Sensationnel Half Wig Instant Weave Braelin| Cheap Headband Half Wig | Ft. Samsbeauty

Hello everyone! In today's video I am reviewing Sensationnel's Half Wig Instant Weave Braelin in the color #2 courtesy of Sams Beauty.

Let me know what you think of Ms Braelin below in the comments....have you purchased it? What are your thoughts?

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Link to purchase Outre's Lyndi (hair in intro):

Sensationnel Half Wig Instant Weave Braelin $18.99

Link to purchase Sensationnel's Braelin:

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Hello, everyone welcome back to my channel. I hope that you all are having an amazing day on today, so you guys today's video is being sponsored by sam's beauty. Thank you. So much sam's beauty for sponsoring this video, you guys and if you're interested in the details on this hair. This is outrageous lindy. She is available on This is in the color 1b slash, 30., look but enough about her. Let'S get into this gorgeous unit right here. This is sensational, instant, weave and the style braylon. I have it in the color number two, and this is what she looks like you guys. I am going to get her popped on. I'M gon na play around with some styling options with her on camera. Just so you guys can see what she looks like and then i'll come back and give you guys. My final thoughts stay tuned. Okay, you guys, so i'm forgetting one thing hold on. Look! I'M getting too excited to get into the hair, so the cap construction on miss braelyn. She has a comb in the front, she has a comb in the back and she does have adjustable straps. So let me get her popped on you guys. What am i doing? Why, okay, i'm too excited! I got ahead of myself. So, okay, you guys, can you tell i'm excited? Okay, let's gather around. Let'S talk about miss braelyn, okay, sensationals braylon. I have her in the color number two. You guys pros gorgeous another pro beautiful. She is about 22 to 24 inches cons. I experienced a little bit of shedding and just a little bit of tangling, but that's to be expected because of the length she's about 20 to 24 inches. So that's to be expected, but other than that i mean that's. Pretty much it she does have like a yaki texture for me, she's, not too long she's, not too thick, not too thin. Just right, as you can see, she has some versatility to her. You can throw up in a ponytail. You can put her back in a low pony. You can do a half up half down it's so many styling options, but i do have a question you guys. When did half wigs first become popular, because i'm trying to figure out where i was okay. Well, as i sleep for so long but y'all, i'm woke now: okay, these half wigs are where it's at because they are so easy, effortless and versatile and i'm addicted. Okay, i'm addicted to the half wigs i'm addicted to the headbands, but i don't want to start to ramble you guys. I hope that you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like don't forget, to comment, don't forget to subscribe and if you're interested in this hair, the video is on I believe it is 18.99, but i will link the price in for you guys and put the information below in the description box and peace and blessings.

AllThings NikkiNicole: Hello Everyone! I hope all is well! Let me know your thoughts on Ms Braelin...have you purchased any half wigs yet? If so, are you hooked like I am

Shauna_Loves B.: Yes this is cute, I ordered this one as well and enjoy the look, I haven’t tried to put it up yet because I felt it was thin but I will definitely try again since I saw your review. I will be going back to try some more half wigs because they are winning!!!

misslavonne34: Ms. Braelin is beautiful!! I just ordered her today! You look beautiful in this unit as well as the one you started out in. New subbie here and I'm loving your videos!!

Tsahi Hair Goals: Here for this!! Awesome girlfriend half wigs been around ages now and honestly I didnt like them at first but now?? Girl gimme gimme!

Loria eddie: I kinda like it, I favor a more natural look, it looks to shiny for my taste, you did a good job

Pink Carter: Awesome video beauty! Also you have great video quality. What do you film with?

Temre Britt: Love your videos... where do you purchase your headbands if you don't mind me asking♥️

april G: Happy Thursday this is super cute and you lipstick is so pretty what color is that if you don't mind me asking

Magikalblackness: Samsbeauty be looking out shes a cutie Brielle sister

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