easier on everybody. The cool thing is, as you play with her. She gets she gets all these cute little funky layers. Just such a cute cut um. Let me do a little turn one more time. This is a hard front, wig, so she's, just like felix in cap construction, okay, i'm gon na show you some more about her. Before i do. Do we have any questions or anything honey. All right so well, helen, says, love the style. Christian says, charisma is gorgeous and seriously cool. Thank you and says: oh wow love the back very different than anything. I have that's. What i was trying for. Thank you desktop kitty says: were the 90s look ever really gone right? That stuff was very flattering says. Oh, the back is the best faith says wow beautiful i already mentioned jen, says yeah kathleen says exactly so pretty thank you and i think we're caught up on that all right. Sweet. Well, i've got more to show you so i'm going to take over the screen. Again, we're small again okay, so that's my moon kitty. So before i go into that, i just want to let you know i wanted to invite you to a little cocktail contest, um, we're looking for good drink ideas to incorporate in the mix. You know maybe alternate nigel's with some of yours um, and to do that we will need some of your recipes. They can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic. We do a little. Both i usually have one of each during each live stream. Sometimes i just go completely non-alcohol. I love tea, you know, so i have a gillian flick. I have an entire cabinet that is literally just full of tea flavors because i love tea. So much so i mean literally, you could come up with anything if it sounds good, we'll try to make it um and we might have a little gift in it for you, um for um, you giving us a good idea and we'll give you a shout out. Uh if we make your drink so if you want to do that real informal just go ahead and leave it as a comment on the replay. So that way everybody can see it, and you know we can all kind of just benefit from each other's amazing beverage. Ideas, so the colors for tonight's demo of charisma are the ones i'm wearing um right now, which is smoke plum r, which is a dark ashy moth, plum with dark brown boots. We'Re also going to be showing you moonlit, orchid, probably right after well. Now we'll do the south beach sands right after that, which is a dark sandy bronze. It'S a light golden brown with light, caramel brown, so there's a tiny, tiny little bit of light auburn in there in that caramel brown dark ash blonde, which really kind of neutralizes. Some of that and light beige blonde with short, medium brown roots. I would consider this like a kind of like a dark sandy blonde, with just a hint of warmth, to give it a little bit of balance, but it's an overall kind of cool, color um and then the moonlit orchid is a rooted, tipped fashion. Lilac, it's cool medium ash brown roots on a dynamic blend of lilac, and it's really lilac um, really pretty kind of like smoky purple, color, muted, violet and light gray, and this is the heat friendly version. So it's going to be a little bit more matte and a little bit less shimmery and dynamic. So if, if you see this in the wigs forever line in some of our non-heat friendly, wigs you'll notice right away that the color is much more vibrant and it's got kind of like this silvery shimmer to it, it's like one instance where uh the shiny, reflective Fiber actually really adds something to it. I feel the same way about the mermaid kisses. I think the shiny fiber actually makes it look more like ripples on the water um. So all of the wigs and colors that we're going to be demoing tonight are in stock right now and ready to ship at So there you go so this is what charisma looks like in chocolate icing r. So this was what i was actually thinking of liz when i was doing this, because i knew that she would. She would actually love this because this color looks super cool on this wig and you can see she's deliberately crazy. Looking um, it really shines through in a highlighted, color smoke. Plum doesn't really have any highlights um, but just a really really really interesting cut. The texture is right up my alley. I, like things that look that make me look like. I would be fun to hang out with, and i think that this hair kind of makes you look like somebody who'd be fun to hang out with um. You can see the back, you can see the sides so i'll leave that up there for just a moment um and we can kind of chit chat for a bit. If you want honey, sure liz is saying nice and dark, i do love it. We both look. So good in these cool tones, jen says ah so pretty. I love that color and purchased already awesome. Meredith says hi. Sorry, i'm like don't matter! Meredith hi yeah we're happy to join us thanks for saying, hi yeah, so you got uh kathleen says i love the moonlit heat friendly orchid, one of my favorite colors yeah uh. What else we got jen says me too: love republic of tea have so many varieties. So do we? Yes, oh yeah, lots of them. Jackie says i've never won a dark wing, but i can't stop staring at this plum close-up wondering if i dare it's a great color for fall. I'Ve literally been recommending it um. When i wrote about this on my patreon, i made sure that i emphasized it. I think, like twice or maybe even three times like get the smoke plum. It looks so good in this way. It'S so good for fall. That style looks really good in polar ice. Doesn'T it, though, i was so amazed at how they were able to, because i mean i was worried that the factory was not going to be able to understand how to translate what is normally a tipped color into something you know on a wig that really can't Have a tipped color and they stacked it, and it looked fantastic, i'm just so impressed with how well they pulled that off for sure uh faith says love. It already put my order into two colors i was so i was looking forward to tonight. Thank you. Thank you axel. Well, i hope that you will uh share your images with us and let us know how it looked on you we're always interested in that sort of thing, because the thing is like you know, everybody looks different and one thing that you know i feel like. I was able to do really well before that. I might not be so good at now is i was able to represent an underrepresented group here on youtube. You know, because i was i was plus size when i started this um, so it just goes to show that you know everybody needs representation. Everyone needs. You know it helps so much when you can see what these things look like on somebody that looks like you, you know um, it's the next best thing to seeing it on yourself and so um, the more people who share that kind of thing, the better. Ultimately, because then it gives people the opportunity to kind of get a better glimpse and imagine what it would look like on them. Yeah for sure, oh meredith says, is the top front of this similar to bardo um. It is uh. This is the same cap construction that it was on bardo, felix, uh, ainsley, grace and any of the ones that we've made that have permatease on the top. I will say that to me, and it might just be because i'm growing more hair, so there's more underneath my cap, but this definitely fits a little true to size. So i made sure that i put that in these slides as well, but it fits true to size, so you'll see that reiterated later, but i but it's so nice. I wanted to say it twice. You know what i mean i mean it. It gives me good coverage, but you can see that it's. You can see my tape right, so it is not as big as the wigs forever line, which is basically custom to fit my gigantic head all right. Let'S see what else we got in the slideshow: here's, the inside of charisma. So this is what the interior of the wig looks. Like i tried to take a lot of pictures. You see, there's felt on the ear tabs, there's a little bit of net uh. It'S got a cute little mookie tag. There'S felt at the nape um. The adjusters are the i believe raw adjusters. I want to say: well, we have one right here, so they are yeah they're the hook adjusters. We have hook adjusters in the back of these, and let's see here, this is what the top looks like up close and you can see this is by the way, not a styled wig. So this still has the taco head. I want to make sure i showed that, because that is something that comes from flat, packed wigs and again, a little bit later, we're going to show you how um one of the ways where you can combat that it's one of the things i did to this Wig, that's a good question that steve that follows into what jackie's just asked. Do you have this steamed over heather uh? No, i do not um. This wig comes with a right hand. Part - and i recommend not changing the part you can kind of see, and i want to make sure i showed this too. You can kind of see on the cap itself that there is a section of the cap that has more permatease than the rest of the cap. That is literally where the part goes um. And that's because i wanted to keep the permatease on the rest of the cap to a minimum. So that way, it would still have kind of natural density, and you would have the ability to get you know as little or as much volume on the top of it as you wanted. But one of the the issues i had, for example, with bardot, was that i didn't like it that in some of the the like in tahitian sunset, you could see the west and that's part of the reason why uh we sold her at a huge discount when We released her um and we released her separately from the rest of that launch because i really didn't. I didn't like that. So this is one of the ways that we're trying to experiment with trying to correct for that. So we reinforce the part with little additional permatease. So that way the wefting is not as noticeable, and my hope is that that kind of um fixes some of the issues that we had with bardo um, but we'll see how it goes. We'Ll see how you guys like it, i hope that you'll send me some feedback and we'll go from there. Well liz says: i've had no problem with taco head on your wigs. I just put it on a wig stand and spritz it with water. Put it in front of a fan on low and voila, oh yeah, it doesn't take. Much gravity will do the trick um. You know there are lots of ways, but if you want more volume, the hot air brush is the way to go or hang it upside down, get it wet. Hang it upside down to dry. Well, jackie has clarified, i meant. Does it stay over like the way you were wearing it now it isn't falling in your face. No, it stays like this. It'S styled like this right, so it's definitely styled with a very strong part and that keeps the hair from flopping in the face. It'S also a heat friendly fiber, so it's slightly stiffer to begin with and kathleen says. Is there more hair at the part as well um there is slightly more. The whole thing is slightly reinforced compared to the rest of the top of the cap. So yes, good good observation there and good question all righty good stuff, okay, so uh. What sets charisma apart, as i mentioned earlier, but just in case you missed it. Um is her texture, particularly in the back and i'll show it again in just a moment: um charisma features, a unique alternated, wavy texture that alternates wavy sections and straight ones, so it looks messy on purpose now. This is a heat friendly wig. So if you don't like the texture in the back, you can always straighten it. You can also add a more uniform curl. If that is more your speed too, she will look really pretty girl. I'Ve been experimenting with hot rollers. I think that that's the way to go sometimes with these so but yeah she's super cute um, we'll have to show you some more of the colors here too. Here'S that texture up close on the rose blush r, so you can really see it. You can see that it definitely alternates straight and curly straight and curly, and the top is predominantly straight. The front is also predominantly straight, and that is uh by design again, it's heat friendly. So if, if you want it to be more uniform by all means, do your thing, but i wanted to show you that this is meant to look kind of like controlled chaos. You know, and it is a fashion wig with a basic cap. You know we want to keep the price as low as possible on these, even in spite of all the logistics and inflation and crazy stuff we're gon na try our best to keep it that way. Small amounts of felt built into the cap for comfort, as i showed you earlier, if you missed that, make sure you catch that on the replay premium, silky heat friendly, synthetic hair can be styled up to 350 degrees, fahrenheit and um. It'S an average cap to me. It fits true to size, it has hook adjusters in the back with felt at the nape. Those are the measurements, it's really light on, um and yeah. I mean i've had it on for going on an hour now. At this point, it's been very comfortable. I took a bunch of pictures with it yesterday. In fact, we've been stalled on releasing poor charisma here since july when she arrived because um reasons, but essentially we're tiny - and this is a lot of work in a nutshell - not not to get too complaining about it. Um, and so it just took a while, plus i'm working on a new website, as i mentioned last week, so it this poor charisma kept got getting um pushed off to the side until i was like you know what whatever i just need to do this i Need to like schedule a day take some pictures. We need to get this done so incrementally over the course of the last few months, nigel and i have been taking pictures of charisma in all kinds of different types of lighting in um on different kinds of mannequins. With different kinds of face shapes and then last night i started taking them with myself, which is what these images are from and again my concealer games on point last night um, but yeah. So i i really had a lot of fun playing with this wig. I think it's precisely because she's so messy that it doesn't necessarily like you don't have to worry about whether or not the hair is sitting in the right place once you get it in place after you do the initial styling, because, as i mentioned, she looks best When you style her just a little bit, but after the initial styling, she kind of you can kind of set it and forget it. It kind of stays in place really really well, and i think it looks really cute um. So yeah i'm going to go ahead and end this part of the thing, so we can chat with folks. We got any comments. Questions ah well willman knickers, fit says evening late on deck, oops, oops hi, we're glad you could join us meredith says, is the park in front more similar to poppy or bardo, or neither hmm, that's a good question too. I would say it's probably similar to both, because they they both have something in common, that some of the other ones don't um and i would say the same truth, probably for ainsley and grayson. They have an open front as in they don't have fringe right. That covers up the hard front you can put a fringe in if you want, or you can just kind of incorporate it with your hair or use makeup or just run with it um, but the other two have fringe. So their parts lay a little bit differently, but i would say all the ones that have an open front have a very similar um front, part area where it is hard and um. As i said, there are things you can do to work around that or you can just kind of run with it. It'S up to you, but it's definitely not going to look like a lace front, wig right, um, that's but not! Everybody wants these front. Wigs uh row vega says hi heather and nigel i'm really enjoying the wigs you're creating. Thank you excellent and meredith says. Thank you for the insightful response. That'S very helpful! Oh good! I you know i'm nothing but pedantic, so i i've got that all day long. So nigel too, i see the facial expression that you were making right now, honey. I'M smiling. I know you are cute. Well, so are you all right? Let'S call it with all the questions. Okay, so i think it's time for a color change. Color change, yeah! Okay, can you hand me that uh south beach sands, all right i'll, do another little turn in this one before i take it off? Have you pinned this on? I don't think so. This next color is very highlighted, so you're really going to see the texture a lot better. Okay and i haven't really done much to style the what you can see my trainer bands um. I didn't do much to style the um south beach sands. I just took a hot brush to it. A little bit and nigel's gon na show you what i did, because i did it in front of him to see if he could duplicate it. I i need a bit of uh uh, liquid courage. First, so i'll mix i'll mix my cocktail of the week before i get down to that all right. So here i'll put this on and then i will turn it over to you. I'M just gon na comber a little bit with this wide tooth comb to help kind of integrate that layering just a little bit and i've not washed this or anything just a little bit of very basic styling. With that a hot air brush nyt mom, says hi, hello and kristen says i just ordered charisma. I the color polar ice r. It was my first polar ice r yay that color turned out so good. We were talking about that earlier, so i think you made a good choice. I have to stop looking in the camera. While i try to do this because the part yeah every so often i go to adjust my beard like. Oh, that makes it worse. Yeah. I got ta just look at the mirror. Well, my knickers says i've decided to make the move from toppers to wings, because i have so many of the wigs like angely, born grayson and now charisma, big step for me wash hands. Thank you. Thank you very much. Indeed, that's fantastic, i mean wigs are so much easier than toppers. I love toppers in the summer i miss. I just did it again. I miss being able to wear toppers in the summer because they're a lot lighter. But, oh god i don't miss the clips and my wigs by the way, don't have any clips in them. For that reason you can add clips. If you like, you know really feel free. Please make them your own. If you buy them and decide to keep them, you know they are yours and they're your hair, so make them your own, hey. What'S that sean says, hey youtube, looking amazing! Thank you, sean we're going to do a cocktail recipe shortly, hang around for that all right. I'M going to take a little bit of this jon renau cream. Oh, this will work out great because i can go wash my hands while you're doing your cocktail team work. All right. So have you guys ever used this stuff before it's like a pomade? It smells nice smells kind of like peaches, almost or like mango, maybe um, and i'm going to just kind of warm it up in my hands. So that way it's not like streaky, you know kind of disappears into your fingers and then then, i'm going to work. It into this top to kind of help piece out the layers, hence the name of the product and really get it on the ends. That'S the that's one of the best places to get it. Jen says she used something similar by beauty mark. Yes, i actually think they're very similar products, but yes same goop, different label, sort of thing. Uh no comment from you know from me no comment. I can only speculate, maintaining a politics, that's right! Yeah, okay, yeah, but i mean open mouth, insert: foot nigel's, general instructions. All right so see how i got that side to kind of piece out at the top and i'm gon na work. This a little bit more at the bottom. Shelly is asking what concealer you used: nars, i'm obsessed with nars cream concealer, and you know what, when i go to wash my hands when i just make me when nigel is making his cocktail by the way, i'm getting a little bit of shedding. But it's actually not that bad. It'S like a couple strands that are just sticking to my hands because of this contour cream, um i'll go grab it, so i can show you and i've actually found a really good foundation, color, which i think is another thing. That uh is helping a lot with. My concealer game, because it matches so so seamlessly i actually contacted their customer service - is gon na sound like a big plug for nars, but i contacted their their chat, customer service and uh yeah. They were, they were able to um hook me up, because i knew that i wanted um something that matched that creme brulee. It'S creme brulee, it's the cream pot and creme brulee is the concealer that i've been using and it matches my skin perfectly. It'S so good, but it's because it's so hard for me to find things that are like rose gold, undertones, they're, either just rose or they're gold, and sometimes some people like me need something. That'S got a little bit of both. I got ta share these two comments. Yeah cat b says hi guys i'm working driving big trucks, so i can't comment, but i'm here and can't wait to get my charisma yay. Well, that's excellent, and now i've got weird al's truck driving song stuck in my head, i'm driving in a truck driving a big old truck heading down the highway. The accelerator stuck got. These 18 wheels are rolling until the break of dawn cause i'm driving in a truck with my ears on i love that song. It'S fantastic and kristen says i wore felix and rose blush r out on monday and when i went to a doctor's appointment and then died out, went shopping at these eight compliments and long excited compliments. How does that look in the back? So i can't see it looks good okay, good jackie says: please show the name of the pomade again i was busy ordering my wig sure this well. Thank you yeah! Thank you. This is the job we sell this too. This is the jon renau, easy, hair, uh peace out, contour fiber creme again it smells a little bit like mangoes, so it's definitely scented, but it's a kind of pleasant fruity scent. I love this stuff on this wig because it really really brings out the best of it wilma says: did i miss if you said when charisma will be on amazon uh? We don't know yet if we're gon na have enough to put on amazon um. So, if that's something you're interested in um contact, our customer service john, is usually in here and, if not we'll we'll, let him know yeah um and we'll we'll figure out a way to let you get get in on this. Oh, this is good news. Yeah john says all good mate, i'm working with christina and scott from the casino. Please say hi to him for me because i, like those folks, you look so happy. I love how happy you are now. Thank you sean. Thank you. That'S great! That'S great! Isn'T he cute when he's happy, you didn't get to see much of that, like especially when you started talking about like it raining tar, oh yeah, the the reign of tar, oh boy, oh cat cat says driving my truck with my callista on yes, okay uh. I am i'm sufficiently gooped and glopped, i'm just going to play with it just a little bit more. This time i maintain the politics silence jones is so cute and i love the hair. Thank you. I'M gon na just take a little bit of a finer tooth. Comb to the front here so it looks just a little bit less like i've got a greasy patch right there, all right, cool, outstanding, yeah, yeah thomas says: that's fine. I have a shipping address for the company you used to recommend. So life is good one way or another. That'S right, excellent! I i still like um, oh what was it called my u.s or something like that? I i mean i i really like that. It'S just they stopped service somewhere in 2020. We couldn't continue to recommend them. Yeah but uh, i always had good experiences with them. So if they're back up i'm running good, oh that would be excellent. So i'm just kind of smoothing this down to show people what that looks like if you leave it kind of poofy in the back and smooth in the front. It looks like it's very, very stacked when you do that, like whoa, so very layered, so shaggy. I think i'm gon na leave it like this. Hey scoob dig this crazy pantry. I think this looks really cute yeah. It does but then again it's on you, so it doesn't actually look like shaggy from scooby. No, i know, but you said shaggy and i just couldn't resist egads carol says i didn't know what to think about this sbs color, but it looks like a good color for me. It'S really pretty it's it's a it's cooler than than you would think, but it does have that little bit of auburn. But it's such a warm color up against everything else. That just really goes all right. I'M going to go wash my hands because they're all gummy and i'll, let it take over for a little bit, so i will be back i'm going to let you move my chair because again gummy right! Okay! Here let me get the door for you sure i might not put the stuff in the other one because fair enough, oh so gloppy, but it does dry after a while. I use a lot of it shut it again, all right there we go all righty folks. This is a little something i whipped up earlier today, trying to figure out uh. You know something light and refreshing, nothing too too terribly complicated, but uh. I'M trying to think. I think it was liz who recommended limoncello at one point for us, so we're having to go with that today. Let'S get my quote-unquote whiskey stones into the glass all right chilling without dilution, love it all right now. What we're going to be using today is we're going to be using some limoncello trying to get that, so it isn't glared and since an elder elderflower liqueur - and this is going to be a really easy one like i said - i tested it out earlier. Basically, you just need one measure of limoncello in each glass dripping it on the table, which is why i always put down a towel for these things, because i am clumsy and one shot of the elderflower liqueur in each glass and elderflower and citrus are historically well Combined together, in fact, there's probably, i think, if i recall correctly, there's some citrus in with some elder already and then once you've got your booze in the glass you just top it up with some chilled water, let it swirl around and there you go. It'S a limoncello and elderflower refresher good for quenching thirst and soothing the throat i'll leave heather's right there. I'Ll put mine over here. Heather is back with a big handful of products, so much makeup, and i will move this aside for her yeah i'll just rattle off the stuff they use. This is like a magical base combination. I am so excited, i'm still kind of finessing it a little bit, but this has been working out for me really really well and i'll. Have nigel put these in the description or in the comment section or something yeah actually in the comment section might be better, encourage people to comment yeah um. So this is what i'm wearing. This is the um nars soft matte complete concealer in creme brulee light 2.5. It has a rose base like a rose gold base and it works so brilliantly. The thing is, there aren't many foundations that go with this um, and so i actually experimented a bit and while nars has some colors that get close they're, either a little too rosy or a little bit too gold. So they're not exactly like this color of concealer, but i found that the makeup forever r230, the r for rose, works, really really well um, and so i, it kind of threw me for a loop because, honestly, the model they use um. She is not a caucasian person, so you know. Perhaps i need to be a little bit more open-minded about uh what people with my skin tone look like, so it was kind of like a learning experience. You know, but uh. It was cool because, like when i found out that this worked out for me, i was like wow like i don't look, i'm wearing a billion tons of makeup, i'm wearing so much makeup, but it looks so much softer because the foundation shade actually matches my neck. A little bit better and all that stuff, so i'm really down with it um and powders. I use kind of a combination of powders, because i try to be really careful about the powder that i put on my face um. So i use pat mcgrath light one skin fetish sublime and that's what's on the the majority of my face in a very, very, very light dusting, and then i love her blurring powder. So much that i, this is like the third one that i've used. Since i discovered it and i'm already kind of wrecking it so um, this is really great for putting on top of blemishes. I i mean it's supposed to be an under eye powder, but i put it on top of my zits and it helps them just kind of like disappear when the lights are on, particularly which i love and under my eyes i use this go kogendo. My fancy brightening moisture powder in brightening, pink because again, i have kind of like a rosy undertone. So i use that under my eyes and it's kind of reflective, almost like a highlighter and so when you're using studio lights, it makes those dark circles really disappear, which i appreciate, because i've been kind of bummed out. I used to get filler under my eyes full disclosure, because it helps hide the bags, the big bags and the the deep deep like purple. For me, it almost looks like i have a black eye because my my eyes are so round and deep set and so um. You know that really softened them up, but i don't want to have to keep doing that. You know so. I'Ve been trying to play around with my concealer game to see if i can get away with. You know, cutting back a little bit on that stuff, so we'll see how it goes, but i'm definitely seeing the dark circles come back. When i don't wear makeup um. I definitely start to look tired all the time, so i swear i'm actually sleeping, so i should probably turn with this thing on um, so you guys can see the back of it a little bit better play with a little bit. I didn't put as much stuff in the back of this one as i did um the front of it. Oh we've got wendy james, just tuned in. We are now on australian daylight savings time, so you now start at 8. 30 a.m. Sunday, instead of 7 30 a.m, by the way, nigel did you look at the recipe from the other week for white xmas. Now that is, it was that um was. Did you send that in via email or in a comment section, because i haven't been able to look at the comments section uh for a while and we've had trouble getting the um we've had trouble getting the uh some of the emails to come through for uh Recipes and so forth, because tina tried to send a tea recipe in and yeah. I don't know if they've got like an aggressive filter going on well, we'll have to have to figure that out yeah so um. No, i'm afraid we don't have that but um. If you'd be so kind as to uh put it in the in the uh comment section below that would be super and then we'll try i'll try and find it after the broadcast, and i want to. I want to be uh transparent about why it seems like we don't know. What'S going on there, that's because i literally don't handle ops anymore um, that's john and his team, so like john and jamie and enrique and them so they they handle it um and i basically help handle the marketing and the product development and the sourcing. And that's what the division is. So when it comes to operational questions like that, i'm not always going to know the answers these days because i had to i had to it was tough because i didn't actually want to hand that over. But you can't do everything all the time, and sometimes you know the better, the better leader delegates right. So we delegate stuff that's important. Uh faith, we're gon na when uh the broadcast is over. I'M gon na put specific lit the list of all the stuff that heather mentioned in the comments below. So if you come back in a day or two you'll be able to uh get everything - and i am legit pummeling that, like i'm very close to pan, because i use it so much and you know the thing: is: i've had this concealer for for a while? Now i've been using this color for ages and it never clicked, because i i'm so red in some parts of my face and so like sallow skinned and others that um it was hard for me to figure out what color. I was because i was a little bit pink and a little bit gold and, as i mentioned in the undertones um broadcast that that's so that's so tough when you're a little bit of this. That'S why it's so hard when people have olive skin tones because they they're a little cool and a little warm that's why they have that green undertone. So it's it's tough for them too um, but anybody who's in between it's just uh, really hard to find colors. That work well, regardless of how deep or light your skin tone is um. So i was really stoked and i realized oh wow, you know what this actually matches and it it's actually thanks to. Is it because i had a zit in like the red portion of my face and i was dabbling it in there? I'M, like you, know what this literally matches my neck, my everything, except for like the reddest parts of my face. So, oh that's nice and then started looking for a foundation that matched it so what'd you see honey. Jackie said i just ordered my smoked, plum. The peace out wasn't on the product list today, but i will check it out later. Thank you for making me so much more brave than when i started my journey with you. Oh, is that good? Yes, thank you for sharing that jackie, i'm i'm so happy to help seriously. I mean i. I feel that way about most of the people who who are in this industry, like they just genuinely just want to help people, so that is uh lovely. Thank you. That really makes my night honestly and meredith says i bought so many weeks. John asked me if i own my own: that's one of the funny things about john. He can get like right to the point. Oh uh someone's asking um what is similar to jackson. I love mine and have um. We do not have any wigs right now that are like jackson. With a lace front, we did have our annika, which i'm still we're still thinking about uh, whether or not we want to make that one again um that one had a mono top and a lace front. But as of now, i think that the closest thing you're gon na find is maybe seduction by main attraction um, because that one has a very i mean it's a little bit shorter than jackson um, particularly in the back. But the layering is very similar and the length is very approachable. It'S a little longer than this charisma, wig is and um. It'S got the same overall shape, whereas charisma here is definitely a little funkier than jackson jackson's a little bit more um like a conventional version of something like this. So anything else, honey, um, wendy, says heather. I found that since wearing face masks. My face is breaking out didn't before. Have you found this to be the case, also for you by the way you're looking lovely? Oh, thank you, um! No, and that's because um. I am a stickler about washing my face a lot and i don't wear makeup when i'm going out anymore because i felt like that was just getting trapped on my mask and that was causing a problem that i would break out from. I don't know if there's any way to avoid that, if you're wearing makeup with a mask, because the i mean it's just gon na - rub up against that area, to the point where some of it's gon na get in one of your pores right, i mean at Least, that's my my reasoning and so uh. I try not to wear makeup and if i do it's like mascara and stuff, that's above the eyes. So that way i don't get that issue. But if, if you actually um, don't wear makeup and you're breaking out like that, try try switching to masks you can wash in the washing machine if you're not already using that method um it could be that you're sensitive to whatever the disposable mask is made of Um it you know could also be that uh, maybe you're, just reusing the same one too often um or you're. Just i i don't know it's hard to say, there's so many things that could be causing that, but i mean for me, i'm like super acne prone. So i mean the minute i no longer have to be in makeup, it's coming off and i'm very picky. I use. I mean you probably notice these very high-end products and it's not to be snobby. It'S because they're less acne genic some some of the brands over the counter, though, are pretty awesome like i really like um as far as inexpensive brands go. I think that you know revlon and maybelline have some solid products. For being, you know, drugstore brands, they're fanta covergirl too, they all have some solid products and i think that um neutrogena is highly overlooked, but if you're very sensitive and prone to breaking out they're a good brand to try um sorry for going on tangent, i mean The thing is: i've: i've got this uh silicone mask uh. That heather got me. She she got one for each of us um and it forms a great seal on your nose and mouth. Even if you got a mustache and a beard uh to the point where you do not feel uh, if you put it on right, you do not feel air escaping and fogging up your glasses or anything. It just all comes through the filter and that's really good, because when you put it on and you wear it for a while, you take it off at night, you can clean it with like rubbing alcohol or anything like that and really sterilize it for next time. So that that really helps um. If that might be an option, you know just saying all right, so i don't know if i have any more slides in my slideshow. I think that was about it. Maybe i should go over some of those measurements and stuff one more time, just in case somebody missed it or wants to see all the time. I'Ve got a banner for that yeah. I do there height-friendly fiber small amounts of permatease on top average average large cap size, front, eight inches sides, clubs, 14, inches nate, four inches overall, 11 inches weight, 4.1 ounces, honey. You are so on the ball. What no? What am i toasting? What is that? The way of the house husband again kanpai, i have no idea what you're saying cheers in japanese. How did you say that k-a-n-p-a-i con pie? Ah that's fun, see we learned something new every week. Jerry says every time i hear shaggy it wasn't me it wasn't me. I don't even know what he's saying to be able to sing it. It'S just that cadence cheryl says: can you give us a link to that mask okay, link, true he'll put it in the description when we're done mask and dory says. Thank you for the silicone tip you're. Most welcome, dory, oh shaggy. Now you've got me thinking of severus snake. By the way i do want to say something about the silicone masks. If you are like me - and you are a bougie who has fillers, don't use the silicone mask because it will literally smush up against your face yeah it won't, it won't hurt it or anything like that. But if you have filler it could move your filler around um. So that's that's why i did not use the silicone mask. Even though i bought one for myself, i've been using a really sparkly mask that i can wash in, and it has a filler filter that filler filter. It has a filter that i can um wash by hand and put inside of it, and it's really pretty like sparkles but uh. He uses the like industrial grade, silicone one and and because you know i'm partially modified. I try to make sure that uh, i don't smush it, because that could cause problems uh. So i use a cloth mask yeah. I'Ve also got cloth masks as well, but for the industrial grade stuff, i use the silicone like if you have to go out to the doctor's appointment, see if we have to go to doctor's offices, i usually just double mask it. You know like they usually have masks at the door so i'll like grab one and then put my sparkly pretty mask over it, because i literally look like a really hot ninja wow. This this part looks like hot ninja when it's on the rest of the body betrays that narrative. But you know, no, honestly, you could be like a glamorous helena. Whoa she's, probably my favorite, mortal kombat character, she's very metal. She is very savage. Come on scorpion he's got a skull for a headache how metal is but dude molina is this. Is you know a promiscuous lady? She she she gives that appearance and it's very attractive. I don't know she just she does her stuff. If you have no idea what we're talking about - that's okay, it's mortal kombat uh. We we grew up in that era. This has to be mentioned. Arla kensington says i got featured on her instagram feed and my heart almost exploded check out my profile, pic who designed that hair heather did and it's awesome and you look fantastic at it. Oh yes, by the way, good news, they're. Finally, making progress with the the danicas that i ordered in in holographic blonde, so we should have that before black friday i mean it was supposed to be here in april. You know, but whatever these challenging times etc, we will just keep trucking along uh, which neutrogena products did you say is the one to use for breakout, says wendy, oh that stuff i used to be obsessed about um from neutrogena um i mean some of their makeup. Is really great and i would i would really recommend any of their their face products. They don't always blend the best, but they are they're, definitely very good for acne prone and sensitive skin, because the whole line's meant to be that way. Um one thing that i highly recommend is their um overnight: repair like wrinkle intensive overnight repair. It'S like a silver tube that has a blue banner across it. That stuff is amazing. It has a really shelf stable form of retinol in it very small dose. So it won't irritate your skin and that stuff helped me with all of my acne scars people. Ask me all the time why i don't have more than just like a couple of acne scars and that's you know, even though i've had like cystic acne my whole life. That stuff is amazing, particularly if you just want a really low dose, inexpensive kind of retinol. That you can use from home um, so i'm not being paid by neutrogena. It'S just. I really think that product saved my skin. When i was in my 20s and my head, i mean seriously: it literally saved my skin um, it's fantastic! So it's the wrinkle, intense overnight repair or something like that um from neutrogena i'll, have nigel put it in the comments, but that stuff of all their products is my favorite thing that neutrogena has ever done for my skin. I think it's braces hannah says hello. Heather nigel hook you to her fantastic sunday, yes yeah. Thank you especially now that we've got some cocktails yeah and we're hanging out with our friends. I mean this is hanging out with nice people we're always good. We have us, we all collectively have a social life that is validation, baby, not a single one of us could be like we don't have anywhere to go on a saturday night right, no we're all hanging together, that's right, drinking stuff, whether it's alcoholic or non-alcoholic, whatever. What'S that thing again, kanpai kanpai kanpai, that's right! Funny thing about the japanese letter. It sounds like a cross between an n and an m. Often lace like when you do this. You talk about the japanese alphabet. You got it the last two you're rattling all this off, as if i know this stuff, the last two are, and it just basically sounds like so i don't even know if i can make that sound. So, like n and m, at the same time, you are in fact the best no shots. I mean who else would bring up this stuff? I think it's time for for you to attempt the wig thing attempt to do the thingy on the thing yeah. I will attempt to do the wig thing, so we need courage. We'Ve got this. It is a moonlit orchid variant of the thingy. I'Ve got on my head, which is a charisma um from cysterwigs limited and again she's got that funky, alternating pattern of straight hair, curly, hair straight hair, curly hair that alternates all down the back, but it definitely has a little bit of taco head. You can see she's got a little bit of a crease where she was folded in the packaging and laid flat. So what nigel is going to do is demonstrate how to undo that a little bit. There are multiple ways by the way that you can do this things that have been recommended so far. I can talk are not that much moves. I know you it's mostly water, but seriously. I'M like stuttering like crazy tonight. So, essentially, you could do maybe just getting it wet, putting it on a mannequin head or not a making head. Those are expensive use like a styro head or something like that, instead or like a block head, even if you're in a pinch, um and just let it dry in that rounded shape just that helps a ton um. You know people wash it and do that and that works a ton. Another thing that works really well is: i did a demonstration on piper of how you can use a blow dryer and nigel is going to show you how you can use a hot air brush.

CW After Dark [CysterWigs 2]: You asked for some featured product details, so here they are! MAKEUP DISCUSSED / USED IN THIS LIVESTREAM: Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Brightening Moisture Powder (Brightening Pink) SmashBox Cali Kissed Highlight & Blush Palette Bobbi Brown Nude Drama II Eyeshadow Palette NARS Soft Matte Concealer (Light 2.5 -- Crème Brûlée) Make Up Forever Ultra HD Invisible Cover Foundation Buxom PowerPlump Lip Balm (Big O) Pat McGrath Labs Light 1 Skin Fetish Sublime Perfectin Setting Powder OTHER SUGGESTIONS: For breakouts: Neutrogena Overnight Repair For wig styling: Jon Renau EasiHair Piece Out Contour Crème For easy-to-clean silicone masks with replaceable filters: Castle Grade G-Series Respirator Mask Hope this helps! - Nigel

Serine Haugsness: Ugh - I keep missing these. The pre-winter cleanup is kicking my butt. :( I'm sorry! Love Charisma <3

Liz Millner: Purchased the plum and sands..yesterday. Cannot wait to get them! Love all at CysterWigs…thank you Heather for your heavenly creations.

Kathleen Ryan: That was so much fun…it was really helpful to see Moonlit Orchid-R and Rose Blush-R side by side..thanks for that! To clarify I thought Moonlit Orchid-R has a bit softer lighter root medium brown #8) and Rose Blush-R had a dark brown root? I bought the Polar Ice-R it was so cool how they made the blue look “tipped” I love this style..that Smoked Plum-R is a delicious color as well.

Barbara Stovall: Hi! Love watching you two. Is CW After Dark on a regular schedule, is there a mailing list or subscription or whatnot, please?

Kelly Stoffer: Missed it but loved the replay!! Had already purchased smoked plum and polar ice. Been sitting on the UPS truck in town for 2 days! Argh. Hopefully he actually remembers to drop them off today. Anyway!! Drink recipe!! Like a good Michigander,I have to go with apple cider- Apple Pie cocktail 5oz apple cider 2/3 C approximately You can sub apple juice if you can't find cider 1 shot fireball whiskey 1 shot vanilla vodka Turbinado sugar and cinnamon, Lil nutmeg if you like. Mix spices on plate (you can just use sugar if you prefer). use a slice of apple or lemon to rub on the rim of the glass and dip the glass rim in the mixture. Add some ice cubes or whiskey cubes. Set aside. Pour the cider, whiskey and vodka into a shaker and shake for a minute. Pour into glass. Add cinnamon stick as garnish if you want.

Nancy Deutschman: My favorite is moonlight orchid. I really really really need Greyson in holographic blond. I feel like my life depends on me getting one.

Kathy Herbert: I'm watching this video over a month after it premiered. Would Charisma lend itself to trimming in bangs? I need them!

Deborah Prince: Are you gonna do any of these fabulous pieces in the silver blonde?

Irene Norris Robling: I was late to the party

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