Foot Asylum Locked In Recap, Borrowing Your Friends Wig And Cancelling Balenciaga



CT - Rachel Bada

00:00 - Intro

00:23 - Arriving first to dates

01:23 - Footasylum Locked in BTS

37:06 - Guest Introduction

50:48 - Win or Bin

- Borrowing friends wigs

- DHgate designers

01:41:05 - Are you Smart?

01:52:21 - Hot New Releases

01:59:04 - Hot Topics of the Week


It'S CNT baby like I would be very pissed off. If I went on a date yet and I'm the one waiting for the day, I will actually go home. Do you know what I'm saying? But you know, let's have some accountability because sometimes yeah like us girlies. We take the piss like we'll go on a date yeah, but we'll be an hour hour and a half late, that's kind of rude. I don't think I've ever been that late today, like I think the most probably is like 30 minutes. I'M probably lying, but I mean the most I can recall is 30 minutes. But for me it's just like. I think the guy should wait because at the end of the day like why, why am I sitting down and wait? I feel entitled, do you know what I hear it right in the same time, you want to make an entrance like you need to see them. You need to, he needs to see you walking in the hill exactly that needs to be a present, but I feel like sometimes like I remember I used to do it all the time I used to come to dates like I remember. One guy was waiting at the transition for like two hours. For me all right, let's get it cracker. Do you know what? Yes, so, basically the bad boys and girls they were like they want Rachel about on the show. Oh, they they actually they actually literally, they were the ones that were like. We have to get her on to talk about blocked in and I said, what's a slacking like I saw it yeah, I love. I love for Asylum content yeah. I saw it, but do you know what it was? I was like 40 minutes. I saw the timing and I said: let me watch it first yeah and then I would decide how I feel yeah, oh my God, yeah can, I just say Well done well done to everyone that recommended the show yeah, because it's [, __ ] good. That show is chaotic, chaotic that show chaotic. To sum it up. Chaotic the thing is as well: it's like, obviously it's 40 minutes, but you need to remember that it's 24 hours condensed into 40 minutes and we're films like throughout the whole day morning night, when we're sleeping throughout the whole time. So it's like imagine like say, example, Max Max's personality Max is a strong character, so imagine him 24 hours for two weeks slot. Before we get on to the individuals yeah, I want to get onto how was it living with people, because I'm not gon na lie. The first thing I thought is that someone in this house must smell. Someone in this house must have hygiene issue, because I know how guys smell a bit musty sometimes was it a Mr House. You know what confess so, okay, so there was two people that just was fighting uncontrollably Max was here and there, but he wasn't as bad but Harry those two individuals. But then the only thing is what I'll compensate is that the fact that Alias is a clean person? Okay, he's very clean like he look, he cleans off himself. He washes dishes. He does like he's. Very he's. Got good hygiene, except for his farts Harry he's a dead boy. Yeah he's a that's a boy! Oh my God. I feel like that would be the one one thing that will hurt me, because I've always wondered like watching. These shows, where people that don't know each other yeah live in the same house and people have different cleaning standards. I know the episode one somebody had already pooed. I left the skid marks. Yeah. Do you know what yeah? If I, if I ever done something like that and on the first day someone left Skipper, I will go. I said it's all right. You know what it's okay, yeah! No, I got some point where, because like in the beginning, I was like clean up and stuff, but I still couldn't clean up the whole time, but I was at clean up after everyone and okay. Let'S look for the girls. The girls like are very tidy as well, but I'll stay up, the other guy, especially when they they have their lunch and stuff like that. They just leave it there and it just got to put away. I just thought I'm not doing that anyone's made yeah exactly so. I was like if you like, got ta, leave it there. If you like, like Pro mode, I'm not I'm not doing it. So I got support where like live. She started to like clean up after everyone and obviously the girls. Obviously that's mummy of the house yeah funny enough. They actually assigned me as mum of the house when I first got in they were like they thought. That was a stuck in my role and I refused I rejected that, and I said it's not my portion, so I said it's not my life. This is not Fortune, so I kind of try to stay away from that narrative, so yeah so you're like live, because I remember, like the guy started, call her the mum of the house yeah yeah yeah, because she was actually like cooking like cooking for the guys. Like for the obviously breakfast we had to cook for ourselves, so she was um, obviously doing the coffee like and stuff like that and like bringing breakfast and beds like for the guys. As for me, it's not my portion. Sorry you're, not my husband, exactly you know my husband, so I'm not doing any of that, so UMass was outside so um yeah I'll. Some will do any of that, so I could do it. So how was it because, honestly, like we've, been having conversations about social media, and I can't imagine like not having my phone for a day 24 hours, let alone two weeks? How did you struggle with that? You know what, surprisingly, it wasn't as bad like the first. I think the first two days it was hard like I wake up in the morning and I'm looking at my bedside table like looking for my phone or, like you know, you used to use your phone to like for Reflections to do your lip gloss and stuff. Like I kept doing that - and I was just like - oh my God - I can't call anyone like whatever, but after, like the first like after the third day, I think it was fine. Like I forgot my phone, I got so used to not being around my phone because I feel like it forces you to kind of socialize with everyone yeah. So that's what I was a bit like it wasn't too bad like because it was so entertaining that I didn't really care about my phone after a while girl. I don't know how you did it. I am I'm so excited about myself in my phone. I'M so obsessed with just just playing with it that I just couldn't imagine just not having that time without it, but the house generally was very chaotic, so it's like having TV but in real life. Yeah. Let'S talk about your cast members, how did you find that experience? I don't even know who to start with. Let me okay, let's let's do sandwich okay, who would you say your favorite cast members were oh see. I wanted to have a favorite, but I would say the person I was closest to in the house was Destiny. I really like her yeah. You know what I've worked with Destiny before have you? Yes, I went with Destiny for a Spotify shoot. Oh no. She didn't mentioned, and she is, I found her really like uh she's very chill, but more kind of I think she was quite shy. I think she gives shy advice initially. I really fell in love with her watching this episode. I think she's, the most beautiful person yeah, I think, she's, the nicest girl yeah I really enjoyed getting to know her. I didn't feel like I knew her in that interaction, but sometimes when you're in a shoe it's like when, especially with multiple people, yeah especially personalities as well yeah, you get lost in the personalities, but honestly I really enjoyed watching that. I think she was definitely a fan favorite. No, no! She wasn't a fan, favorite, no um. She wasn't am I missing, because I watched the victim. Okay, let me confess for anyone that doesn't know about this, show yeah yeah um. The show is called locked in it's from Fort Asylum they're, not sponsoring, but they definitely should period yeah locked in and basically it's like a big brother. I know they probably don't like I'm not showing your contracts like you're, not allowed to say big brother. No, it doesn't say that so it's big brother yeah, but it's for the youngsters and you have a lot of contract creators, some macros, some macro and they're, coming into a house and basically they're having interactions and having different challenges, and I believe every challenge you you Get points and the person with the most point at the end wins the whole thing: yeah yeah yeah, so you get to see the interactions between different people. You get to see the challenges. People can still points. I got up to episode. Four. I got up to episode four. I watched it back to back. I got to half of episode five yeah and I was like girl, I'm not gon na finish the tattoo, but I ran into episodes. I haven't actually watched all the episodes myself but girl. You was dead, get out, you just want to see like how it was like how how everyone's like interpreted and things like that like because for me, when I looked back, I was just like where's. My personality like they didn't, show a lot of my personality. They made me look very quiet yeah. I know she's got a podcast, a good podcasting things, yeah I've. I'Ve never watched her podcast I've seen her on Tick Tock. So this is the first time I've actually seen her, and this girl had me busting the blood clot. Like this girl is a comedian, she is so sick. I would love to sit down with her, but I can't help feeling that sometimes it was kind of the great show, as opposed to a Mitchell figure, because I know she had loads of um um, whether they call it testimonials with their footy yeah. The confessions yeah yeah girl, yeah, it was like 90, her yeah yeah, surprisingly like I was surprised when I saw it like come out because, obviously like a lot of people, obviously everyone had like their equal shares of, like obviously yeah. So obviously, everyone had like personality. Everyone was like, came strong, whatever, but obviously she's very good at commentating and very good, very good yeah yeah. So I think they obviously favorite in her and obviously gave her more of the the confession stuff like that which obviously, as they should because she's very interesting, she's phenomenal, but yeah again. I do feel like in this in the small amount I was like. Where are the other girls? Like that's what I was thinking, the boys had a lot of equal share. Yeah like I did see different, but even though Max was a Madman yeah we'll talk about him, but I do feel like I got to see the guy's personality. More yeah, the girls honestly, I thought, live and the other girl, maybe once or twice like a couple times. I didn't see them and obviously even myself I didn't feel like I saw myself yeah barely just girl. This was the great show. I don't give a [ __ ] yeah yeah, but she honestly she is phenomenal. You know what sometimes yeah, obviously from a business perspective. Obviously I love for Asylum and I also work with I work with JD um. So don't don't flog me, don't [ __ ] me, but um. I feel like. Sometimes when uh Brands want to build a relationship more forward. Sometimes they push people more to the Limelight yeah. They might want to do content with her like this might not be the long only time you see how I'm fought Asylum should I have our own show on for Asylum, or something like that. So sometimes they'll put push us yeah so that so that people can like and then she'll start doing full Asylum content yeah, that's what I personally yeah yeah she was great and that that doesn't. This is not a direct to her because she's, not the editor yeah, but I kind of wanted to see some of the other girls because honestly girl girl. I wasn't saying the same thing because as soon as I got out honestly, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know what they're thrown out and whatever like what they've like portraying whatever. So when I came out um and I got calls or whatever - and I was like. Oh, you represent yourself really well, but you wasn't shown as much that I want to see more of your personality and I was just like I was like what are you talking about like I really I was really yeah. I think it's what made it worse, because I was one of the loudest characters there, oh wow, they didn't put that they made it look like I was very quiet, like they only put in the parts where I was either zoned out. Wasn'T like wasn't talking in the um with the cast like I was just sitting there listening, that's the only Parts they put in and it made me look like. I was such a quiet girl like I was just in my own world. You don't know exactly whoa yeah, I don't know I'm a crazy [ __ ] such a thing like I was like wow like oh there's, magic, there's, magic and editor, but again, like the parts that I did get to see of you. I absolutely loved. I know there was The Narrative of you and Max. I think there was a lot of girls that had like this narrative, but against Max for some reason, but it wasn't like that. Okay, talk to me so with Max, obviously with Max he's. Like he's a very energetic person and he's a lot to handle, but it's one of those things where you just kind of get used to him yeah I mean, but for me it's like. I never got annoyed with him majority of the time. I did obviously get none of him in the house. I can't lie to you, but it was a thing where it's just like um, obviously he's putting on more of a Persona before obviously for the TV yeah. So you would say that was a Persona. 100 yeah. 100 um obviously he's generally an energetic person, but obviously he's going to Hype up a bit more for more screen time um. But there was a lot of things where they didn't show on the camera um. Hopefully they do put it out there, but I don't want a particular I'm not talking anybody in trouble, some people Connie. This is the true story, because the CNT we only know honesty. There was one point where it was a site. I almost lost my patients because in that house I was very patient, but there was one time when we was playing the tall tier game. I don't know if they showed that bit in the clips, but they didn't put me obviously me and him in that part. So basically he wanted to play the tortilla game with me and I don't know why I said yes, but I forgot it was Max, and I said yes, I was like okay, that's fine, so obviously we're doing a rock paper scissors, obviously like whoever whatever we had. One Mouse whatever and um so obviously I've lost the little. I had that little challenge thing so he's got the um tortilla thing has slapped me the way he slapped me so hard. My body span did a whole 360. yeah and then I had a whole cut. My face and the Medics had to come nah they didn't offer that in, but it took everything in me not to wan na I'm a [ __ ]. It took everything of me. I swear to you, but then I just didn't want that Narrative of an angry black girl, so I just tried to stay away from that. There were so many things I felt like my patience was very was tested. Yes, but I still remained calm. You did fantastic honestly, you looked honestly, I'm I'm a Jesus Is My Lord, but you see Mike said there were so many times I got up of my because I was doing a lot of times. I was doing it while I was doing something so either. I was doing my makeup that I paused what I do yeah and I stood up. You know when the TV goes. You know TV when the TV is so good. You have to stand up. You have to look at me so that you can go inside and cast that person. He honestly, I think he he was very much you, my good sister, my good sister bring it back. He very much was like marmad to me. I feel like there were some minutes where, like I don't know, if I, like you, you're [, __, ], annoying, I'm actually screaming right now. Why are you doing that? Why talking like that? Oh, my God like like there was, I was there, was so many emotions, but boots are like the boys, the boys actually not. Okay, do you know what it is? I feel like the guy's insane he's doing his like deep, dark he's such a lovely person. I'M sure he is but he like, I said. Obviously he does a lot for the cameras like little things like he cusses girls yeah. Let'S talk about that because that was really annoyed when I saw that so basically um. Obviously, you were doing your makeup and you came downstairs and you sat down and the first thing that he said was like oh yeah you're. He was making forever say, you're ugly, you look so clapped. Yeah, yeah yeah and I think, he's mad. That'S why nothing to established what annoyed me about that scene was that none of the other boys defended you. None of the other boys stepped in. It was like oh yeah, bro code, and I was like what, if you want to suck at each other's [, __ ] just say you know what he says. Well, I think I think it was more so everyone was shocked because obviously everyone knows that he does. He did say he's going to do a lot for the cameras and screens and stuff like that, but I didn't know he was going to use that like for someone's expense. I mean like insult people like directly, but obviously he did Apologize off camera and things like that. Oh off camera, of course, they'll do it off camera. It was filmed throughout the whole time, but they're not going to put that in there I mean, like they're, not gon na put that in there, but he does. He definitely apologize a lot of times and obviously doesn't mean he's just saying it for because he insulted every girl back to back to back, but they put when they put my one. I was thinking of. Why can I just say what I was gon na say, I'm so proud of you yeah? Thank you, you and Destiny, because I feel, like you didn't give in to what they wanted. Of course, um they're saying that I watch when they pad you and Max and Destiny together, and they locked them in The God Who made me Jehovah. I would have banged him. I would have banged him, you know, so it irritates me because he doesn't take anything seriously and obviously he does things obviously for Content, but then it like that can also have an effect on you, leaving the house or you staying in the house like literally yeah. So it's like the fact that he plays around obviously because he's loved. He knows that he's safe regardless yeah. So it's like one of those things where it's like don't play on our expense. You got me like yeah. Of course I mean you always one thing. I loved about you, girls, because it's very easy to then stray into that angry black woman narrative that you guys really kept your call because I swear to God you didn't slap that [ __ ] right in and obviously the intention is not to make someone look Back make someone look bad, but those are the explosive things that people love to see and that's when you're, a black woman you're, not just an upset woman you're an upset black woman which, which is which is a complete different. Another woman of color can do this stuff and it won't be so like, for example, someone like a more uh Maura Higgins from um love Island, oh yeah yeah. Somebody like that other girl. What'S her name, the one that was there in the mixed race boy, um funny funny funny, oh friend, no another girl from love Island who was quite explosive. Oh yeah yeah, the one I was um dating. What'S that guy, the mixture is the Nigerian won the Nigerian prince? No, the Nigerian prince okay, black skin the lat skin. They can be that and it's and it's like she's strong, but it's not anyways. Moving on from that yeah. Moving on from that, what are your takeaways from the last couple of weeks in the house so um that was obviously highs and loads, and I feel like people need to remember that, obviously being in a house, everything is going to be heightened. Emotions sensitivity and I just didn't like the fact that people were really getting onto my sis Destiny. Please explain to me what happened because I must have, because I must have missed a whole lot, because she was in the final yeah, because all the thing is we a lot of us like well, I got to the finals where we all got to find. Well, not all of us, but major of us got to the finals, but she had it was that oil and water with Max. So they had like just a little discrepancy. I don't know where it was lost, but I feel like they're, both obviously strong characters and I felt like she wasn't really. She didn't really find him as entertaining as I guess, a lot of people in the house. They didn't feed it. She didn't find myself amusing. So with them it was like anything he says like because he likes to Violet people and it's sometimes it's like respect yourself, like not everything, sort of cameras, sometimes just chill out, but I don't feel like he knew the kind of like the borderline. That'S what it is like with him. He doesn't know borderline and it's just like he will. If you keep like, if you let him know like relax, he's going to keep going and going and he's that type of character will keep going and going as much. I love him, he'll keep going and going and going so it's a fingers just like you have to ignore him, but even if you ignore him he's still carry on, but obviously she couldn't tolerate that. If I make sense, especially with the first round when they had to do the Handcuff situation - yes, oh God that I literally didn't show in the cameras, but I literally had to pull her and just say to her to not fight the bait to not fight the Bait do not come across like because I didn't want this Narrative of an angry black girl like because I already know myself, I I didn't know I had that much patience I was really tested, but I really keep my kept my composure, but I just didn't want Her to because I know she's more sensitive than me, I didn't want her to kind of like allow that to affect her in a sense and just like be portrayed that something she isn't. So I think that's where a lot of the time where she showed us a shorter, sensitive sensitivity. I can't even say the word. She was very sensitive and certain areas, and obviously I just show it on camera yeah and I felt like because there was one particular moment where I think she was voted as the second most I think, annoying or jarring, or something like that. Okay, but so she started obviously crying um separately. Obviously I showed on camera and obviously we went to go and obviously speak to her and so and so but then people were just like. Why is she so sensitive and so and so and any little thing that I guess triggered her? She would obviously vocalize it yeah and I think people just misinterpreted as excuse me. My sensitive like she can dish it out, but she can't take it type of vibe, but it wasn't like that. Obviously, people just need to remember that it's 24 hours condensed to 40 minutes, so I feel like she was misrepresented a lot um. Okay, in a sense because they showed a lot of her sensitivity, sensitivity but she's, also a tough like cookie as well yeah and she's also fun as well. Yeah 100, like that in it exactly yeah. So I think that's where I felt sorry for her, because there was a lot of obviously backlash. There'S a lot of hate: oh no yeah! Well, I think I have everyone in the house. She got the most hate 100 yeah, what yeah yeah 100 yeah? What I need to finish watching - oh my God, because from what I, what obviously I've watched the first five episodes that's halfway, because it's like maybe across away. But you know I saw in the finals, and I said yes, you know my good sister and I thought and I knew when I was watching it. She was. I think she had the highest points at one point: yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then people were stealing points from her. They became. She became the cash cow. Yeah people were taking points I was like. I thought I thought that she was a favorite, but I'm really surprised to hear that yeah no, but do it as well. What annoyed me as well is because, like like during like so much in challenges, we had to let group challenges and the reason why I I was so annoyed, because I stayed at the bottom for the base. The whole time um was because obviously like a lot of the times as well, I'm very very assertive, but obviously you need to remember there's a lot of strong personalities as well yeah, so like it goes to a part where, like when I was like trying to Vocalize like saying, like certain answers or whatever, when we're doing group challenges, some people were listening and they would say what they want to say and obviously we get it wrong yeah. So then it was annoying to the point where it's like I kept like. I feel like I was held back a lot on my team, but when it comes to individual challenges I was doing you would kill dates as you should. I was no. I was doing it rubbish. Oh, it's an individual challenge, but for the groups yeah it was embarrassing. So that's what I remained at the bottom because but obviously there's some parts where I was in a challenge where I was doing great. Obviously I don't know if you saw the um challenge. I see um a lamb's brain, oh that was traumatic um but other than that, like I feel like with, because I had Max in my team. I'M not saying this is going to be like to see like a hate Max. I don't. I actually love him, but because I had Max in my team, our team was always going to remain at the bottom. Like you know, I mean because he doesn't, he didn't, take it seriously. Yeah yeah, he didn't take anything serious, especially like he wasn't there to win. Yeah he was, I guess he was there to be loved, which obviously a lot of people were, but he didn't really take it that serious as some people did so it was annoying. I'M really I'm really annoyed to hear that, but on a brighter side, what would you say your most memorable moment is being on that um? I was gon na, say the challenges um me type it up and tell everyone that I was going to be. I was a sprinter said, I'm going to be so sick at the dog challenge and the most traumatic it was so embarrassing because imagine like obviously like I wasn't really scared of jog for some reason. But when I was counting down, I don't know what happened, but the suit was mad heavy. But then I just heard silence and then I don't know what happened because in my head I thought I was still running. It was still running and then I just heard silence - and I just heard the dog just coming to Yak my hand. Oh my God, I just looked up and I see the whole crowd like this. It was the most embarrant because you can't hear anyone like because it's quite far from everyone, you couldn't hate anyone, but the next one. I see everyone just laughing on the floor and I was just thinking even producers, and I was just it was so embarrassing that they had to give me a second chance, because zero two was so bad. It was so bad. I took one step and I was on the floor. Listen, you haven't lived life, you know it was embarrassing. You have to live life until a dog has changed your ass. I remember when I was younger and um. There was this dog yeah. That chased me. My little sister and then um it chased my little sister. It went from me such as my little sister and I said well [ __ ]. I just kept running outside business, your business. You want your own home, I'm sorry, but if someone called it and then it just turned around and then it was actually very [, __ ] traumatic, very [, __ ] trouble. How was your sister feeling situation? Because you know what she's not one of those people? That'S like, oh, my God. I hate dogs and stuff like that, because you know that that can finish people. You know black people and dogs like yeah videos of people like climbing cars and yeah, fair for dogs, but I'd get me a little doggy. Have you got a dog, I don't know, but I actually do what I want do you know that I don't know, I think the actual name of it, but it's like a mini husky, not the French. No, it's a imagine a husky, but just a condensed version but they're having a mixed breed, but I don't know what they're mixed with, but they stay remain small yeah. I definitely want a small dog, but I don't want a mixed breed because I had them got them health issues. They got their health issues, they look good, but but apparently it's not safe to breed those type of dogs together, yeah I just I don't want the health insurance money. I don't want to be paying paying to get to the vet everything yeah yeah, because you're always sick. I can't like that's my dream dog. I actually like I actually, regardless of what you're talking about with the blue eyes yeah. I love that. That'S literally my dream dog, I'm actually gon na get it eventually, but this they're actually quite pricey, though I heard they're like 5K yeah, I think like 5K, so don't whatever I say, but I mean listen. I told myself as if I get a man I'll get a dog, so it's either you'll find me with a boyfriend because honestly, it's winter, let's see if I'll get a man or get a dog. So how, in terms of like relationship later like? Are you in a relationship or I I have many boyfriends? Oh that's how I live. I live my life. I live my life through many men. Why is that? Is that it's just because you just don't want a relationship or you just. I actually don't want a relationship really I don't think I do know. I don't think I have time for it, because I'm very I'm very obsessive like I want to be. I want to be with you all the time. Okay, yeah, I want to be with you all the time I want to be next to you. I want to go out with you. I wan na I wan na see all that the clingy girlfriend I'm extremely clean, I'm a very clingy [ __ ], I'm very obsessive, yeah. I want to talk to your friend all the time I want to sleep with you on the phone. I want to talk to you every day, oh wow, if I'm with my man for five days - and he goes it's not enough - I'm upset it's not really yeah. I used to be like that, but no, no, I'm very much like that and because I know I'm like that and because of what I do, I don't have time for that. So I just live uh. I just live my life yeah, multiple men, I'm not to say not to say that, but because now people are going to sound back there, so Joyce is a slack. No, I think we all know what you mean. I mean I just like. I just like everyone's. My boyfriend, I call everyone my boyfriend, yeah yeah, he's my boyfriend he's my boyfriend he's my boyfriend. I like me my boyfriend yeah, because I'm dude I'm doing long distance. Currently how long distance the states, United States, United States? How is that going so far so good? Like I'm yeah, I love it. I love it. So nobody says what I feel like the fact. The thing is, I'm open to a long distance relationship because I feel like I don't want to get too distracted, especially where I am right now. I want to just focus on me focusing my career, obviously focus on my mind as well, but just because I feel like when I'm using a relationship well in the past I used to get too complacent, I mean so. I felt like it's been the longest relationship. I feel like it's easier to kind of just focus on you as opposed to just focusing on them, so um yeah we'll see how that goes though. Yeah you're, like I'm happy for you honestly honey y'all, know how I fall about long distance. I mean the only the only way long distance works if you got money because he could fly you in and out in and out yeah. But if he's like a normal nine to five guy is difficult and I can't imagine being in a relationship where I'm seeing my partner for like two two three months like please yeah, I actually, I need a hug, that's Curry, where I'm like at, but I'm gon Na go see him anyway s, I'm happy, I mean if it works, for you long distance works for some people, yeah, not Mitchell, not me not me, but what is your next? What'S your next move like you've just come out of the house like honestly like that thing is so big? I don't know how big it was honestly like the amount of views it gets and the stuff it was trending like number one at one point wow. What is the next move for you? Definitely music. Yeah. Tell me more. I am a singer um. I haven't actually released anything as of yet, but obviously I have a lot of songs. Um in you know my master um, but yes, I'm definitely going to be releasing God willing next year next year. Congratulations yeah! I definitely want to do like a single first and then um, then obviously EPS off, like that um yeah, I've been singing for years. Many years do you know what I think I feel like I've seen you thinking somewhere really. So if I put a cover up like during lockdown times and I went everywhere - oh wow - that's what it is, but I'm so happy for you. So what about this? Obviously you, I know you work with Fort Asylum personality stuff. Are you still like going to be pursuing that? Are you still interested in that 110? Like I thought like for Asylum, I just love full asylum in general, because yeah and before I locked in I've, worked in footselling before so. I feel like we thought this time, especially with the production team and everything like that. It doesn't even feel like work yeah. I mean, like I love that um. Well, I love that for myself. Obviously you do as well. Yes, so you understand I'm obsessed with myself yeah. So for me I love it because I feel like it just it doesn't feel like it's work and I just feel like I could just show be myself and just obviously get paid for it, yeah, honestly, I'm being and being in these platforms representing yourself and yeah Exposure yeah, I just love my team honestly um Tigo is the director of um, because I do. What do I do? Rwd is the production and honestly they just let us free reign that we have such a good time like it's a lot of times, because I've worked with other brands that are very heavily scripted, and it's very like this, and this and it's like sometimes when you Have production companies that are made that are majority white? They give you scripts that they think sound yeah, yeah, yeah yeah and I'm that girl. I would never say this yeah yeah, but honestly with Jay-Z, it's very free reign. It'S very chaotic! It'S very like off The Dome, like a lot of things that you see on survey, says it's very off the Dome like it's literally on the spot and again yeah most of it, where no one is no more. No one. No one on that show is normal, but we have a good time and honestly again, like representation having you know, black people in those spaces having a good time black. Sorry, to be fair, I feel, like I've seen it. I'Ve definitely seen yeah yeah. I feel like I've, definitely seen it because I've seen you um. I can't remember her name though, but she's got like short hair yeah. I'Ve seen quite a few people. Yeah amazing amazing show so honestly yeah, like obviously a lot of uh people from Fort Asylum has crossed yeah, yeah, yeah, uh, HP chunks. So, aside from obviously music personality relationship, what are you getting up to um? What am I getting up to aside from all of that? I don't know you're just having a good time honestly, don't like since you, since you've, since you've been out of the house. What have you learned about yourself? I'Ve learned that I'm definitely more patient than I thought I thought yeah yeah, because I think, even in the house, a lot of people would appalling me for like being very patient, because there's a lot of times where, as I said, my my test, my patience was Tested tested yeah, I don't know if you saw the episode with Harry sneezing all over me. That'S why it took everything in me not to react, but there's a lot of things that happened. That was off camera as well. That I felt like my patient was definitely tasted, but I felt like I've learned just to compose myself and not come my character, not allow anyone to bring out my character and just yeah make like just protect my brand at all costs. That'S what I always like kind of see us if somebody was interested again they could. They could have put me in that stuff because I actually would actually got it. Would it would probably be so entertaining why don't you do it next year? The Holy Spirit. Would I actually did have a conversation it was. There was something in the air yeah with my managers. But honestly I didn't. I don't know what happened honestly. I want to let people know now yeah. I don't think I would do it. You have to oh yeah. I really have to you have to question yourself: would I be able to deal with someone sneezing my face? I don't give a death slap, you just sure I was human. I was it took because in real life, let's be real. It wouldn't. I wouldn't have like that to happen, but obviously you need to remember my cameras everywhere me and Max are the same house. Oh, he is the type of person like if I think about the type of guys that watch like Andrew Tate videos and things like that. I feel like that's what they are and what they look like. I feel like that's. He is like the epitome of what I think Andrew viewers are. If I understand I understand where you're coming from, but then because I've seen another side of him like outside of cameras, he like in real life he's so timid, like he's such a like he comes across, is so shy. That'S why it's so mad! It'S actually so bad. I'M I'm confused yeah like in real life. He'S such a shy like gentle person, but obviously on cameras is a different, obviously persona, but, like I said, I love Max. It'S gon na look like I hate Max, but I don't actually hate him. No, no definitely don't hate me. Definitely no hate here, yeah, it's like he's such a sweet person, but obviously on camera is a different Persona, a whole different Persona. He will even say to himself like if you meet him off camera. He'S such a gentleman he's such a sweet guy. I think that's like a lot of guys, though in the industry that I've found like there's a lot of like um thinking about it, saying that there's a lot of like hyper masculine personas that I know on the internet, yeah that when you meet them in person, You'Re, like is this the same boy on that show one time like majority majority of them, that I've met are really [, __ ], nice gentleman, the one person. I could definitely say that this Remains the Same off and off camera. It'S Harry. I have like Harry paneero. He is funny off and off, like I love how he Remains the Same. Like he's the same person, I think Harry is probably one of them. My favorite people that I've watched this works this year with um. I'Ve got a show coming up with Harry coming up, so I'm not I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say it, but I've said yeah yeah yeah, I won't say who, for but yeah we've got a show coming together and honestly, working with him was so. You know when you you watch somebody and um. You admire their work and their personalities yeah. I guess as an individual, getting to know him and how he is off camera. I'M like you're my brother for life right guys, so I am going to introduce my guest today. I have a beautiful, Phenomenal Woman here in the studio. She is a content creator, a singer-songwriter and, of course she is fresh home from the locked in household she's. Looking good see you she's looking [ __ ], fine, oh it's the! I was happy that the comments would have defending me. Of course they you lied. You lied yeah because yeah. It didn't affects me, though, to be fair, because I was just laughing off because I'm thinking you're lying because you're lying, because this is [ __ ] Rachel. I read your [ __ ] about it in the building and she the baddest. I get to know her name, her name is not a liar. Her name is not a lie, but how are you, how is your Mentor? How has your week been talk to me? No, it's been good. To be fair. I feel like this week has been obviously mad busy I've just been in and out of, like different, obviously places and stuff like that, but um yeah, my mentor is great um, so I'm living better. I guess um, I just I'm in a good space. I would say I love that, and you know what I love yet, obviously we're coming to the end of the year. I feel like this is a very reflective time for me. I want to do something with you. I feel, like everyone should do this, but you're here today. I wanted to talk with you and the bad boys are bad girls yeah, I feel like we should take this time to start like journaling and just kind of reflecting on the year, but also do write things down that keep us excited for next year. I know this has been a rocky year for a lot of people. Cost of living cost of living. Different things have happened, but I want people to have something to look forward to yeah and I feel like when you're writing down your plans and your goals because I love I love mood boarding. I love a mood body Vision, vision, boards yeah. I love journaling and things like that like just to really get me excited towards the end of the year, but can I just say [ __ ]. Now we are in basically December. Do you know? I feel like this year's gone quite quickly like since, like summer times, I feel like I just went like that. The way this year has flown, they would have thought I was. I was under general anesthesia. I just slept. I woke up, it's not the end. They'Re ready, Mariah Carey is already loading up for that song. We just were Sullivan, though you're saying I'm I'm getting ready for someone to overthrow Mariah Carey. I love Mariah Carey and I love like that song, but girl. It'S that one's been recycled, [ __, ] yeah. It'S actually literally, it's actually enough, but we have just passed uh Black Friday. Are you a shopping babe? Where are you getting some stuff, but I didn't? Actually you did a UCR locked in check or it has the check not cleared. If you didn't expect it. No! No, you spend it on stories because I get a lot of clothes. All the time sent big [ __ ] me, so I think right now, I'm at that point where it's just like um. I just need to clear my wardrobe out. I do it all the time like every few months, I clear up my whole trip and stuff like that, because it's just a lot but um. I think right now, because I've just got too many clothes. I there's no way to put it. So I don't even try to like buy new things. I do when I'm going on holidays. Just let us know whether you put it I'm full. I don't give a [ __ ]. I used to Thrift. I'M a thrifter like there is like basically like going to charity, store, uh shops and things like that. Where you can um you you'll go and buy like second-hand stuff. I used to be back in the day, I'm still for it yeah. I just don't the only thing, because I don't like the Spells the smell of the stuff, but honestly, like animals smell it just smells like a old people. Oh okay, yeah yeah. I mean a little bit musty, but that's the only thing but honestly, like back in the day when I used to Thrift yeah the beautiful women like you that will get free stuff and Chuck it in the charity shop. That'S sweet! Give it to me. I can give it to you if you want no, no, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No, but I mean I mean yeah but yeah, honestly, I'm really for it and again I I have a clean out as well like I've actually taken, because I realize there's a lot of stuff that I've bought and it still has links yeah. I'Ve grown faster than I was able to wear the clothes. You know that was all you buy it. I started a dress yeah. I wore it through three. Three weeks later, I wore it again, I said well, a lot of people tend to ask me a lot like how they put on weight like I've currently lost a lot of weight being in that house. I'Ve lost so much weight, but a lot of people always eating child the thing is they fed up spot the food. Wasn'T to my it wasn't your standard, so I I literally basically fasted yes, you know what I hear it I mean the flavoring is different down them size yeah. I saw a video yeah, obviously Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving belated to all my American Bad Boys and bad girls were filming this just as Thanksgiving is just passing. It might be a little couple of days after I saw a video of this person, I'm not gon na, say the race, but this group of people you know she's in their tacky with mayonnaise, even if even the the grandchildren were complained. They said why, when I go to the soul food place, they don't eat that the chicken is not like this. It'S mayonnaise I have mayonnaise and salt and black pepper. That'S what they know salts. I said okay well, but why would mayonnaise I've never seen anything like I've never seen anything like that, and it was like smothered like as in like as in. Was it like the war like when it's raw and they roar, like you, know when you're about to see to marinate they marinated the turkey flavorless mayonnaise, have that's gon na you know accentuate the chicken or the turkey? Listen anything! That'S not breaded, I'm joking, but yeah. I can't remember what I was saying, but yeah journaling um Happy Thanksgiving yeah Black Friday. I didn't really shop. Like our shops, I did get some stuff yeah um. I got a new camera because I'm trying to do more content for my YouTube. That'S outside of the show okay, so I bought a camera now guys. What time did you get the Sony Z? Oh, is it the one at Molly, Molly mayhad, the one that all the bad [ __ ] have adeola Patron? Has their Mario everybody? Has it when Molly Maid posted it, everyone just jumped zv1 or something like that yeah yeah, it went from like 800. No, it was. It was 800 pounds because you have to pay for the these teeth: yeah yeah yeah, so the second yeah, the tripod. That'S it! The tripod and the camera came out to about six seven: nine, oh okay, which usually is 800 squid. Okay, so I got like 200 pounds. I'Ve been stolen to buy this thing, so let me buy it now so that I could stop doing it. Yeah content, yeah and also I've got a um, a Content room that was my dump room, so it was actually so I've got. I'Ve got two bedrooms, so one of them has been a dump room for a very long yeah. You know the ones in your house where you just yeah, then close the door yeah. So when guests come yeah, I think yeah good person if they open that door, but I've cleaned it out. Yeah um, so I'm gon na turn that room into like a Content. So what are you gon na do in terms of like the content like for your separate channel, so I did want to do vlogs and things like that. I know Vlogs is popping at them, yeah we're just really surprising, but when I was asking the people, what do they want to see? They were like Vlogs, Vlogs Vlogs, and I was like girl. I said okay, but I do want to do some other stuff like just maybe some like reactionals or something like that. I'M still trying to figure it out how I want to do it, but definitely next year, yeah and there's going to be a lot more content and obviously now that I'm part of a YouTube black as well um, which I haven't spoken about by the way. Oh yeah guys the takeaways YouTube like voices of 2022 man. Thank you well Dad. Actually I [ __ ]. I'Ve never mentioned this. That'S crazy! Oh my God, I'm actually very rude, but you you were on 2021 class yeah. Where were you at the party? You was locked in yeah like there's so many like MiMi used to always get onto me for this, like I was so I'm so bad with my emails and um yeah. That'S what I can say, I'm just really bad, but I'm getting better um but yeah. I'M really about my email. So when I look back and I'm like - oh I missed this - I missed that yeah, so um very disappointing, very disappointed, I'm better now so yeah yeah, I hope so I think perhaps thinking about it. Perhaps you were filming at that time. Yeah, you might still have been locked in so you didn't exceed it because it was like literally last week or like two weeks ago, really yeah. It was two weeks ago. Oh yes, I would definitely wasn't locked in there's a billboard that is finished yesterday. Thank you. I didn't even see it, I don't even say it, but yes, guys. Congratulations! 2023, um! So this year on, the black voices is me from what who I know. I'M sorry. If I don't mention you, I just didn't. Remember I'm yet to meet you, but I won't see you and love you soon. So don't flog me me Harry paneero and he's yes. He started with YouTube that he's a YouTube yeah. He was a YouTube boy before he was a tick tock boy, hey yeah! I just saw a messy actually as well, and I didn't know that you know that's my six-pack babe honestly yeah he's lost so much weight. He looks really do you know how bigger his was back in the day it was big. I said: listen. 2023. I'M trying to have a six-pack like he's, actually lost so much really. It'S inspired me. I'M listen next year. Guys! If you see me skinny just mind your business. Anyways don't lie! Oh um guys. You know when, like you see old videos of yourself and you're like wow, why is worse, for me is because when I see them, everyone else sees them. So I did buzzfeeds um me and Victor have a strong BuzzFeed. We got physicals every time and um. We did season one last year, okay down in the DMS and we've done season two. Okay, I saw season two and then I saw season one and I said wow you, fat, [, __ ]. I said so yeah. I bet it's not that bad. I bet it's not that bad, but you know it's when it's you, you feel more like pawns yeah, I've accepted, I mean I'm loving, my body though I'm loving. Do you know what it's not? I don't have any issue, I'm loving myself, I'm loving. She should. I still big up all the fluffy girls, all the all the good skin girl. Every time, I'm loving it it's winter yeah exactly. I need some installation Right, congratulations, yeah, but obviously now um yeah. I just kind of want to go on that journey and again I'm not really been healthy. With what I'm hearing, I think I've been talking about this all year. You know I really like about my health and stuff. How do you do you? Are you a gym? Babe, absolutely not absolutely, but you dance though this was many many that was many many years ago. I don't dance anymore. That'S why I think that's what I put on I put on a lot of weight compared to how I used to be. I used to be very slim well slim because it was slim thick and then at one point I got some point where people actually thought I was pregnant, they're wrong, yeah. They thought I was pregnant, but I've lost weight. I lost a lot of weight, so people actually say pregnancy yeah. They can go to hell, people, they don't even talk about it as well. Like people actually thought I was pregnant. Can I say something - and I was like people actually put on weight and actually have a food part is actually okay? Can we stop like? Can we stop assuming yeah that people are pregnant? It'S very rude, especially when they're, not because I've had that I've had to go like oh wow. Are you pregnant, like no? I'Ve just got a pot belly. Okay. Thank you. There'S also a thing here that I saw on tick tock on an ovarian cyst. So it's a sister that grows in your ovaries, yeah, but sometimes it can grow to like 40 centimeters, 15 centimeters so that person can look pregnant, but it's a cyst yeah. It'S a medical condition, listen one thing about teeth. Are they going they're going yeah they're gon na show me I'm like wow, let's stop assuming that, and even if we are assuming your hearts yeah, you don't have to actually focus on your mind, keep it locked in chew your words and swallow it yeah sponsorship. I want to play a game with you. I want to go straight in. Obviously we have a game on this show called win or bin okay, so the name of the game is that I'm going to give you a topic, a conversation and you're going to tell me whether it's a win or a bin, and why?

Rachel Bada: ❤️❤️

Sinmi: We love a host that listens to her people !!

D M: Foot Asylum rarely gives black women the limelight. I'm not surprised they did that to Rachel. Max was an incel and some of the stuff he did was plain sexual harassment & bullying. I hate how the girls just had to "get used to him" as if the shit he did was actually funny or ok. I wouldn't have lasted through that season

SAO: Such a shame that Max is allowed to do this crap. Footasylum is wrong for this

Tazz: I’m just struggling to understand how’s she’s still “cool with” this max guy. like what justification could there be to be cool with someone who disrespects you or is willing to disrespect you for camera/content???

I D: After the third question, I started crying hot tears because Rachel did the same thing three times LMAOOOO. Outstanding.

Naomi Nkwoji: Joyce can film a two hour podcast but cant watch a 40min video lmaoooo

comical christine: She got so many chances. I got all of them of except Garfield and the body part . She should have trusted her gut instincts. Well done. Good show lol

Katelyn Graham: So proud of you and destiny I know you had to be patient

SI Bello: Joyce dropping a sermon at 57:28 with "disgrace is the biggest lesson"

unknown: Madame Joyce you're truly spoiling us

Jaz Jeanz: The way I was shouting MARS! My girl said MERCURY…I said “WOW” ‍♀️ **Joyce voice** Rachel is too funny man! ❤ and gorgeousssss

Lovely Passion sea: Loved this episode!!!! Loved Rachel on Footasylum. We need Destini next!

Jennifer Okerenta: Hey Joyce I’d call it being anti internalised misogyny

unknown: I've heard that some rich people have the real designer and fake designer and only wear fake designer when they out in public incase they get robbed.

Motha Bouff: Joyce making our Wednesdays great. Love it sis big pxssy prrrrr

Catarina Mangel: Finally, I got more than 2 questions right. 7 right answers!!! Also, "axila" is Portuguese for armpit :)

I D: Oh, she is lovely! I haven't ever heard her speak that much but she seems like so much fun!

Iyesha Sheriff: yess!! loved the video!! thank you Rachel for coming on❤️❤️

unknown: We hardly saw Liv & Kate in locked in which is mad, I forgot they even existed

Chantelle Angelah: Madam J vibes always on point

Aisha Hussain: the are you smart stressed me out on this episode

swwdd: This “are you smart?” was hard to watch

Rilwan Gbadamosi: Let's keep the 'obviously count' going on. I counted 22 so far :)

No One: First of all Joyce you look beautiful whatt! literally took my breath away

Tillyah Canoville: Seasoning the turkey with mayonnaise made me scream


Miss S: Let’s be honest if it wasn’t for Max the house would be dead and barely entertaining.

Oladeji B: Rachel this is the worst are you smart ever

MsTeo: Big Belly Blessing Nah this Are You Smart is toooooo Funny

fifi: three out of ten rachel acc knew the answers aswell LOOOOOL

Impending Wealth: Ngl if a girl is that late for a date "ur done"

John Deolinda: nahhhh, Joyce is spoiling us!!!!

Sharnay: this are you smart is down there with moses

Get that guy a manual: You see Rachel Bada my crush from ‘019 what a woman ‍

uniquelady1234: Rachel Bada!

Queen AdeReign: Bring Destini in

Amy Mwaniki: the word is gynaeopticon for 'where the many women watch the many women'

Perlina Chicomb: At 1:34:00 who are they on about? Which insta babe- i saw the tiktok but idk what influencer she was talking about

Iyesha Sheriff: i saw the mayo turkey tooo hahahah

Wind Surfer: Bring Destini in

I am Jayfill: Yessssssssssssss❤

Wind Surfer: Yessss!!!

Taffy Charity: Lol i love yall ❤️ BUT IF U DONT LEAVE MY GOOD MAN MAX ALONE he was a fan fav for a reason we love him

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