Transforming A Clown Wig From Dollarama | Subscriber Wig

DOLLARAMA! I've never heard of it, but apparently it's Canadian. Get into this fright green clown wig from Dollarama. This wig was one of twenty wig submissions from friend of the channel Mike from Canada! And I must say..... They are all interesting buddy, so enjoy watching me go insane trying to style these clown wigs!

Outro montage music by my hot and talented music man @tylrcmpbll







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Hi everyone, james mantle here, bringing you yet another video, oh my god, you guys, so we are still in the middle of november. That'S right! November 2. Remember and yes, i am still recycling dresses from three years ago, because i haven't bought anything new okay get off. My back, i don't know why i'm fighting with you guys, no one said anything but anyways. I have yet another fan submission. Yes, we are gon na be going through. I could show you, but i can tell you okay, let me just let me grab it for you and throw my back out while i'm doing it. Oh god, okay! Thank you mike! Oh, my goodness now mike sent me a bunch of stuff from canada. Yes, yes, yes, apparently, it's a dollar store in canada called dollarama, never heard of it, but it sounds fabulous and i got sent a bunch of stuff. I got some colorful afro wigs like clown, wigs, more clown, wigs another clown, wig. I'Ve seen a theme here: a purple wig a purple wig a purple, wig blue green jesus. How many videos do you think i make here a rainbow splash wig, a couple of bobs. This one kinda looks like coco peru. If she was like in chicago that bothers me, okay, i have more bobs another pink bob, more pink bobs, more purple, an ombre wow, a dollar store, ombre wig. I wonder what that's like um. Let'S see, i have another colorful splash, it's like a dark black wig with um with um like colors, going down again another one like that, and we have a hippie wig. You know for like flower, child hippies and um a punk wig, a green spiky, punk wig and another hippie wig, okay and there's a little note in here. Let'S go on a second jesus, let's read them now, dear miss mansfield! Well, here we are in the midst of another october. I got to the slate it usps takes a while. Okay, it got here this month, anyways november, as such, the dollar stores are rife with cheap wigs by the bushel bushel. Is that, like a canadian word, you guys say that a lot there, your language, is a weird one over there anyways. Let'S see, i really want to see what slash if you can get anything out of these 20 costume wigs, especially the clown afros. Okay, oh there's. A ps there's a ps, yes, also some candy, because trick-or-treating was a bust this year. No doubt sad face. I already took the candy out. I already ate all of it anyways, let's see what we can do now, mike really really really wants me to get a tackle on these clown. Wigs, and i just might, let's take a look. Okay, i'll see what the quality is like and i'll decide from there, because, with these clown wigs, you never really can know. Sometimes they're made out of like fabric-y hair that you can't really style at all how to help you open this thing. It'S like vacuum, sealed in a second okay scissors, we're getting unboxing in this video too. Okay. How does this look? Oh boy? Well, that's. Definitely interesting! Oh, is her hair coming out of it? Hmm, you know i feel like. This is definitely something i maybe could work with. Maybe i just touch it and hair comes out of it: okay, well um: let's look at the inside yeah, let's turn it inside out and i'll show you what the inside looks like it's actually kind of cool. It'S like swirls sewn onto the cap and the cap is like a mesh that feels almost like a laundry bag. Yes, okay, well mike really really wants to see me transform these afro wigs. Let'S see what we can do, i have 20 wigs to choose from. So if these two are a bust, we have more to choose from so i'm going to try this on i'll, be right. Back yeah i tried on that rainbow wig and yeah no ma'am, but luckily i also have a green clown wig. We can do so we're going to do that instead. So, let's pick off when we left off, okay, pretend that didn't happen be like me whenever i re-watch american horror story, covenant just stop before they kill misty day. We also have a green clown wig and let's look at this one's cat. This one actually looks a little better. This looks like a standard wig like you check that out. It sounds like an actual wig cap, not a good one, but an actual wig cap. Now i just did colorful hair the last video, so let's try something different: let's do the green one. Instead, we won't do rainbow again and we're gon na dig around here, and one of these is bound to be good. Actually now i look at it. Hmm, i'm already getting ideas. Let'S just try this on i'll, be right back! Welcome back! This is the wig. I look like doink the clown yeah. I'M excited about this. This is gon na be great. I saw a lot of you folks, recommending i try a clown. Wig, every single time i transform a wig so we're finally gon na do it - and i probably you know this - video may be five minutes long, because i'll just give up and decide to go drinking instead, but we'll see what happens. Okay, because so far my hopes aren't high, but we'll see what we can do. Okay, i have lots of wigs to choose from so. If i don't like this one, i have other ones i can do instead. So thanks mike i'll be right back all right here. We go. It is now time to do something with this wig. Okay, let's try running a brush through it first, looking at it, i kind of can see where i could do here, but i may need a second wig and i don't think they gave me another greeting one. I have an idea. Okay. Yes, i think i know what i'm doing. I figured that out right away, because i am what a genius. What i'm going to do here is drag the brush through and try and take out as much of the curl pattern as possible so that it all rests down here and creates like a puff so like brushing at an angle like zoop boop. There we go okay and it's creating like a little cloud right there, like a bush. Do that a cake bush, that's exactly the terminology for that kind of hair, kate bush, and do that more now, as i do this, it's gathering all the hair here, but it's also creating kind of a bald spot up there. But i have an idea of how to conceal that so just bear with me here folks yeah, i think yeah that'll work. Okay, i'm gon na keep doing that these clown. Wigs always crack me up, because i remember like when i was a kid my dad used to do this volunteer stuff with a lot of guys from the bar, his friend, dale and stuff. They do like a volunteer clowning thing for the triple eye: shrine circus whenever they came to town like my father's friend, was really big friends with them, so they would do clown work for the circus when they came to town and my dad had this like clown Outfit he kept in the like closet all year. Long and his character was mr happy happy. You know just cause the double happy and he had this hat like a red hat and attached to it. Was this bright orange clown, wig kind of like this, where it kind of circled all the way around the head? Just one big red, you know bowler hat on top with yellow buttons on it. I remember it and we always had those like balloons in the pockets of the suit for the clown suit. The ones you blow up - and it makes like this really like flies all over the place. I loved those things, especially at a really high ceiling. You just watch it like zip. All over the damn place drives the cat's insane bar. It'S not too bad, like the hair, shedding's, not bad. It'S just. There is no tracks in this wig whatsoever, but if i brush it enough, it should create like a shag around the head, and i won't have to root a hairline out because it'll disguise everything around the sides. So as long as it's all strategically moved, i think it could be workable, but i'm definitely gon na need a second wig that is inescapable so right now, i'm just trying to keep some control in this hair and trying to get as much of a flatness to It as possible, and what i've learned from working with this costume here, is that you can kind of manipulate it to any shape you want, because it's such cheap plastic, and especially like these afro texture hairs, usually they're made out of really low grade. Like you know materials, so you can just basically bend them to your whim. If you want to make them a different kind of unique shape, you can totally do that with it. If you use enough hairspray and enough heat, it's just like certain grades of the hair are completely unworkable, like this, for example, would be very, very difficult to use, because it's just a cheap grade of hair that you really can't do a whole lot with it other Than what it was intended for, which is you know being thrown in the garbage anyways, all right, i'm pushing it all down, but what i'm not doing is ruining the integrity of the curl like. I still want there to be some texture of curl here, because if it's all just one big, you know bush, it's not going to look cute. It still has to maintain some curl, i'm just pulling it down to the sides. It'Ll create like a page boy and so far it's actually kind of working. We just do some work to the back and i'll be right back with our second all right, i am back now. I pushed it down as much as i possibly could so now it's creating sort of a page boy effect where i have it like swooped over here, like a bang like a poodle, bang, going all the way around into a poodle back and then a little bit On the side too, to create so it's like a 1920s haircut, very flapper, all right now. They also included these green wigs. I think they're like grinch wigs and they are awful but they're just about the same color as this wig and it's a close enough match. Where i think i can make it work, so i'm going to take one of them and it has a part that is hideous, but at least you know it's a part. So i'm going to put it right here where i want the part to naturally go bam right there and then i'm going to do my best to tease this out and blend the hair in as much as possible. But first i got to pin this down because what i want to do here is have the hair, oh because what i want to do here is have the hair look like as if it's you know the hair, that's on top of the head just going, naturally Into this and the curls will disguise the edges, but we got ta, tease it first and see what we can do. Hopefully this works if it doesn't work i'll, just throw the wig in the garbage and say i tried, but here we are add a couple pins to the back, just make sure to move around too much. I don't know why these wigs always smell, like a tire store, wigs brought to you by goodyear all right now, let's take our well. That is very easy to part. Okay, let's just do that, just pack it down now i have this idea and hopefully it works. I have good faith and when you have good faith generally things work out in your favor at least that's what i hear this could just be a complete disaster. I just realized, i didn't shave my armpits, oh my god. Well, thankfully, i have manskate use my code. Mansfield or james 20 for 20 of your purchase, plus free shipping, let's just take care of that. What other influencer do you know that will do this on for you on camera? Okay, i am back, i'm smoothing out my teasing. Yes, yes, yes, and i'm gon na use some bobby pins, actually right here to force apart. So let me just do that now push this down now tell it you're going to be apart now there, and just like that, we have a part in our wig. All right now comes the time where i have to use lots and lots of hairspray and tell this way exactly what it's going to do with its life. Okay, i'm just gon na spray, it so much hairspray and i'm going to press it down like that and if it's still doing what i want it to do, i'm gon na bobby pin it and then, if that doesn't work, we're going to burn it into place With a blow dryer and pull up some of those curls right here to create little bustles around it. That way, it looks intentional, like the hair, just naturally wants to fall there and there's a little bit of a layer there. That'S fine and we're essentially trying to create this all around the head to where it all smooths down here and goes right into curls, like a page boy, just getting that surface layer of hair, any long bits i'm going to bobby pin down and any of those Little flyaway bits i'm going to burn down with a blow dryer. It should create a little page boy effect going down like that fabulous. Let'S do the other side now tilt it. I have to say this whole being locked inside of our houses has really given me a lot of time to like reflect upon myself. Like i remember back in the day when i would start doing these costume wigs, i dreaded every single time i had to film with one of these things. Just because, like i worked with them in the past, and they never quite went the way i want them to, and i feel like you inspire me to try out new things and i've been practicing and practicing with these things, and i feel like i just keep Getting better and better with them, i'm not going to jinx this one, because this might be the one that actually turns out really really ugly, but i really really like the journey we've all gone on together, we've grown so much together since i first started this channel. I also learned that i have finished netflix. There is nothing left to watch on there. I learned that if noah sentinel is in a movie, i will watch it, no matter how bad it is. I don't care it's just who i am as a person. Well matter of fact, actually, actually i don't think i showed you guys this. I am so proud of this uh, the best 25 dollars i ever spent hi, oh gorgeous, anyways, back to what we were doing. That is my current celebrity crush who's. Your guys, let me know down below actually looking a little cute. It'S kind of like groove is in the hardish. If that makes any sense. Lady miss kirish. I have to do a little work here in the front, but that's fine we'll get it going where i want it to go, and we i got ta pull out that blow dryer. Sooner than later, like jolly green giant had a daughter or like a chia pet, come to life, have y'all seen that rupaul chia pet by the way - oh, my god, i'm getting it. Although my history of harmony with chia pets is not a good one, i will say that right now, i i could kill a fake plant. If i wanted to okay, i don't have a green thumb, even if the only requirement is put seeds on it and give it water here and there i will still probably find a way to kill it. I don't know what it is. I can revive a dull ugly wig, but when it comes to keeping a plant alive, that is not a talent of mine all right. What i'm doing here is i'm going to pull my hand down here and keep it in this groove right here and then flick up the curls, so that'll create a barrier around it and it kind of disguises it now. All'S we need to do is just keep these flyaways at bay, so i got ta bust out that blow dryer now, so i'm gon na grab that quick, okay trying to keep these flyaways at bay, so i'm gon na give it some glue spray a little bit Of got to be and heat and what i tell you girl that heat on these cheap, wigs just puts it right into its place. You couldn't tell that hair. It wasn't meant to go that direction all right. Let'S do this end. Mold, the bush mold your cape bush, okay, back yeah she's, like a sculpture. Now i am living okay. One little section here left to go. The blue spray got to be or pump it up. That'S what that one is that one's pumping up losing my mind. Just finger style with our hands now the little curls gon na get nice and cute get a little delicate moment now comes time for the pick just shape it. If you want a little accessory right here, like a hat or something now is the time gorge. Okay, it's got a cute little. You know 1920s bob kind of moment claribo. If you know she did like a green rinse. We have a little curl here, that's kind of straying away, so i'm going to have some fun with that right now. What i'm going to do is take some wet hairspray, i'm going to play around with that little swirl curl. It has just twist it, and that can be a little spit curl for me that i can play around with in the final style, everything's, nice and straight and everything looks like it needs to go where it needs to go top cis with, like a cute little Furry hat in the back or something or a fascinator, she is a 20s moment we're ready for the great gatsby, and this is honestly a two dollar wig, i'm living okay, i'm gon na! Try it on i'll, be right! Back! Welcome! Back! Look at me! I'M a flapper. I got plenty of nothing, nothing. I have to say this is a fun little thoroughly modern, millie kind of pot. I have to say being done on a very, very, very slim budget and a very, very, very slim wig. I managed to get something kind of cute out of this. It would work like a great gatsby kind of party, especially if you're on a fix, okay, we're on a budget here on this channel all right. Thank you so much mike for these wig submissions. This is gon na, be the first of many honestly, 20 friggin wigs. Oh my god, i don't know. If i have time for all this, i might have a nervous breakdown before the end of it anyways. This was fun. Thank you so much for the challenge. I finally did something with this kind of texture of hair you're. Welcome all right, don't ask me again: this wig is fabulous, but it is just missing one more thing: the james mansfield magical, wig spray from black phoenix, alchemy lab. Let'S just give this wig a spritz. Ah now my hair smells just like cream soda available at and grooming can be an absolute drag, but thankfully i have manskate use my code mansfield or james20 for 20 off your purchase, plus free shipping with the holiday season around the corner, get someone something for Their no-no bits, let them know you're thinking of i'm and now i would like to take a moment a men moment where i thank everyone, who's tipped me on vanbo. I would like to thank jacob joshua robert stephen aaron, sierra james, like me, from james and kenny shawn, maggie amberly and aaron did the absolute most. We appreciate you and teddy. I would like to thank matthew, susan, kathleen and audrey. Thank you so much for the tips on paypal, hey! Thank you all! So much and in case you guys did not know i am nominated for a prestigious award. Yes, yes, yes, i'm being recognized for my beauty on instagram. It doesn't burn me at all that wasn't nominated in youtube, but you know what we're gon na get. What we can get here, all right so be sure and vote for me. I'M gon na put the link down below vote for james mansfield for the most gorgeous instagram. There is on. You know the world of wonder platform. Yes, yes, do this! For me, i need this to feel my ego. It can go right here next to the mannequin head. Yes, yes, yes, now don't forget to like comment and subscribe and until next time bye hit the outro click here and see me transform a wig i found on the street or it's me transform a wig. That was on sale from bellamy. Hair come on click it. You know you want to. If you don't click it i'll meet you at the school and fight you so quick.

Rainbowdust74: Girl, the hairspray on that wig is worth more than the wig itself.

Blaise Avey: Next week: Jaymes: "This week im making a flawless lacefront using only a Vons grocery bag and a broken crackpipe I found in the parking lot."

K B: Canadian Dollarama Manger Clearing Dead Stock: I'm about to make this Queen's whole career

marcocera1982: At this point, if you came up with a "Transforming an expensive high quality human hair wig" I would be like: "Ugh, too easy for her!" I LOVE these dollar store wig transformations!!!

Nicholas Bourne: Nobody: Jaymes: Transforming a side pony I found on the bus!

Robert Wright: Why y’all gagging though? She bring it to you every wig.

kio vell: This could be a really interesting drag race challange!

Braden Ellis: Jaymes' wigcraft is proof that the art of drag is possible no matter the materials. You just need a LOT of patience. ♥️

Fabian Renzo Aguila Alcocer: I haven't seen one wig that Jaymes has styled that looks bad, seriously N O T A S I N G L E O N E

Monti B: Damn you Jaymes, your videos are too good not to binge and now my African grey parrot is mimicking your squeak!!!

death to a delicate ghoul: So I can't help but notice that Manic Panic just released a line of wigs. If only there was someone who would be willing to try to style one so we could all learn if they're quality or not, hmm...

B: I know you've been doing this lately, but I'm late to saying how much I appreciate you blurring your finished piece. I love being surprised. ♡

Matty Marjolet: You can make anything “drag ready”! I wouldn’t be surprised if you came on here and styled the RuPaul Chia pet and made it immaculate.

Queen Mary NovelWriter: There's yet to be a wig to conquer this lady.

Jad S.: Jaymes you’re a true genius!! If you hadn’t said so I would have never guessed you did all of this with $2 worth of wig

Ronnie Stephenson: That rainbow clown wig looks better inside out!

deekal10 Hayden: When you were talking about your dads bowler hat wig I fully felt that's the direction you were going. I was like how tf is she gonna pull this off? Maybe the cute little pilots hat or a church lady hat. Im halfway through so we shall see what actually happens. Edit: Just finished the video. Pleasantly surprised as per usual. Although, I shouldn't be surprised at this point. She brings it to us every single ball. Still waiting for a natural black lady wig! Would it make sense if I sent one? I don't know how these things work

Cherry Cherub: giving me very much 1920’s humanized little shop of horrors, BIG emphasis on horrors when those wigs came out of the bag Lmao

Pink Carpinchos: holy shit, that's actual hairstyle...and from a clown wig! you are magic!

Crybabycartel: The bob ross of wigs ❤️❤️

Bryan Partin: Wow, thought this one would break you, but you pulled it out girl!

pluspiping: It's so neat to hear that costuming and performing runs in your family! Such a great thing to do, bringing joy to yourself and your audience. Your channel brings me joy, that's for sure!

Bill M: I've bought dollarama wigs before and the fact that you were able to do anything whatsoever with it is blowing my mind... I thought they'd be bumps at BEST

Anne: When she first stacked the punk wig and smoothed it it kinda looked like a Karen cut lol

Alicia Corvina: You are the Bob Ross of Drag. Like, it starts out, you don't know where the artist is going with their work, you have some doubts, mistakes are made, there are some stories and cute moments and before you know it, there's a fucking MASTERPIECE, created in minutes from simple supplies. This was amazing honestly.

Aaron McKellips: At first I was like "umm." Then I was like "OMG!! YAAAS!! SUPER CUUUUUTE!!"

Rebecca Price: Wow she can literally transform anything into a cute wig, you go girl! I love your videos!!!

Mike chammas: Hair genius, tbh one of the most underrated ru girl ever P. S. You were my miss conginiality of season 9

Даниил Кононов: this is an absolutely iconic video and a perfect example of how true talent can really conquer anything and everything . thank you Jaymes

Ali Barker: You're literally the best wig stylist in the world

Lucas Lima: This is some advanced teasecraft wigetry I just witnessed, now that HP is cancelled this is where I come to watch magic happen!

Sébastien G: I nearly lost my shit when I heard Coco's "that bothers me" in the background ! Thank you for another video Jaymes, I watch them all with love Kisses from France

NoLa Ray: The quiet “that bothers me” voiceover gets me every time! Your attention to even the smallest of details that could be easily missed is the reason you are at the top of my queen list! When miss rona is gone imma need you to come to New Orleans, ma’am. ❤️

taite wyld: I was really scared for this one in the beginning Jaymes... that original wig was ROTTED, but you turned it out as always.

Shane Morris: Oh she was raised by clowns! Put all makes sense now!

dhea evangelista: I think I have watched all of Jaymes’ videos but this impressed me the most. She really can transform all wigs, even the ugliest ones, into the most iconic and glamorous hairstyles.

Jason Neste: WHAAAAAAA!?! YES! Watching you transform those cheap wigs is like watching an Olympic gymnast stick a landing....awe-inspiring. XOXO

FaeQueenCory: Gurl. Those clown wigs are something darksided. Especially those rainbow ones. But you are clearly bathed in his blood, cause you did some major witchcraft here.

JLBee: I've used those and honestly, the secret to working through the longer ones and getting rid of the blinding shine, is dry shampoo, which is also sold at Dollarama.

Lisa Hoshowsky: As a Canadian intimately familiar with dollarama I clicked so fast! Was pleasantly surprised to also be treated to Jaymes pronunciation of not only Dollarama but bushel also I own a black wig from them that is basically the clown wigs but slightly longer, it’s tragic.

Pnutty: The pink wig ion your table just makes me want to see you do a big 80s Jem wig even more

anna v: The wig would look super cute styled with a head scarf

M M: Thank you for the fun light hearted video ! The eye makeup in this video is to die for~ love it!!!

ceostudio: if there isn't one already, I'd love to see a Trixie, James and Juno Birch wig tutorial-stravaganza! <3 bless James helping us get through Corona

Breaking Light Productions: I love how she’s constantly challenging her skills.

southern rail: love the final product! your vids are sooooo good.

Violenzia Domestica: You just made the shittest day better. Thank you, Jaymes! I hope you pick the package I sent, also from Canada!

will: incredible!! you'd never know that was a clown wig under there. and I think it could totally pass in a look if you had some kind of black hat/veil/fascinator situation going on up top.

laxjetbear: I can’t wait to see what you do with the other wigs!!!

Neil Cameron: Being from canada, I know how bad those wigs are to work with, I’m surprised you managed to tame that wild wig! Fantastic job!

adrian hook: I hope the next video is making one mega wig out of all those purple wigs

Brayn Roquero: Been applying your techniques with my human hair wigs and toppers. Thanks millions!

Daniela Wolff: What an amazing transformation! Thank you for another very entertaining video.

Tommy G: Hahaha! I'm so happy someone sent you a box full of treasures from the Dollorama! It's as Canadian as poutine, winter, and Céline Dion! :D (Well, all the stuff from Dollorama is made in China, but still, it's a classic LOL) :-p I noticed, when I live in Montréal that people from France are obsessed with the Dollorama (they love the idea of a store being so cheap, the concept hasn't quite caught up in Europe, except in the UK where they have Poundshops) :-D

CrohnsLife: Love you Jaymes!! I’m so glad I found your channel! My newest addiction Ps- I used your tips on Halloween and won the costume contest (profile pic) ❤️

Gyde Oneal: I love it, true artistry and wiggineering!

Mark Burris: I am always so impressed by your artwork. You are so talented!

Awful Audience: This video is the first of yours I’ve watched. When I saw the preview I thought: “I’m not sure I’m gonna make it through 20 minutes of wig styling,” but here I am!! You’re delightful.

B. McKnight: I am impressed!! This would be awesome for a 1920s/30's peridot style clown. I'm not sure if they were meant to be clowns, or mimes, but this would work for that kinda look.

João Felipe F. Paiva: I just love how talented you are. You can do whatever and that’s very inspiring. I’ve been following you since before the show and I’m so proud of your growth. -I WOULD LOVE IF YOU DID LOOKS YOUD POSSIBLY WEAR ON YOUR SEASON OF DRAG RACE. I bet you’d kill the big hair runway, the club kid runway or even the princess runway. <3

ghostrider Xb5: Thank you for posting great quality video as always loved what you were able to do with the wig

Marie Rosales: I looooved it I’m so hooked on this channel just because everything is soo positive & I don’t have to just hear chismes from other channels YouTube gets toxic!

Rw's Rndm Lfe: Carol Burnett LOUD wig action going on there. James is such a wig genius.

Yan Boucher Bouchard: Trop malade un vidéo sur Dollarama! Plein d'amour de Montréal! ❤️

Nightmare Reborn: It’s Drew from Tennessee (formerly of Milwaukee. We love you so much, and you keep doing you! You are perfect, and your wig tips are AWESOME! XOXOXO

João Felipe F. Paiva: I just love how talented you are. You can do whatever and that’s very inspiring. I’ve been following you since before the show and I’m so proud of your growth. -I WOULD LOVE IF YOU DID LOOKS YOUD POSSIBLY WEAR ON YOUR SEASON OF DRAG RACE. I bet you’d kill the big hair runway, the club kid runway or even the princess runway. <3 maybe??

here2watch08: This is the most impressive wig transformation I've ever seen.

Thorn: These videos are so entertaining! And Jaymes is so funny it just makes this videos perfect

Marie-Andrée Hamel: What you managed here is INSANE. The patience, the vision, the talent!

Miss Katrina Klein: I'm actually shook this turned out exactly like my Aunt Edna's hair in 1932! Lol tirelessly she curled just then ends and kept the length took a pick and puffed it up. For fun she showed us as kids how she did it. I'm not 84yo so well maybe lol lol lol

been s: I swear Jaymes could turn a doormat and and a loofah into a full updo.

Ronja Engarde: I gotta say, when she pulled out that rotted, busted, diseased sheep of a wig I was nervous, but lo and fuckin' behold she turned it out again. Incredible work as always

Nomi Hagen.: Beautiful results as usual

Glenn Cheatham: Wow! Loved seeing you do this one!!

Smiya Coron: I’m an ace girl but the closest I have to a celeb crush is Ms Jaymes Mansfield Ily thank you for this content

JasperCatProductions: I have always loved old movies, my favorite movie star hair is Norma Shearer. I could never figure out how on earth she got her hair like that ( especially in The Women) But now thanks to you I know! Thank you.

evan thorn: hello! i love seeing the process of you stacking the cheap wigs tbh and your videos are always great and informative, but i wish you didn't speed up the blow drying sections. do you think you could maybe do a full video on heat molding? lots of love :)

nessamaine: Brilliant... Your wig styling & You, yourself, Jaymes! Happy Holidays! Stay safe & be well!

Elisavet Palazzolo: This is my dream hairstyle!! & It looks so cute on you!!!

Jacob Cowger: Thrilled to hear about your dad being a fellow Shriner clown!! If you want done of the rocket balloons I’d be happy to drop some in the mail for you

It’s_Charli xcx_bxtch: You made that wig look stunning!!!

DinkyInky2: That's super cute. I kinda want to find a set of black or blue wigs like these and make this, as I can't bring myself to cut my hair, but adore these short styles.

Yami Yugi: Yessss that 90’s neon green color, it looks amazing ✨

Frosting1000: how are you so freaking talented. i feel like your wig skills are so underappreciated

Cobbiant Miguel: Omg you just make me laugh so much!!!!! I liveee for you turning those cheap wigs into something wearable! When you sacrifice yourself, your talent shines! Lol

Shilo Harrington: Jaymes watching you transform these wigs actually is relaxing for me which is what I need right now, thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

tallrobb: Love what you do! Until YouTube came along there really wasn't info on styling wigs for yourself. Unless you bribed a drag queen with booze until she spilled her secrets. I'm wondering if you could do a few minutes on the products you use: sprays, gels... and what product works best for what? Best hold, best sculpting and so on. Products are so expensive and some guidance would be so so so so very great. Luv You, your laugh is like an instant happy pill. Rob, Toronto Canada

Eboni Mom: Only Jaymes can get something so fierce out of something so corny. 6:53 wig serving us St Anthony realness

Salem Strange: Oh god I hope you do more of these from the wigs mike sent, you’re so awesome!

Jess Hart: How did this turn out so good?! An oompa loompa could never

Fancy Clam: I am LOVING that Dolly 9-5 look. You look beautiful.

luisvillegasofficial: You’re amazing! I love watching your videos

Divinedancedivas: That laugh sounds like a creaky chair being moved by a ghost in the middle of the night, and I am here for it.

Snutih: You're so brave for doing this!!

João Felipe F. Paiva: I just love how talented you are. You can do whatever and that’s very inspiring. I’ve been following you since before the show and I’m so proud of your growth. -I WOULD LOVE IF YOU DID LOOKS YOUD POSSIBLY WEAR ON YOUR SEASON OF DRAG RACE. I bet you’d kill the big hair runway, the club kid runway or even the princess runway. <3 please??

Jeff Eastwood: Up for only a few hours and this already has over 4,000 views/522 likes/82 comments. Mazel tov! *LOVE* all the pop culture references you pepper throughout your videos. Bonus points for the Clara Bow and "Thoroughly Modern Millie" references =^)

Domingo Benitez: Thank you for bringing a smile to me very bad day. I needed this.❤️❤️❤️

Onyxe Blade: You did an amazing job making those cheap wigs look amazing

Phoenix: I love jaymes's little squeaks,they're so cute

Poly Poptart: Thank you for the inspiration that good drag can be budget conscious

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