Md Makeovers: "Are You Your Types, Type?" @Kamsi Nnamani Ft Luvme Hair

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Name: Demmy

Birthday: 5th April (♈️)

Socials: insta- missdemz1_

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You understand that you know that they are fine and then their Instagram is popping. Like I say man, why do I go outside posts? I love it. I loved her see, that's not, for I just feel I like my man to look like a coloring book. I from here that the men here are so colorless: they don't even like light skin girls they're like bleach out girls, because you're not attracted to your wife you're married her because of you who shouldn't be a good mother. I also like men with money, so hello people, I hope you're right. I hope you're good if you can hear AC in the background, this is Nigeria. It'S very hard to mind your business. Thank you for tuning in. I don't know why I'm talking like this, I don't know okay, but guys I am here with my consists. You may have to have sex before technical uh. You may have seen her lovely face around before please my sister introduce yourself hi guys. My name is, and I'm back again on Instagram's channel. So what are we doing today? We are here to just know that I'm going as always, and on top of that we're going to be doing a lovely installation guys if you see what we will send today. It'S beautiful, wait there. What'S it hot, we are here with today's sponsor the lovely hair. Love me is it. You must love me, look at what they sent us 26 inches of goodness of Mercy. Upgrades of course, plastic. Perfect, because look at yourself, can you see the can you see? Can you see how your girl took her time this week arrived pre uh bleached pre-plots, but you already know how to do some more like this is yucky straight the hair. First! Yes, because we're going for a that's a seamless blend, thank you going from scalp. You know the damn Vibes so guys we're about to kill you we're about to make sure you. You know you use the link in my description box because you already know don't sleep on the job. Thank you, but guys you not know that. Usually we just walk. I don't really have a topic, but today I said we're. Gon na have a topic, and our topic for today's installation is my sister. Are you your type type of what's your type, I feel like that is a cheap. It'S a cheap question. Do you actually answer if I say that that's a cute question, I think it's a cheat code so, though, now emulates everything to be your type yeah, but I would say I think I talking physically in terms of saying you're tired. I always used to be afraid of actually saying my type because I didn't want to sound shout I don't want to sound shallow, but men never have to think of that they are always they say. I want somebody, but why is it I can't? Why can't I not just go around and say I want some of the bed, I'm not worried about offending those beardless beardless human beings. Why can't I say with my chest, but do you think men ever like settle for like you? I think they do, but do you think, like you know how women can be? It'S not my type, is a nice guy. You think men think that way, no yeah exactly. No, I don't think they have to so far. As you have money I think broke men said before no seriously broke myself before I hope she's nice only yeah. You know you, okay, you know you can do. I think, but I think that one is different like that one yeah, I don't even know, what's your type, is it outside my type? Okay, if it's the ACT physically tall and more one height, because I don't think I'm that tall. So why should I settle just like it's a difference? If I'm like a really tall babe, then I'm like okay, let me even I want to hear it told me, like still don't stress if you don't want to, but I'm like five six ish people always think. I'M taller same yeah, so it's like it's very you know. I'M talking six foot up. I don't know what my type right um dear gang, okay yeah, it's just. It adds something. It'S a different um to the whole there's something yeah and I feel what wigs are dreaming. That'S a little bit out to men, because some men, that's like Jesus like the way beards change them, Yo they're. Looking like daddies, you now do all those like. Don'T don't beard, have you not stop it? Have you not seen it? Yes, now alcohol babe help me me too, please. I will never be able to perform well in that bedroom. I would never. I would never have so he said beard Heights. What else I, like? The clean look, so you know for me, like you see it like the men that are covered inside no but, like I don't know ever okay, that's it like. I think I've been attracted to. Obviously, when you see like the tattoos, but realistically I would run you'd run, I just I love it. I loved her see, that's not, I just feel it doesn't do it for me. I just feel I feel like I don't. I don't like I, like my man to look like a coloring book. Hey you know so I like, like everywhere, we should be skating tonight, just turn back guys, I'm tied up. No! No! This is I'm talking Chris Brown type on the I want to see. Tell you on your neck, all the way your destiny laughs Jesus. I like a bad boy. Anyway, you haven't finished your time. Oh my God. I am not tall, but it's a bad boy. You you like bad boy. I started Queen, but I I don't like. I don't like when it's obvious that you're a bad, but if that makes sense because, like I don't want the earring, I don't want the touch, but I want when I see you, I know that I'm scared, if I feel like he's a bad guy Jonathan, like I don't like that whole like clearly drag the stereotypical like the earrings, the tats, the hair, the mohawks, so that's she's describing my typos like it's so funny. I was so different. Nothing. It does absolutely nothing for me. I just feel like I don't know it just gives me boy Vibes like it's like this. One is not ready to get like. I don't know how to put it. I know, what's so bad about that yeah everything you've just described, that's a red flag. That'S why I didn't like it and then expecting them to be like well. Is it really? I mean I think the guy can be like that? I'M still be serious, I guess, but all of that blue, because you want the clean look, they did them. So it's nice, if they're Angels, should I tell you my problem with clean, look clean, look men I feel like they're they're worse than the than the Bible, you see Bad Boys. You said you have to mentally you mentally brace yourself beforehand, because everything about him is reminding you it's the best life, but you see that one where the clean look, I feel like they're, the biggest Pretenders. They pretend to be put together ready to take you home tomorrow. Why? If you love you, let me show you [ __ ], those are the ones, the ones that have five women in rotations, because remember we think this one is the one. So they're really I mean, like I said it's not as if everyone is like if it's like this is he's. Definitely I'm just saying like what I would be drawn to. I like the king, look buttoned up. You know maybe sometimes somebody that that looks like they're going to work in embankment. That'S actually not true working. Well, that's not true. I don't mean no, no, I don't know no. I don't mean that I mean no. I feel a little clean look now. I don't know basically I just don't like you know all this, like I don't like too much. I don't like, for example, 24, 7, you're wearing sweatpants, okay, cool. I hear that you know maybe the UK thing but like. Why are you wearing tracksuit yeah, but I get there in the weather of course, like from Jonas and like I just want you can wear slides, you can wear like nice. How much you want trouser. What do you mean trouble like fitted straight? Nothing straight trousers. That'S nice, you see what I'm saying, but it doesn't have to be tucked in now like it can be bad with a cute shirt. Like I don't know, that's an absolute no like why. So you want somebody, that's wearing shirts, wearing stretchers and belts. It doesn't have to be wearing belt and I thought maybe this thing is too tight for your head. Okay, do you know like you're, the first person like I've been on this whole wearing my natural, my hair out, and they still put me back on wigs. Only dance could do that. Yes, baby. What'S your type, whatever sparkling, we should be looking like. Oh, my God guys. Can you see the plucking okay? Can you see all of that yeah yeah beautiful? This is what we call Little Slade plots to Perfection. Thank you. What'S your attention? Okay, my type. I tried to move away from my type because, since I was young, I've always liked always a pair, and those are the ones that what do you mean? Hair, like the big afro or braided hair braided hair stack of a crush on the Jamaican boy. I had long hair locks, no, it wasn't locks. Okay. It was like an afro that his Mum would break his hair in a couple of different design, different zigzag. That was the very first we even Mario. No, it was pretty, and that was see Mario Mario and his haircut. I like that he was yeah, don't say what you just leave it for my my liking, but we should technically super cool, because men have a hair makes them look feminine, but I don't know what it is I just I just I don't know I like that. Looking looking so it's looking good man, if, I'm being completely honest, I want to look at you and be like this man yeah, but I don't want. I don't want pretty, though handsome, but I I like a pretty boy deep down. It'S pretty, but I also like men with money so and he's ready to find good. Ah fine boy, don't feel right, that's the unfortunate situation. You know you just have to you know like manifestation because manifest that is fine. Yeah. You believe me unless you're a man, a person that is fine, you'll, be manifesting this morning. Yes, but that's what I'm saying and that's when you, you know that question of. Are you your types type? No, I don't think I am. I think I am you think. You'Re Italian, why don't you think yeah? Because I feel like my types type? Is black skin big bone? You know pretty boys like pretty boys on music videos. Wait! Do you like? Do you have a preference in skin colors dark skin, dark skin? I'M convinced I like skin boys, don't like me before you come to Nigeria, like I've, been approached by a couple likes if you feel like light skin boys like live stream, girl, yeah or on the up on the opposite end, you either start to see light-skinned boys, Like really dark skinned girls, I don't think you guys hear Nigeria. I feel abroad, yes, America, yeah, actually America and then like, unless that he's actually white and then she's black. That'S like that, but I saw here that the men here are so colorless yeah like a colorism is really they love like they don't even like light skin girls they're like bleach out girls, you like mixed race, bleach out and then no dude. I thought the egg man that likes me. I don't think that, first of all, I can already imagine a type of man that likes bleached out girls, but Jimmy like this is all she's. Actually, like no bro like as in Eva babes, like I heard some of these men, they can't even tell the resting the baby's using cream with the dark Knuckles or the men that actually bleach. Oh boy, can you be there? You actually started Bluetooth. I don't know. I feel like when men partake in beauty standards. It gets to me, but I like pretty boys, so clearly they partake in the East London. In what way they'll go get facials they were like. Do you like? I don't think that yeah, but I like a man that Grooms himself, though, like his fingers, are good. Do you don't like that yeah I do, but on the face shoes or whatnot, but there you guys, do your eyebrow? Okay! No! That'S! That'S! That'S what I like to see boys shots. You know those guys that you know that they are fine and then their Instagram is popping. Like I said man, why do I go outside posts? Gosh, no education. You know what I feel like you: are your types type um. I agree with you because your time, your time, your types type, is they like the babe that doesn't dance in the club. They ask you. Do you want to drink, no, just water? What no? No but champagne you've got a table, but you ain't thick though I feel like I feel, like oh man and they love fun girls, so I feel like the danger with my time. Sometimes it might be pretending, like you know you like the wild girl, but for like maybe status, you want to be with the wifey or whatever type and put your like Jonathan, but I think do you know. I also feel like men when they want to like marry. They don't go for they go for. Like I don't know, I don't think they're emotional decisions, which I feel, whichever I feel like women should not be like doing. Oh, let me just give him a chance. I don't think men do that just give him a chance, yeah like if your mom wants to marry, for example, I feel like most of them do something. You know the woman as a mother until marry the one they still will fit. That rule actually be maybe better than the one he really loves. Do you know I'm fancy like I feel like he would never go for lower option if he has to um she's fine. She has a finance and then I think she'd be a good mother. I'Ll go for her, the one who really loves might not be but he's like um yeah, I feel like they will never go for a lower option, so I think women should never do that. So, what's your view on that popular thing like the person for you is outside your type, the person for me is not going to be my type of tool and I think I'm gon na fool. I think I'm gon na fall in love with him. Do you think you're right? I think it's gon na be incredibly nice, incredibly less, like really caring, okay, so your time is not caring or nice, no it, but you just don't seem to find that in the pretty boys they care about you, I'm talking really really compassionate like before. You even think of yourself, you think of me, that's the type of love that I think it's just like them ones, where I know no matter what I look like fat or slimo, no wig, no eyelash! You! You love me just because you love me. That'S the type of man I feel like eventually I'm going to end up with, but for now, while I don't really believe, let me enjoy all the tattooed boys, so you've been in this thing. I do I I really do I it's almost like. I feel like it depends on your type, but I I I I honestly do so that people underestimate the the whole attract the attraction when people are like. Oh my God, these are the characteristics if you're not attracted to that person like. Where do you even start? I feel like attraction is being on the mind, sometimes yeah, but idea is a good listener. All of that like, but, if you're not attracted to him, like you can't during this time, I feel like later on. I feel like you resent him, but no I'm not even joking. You know why do you know why? I believe, I believe, with this attraction thing is just our age right now. I think when we start hitting 30., I feel like marry somebody that I'm not attracted to. I can't if, if I'm talking, if this man his qualities, I feel like later or I feel like you resent him, are you sure I feel like you will, though I feel like at the beginning yeah. So when now all day is that someone who, like they truly love you and everything about Humanity? You can't care about someone and the person who doesn't feel the same way, no matter how much they try. You know it's just not there. I could fall in love with a friend who, like maybe it's, not good looking, but he cares about me. He looks after me. He takes care. That is, I feel like for you to fall in love, that element of Attraction. Is there I'm seeing if he's not there, how is it possible? I feel like yeah, let us in the comment section yeah. Let us know, let us know. Okay, I think I can marry somebody so ugly, but if I know that you care about me, I'm talking about look so like you can't you can't decorate an ugly man. That'S up to you, but at least the attraction is dead, because I think that's what that's. What makes things romantic? That'S what, if the attraction is attracted to the way? I don't think it's long term. You don't think it's a long time. I feel like it now goes into like this. Guy is an amazing guy for, like I shouldn't have married him like I don't know, if you get what I'm trying to say, that's what I'm just trying to say so you feel like there has been some form of. I find you good. Looking, I don't know like and after that, that's now more logical thinking like this must be a good father. This man loves me, it's my curse. For me, this man provides for me attraction, there's some people who's, not there some women. That said, I tried it, and this is an amazing guy, but I just don't it didn't click your last part yeah. The spark is not um. Yes, no, I think that's even more like this. Do you know how you with someone in kickoff like it's so good everything is Vibe being like your heart, like the spark that spark? Yes, no, that's [, __ ] means, but I feel like I didn't want to say, because I feel like people cannot mistake it for lost, I'm not talking about lost otherwise spark like you guys click. Some people can be so good. I just walk, but you don't click like for you. You can click on like this. Is a friendship. Click. It'S not like a a lifetime partner, quick. I don't know, but that's just what I feel and I feel like a lot of women. But do you not think that that clip they are looking for is based on fairy tale or based on movies? No, so have you ever met a man and everything just plates? I don't mean everything people you guys have like a connection like you guys talk like everything, yes and you just it wasn't perfect, but I'm not saying I'm not Perfection, but it clicks now like yeah like yeah yeah. Yes, yes, I'm telling you something. Okay, all the people or women didn't try to spark. Don'T worry, don't worry guys. Okay, now, I'm trying to see I wasn't gon na worry, because I don't think I'm just saying that everyone is not actually there's no like spark and there's no attraction. It can slowly. Just turn into like this is a good like I look like someone will start resenting the other or, like someone will step out to cheat because you're not attracted to your wife, your mind her because of you who shouldn't be a good mother, you get it from The message maybe like yeah, like he's not 20 people like he, feels like you, you know you have you're a doctor. For example, you have this you're gon na be a good mother and she might be Hustle, but why he's not attractive but there's no Sparkle? He has a better Sparkle someone who's like outside, but doesn't have this point yeah, I'm trying to say like I'm. I think that kind of eczema, I'm trying to say that so many and they will really find like their real passion. It'S just not that one, so that means men do the same thing. Men and women do the same thing. Yes, you can. You have no business marrying this man, but you love him, but he has nothing good going on in his life. I don't think a man will ever do that, like men will always keep the better sorry, men will always pick the better option, no matter what so women are more emotional like this man has been trying to sell this track for the last 10 years. You'Re still there exactly guess what he now does. Well, it's not you! It'S not you! It'S not you! So if you know that it's not working just go so you know I've been kind of thinking about yeah, yeah God. Forgive me, I'm thinking. Maybe one day I might just try out, I want to like um go on those dating websites for the ones where you can date a prisoner. You know what you think. Someone is right about to make sense. Are you okay? Why do you know it's, because some people are wrongly framed? How did you enter this before you went out right? What were you doing there? I don't want to know please. I know where he is foreign yeah. That'S what I'm trying to say and I'm saying at least you your husband is in prison. You know where he is that's why you're even happy to go there, but it's another thing: I've not switched him in prison, switched him switch him out. Hey you've been there for years, yeah. No, I heard anyway, it was great aesthetic that you're looking for no, that you found out that that knockiness that he was doing money laundering, but he has hidden funds that he's ready to transfer to your name for me. So guys, we've reached that point uh in the video where I'm about to reveal our model for today. Yes, remember: this is the Beautiful, the Beautiful the amazing The Amazing, so guys make sure you hit them up. I know you're ready because we are about to do our reveals in three and two in one zero. Thank you. Thank you. Look at this goddess. God come closer, come close. Can you see the front turn? Okay, so the front, so I couldn't see how it doesn't. Even require any age, any anything Casey. Has she looking good looking sweets, so you don't have to plant your back. Why? Because, oh goddess, thank you. Please make sure you, like you, comment and you subscribe, make sure you go and follow the comments on her Channel. You already know the Vibes. Thank you she's. Looking like a baby, we are going out.

Cheap Thrills: Demz brings out a side of kamsi that I really love to see❤️

Marjorie Nyala: I think sometimes the attraction can come a bit later. Especially when he’s not exactly your type and you pay no attention but then he starts treating you how you want and that changes things. You actually start seeing him as a man you can be with and the attraction builds

D. S Alan: It’s so true what Kamsi said about men being more logical in choosing their wives even though they’ll end up cheating with their actual type. Women are more emotional when it comes to marriage.

Simi’s Corner: I agree with Kamsi, attraction has to be there if it’s not there it’s not there. It’s not even about the looks, I can like things about you , about how you care and that just brings the spark. Like there are just people that look so good for you on paper, they look like the perfect match but you just don’t click

Molly Pohamba: At this point You two should start a podcast together. Your conversations are always so interesting. A good combination!

ZY Harrison: Literally cried while laughing when Demz talked about dating a prisoner

Chama Mulenga: On this I’m with Demz they’re people you meet & there’s no initial attraction but after interaction & spending time with the person you start to develop an attraction & feelings

Ngozi’s Space: Demz really bring out a different side of kamsi

Anidear Effiong: This combo was really an amazing one , thanks kamsi and Demz

hazel obua: This was nice, Kamsi’s hair is amazing . I would also say I agree with Kamsi’s point that you have to be attracted to your person before getting into a marriage, otherwise it’ll always feel like something is lacking and because of that you’ll go and look for that outside.

Ramatutintin: Tbh I agree with everything kamsi said but the attraction part. I agree with Demz on that.I used to think like that before until I met someone I wasn’t attracted to but ended up having a thing or what not with him just because of the connection we had ,the way he treated me like an egg(literally) and a lot more I can say about it.last last what I’m saying is that connection and love is key.if he’s got every other thing about him right,you wouldn’t even know where the attraction will start coming from frfr.

Bolu: I understand where Kamsi is coming from but sometimes attraction might not be there at first until you start getting to know the person. It shouldn’t be forced tho, it’s better to leave than stay in a relationship knowing that you aren’t attracted to your partner

Deborah Fasingha: I think Kamsi is right about the attraction. And it doesn’t necessarily lie on the looks.

Maro Egbedi: Love the hair This conversation was hilarious

Vivian Ikechukwu: Loved this so much . Laughed till the end. So much truth in every word ❤️.

CHIANN EJIKE: Attraction is key tbh but at the same time it could come later for some people , someone can make you feel so special and eventually you start getting attracted to them ‍♀️

Faith Afahaene: Really enjoyed this video, mizdemz always put a smile on my face, thanks for making my evening

Tunmise Omosaiye: When this two is in a video, it definitely must watch

Zara Okpara: Kamsi is right If you are not attracted to someone,when the person misbehaves,you gon hate him. But if you are attracted to the person,if he fucks up,you gon see him as an annoying baby.

asmau ahmed: @MissDemz5442 is actually right. Bleached out girls be making the rounds everywhere. Also @KamsiNnamani bleaching has really "progressed". No more dark knuckles. Even I as a lady find it hard to place if a person is originally light skin or its the chemicals these days.

asmau ahmed: I'm definitely on the attraction train with @Kamsinnamani .Attraction is the key. Without attraction you won't be fulfilled internally. A person can be good and all but they are not for you because there is no attraction. That's what the friend zone is for: good guys you aren't attracted to who like you

Nnennaya Onwukwe: Demz is such a vibe I think attraction can be grown into.

Ibiba Karibi-Whyte: I agree with Demz I can marry someone I’m not that attracted too, I would later on start getting attracted to the person

Idache Aisha: I really thought demz wanted to say something important and she said prisoner

Anita black: Demz she said I would like to date a prisoner cause I know where is his

Margaret Akan: Kamsi is 100% right Attraction is very important Even if he ticks your boxes, you still have to be attracted to him. That fire is really important. Resentment will always come up later. I’ve been attracted to a few guys that aren’t so handsome but just there and it was good.

Ruth Harry: love this.. had so much fun

LadyAnne: "Fine boys don't pay rent" am finished

Cynthia Bobmanuel: Demz reminds me too much of myself

Vee E: Yes I agree with Kamsi! You may likely resent him. I've seen it happen. Attraction is heavily underestimated! Regardless of looks, if you don't find him/her attractive, it won't last long.

No One: Broke men settle temporarily until they get the women they actually want

ZED 2.0: Different people are attracted to different things. I know people who are attracted more to personality than looks. And personally, if someone is good looking but they have a bad personality then they immediately become less attractive

Genevieve Ugoanochie: Hey God, I had a good laugh. Mad combo

Shades of chii: You end up getting attracted to the qualities in the long stop seeing the physical...but when you see someone you are attracted to would look for the nearest exit or prepare apology speech

Raregurl Stephie: When kamsi said don’t worry don’t worry

TRACY PATRICKS: The frontal thing took me out Demz please

Precious Oluwapelumi: Love these two

Josi Rhinof: About what Kamsi is saying about care and’s true I’m like Kamsi but I also agree with Demz because I’ve met people like that, they’ll fall in love with care and grow to love the person if he’s always there showing some care and love, there by not be any resentment There’re two types of people

Luv Jene: Give us an update on how you’ve been and how you’ve been finding Nigeria please x

Ayinla Oluwatoyin: Funny how things don"t work with the so called TYPES(TDH), there is always an odd but the ones that are not my type be worshiping the feet I walk on. Your are left to choose your demon. It is hard though, i cant lie.

victoria: I hate living in a white areamy problem is I've never been around my type enough to know if I'm their type.

Racheal Orezimena : This was so real ❤

Natasha Zeb-amah: I can never date a guy I’m not attracted to physically, I’m sorry you can care for me die but in my hearts of hearts, I know if I date you I’m settling cl

Zara Okpara: Yes Men are not emotional when choosing for marriage...

Ayotomiwa 💕: Best duo❤

Racheal Paul: I love you both ❤️❤️

Enobong: all over your destiny???? girl byeeee!

Favour Ofudje: My favorite duo

Agnes Agbo: All over your destiny “

Faith Omosofe: I think i understand that spark it could be physical looks it could be intellectual it could be personality type.....

Okeke Mary: Men in suit?? Will show you pepper but I love piercings and braids on guys with suit too

Feyi Kemistry: “5 women in rotation”

It’s Timah: her moving her head is stressing me❣️

Adenike Yabsky Azeez: I've missed you sooooooo much.

Aaliyah Folorunsho: First time Im seeing a miss demz video this fast

Salem George: they have come again

Beat by Biye: Where have I been ! ❤ ❤your vibe Abeg

Raregurl Stephie: I totally enjoyed this video … Tiwa is really your twin…

LadyAnne: It's the colouring book for Meeee oooo ms demz I beg ooo

TRACY PATRICKS: I can't marry a man I'm not attracted to because where will I even start. I'll cringe whenever I think of being intimate with him disgurrrrr I can't abeg

Xipporahh: Never clicked on a video so fast

Jesutoni Akerele: I feel like if you’re not attracted to him and you can marry him and you love him because he cares for you then it’s just you loving how he treats you not you actually loving him

Chelsea Bangoura: all of your destiny

Luv Jene: Where did u go? It’s been weeks. We’ve missed you

Her: My fav duo

Sophiya Orji: I enjoyed watching this

Egde Uche: Kamsi is confused.

Yambee Jam: Demzzz ...

gift patricks: ❤️❤️❤️

Mercy Ogbenna:

Okolo Eliora: okayyy!!

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