Why My Eyes Are Blue, Changing Your Eye Color | Grwm

Hey babes!

Today I wanted to talk about my eYeS. As a black person with naturally blue eyes, I get a lot of questions and comments regarding my eye color. The comments I’ve gotten recently have urged me to investigate more as to why my eye might be blue. I’ve always thought it was just inherited by my mom, but turns out there is an actual reason for it, so I decided to put on some make and share with you guys what I found out! I hope you enjoy! XX CYD


Articles Referenced -




My Ancestry - https://youtu.be/Mlcew2ipp4M

Doing Makeup With My Mom - https://youtu.be/zL500jYybAo


FOLLOW ME — Become a BEAN!

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Make Up For Ever - Aqua XL Paints - M 72 & M 40

Juvia’s Place Palette - The Zulu

Black Radiance Eye Base - Copper

Bold Face Makeup Lashes - Lash Trance


Eborian Pink Creme Primer

Urban Decay Naked Weightless Foundation

NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer - Amande

MAC Studio Fix Contour Palette

Benefit Cosmetics Hoola Bronzer - Toasted

Urban Decay Blush - Bang

Artist Couture Highlight Powder - Lickable


Mented Lip Pencil - Night

Hourglass Lipgloss - Fever



↣ Camera – Lumix GH4

↣ Editing – Final Cut Pro X


↣ Are your eyes real?

Yes, they are naturally blue, with brown spots.

↣ What is your race/ethnicity?

I am African American/Black

↣ What is your Foundation color?

In MAC foundation I wear NW45 or NC50.


FTC: this video is NOT sponsored.

It'S lace all coming up is so hot hello, beautiful people. Welcome back to my channel. Thank you so much for clicking to watch this video for today's makeup in mindset. I wanted to talk about my eye color. If you have never seen me before you're new to my channel hello, my name is Sydney black and I'm a black girl with naturally blue eyes. I wanted to talk about my eye color in this video today, because recently I've been getting a lot of really aggressive and rude comments that are kind of disguised as positivity and encouragement, and it's really just been getting under my skin. I have dealt with comments about my eyes, my entire life, both good and bad, and it's never really bothered me. However, the comments that I've been getting recently are along the lines of. Why are you wearing those blue contacts? You should just be happy with the brown eyes. God gave you, you would look so much better. If you just wore the brown eyes, you were blessed with, or people telling me to go and find myself. Why are you wearing those contacts you go find yourself? Sorry! I'M saying it like that, I just that's how I imagine like people are typing it out. Like are you getting these comments hasn't made me want to investigate. Why so, I thought it would be fun to put on some makeup and share with you guys what I found out if you haven't already, and you would like to subscribe to my channel and join the peaceful, ass [ __ ] gang we post every Monday. I know today is probably not Monday, but don't judge me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I tried to get these videos up every Monday. Sometimes it doesn't work out, try again next Monday. Yes, if you would like to hang out with me, put on some makeup and talk about my eye, color, then just keep on watching okay. So, let's get it started, I'm going to be mixing these two aqua XL paints from Make Up For Ever to create an orange. I had an orange, but I think it just dried out. It got really like gross looking, so I'm just gon na make it Orange we're gon na be creative. Oh so I've mixed that color together here, okay, so today I wanted to talk about my eye color. I honestly have never really done any research or cared much to know why my eyes are blue. I just I don't. I just never really cared. I figured it was something to do with my genetics, because my mom has one blue eye, one brown eye, so I just figured. I just got him from her, and that was good enough. That was a good enough explanation for me, my entire life, but lately I've been getting a lot of really like aggressive comment. People telling me like why don't you just be proud what you should be happy with the brown eyes, God gave you, and I don't know if this is just like the ego and me that gets really upset about this. But it's like how dare you tell someone who they should be, what they should look like like, even if I was wearing contacts, that's rude. Why? Why do you feel compelled enough to say that to someone - and it makes it even worse, because I'm not wearing contacts? I also feel like it's like a kind of an empowering thing, like they're, trying to empower people to appreciate their features and love themselves, and I completely get that but telling me to be proud of the brown eyes. God gave me just a thorn. I was investigating. Why these comments were upsetting me so much then it made me think like. Why do I have blue eyes like where did this come from like what is this about Neutrogena makeup wipes for the win? You guys, like everything for my eyeshadow, I'm going to be taking this palette from Julius place, the Zulu by Truvia. So I was born with great eyes when I was born. My eyes were gray, and I've heard that this is kind of common for babies like you usually don't get the pigmentation in your eye until a little bit later. I could have made that up. Don'T quote me, but my mom says that my eyes were gray like they were really really light blue and then later they kind of got the pigmentation that they have now, I'm not sure if the spots in my eyes were always there, like. I have like these like spots. I look so stupid right now he's like spots in my eye. If you can see, I'm not sure if those were there or they came later, I don't really know, but they started out great and then they were blue. My mom has one blue eye and one brown eye, so this eye on me has a lot of brown in it. I think this I was supposed to be brown like my mom's, and then she has like a blue eye and and her brown eyes. She has like blue spots at the bottom. You try walking around the world with a brown and blue eye with no eyebrows and just no, no, you have two of the same type eyes this one's mainly brown. No, no! No! No! No! I got one blue and one brown. You should see babies where they look at me, a freaking scarab. I also have two younger sisters and they both have brown eyes and then my dad has brown eyes and no one else in my family has blue eyes. It'S really just me and my mom. As far as I know, it's just me and mom dukes me and mom do meet me and mom. So recently I decided to look it up by like Google search there, I type in black people with blue eyes. I think I found a couple of interesting web searches about it. The first one that I found talked about how most people will every person with blue eyes essentially is related. Blue eyes originated like 10,000 years ago like before, that everyone had brown eyes and then something happened. Yada yada yada people got blue eyes, but it all originated from one source. So, technically speaking, people who have blue eyes are all cousins. The type of blue eye that they're referencing is like the kind of really bright, crystal blue, like almost like a piercing blue people like Jesse Williams or Vanessa Williams, or the black people that that came up in that search. And I can see, I kind of can see how Jesse Williams and Vanessa Williams might be related, like they kind of look like as a I don't know. They also look mixed to me like they look like their parents are not full black. I would always get asked when people would ask about my eyes like what do you mix with like where your, where your parents, from what are you? Where are you from, and I would always just see Denver they come from Denver, my dad's from Michigan. So today I have my parents and they're not happy with me. They look miserable. Both of my parents are black and I never understood why people would ask me if I was mixed cuz. I don't think I look mixed like do. I look mixed. I don't think I do so. That was the first article I found on Google and I was like oh, I don't want to really think this is me, like my eyes, don't look like that one and I'm not I'm darker complexion than these people, so I don't think this is why my eyes Are blue, so the next article I found talked about wonder burg syndrome, which I have had a couple. People comment that below on my on my videos and tell me that they think I have one of our syndrome and I've never really looked into it again, because I don't care. But since I was doing research, I decided to click and see what it was about. Hi, jumping in really quickly I'm editing this video right now and realizing that I was pronouncing the syndrome wrong, the entire time it's pronounced Waardenburg, I believe Waardenburg. But I keep saying wonder burg. I don't know what I was reading, but I'm going to continue saying wonder. Burg for the remainder of the video, which is really annoying, but just ignore it, it's pronounced Waardenburg. I think so. Basically, one of our syndrome is a mutation in the genes that changes the pigment in your eye. I can change the pigments in your hair and your skin. There are four different types. I think the first type is people who report having spots on their eyes or on their face or in their hair, and then they usually have very like wide-set eyes, so they're, either kind of like spaced. Far apart. The second type of Waterberg syndrome differs from the first, because people don't have this wide space in their eyes. They still have this spots, like their eyes, can still be a lighter color or their hair or their body, but what's interesting about number two and why I think I have one of our syndrome. Number two is because people with number 200 work syndrome suffer from a hearing loss and I'm deaf in my left ear like I can't hear absolutely anything in my left ear. Nothing! Nothing! It says that the person with wonder Brook syndrome who suffer the hearing loss might have had it since birth or it might have happened like as they were a child, and I don't know if I was born deaf, but I remember finding out very, very young, like I was probably like seven: that's not that young actually that's kind of old, but I remember being in probably first grade when and schools in America they make all the kids take like hearing tests and seeing tests. They, like put you in this little like headphone situation, and they like place sound. So you have to listen to sound on your right ear and every time you hear sound, you have to like raise your hand, so they were doing my right ear and I was like yeah yeah. I hear it. I hear it and then when they got to my left ear, I was just kind of sitting there and I was like: are you gon na turn it on or what's happening, and then they took the headphones off of me and they were like? Are you not hearing anything in your left ear and I'm like? No, I thought you didn't turn it on yeah, like I'm, not hearing anything. I'M like. Oh, I think your dad's me. Then they sent me home with these pamphlets about hearing aids and stuff, and I think I just threw them away like. I didn't want to tell my parents that I had a hearing problem, because I didn't want to wear hearing aids in the hearing. Aids were so big and just large and obnoxious - and I already was one of the only black kids in my school and I had blue eyes. I just didn't want any more attention to myself, so I remember going home and not telling my parents that I couldn't hear it was fine like up to that point. I honestly didn't know the difference. I still don't know the difference. I think if I did get a hearing aid now, I feel like the world would just be too loud, because I've always only heard with one ear, so people with type tou1 de Burgh syndrome reported hearing loss as well as having spots and stuff in their eyes. Honestly, when I was reading this, I was kind of just like can't believe I never knew this like no one ever talked to me about it, and maybe it's just that, like the doctors that I went to didn't really know, it says it's a really rare disease. So only a one and forty thousand people are affected and around two to five percent of all those cases have deafness so within water breaks. A drum I'm also like of the small percentage of deaf people, though rare wonder Berg syndrome, may be common in family because it is genetic. So my mom for sure has it because she has heterochromia, which they say is also a part of the syndrome. But my mom doesn't I think my mom can hear I'm pretty sure she hears fine? How do you hear mom? Do you hear all right? Oh my god. What do you guys think about this? I look is this nice, but not nice feel like. It looks just really crunchy on the actual eye, so I'm gon na try and like just make it not look so crunchy. No, no I'm gon na go in with this eye base from Black Radiance and just kind of put that on top just just try and like smooth out this eye looks, I feel, like it just looks so crispy, and I don't like that. I don't crispy that I love her. I don't know why I try to always do like fun looks when I'm doing nice, these talking videos and never works out. I can never top and do my makeup at the same time, ever. Okay, now I'm gon na go back over it with the orange just see what happens there like it doesn't make it like a pretty like coppery orange color. Now so this'll work. We accept okay. I went ahead and threw on my lashes off-camera, I'm wearing these lashes they're called lash trance from full face makeup, just gon na prime my face with the abhorrent pink, perfect cream primer, so yeah, I'm around 99 % sure. The reason I have blue eyes is because of Warner Berg syndrome. Those are really the only two things that I found either it's a genetic from the one person ten thousand years ago, which doesn't look like the kind of eye color I have or wonder brake syndrome, and the fact that I have a hearing, loss kind of makes Sense and it all it all comes together now it is very interesting to find out, but I also just like I just really would like people to just leave other people alone like if I were wearing contacts. It'S obviously because I like wearing contacts same with wigs like people always like. Why are you wearing those Eurocentric, hair heads mmm like mind your business just leave people alone? How about that now you're out here being a crusader for whatever and you're wrong, like you're, trying to empower me to love my brown eyes and my eyes aren't brown so now what I'm gon na be trying out this new foundation from Urban Decay called naked weightless? I don't think it's out yet, but we gon na sleep we gon na, see how it work anyway. I'Ve realized that I have a slight insecurity when it comes to my color to just because since I was born, I've always had a lot of attention around it. Even more so than my mom, my mom gets even ruder comments like people straight up. You come up to her and be like you dropped a contact. Did you know? What are your contacts is missing ooh. This is so dark: okay, okay, it's okay! Okay, we can make it work. It feels really nice because it's like lightweight, but it is just a bit darker than me, but I realize it's a slight and security for me because it's always just been a lot of attention and it's always mean as I've gotten older, especially like in middle school. It made me feel, like I had to prove something to people all the time like people will just straight up, be like oh you're, why are you wearing those contacts or why are you lying about your eye, colour like? Why would you lie about that, and almost just like, I would feel guilty in a sense like it would make me feel a little bit of guilt like. Why am i lying? But of course I wasn't lying and you know kids are just [, __, ], ruthless and kids are so mean. Why are kids so mean they were just making me feel really bad and really guilty, and then, when I got on YouTube, I would get a lot of comments of people saying like. Oh, if you didn't have those blue eyes, you wouldn't be as popular like you're. Only pretty because you have those blue eyes or whatever, and that would make me feel bad too, because it's like well, is that true, like would, I only be pretty if I had blue eyes like another question, I would get a lot that would make me super Uncomfortable as people and ask if my sisters are jealous of me because I have blue eyes and they don't, which is, it would always make me so so so uncomfortable like no, my sisters are jealous of me and and why would you ask me not like so I feel like I have subconsciously, like shunned away from the fact that I had blue eyes, because I feel ashamed a little bit, which is ridiculous. To even say it's ridiculous, to feel ashamed of. Something that I was born with. Just because of the opinions of other people like - maybe maybe I wouldn't be as popular if I didn't have blue eyes - or maybe I wouldn't be as pretty if I didn't have blue eyes, but I do have blue eyes. So what are we talking about? Maybe if I didn't have blue eyes and then one day I got blue eyes. That could be an argument we had, but even still, maybe, if you're just mind your business and live your best, life you'd be much happier this foundation actually blends really well, I feel, like the color is still a little bit too late, but maybe after I add Concealer and stuff it'll like blend it down, but it looks like it feels really nice. Also. I like this. This is this. This is okay. This is no bad. I'M going to take NARS, radiant, creamy concealer and the color of Monday I've seen now. People are doing, you can have an ocular eye surgery where you can basically remove the pigment from your brown eyes. So apparently underneath everyone's eyes. There'S your eyes are blue or like a grayish blue color. I have heard that like brown eyes are natural sunglasses. So it's basically melanin to protect your eyes from the Sun. I don't usually wear sunglasses - or sometimes I just forget so I'm sure my eyesight - it's gon na get worse as I get older, but brown eyes are basically natural sunglasses. So you can remove that layer of brown on your eyes and then you'll have blue eyes underneath tiny, tee eyes. Wife did that and her daughter also did it, and now I've heard that she's having like AI problems from it. I don't know if that's true or not that sounds so terrifying, like, oh, my god. I could never even like LASIK people get LASIK to be able to see better. That'S a procedure, that's more common now, so I feel like it's been tested out. It seems a bit more safer, I don't know, but this ocular eye surgery to make your eyes blue, isn't even FDA approved. You can't get it done in the u.s.. You have to go to a different country to do it and why, like it, just seems silly to me to undergo that kind of surgery, just for vain vanity reasons like no judgments. No, you can do whatever you want to do, but losing your eyesight just to have blue eyes. Sue me seems a little unreasonable, just like slightly unreasonable, not too unreasonable, but again that's a choice that people make and maybe because I have blue eyes, I've always had blue eyes. It'S never! I don't. I don't know it just doesn't matter to me. People closest to me, don't ever really bring it up either early. It doesn't matter, it's just a feature about me. Technically, it's a genetic abnormality. It'S a disability, my eyes are blue and I'm deaf. I really do wish. We would just let people you know do what they want be, who they want. You want to wear contacts, wear contacts like if you want to get the ocular eye. Surgery sounds really day and terrifying, but it's your prerogative. It'S your body like you. Do it the way you see fit, we're all just spiritual beings having a human experience and if what your body you want to do is test stuff out change your genes change your face. Change right! Do what you want like! I don't really see the problem in as long as you're not hurting anyone else feeling like you have to, though, probably isn't really that healthy, like you, don't have to change your eye. Color having blue eyes does not make me any more special or different sure. It'S rare, but I'm also deaf because of it do contour and powder my face. I'M gon na take this Studio Fix palette from Mac. I get a lot of comments from people asking like or saying whether or not my kids are gon na have blue eyes and we live in a very vain world. Like super vain, honestly, like I don't care, if my kids have blue eyes or not as long as they're healthy like, why would that matter to me it really genuinely doesn't matter like I don't I don't care. I hope my kid is intelligent and kind. That'S what I want care if she he or she got blue eyes - might be better if they don't have blue eyes honestly leave them alone. When I bronze my face using the hooter hooter, this is not who dad there's no hooter girl bronze my face using the toasted hoola bronzer from benefit should have done a little bit of color correcting down here. Cuz, I feel like you, can still see a little bit of my dark spots, but I don't really mind I kind of like when my skin looks like skin and like SuperDuper perfect, to highlight I'm going to take the artist Couture highlight powder and lickable. Tell look you you look, I love this highlight so much. It'S just like blends so nicely like it starts out really intense and then it just kind of like seeps into your skin and just becomes one with your face and then for blush. I'M going to take this Urban Decay blush and bang it's like a pretty orange color. I feel like I don't go next with my eyes. I don't know we'll see yeah, it's cute, it's hella cute! It'S cute we're cute! I feel like I have stopped talking because I've just gotten so focused on my makeup, like the cuter, my makeup becomes the more I'm not like what what are we talking about? Let'S talk about how bomb this makeup looks to finish this look. I really want to do something like pink I'm gon na take this minted lip pencil and night.i doesn't say the name, but I think that's the name and then the lip gloss from hourglass and the color fever. Minted is a really cool brand because they make like lip pencils and lip glosses lipsticks for darker skin shades, so they make a lot of like really nice Brown. Looking lip pencils and as a brown girl, I stand. Oh, this is so cute. I don't know if it goes well with the lip pencil, but I love the color of this. It looks like candy, okay, I'm gon na do something to my wig and then I'll be right back, so that is it for this video honestly. Just talking about my eyes and what I haven't covered, I would love to hear below what you guys think if you've met any other people with blue eyes, I've seen the two twin little girls who have blue eyes. They look like me and my mom, like one of them, has heterochromia one blue and one brown, the other one has blue eyes so cute. I love my eye color and I wouldn't change it for the world, but I know that it's not the most defining factor about me. I am going to work on being more secure with that part of myself, because I shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed or guilty for having blue eyes. That'S really weird! I will leave more links down below if you guys are interested in reading more about it or seeing other examples of it, and I just thought it would be cool to just sit and kind of talk about it. Cuz I've been getting a lot of really rude comments about my eye, color like stop telling people what they should look like or what they should wear or. Let'S just stop like just live your best life love yourself, love those around you we're good. You know all right guys. I hope that you enjoyed this video. Please don't forget to comment down below anything. You just say hello or if you have any other suggestions for topics we can talk about. I love you guys. So so much and I'll see you my next video

Nicki Robinson: Jealousy is the ugliest trait. You’re beautiful Sis. Period.

sallyanne davies: Having bright blue or green eyes with dark skin looks absolutely stunning and I think you are really blessed to have that combination. People pay a lot of money to stand out from the crowd, you are born naturally to stand out. Embrace your beauty. Why on earth do people make comments about you changing your appearance just to suit their views? It is rude and weird. It’s also strange that they assume your wearing contact lenses, that is like saying that people with long hair have extensions, it’s crazy and Dumb to think that people can’t be born with a combination of different features . And ignorant to assume that all people that stand out must be false. I have seen white skinned people with the most beautiful dark brown eyes, I have never assumed that they are wearing contact lenses. I have seen pale skinned people with Afro hair but have never said take off your wig! You have natural beauty, stay happy and grounded. Xx have fun.

Zoey Dickerson: The response to left ear hearing loss and not telling parents..."it was fine" "the world would be too loud". Love this girl!

Veronica Boerks: It must be so stressful with people asking you “why are you wearing contacts?” and not believing that that’s your true eye color. You go, beautiful girl

gee ex: A darker skinned person with blue eyes is rare and absolutely beautiful! Glad you are enjoying your unique beauty despite the trolls. Your mom with "heterochromia" is also very rare and an amazing trait. (The only other person that I had heard about with that trait was David Bowie). Thanks for sharing! I Love your statement: "we are all spiritual beings having a human experience" Awesome!!

Emily Bird: honestly, a light eye colour with dark features is absolutely stunning

Tameka A: My baby cousin is your complexion with naturally blue eyes. We have called her "Blu" her entire life she is now 25 and goes through the same thing. You're beautiful

saundra brown: The black people of Solomons Island are beautiful darker shades of black skin with blue eyes. Solomon Island was broken off between Africa and Australia. They don't teach us about this in the American school systems because they didn't want us to know about it. This is why we learn this in our own community. My great grandmother had blue eyes and my grandfather had Grey eyes that would change to brown and back to Grey. One of my cousin's eyes are blue and she inherited it from our great grandmother also. Keep doing your videos sista and keep them woke ✊

Dil3MM4: Your Mom's eyes are so cool! What a beautiful woman, as well as you and your whole family! Loved this video so much.

Krys Kay: It's super interesting to hear your eye color story! Has your mom's eye color changed at all as she's gotten older? My grandpa used to have darker olive skin, black hair, but bright blue eyes. Now that he's in his 80's his eyes are almost silver (which looks crazy cool with his black hair). My sisters and I all have different eye colors. My oldest sister has what we've always called 'eye freckles' where her eyes are a light brown but have dark brown-almost black spots. Then our middle sister has purely honey colored eyes. My eyes used to be dark brown to the point my mom said you could barely see the difference between my brown iris and black pupil. As I've gotten older my eyes are changing and now the top half are dark brown-almost black and the bottom portion are this crazy golden/green color.

mollie: this is her first video that i’ve seen but i’m subscribing cause she seems like such a pure person edit: omg ty for all the likes

mary c: "We are all just spiritual beings having a human experience." I LOVE THAT!♥️

jsier003: I know why your YouTube channel is so popular and it’s not your blue eyes! It’s because it’s so easy to listen to you! It feels like you’re sitting in front of us just having a genuine conversation. People are drawn to genuine souls! You’re honest but also humble. Okay, now back to your blue eyes— they’re gorgeous! I can’t rejoice in the fact that you’re deaf in one ear of course, but if you were born with that syndrome, it is what it is. You are a beautiful person and it’s flabbergasting to me that people actually falsely assume you’re wearing contacts. Whoa. I get that some people do lie, but I would never assume it was absolute fact unless I truly knew the person and had evidence of it. Anyway, thank you for sharing this info about why you think you have blue eyes. I hope people can walk away better educated on the matter and hopefully be more respectful the next time they bump into someone with a unique physiological feature.

Inami: Your and your moms eyes are magical! That’s so cool! Especially as someone who love genetics. It’s really interesting!

CLAIRE JENNINGS: Haters you need to stop coming on her page with your rude and negative comments. She is very beautiful with her blue eyes. God made her that way and she is prefect with them blue eyes. Stop the hating and go find something to do to keep you busy. There are many people in Africa with blue eyes. Cydnee is fabulous sporting those gorgeous blue eyes. Girl don't give them the of the day. Stay Blessed

Lady Wahala: For those judging someone for wearing colored contacts, how is this any different from changing your hair color? The absurdity of it all.

MGM: Your eyes look completely natural . I knew right away you weren't using contacts. We should all be proud of what we are blessed with.❤️❤️

The Veiled Oracle: I am from Southern Africa. My great grandmother on my mother's side had grey eyes. Straight up...in a remote village with no contact with white folk in the family line. She was so accepted it never occurred to me as an anomaly until after I grew up and learnt that it was supposed to be a Caucasian thing. It says so much about white notions of beauty that feels offended that another race can lay the same claim to 'beauty'!

GingysLife: I’ve been watching you on Snapchat for about a month now and I am in love with your eyes! I never once thought that you were wearing contacts. You can tell that That is your real eyecolor! People are haters and when they see somebody who doesn’t look like what they think they should look like they get their panties in a bunch and feel like they are entitled to start spewing hatred

Brave Heart: I'm so sorry I judged you before I got to know you even though I haven't posted anything negative. You are a very beautiful woman with a very beautiful sole and don't let anyone tell you different.

Natalka Sowa: Can we just talk how adorable she looked as a kid?

dea kobiashvili: Oh my god....im speechless... Your eyes are gorgeous, I wish I had eyes like you, and I don't understand why people are so mean to you because your black skin color makes your eyes pop even more and makes you even more unic.

Brianna Lee: Cydnee, you are one of my favorite Youtubers and your videos always lift me up! It's unbelievable how people feel entitled to make assumptions and tell others what to do with their own body. It's so weird. That comment from Half Pint Paris was particularly nasty and so hateful. The fact that someone could get attacked for their eye color is crazy. You don't owe anyone an explanation, you're beautiful and they're just jealous!

Mack Ray: Just started watching, I feel like you’re articulate, professional and beautiful. So it really didn’t matter so for someone to assume just shows how prejudice the world still is .

hope quay: This was so interesting! Thank you for bringing us this research and for the comments on your personal experience. You're beautiful and your eyes are very striking but more importantly you are a thoughtful, well-spoken person with a contribution to make to the ongoing conversation surrounding this human experience. I'm going to smash that subscribe button.

V.I.P PLAYING BLACKJACK: I'm half korean-half black. I have black hair and gray eyes with dark skin.I constantly get told to take my contacts out or told to stop trying to be white because of my eyes. It's frustrating but watching you makes me happy to be unique.

Kreestyle: Ugh…sorry you have to deal with the green eyed monsters; it’s in their nature to be jealous. You’re gorgeous with amazing personality. Love your content.

Megan Cartwright: I know this video is old, but I loved it and your beautiful blue eyes! I also loved seeing your mom! She would have never scared me as a child, I would’ve straight up told her she had some super cool eyes

DRLOUDPACK: I'm going to show my daughter this video, I think it will help her with being okay standing out as a Blk girl with bright eyes. She needs some confidence, she is 10

Gina Kawamoto: The way you carry yourself is so attractive and empowering! Paired with your beauty is out of this world!

SallyFatThumbs: I hate that she needs to explain herself. She was born with blue eyes, why can't people just accept that?

Sunset_Skies: Girl! You’re eyes are so beautiful and whoever says they are fake they are uneducated jealous and stereotyping people in to different categories! Love you

Nightingale: Your eyes are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen! And your mama’s eyes are gorgeous too! I’m so sorry people felt the need to be cruel towards you . Don’t take any notice of them, you and your eyes are stunning. This video was informative and interesting to watch

Channel Five: The spots are extra special. Your mom has "the look" that I love, like David Bowie. You're both beautiful, and you are a great conversationalist.

༒☬༒ ᴀᴛʜᴇɴᴀ ༒☬༒: You can't change your eye color unless you use artificial contacts. Eyes may change shades with age but that's about it. Blue eyes on dark people is so contrasting, really beautiful. I'm blonde with dark hazel eyes, it's uncommon for blondes to have darker eyes. I wear blue eyed contacts because I feel like they make me look better without makeup. Wish I had blue eyes or light green.

Kvmilla: Some people really are mad that they aren't unique like her.

Donna B.: I love hear. Such a strong and beautiful young lady. I have been through that with my skin. The nerve of some people especially those who think they know everything about others. I just love to see the uniqueness of others. Yes, don’t feel ashamed of anything about you. You are amazing. Your inner beauty is making you glow sis. People should be ashamed for being so darn rude.

M.C.: People are so worried about fitting people in a certain box. I have green eyes that people have always made a big deal over and i feel the same, it doesn’t even matter to me

Bejna: Don’t be ashamed and believe me jealousy is the ugliest trait. And don’t ever forget this,you are pretty and perfect. So accept your self❤️❤️❤️

Guembo: Blue eyes on dark skin is seriously beautiful

iealys: You’re literally one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.

MLG GAMER: I've actually never heard of waardenburg syndrome so this is the first time I'm learning about it

Princess BookClub: Love your natural humor, “Why am I lying” Sorry you have to suffer such backlash Humans can be cruel.

Jung Lee: You were so adorable as a child, and so beautiful now! Beautiful inside and out, absolutely stunning. ❤️

Sarah Coomber: you are a beautiful young lady watching you on makeup and history i could tell your eye colour is real, i know a black guy from Jamaica with dark blue eyes and they really stand out . don't let anyone make you feel bad, those that thought you were wearing contact lenses are put to shame and the other half are jealous and wish they had blue eyes, and an other thing you mentioned that you have deafness as a side effect please don't look for bad things to appease those negative people out there. stand proud of your natural beautiful blue eyes, there are so many ways to bring that blue out in clothes, makeup, nails, shoes and hair/ wigs . you got it girl don't worry about the haters we in the UK and around world love you and your God given wonderful blue eyes❤

Lily: Your eyes are gorgeous, honestly, they are so strikingly beautiful.

C Cahill: You go girl! I dig how you hold down that being peaceful part when folks are throwing shade. You are better than most bc many of us will throw shade on shade.

Jennifer Alden: You do you girl. Your eyes are gorgeous and so are you with or without brown eyes. Don't let the haters get you down.

Des Ellis: Waardenburg is the condition Cynthia has. Type 2 particular, leaves the eyes spacing/width and shape normal. But partial or even complete deafness could happen. I was inspired by Cynthias video and researching paranormal/spiritual occurances and themes to give my Black american MCs blue eyes under the Waardenburg type 2. :)

Olivia Livvy: This woman is so beautiful and her eyes is just that extra,some people just have small minds,and why they judging ur eyes like they created you?! Dont mind them❤

Lucianne Juan: The definition of ENVY is: ADMIRATION with RAGE... Beautiful eyes...... heterochromia is beautiful

Aubree Donovan: I know this video is old, but this is the 2nd video of yours I have watched, and I just want to say, you are gorgeous, and I love your personality, you made me laugh a lot! I also love how you confront others for their rude ignorant comments. Please don't ever feel guilty, for being you! Much ❤

Sorin O: You're so beautiful because you're constantly raw and real with us, super relatable, hella funny, so smart and great at telling us stories. You share history that literally helps to educate and help the world :) you're also beautiful even if your eyes were any color in the world :) thank you for this video. Shame on those people for being so rude to you!

Christina Fidance: Your eyes are absolutely GORGEOUS! And honestly, (I’m sure you get this A LOT too!!!) because they are so bright, you don’t need makeup! Not that you shouldn’t wear makeup cuz I’m def not saying that either. You’re really good at makeup and you can pull off so many looks with such beautifully colored eyes and skin tone! Omg, I LOVE YOUR MOM!!! (I got no eyebrows either!!! Since I’m 40 and overplucked throughout the 90s until at least 2005!) Anyway, a lot of people online always seem to jump to conclusions and are condescending in their remarks. For example, I’m in cat groups in Facebook and sometimes when I say something about how my teeny little itty-bitty-kitty is the bio mom of my other 2 who are HUGE….. I get ignorant, preachy comments about how I need to neuter/spay my cats yada yada yada! And get this…. I FOUND HER PREGNANT!!! She was preggo and bare-pawed and living behind a Walgreens eating out of a dumpster!!! So, my husband and I took her home and gave her a cozy little safe, warm spot to have her kittens. And THEN…. A few months later, we had ALL FOUR (the mom and the 3 kittens we kept) FIXED at the local no-kill animal shelter. But how quick are people to immediately assume the worst!!! We should all learn to back off and try not to attack anyone, online or in person, and to stop ASSUMING! Ok rant over! Love your videos!!!

Tennika Samuels: You are gorgeous! Just stunning! People are weird! You can’t make everyone happy or love you! I admire how you’ve addressed everyone…

FMW_lol: Your eyes are literally such a gorgeous blue. At this point I think that these people are jealous of your beautiful, unique eyes.

William Daniel IV: Ommggg I totally feel you how you said kids are savages. I literally say that every time I explain growing up a half white half native gay boy on the reservation. Totally hating the fact I had to grow up almost friend-less. Lol but you’re so beautiful and I love your eyes they’re literally amazing! I’m 2 years too late but I stan girfran hahah

Just love It's that simple: This is the first video I’ve seen, and it has a beautiful message. You are strikingly gorge, and your mom is too. I couldn’t imagine you ever ‘getting hate’ for anything! Personality and heart is even better!

Duchess E: Hello Cydnee. I just watched this on Snapchat and I felt I needed to let you know that I literally didn’t know you genetically had blue and I still subscribed on Snapchat. Reason I did because you are pretty, pay attention to your research, and generally give off an amazing vibe. So yes I follow you for you and not because of your eye color.

Celephais: I think you look stunning with blue eyes, they really stand out

_A Moo Point_: Your complexion and the colour of your eyes is almost hypnotic! You are model material. Keep doing you!

Anya Burdette: You are so beautiful and exactly how God made you. My daughter had one blue and one brown eye for a year-I loved her unique look. When she was 2- they both had turned brown . She is grown now with her own brown eyed daughter. But, for just a little while, she shared my eye color too. Don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle

Shelby Lollar: The best part of this video how open-minded and emotionally honest you are. Keep spreading those values

letitia27ful: Girl bye, forget the haters you are drop dead gorgeous and my eyes are naturally one grey (never knew why) and one brown, like your mom, so I wear a contact on one eye since age 15 and i just turned 39. No one in my family has colored eyes and im the one that’s left handed lol. Embrace your beautiful eyes.

This Is Rosie!!!: I hope those people who felt it was their duty to "school" you on how pretty you'd be "without the contact lenses" or how you "...should be proud of the brown eyes God gave you" felt like the idiots they have shown themselves to be after this video. You're beautiful, you're adorable, and you're the perfect you. you just gained a new subscriber.

Butterfly8593: Girlllll it’s so sad that you have to even explain your eyes! You are gorgeous and still would be without blue eyes! Keep on being you!

Kayli Battel: Just saw this video but in case it still needs to get said - Girl, your eyes are stunning, your skin is stunning, your makeup is stunning... You're successful from talent, attitude, and kindness and I really enjoy hearing you speak :)

Videos: PEOPLE ARE JEALOUS 'Cause you're BEAUUTIFUL and they're not. Don't let them get into your head, and win. Love your content and you inspire a lot of people around the globe... love love love

Sarah Odagi: I love your eyes, you are beautiful please embrace it and continue to live in your truth. Black people are amazing and this is an actual fact: we are the only race, that can produce different races, skin types, which includes colour eyes. Some of our tribes in Africa have blue eyes and it dates back to centuries ago, and have different colour eyes! You’re amazing don’t let anyone tell you, you are pretty just because of your eyes. You are a gorgeous black woman!

Capoiera is a West African martial art: Fact is certain features and standards have been propped up while others (the features we as black people generally have- Afro textured hair, skin color, hair and eye color) have either been denigrated or labeled as "boring" and an excuse for people to say we all look alike. This has happened for centuries. And Most black people with non-brown eyes wear contacts. Even in these comments supposedly supporting you, there's a lot of "They're jealous" which is just a continuation of the intimation that Blue/Green Eyes (Blonde/Red Hair, Light Skin)=More Pretty while Brown Eyes=Bluh Boring mentality. So people being aggressively condemn the idea that you're wearing contacts, understand that it's a reaction to centuries of Blacks As Less Than coding. And, as you eloquently put, an attempt to be empowering/lead people to self-acceptance. Something we sorely need as a people and certainly as it pertains to the realm of looks and beauty. Of course it's fine to have natural blue eyes and people can wear color contacts if they want as well. But just understanding the context behind it might help so that it gets to you less in a personal way. People need our umbrage and frustrations when dealing with each other to use as indictments on all of us

JEM: Dark skin and blue eyes...beautiful and unique sis. Haters fall back! Keep educating people though, that's really important.

Aggies Vine: Love this girl's personality, presentation, voice,eyes, and eloquence. Keep doing the great job you are doing. So much fun to watch you.❤

mailikesmilfs: I know that you probably won’t see this but I just wanna say that I didn’t realize you had blue eyes because the thing that drew me in about your videos was your voice. Until this video was posted I didn’t even notice. Your voice is literally so angelic lol and I love to do much. I would say that your voice and the way you deliver your stories ( and makeup ofc) is why everybody follows you.

Asake Ajao: You are absolutely stunning. I can't understand why people have to be jealous of you. Secondly, some people always think just because someone is black, they can't naturally have blond hair, blue eyes, green eyes etc... Those people are immersed in negativity, so stay strong, rebuke and discharge every foolish comment as it is not your portion.

Sarah Flynn: Both of you, you and your mother, have gorgeous unique eyes. I was wondering about if they were contacts or natural, but it didn't really make any difference, I just love your content lol. I have olive green eyes, my husband has light brown. Our daughter has crystal blue eyes lol but we're white and no one questions it. I have hematochromia, there's patches around my pupil that don't match the rest of my eye and both eyes don't match each other lol.

Desi Perkins: Girl u are a rare beautiful unicorn and ppl are mad about it. Don’t listen to them. YOU’RE perfect

Saphfirea: You’re stunning and people need to mind their own business! Also, heterochromia is one of the prettiest things in my opinion

noelle agape: Honey, even if you were wearing blue contacts, it's nobody's business! Your eyes are naturally beautifully blue! I'm Italian with hazel eyes, but my Mom had beautiful blue eyes. We have what we have. It's all good.

Tanumayyee D B: I would literally die to look like you and have your blue eyes, I’m not even kidding. People are just jealous of the way you look and just coz they can’t standout like you , they tend to make you uncomfortable in your own skin and dim your light. I don’t know how to prove it to you that I’m not sugarcoating. Sending my prayers to you and I hope you realise how drop dead gorgeous you are

Mazita Zana: I really love those videos. You are so genuine, smart and funny and it is just a joy for me watching and listening. Its funny because I am not even using makeup myself but it gives the video such a relaxed and casual, even intimate tone and i am impressed by how many things and thoughts you can handle at the same time!! You are really great:D

Saskia: Your eyes are stunning, your skin is stunning ‍♀️ people are jealous. Also. Your mum is gorgeous and looks so young

Sabre: “I don’t care if they have blue eyes, maybe they’d be better off if they didn’t - leave them alone.” I was like YEAH LEAVE EM ALONE! Lol But for real, A.) your eyes are very obviously not contacts, people assume because they’re assholes. And B.) your skin is PHENOMENAL! Also: I totally agree that people need to let other people live their best life. Too much negativity in the world!

Reginald Greene: You are awesome Remind me of my daughters. Jealousy is more real amongst grown people than I ever expected or want to believe. If they were you they would be proud to be you. You keep on doing yo thang lil sister

B. Studdleek: There’s so many things I love about this video. I also love how you said if you got a hearing aid at this point the world would just be too loud. That’s such a great way to look at things and I’m pretty sure you’re right! You’re so beautiful tho and you seem like you have a really dope personality. I’m sorry you’ve always had to deal with so much negativity literally fuck those people. You’re amazing pls keep making videos! ☮️

Amy Renee: Girl, you nailed it when you said kids are ruthless. Middle school was hard for me as well, simply because I’m short! I was so uncomfortable about being short because of that, I would go home crying, however, when I first started middle school, I hadn’t started developing yet, I wasn’t wearing a bra into gym class and I realized that it’s apparently weird to not wear a bra in once you get into middle school, also little boys started calling me flat chested?! I had no idea why….in fact my first middle school boyfriend broke up with me because I was “flat”, boy, do I hate middle school kids. I outgrew the “flat” chested comments, but I stopped growing at 5’0. I’m 37 years old, and I still get commented on about how short I am. Like, who cares?! Hearing you talk about the attributes you want for your further children, I can tell your amazing parents truly raised you correctly with kindness and compassion. If I were to see you in public, I would want to tell you how beautiful you are, because you are stunning! Not only are you beautiful on the outside, you have a truly beautiful personality. Thank you for bringing awareness to this issue. I have met people with one eye one color and one eye another and I have met people with all kinds of different colored eyes and skin tones. You absolutely should not feel ashamed for your eye color. It makes you, you! Because of your kindness and positivity you just got another subscriber! Looking forward to more content from you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Alicia Moloko: no one is going to talk about who her eyes fit her so well.....LIKE WHY THE HATE

Jennifer Long: I can say from experience I relate to you and your mom. I'm the only one in my bloodline with eyes like mine so I honestly have no clue how I ended up with them. I have one brown and one light brown/hazel that turns bright green and I get the mean and weird comments too. The fact that youre black doesnt and shouldn't make a difference. I have alot of native American in me. It doesn't mean I can't have eyes like mine. I like your eyes and if I have to have different eyes id want them to be like yours ❤️ I've learned to keep the best and forget the rest. It helps with the self consciousness. p.s.- ive scared babies too with my eyes.

Anastasia Nichols: Thank you for being a teacher. ♥️ This was soooo interesting. Also, love how you pointed out that this is a disability, like people are legit commenting on your disability…. WTF?!

Gidget Smith: You are absolutely gorgeous. Those who make those comments towards her are actually insecure about how they look.

𝗔𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥 !!!: You’re beautiful. People suck. Just be you and enjoy! Love your channel!

Joanna Osam: “My mom has heterochromia” *Sarah McDaniel leaves the chat* (Side note you’re insanely gorgeous!!) Edit: 1.4k likes??? wow I’ve never gotten this many likes on anything lol. Bless up. Hope y’all are having an amazing day. Stay positive and spread love!

latricia Patrick: Hi Cyndee,I seen your snap chat channel,and I totally agree and can relate to the back lash about African American women having natural blue eyes.I get it daily all the time.And I have always gotten it since,I was a toddler.

Tonya Williams: You look amazing *without* makeup. You naturally don't need anything altered. You're perfect just the way you are.

Lori Durand: Hi my name is Lori and I do not know how I ended up coming across your podcast but I am so glad that I did you are so beautiful not because of your blue eyes they are just an added touch your personality is awesome I love your facial expressions when you talk thank you for teaching me to begin living my best life I think your mother is beautiful and both of your sisters are beautiful continue being you the hell with the negative people

Viridiana shelton: Oh my goodness, your family is so beautiful!!! ❤️ and so are you! Blue, green, brown or yellow eyes who cares. Side note I love your videos!

Hailey Nyaga: How she got blue eyes in one word: Genetics How her eyes look in one word: Beautiful Why are people hating on her beauty in one word: Jealousy

Shannon Ward: Love something you don’t have girl! Don’t you know that’s what makes you beautiful?! People are so annoying. Live your best life girl:) you’re stunning and you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone

Erin Henshaw: Love your storytelling style so much, thank you for sharing!

Sisilea Kim: That’s my first time here And girl you’re wonderful! I love the way you explained the situation and all, plus you’re pretty with or without the blue eyes

Ari Ghebrehiwot: I think you are beautiful, and so is your eye color, when I was younger, people said my eyes appeared kinda reddish-orange, basically like amber, but know, my eyes are still hazel, but they have changed different color shades. So I'm just saying be you. You're perfect the way you are, and I just can't say that enough.

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