Wig Review Affordable! Summer Heat By The Wig Company F18101

Summer Heat is a very affordable heat-friendly, synthetic mono LF wig. I purchased this wig with my own funds from The Wig Company. I hope you like this video, please subscribe. Thank you!

My measurements:

22.5" circumference

7.5" hairline to chin

12" front to back and also ear to ear

2-3" neck

Most wigs fall shorter on me than depicted in manufacturer's photos and other reviewers that I have seen.

Hi everyone i'm back um this time i have summer heat um by the statement slime by the weed company. This color is f18 101 platinum, blonde, slash warm brown light. This seems awfully awfully overall blonde. To me i mean it's a really pretty color. I um. Maybe a little too blond for me, but she's still very pretty so summer. Heat is a mid-length bob and okay. What does she remind you of from the front anyway? She reminds me of estetica sky because i just got her, so it's fresh in my mind, but she doesn't look that way from from the back. So let me go ahead and do a spin for you now. One of the things i really like about this wig is okay, so um in the catalog and online and other reviewers. Well, actually, i only know of atypical 60, who did a review on this style, and it's always. It was very sleek with them and and so and that's true, you can make it very sleek, but what i really like is there is um enough permatease in here um for those of us that, like to add some baboon to our wigs voila there you go. I really like this. Okay, let's get into some of the details, all right. She is heat friendly um. There is a lace front and that lace front goes back like three inches. Now there is no um mono part to speak. Of that lace. Front just goes back into kind of like a half moon half circle, and then it's you know that lace. I mean not lace but um that permatease um there. So i don't know um how you feel about that um, i'm! Okay! With with this um, i think the lace front is is really nice uh, the ear tabs are um, comfortable, um, they're, felt or velvet. I just wish they came down a little bit further. This wig just feels a little. Actually, it feels a little small on me. Even though i have let out the adjusters, it does have the velcro adjusters and i've. Let them out all the way and this this cap is just fitting um, a little small on me for some reason but um, but that's not gon na stop me from wearing her okay. So what else can i say she weighs four ounces. She does feel very light: seven half inches in the front, seven and a half from the top. The sides and the back are nine inches and the nape is seven and three quarters inches. There is an extended nape of about. I think it's half an inch um. I got some flyaways here that don't want to stay out of my face. Okay, there we go yep, okay, so um, but that color again is that platinum? I guess they. They call this. It'S mixed with brown. I i don't see it, but um anyway. I mean obviously it's mixed with something i just don't know. If i call it brown, it seems to me like it'd, be golden brown. I mean i'm golden blonde in there, but um, but anyway it is a pretty color um, and certainly folks that love the um. The warm blondes would definitely love this okay, so i think i have talked about um everything i wanted to um one one other thing: this wig is very affordable at the time of this recording um, she is selling on the wig company's website for 109. So i think this is a great wig, especially for someone like me that you can make it slick or you can really add some add some volume, so um that is really good value there for what you get the fibers feel very nice, very nice. So i wouldn't mind having her in a darker color, so i hope you like her. Let me know what you think and we will see you next time. Um. If you haven't already subscribed, please do and i'll see you later bye.

MoodyGirl Beauty: Summer Heat!!!! Love this wig!!!! The lace front is amazing!!! I had to add a bit of rooting to tone down the blonde on mine.

Christi Santos: It looks like a fun wig and like a short version of Suzanne Summer’s (when she was in 3’s COMPANY) hair color.

10TOES: This color works, TY for reviewing. Sale price as of now is $76.93

Lucky V: It’s the natural beauty for me! came across your channel and wanted to know if you’d like to support each other!

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