Raquel Welch Wigs New Styles & Colors | Facebook Live!

Take a fresh look at the newest Raquel Welch wig styles and colors with HairUWear designers Frank Campanella and Kyle Kaine. See the new Cool Tone Colors plus Spring styles Unfiltered, Pretty Please! and Ready For Takeoff. http://www.raquelwelchwigs.com

Hello, kyle, hey! How are you doing frank everything? Okay, hey frank, you're, looking great well! Thank you! You too, very sharp today. Well, i thought we'd! I i thought i'd change it up a bit because you're normally in the dark, colors and and then you know, i'm normally in the pastels. I know right uh. Well, you know what i figured since we're going to be touching on the rock, how about spring collection that we might as well go ahead and get springy with it. So well, you sure, have you look great everything all right, um, happy holidays, everybody! I didn't get a chance to say a proper hello to everybody, because i was doing australia time. I know you've been crazy with australia. Haven'T you uh-huh yeah, but i'm back to normal now. Well, good, good, good! I'M just getting ready and um we're gon na be able to see what everybody is writing in today. So i just wanted to kind of load in and make sure that my phone was going and also, let's say hello, to a few people kyle. Yes, because i missed my cocktail, have you mixing your cocktails and well? You know what i was really looking forward to this because um this has been a collection that i've been dying to talk about, but we haven't really to talk about. Well, you know what here's the thing so for all of you who are joining us today, kyle and i gon na - be talking about the raquel welch collection that launched 2020 spring, and you know right when the collection was launching. There was um some issues. As you know, with a little bit of a pandemic, so we didn't think that raquel got her proper due and we haven't been able to. You know kyle you and i usually go to the shows and we go to the trade shows and we go to visit our accounts and we get to show everybody the collection and that just didn't happen this year because of everything that was going on. So we're going to bring you the collection today and for everyone who's watching today, um we got a special gift for you too. So i'll tell you about the first one, the other one you'll have to wait till the very end to find out what that is, but it's a good one trust me when i tell you it's a good one for everyone, who's watching today, uh for your comments And entering in we're going to give you one of the new wigs from the collection, so we have three beautiful wigs to show you today. So you'll get one of the new wigs from the spring collection. It'S going to be awesome. So please enter your comments. Please! Let us know what it is. You want to know and kyle, and i are here to take care of everything that you want to know about today. So let me say, hello, miss terry fox is watching kyle, hello, miss terry, hey, terry. How are you doing terry's? One of my dearest friends and one of the uk's best um cab live cabaret artist, but terry is a massive fan of the uh welsh wig store terry. This is an hour that you're going to enjoy yup. We got philip lawrence jones watching hello, philip and hello to my channel mcginty hello. Michelle welcome hi michelle and who's this jackie, charles, i don't know anyone you know kyle, i don't know. I don't know who jackie charles is. I haven't got a clue. That'S my mama! Hi man from wales and then carly my sister carly's, watching as well um hi carly. How are you and, of course our fabulous ellen, is watching hi ellen? We don't know the show without ellen. So how are you ellen so happy holiday? All my american friends? Yes, we just got over the fourth of july. Thank you kyle, so for everyone watching. This is your chance to catch up and we're getting you up to speed, not only we're going to talk about the raqqa welch wig collection for spring 2020, but we're also going to talk about this. This is um the ash based colors, the cool tone colors that we launched as well, and we're going to talk a little bit about that. Because you know the cool tone colors and the rockell well spring collection kind of launched at the same time. And if you missed it, we're here to fill you in on it so to everybody there cheers yeah cheers. I just want to say thanks to everybody, for watching it's fantastic and you're. So right, frank, because this was this - we were a long time in the making. With it with this, these wonderful colors, i think i was coming. I was back and forth to america about four times and we were still working on this because i know you have to get these perfect and you and - and we really did right - i mean i i want to just say to everybody. Well, maybe we start off talking about the ash, color collection, don't we, let's start with that uh. Let'S talk a little bit about the colors and what the idea was behind it. So you know, as you know, um we've had our regular raquel welch color collection for quite some time, and we felt it was time for a little bit of an update, not only because we we thought it was time, but also because it is time because technology Had advanced to the point where we were able to get some new colors um, the fibers that we make our true to life fiber in our rarquel welch wigs. These fibers have advanced to the point where we have been able to introduce new raw colors, which means we can make some new full-on highlighted colors. So it was appropriate and, as you know, kyle as is in in london and in europe uh. So in the states. The cool tone colors are really becoming popular now and uh. We wanted to to address that so yeah. That was why we did it absolutely absolutely massive, i think, in the whole wig industry. I think everybody was desperate for more ash tones. You know, i think frank. You know being a hairdresser me myself, i think the number one thing is people always ask to have the red taken out of their hair. You know the massive, the massive boom on the on the blue shampoos and um. This is why this this color range was so important and believe it or not, i mean the reds and the browns. I mean a lot of people say to me kyle. Why do you need a stone browns? But you know the browns are amazing. Yeah, i mean listen. I had a lot of clients when i was in the salon - and you know that was one of the things that we said. I like the brown but there's too much red in it for me now i like warmth. So for me i i like warm tones, but i do understand that there are women out there who don't like the warm tones like they just see a little bit of warmth and they just feel like it's too bright. So we've addressed that. So we have, as you said, kyle we have addressed this throughout with our brown tones and all the way up to our blondes. So we have some nice colors um. This is the coloring and i suggest that any of you who are into um the new ash colors that you check out the coloring, because it really gives you an idea of what we're offering. I see. Kyle you have the catalog, which is also available online yeah yeah. This is um. This little catalog is fantastic. I mean you've got everything in here that you need, especially for a wig business. Um we've talked about everything in depth. We'Ve talked about all the new colors separately and i think it's if you, if you've, not seen the especially if you're a wig business. This is something that everybody needs to be jumping on. But, like you said frank, we were so excited about the launch of this, and this dreadful time happened. So you know it. It was frustratingly that not meant you know not many people, especially in europe, know about this yeah, and so this is what this is about. Is to keep our listeners and our viewers informed to keep you on top of what's happening and raquel's always been known for her amazing color line. This is an addition to that. So some of these colors, you will see, are very close to colors already have, but they are different in the sense that if you have a particular customer who's looking for something who says, i want no red in my hair. This is the collection for you. It'S the cool tone, color collection, so the one yeah yeah and amazing, and but and even the red i mean the bread, the red you think you know i was talking to a client the other day and it was like. Why would you bring out a red? That'S got no red tones, but it's like trust me. If you're a natural, redhead and you're born with it, you still have that ash flat tone red hair. Exactly, i think it's i think it's one of the best reds i've ever seen. You know yeah. I think so too, it's a natural red, it's um like a copper brown and that's why we put it in the cool tones because it doesn't have that that warmth. It doesn't have that bright tone that you would associate like red, hair out of a box or out of a out of a color. You know that you create, and you put on like a tint. This is, would be a red that you're born with. So it's muted it's very flat, and so, if you're looking for a natural red, this one is great and that one is called the ice. Pumpkin spice, uh yeah thing about the ash tones um is that we named them after cold drinks. Okay, so the reason why we did that was because they're cool tones cool put it on ice they're, more they're, i wouldn't say they're so ashy, but they're more blue toned more neutral. So yes, that is why they're all named after iced drinks, so certain ice strings. Yeah and it's very clever because it's like because they are, they are cool. Well, we haven't got a martini color yet, but we will have soon. No, it's a fantastic, it's a fantastic coloring and i think um, especially for new wig wearers um people getting new into the business. I think when i started, because we all know that red tones are very flattering even if you love them or not. Yes, yes, i still strive for white hair, but realistically it doesn't really suit me. You know warmer warmer colors do but um. I think this is definitely fantastic for um, a younger client as well, and then it also we've got some new colors to in the hairdo. Haven'T we, but we can talk about that at a separate site? Yes, well, you know, of course, kyle and uh you're right. We are constantly developing colors. That'S the whole idea is to stay on the cutting edge and to give people the same type of colors and quality that they would receive in a top-notch professional hair salon available to you in these wigs so we're on top of it. I hope so that's what we're trying to do is be on top of it yeah. Well i mean the color range we have in raqqa. Wells, i think, is unbelievable if there's not a color there to suit someone. Well, i don't know what, where, where else we can turn you know and let's recite fantasy colors. So you know once you get that lady in the chair, especially if she's losing her hair um our color ranges. We'Ve got something for everybody absolutely and we're going to be showing you guys some of the ash base colors today in some of the wigs we're presenting. So we have our three wigs to present. I see kyle, you already have yours out. Yes, i have, i mean we're starting with the shortest one. I mean sorry, i dropped my glasses there. You know this is ready for ready for takeoff and do you know when it comes to short wings. We all know that, if especially, if you're a wig business, that the short wings will always be the top top of your list to fly because, obviously very well that most women yeah once once women get to a certain age. We cut our hair short. But what i loved about - this is frank. I think um at this time, especially if you're a wig business um, because you know we all know where we're going through hard times and troubles, i'm i'm guaranteed. This is, this is a wig that i think you could have in stock. That will always sell it's absolutely beautiful, yes, uh this one really uh has a lot to offer for someone who likes short hair uh, and this one is called ready for takeoff because girls, when you put this on you're, going to be ready to go so you're Ready to take off you're ready to take off wherever it is, you want to take off too you're ready to take off um, but this has a beautiful, sculpted uh profile, and i really want to show that to you. So my mannequin is a little bit on the tiny side, so i'm going to raise her up a little bit. But you have all this fullness and volume in the back and into the crown, and then it sweeps in with a little bit of wave right into this nape, which is really form hugging. It'S really stunning! That way, it really gives you a nice finish at the bottom. Razored ends, so you get that really nice texture and i also want to say you: have these nice face framing pieces into the front. I know some women like that face framing um and some women. Don'T but the beauty of this is you can just tuck it behind your ear. If you don't want it and you know yeah off, it goes absolutely. This is what i've done with mine. I mean i love this um. Can you see my my girl all right? Hey frank: yes, i gave her a little touch-up today because she was looking worse for wear. It was just makeup. You know i'm sharp a pen because i mean she'd gone through the mill this this poor man. That came back, i'm not complaining, but what i love. I love this taken sort of just behind one side and i love this sort of this full length over over the other over the eye. Here, i think it's amazing, you know yeah it styles up so so differently, depending on what you want to do and that's the whole idea you know, like i have mine a little smoother in the front. You'Ve got it amped up for a little more volume. So this is a great style. That'Ll take most of our ladies from like day into night. It'S perfect for that. You know yeah and now kyle, which color do you have there? What are you showing there? Yeah i've got the ss 829. You know it's a glazed hazelnut, but it's rooted gotcha by the way um jessica jones asks. Where do you get your inspiration, um? And i will say this - miss jessica um. We get our inspiration from a ton of influences like television, i'm constantly watching the housewives of whatever city um, i'm looking at fashion magazines, constantly the runway, shows, um and believe it or not. Raquel herself has a huge impact on what we launch she's, always up to date on fashion she loves fashion and style and she's always got some great ideas. So a lot of times she and i will send each other pictures back and forth. They'Ll have a little conversation about it and she is definitely involved in this collection, and so you do get that uh influence, which i think is really wonderful. Um. This wig, i'm showing in one of the new cool tones and this one is the ice granita. Okay yeah, so it's this color right here on the coloring and one of the things i love about the ice granita color is that it is so this one is inspired by the natural graying process, with a little fashion edge. So what we did here is we put a bolder white in through the front as you can see, so you have that almost like a highlighted effect, but you have it with that silver pearlescent color. Then it transitions into a mid-tone as we get into the back right, just like your natural hair kind of gray, and then you have this darker nape. This is so polished and sophisticated. I love this color because i love that transition of tone. I think that's what makes it look so natural and so believable yeah, it's beautiful, you know um. We can't keep up with grey frank. It'S um, you know. I know that sort of everybody. You know if you're, if you're on trend, you're grey, you know. So if we really needed an um, a fashion gray, you know, although we got some fantastic great, but this is a color gray that i think somebody could wear for fashion. You know, besides just being gray exactly exactly so uh randy roberts is watching today, hi, randy and randy says i got a lot of volume in the crown. How do i get the volume? Did i have to back comb? It did. I have to tease it and the answer on this is no randy. You do not. I just give it a little spritz with my favorite uh hairspray um. I do like the firm holder uh, but i just give that a little bit of a just a little spritz, and this is actually refresher spray, because i did put some hairspray in this earlier. So i just put a little bit of that in and you can really amp it up and it gives it a very nice natural texture. One of the things on this is the cap is very uh comfortable as well kyle. Maybe you can explain the cap or show us the cap on that, if you don't mind yeah, absolutely. First of all, um back to hi randy. How are you doing randy's, i'm not one one of america's biggest performers who loves our hair as well. What is the main thing about the true to life? Fiber is, even if you don't want to use product just by using your hand, you know you can create all this volume and texture and it just lifts. I mean look, it's just like it's just like dream. Hair and if you really want to before i show you the inside, you know me, i exclusive the tape on my girl's head, but i i give this wig a really good shake. Yes, and i use i use our hair. You wear products, i love the conditioning spray and i just give this a quick spritz, because i like to give it some texture. I give it a massive shake and i'm just going to put it back on the head. I just want to show you if you really want to create fantastic volume, and you know and drama. That'S all you have to do with our five years. It'S amazing yeah. The tuna life fiber really responds well to trying to create volume to product, so you can use product on these, as some of you may already know, go ahead. Use your favorite products um. They are fantastic for styling. These wigs and the fiber, like i said, is really responsive. You don't have to backcomb, you don't have to tease a lot. You can, if you want extra support, but you really don't have to um lana thomas asks: do you mix different shades in all of your colors? Absolutely we do um nothing in the raquel welch color line. Lana is one tone. Everything has a blend um. We we use a ton of raw colors to create the look, because we know that real hair. Even if you look at a solid color hair like even like mine out in the daylight, you will see different tones in it and so for sure we do. We do a nice blend, so this is very comfortable. This cap um i'm gon na, take it off too to show you um cause kyle, you got sidetracked. Sorry, i get so excited about the styling. You know me when it comes about creating big hair yeah and, like we say it's not only seven to eleven shades for every single colorway. Isn'T it frank even with our flat tones, so even with the dark browns have different tones, yeah uh-huh um so anyway. So we have a lace front. Can you all see that she could wear it off your face? We have this beautiful hand, tied area into the back, and then we have wefting in the back to build up that nape area and to give it a nice coverage over the back so very comfortable to wear. Of course you have the velvet nape and you have the velvet ear tabs which make it very comfortable as well, and this is a really light wig. So, for all the hand tying that's in it, it really does afford a lot of volume. I think don't you kyle absolutely i mean this. Is this this fully hand-tied wig, i mean um. This was another reason was franco. We were so upset that this dreadful time happened because you know people were asking us more and more and more for hand-tied wigs because i think there's a natural transition. I think once you especially for our ladies out there who've never had hair, especially if you're going through any forms of treatment or alopecia or chemo the hair tied with so light. But can you believe that you can still create all this volume with it as well? I know, but i love it. I love the way. I love the way that it's fully hand tied and i just love the lace front. It'S beautiful, but look how lightweight um? Yes, barbara le curcio, hello, barbara, wants to know if you have long hair. How do you tuck it up into a wig? Now i always recommend a stocking cap, but kyle you do have long hair and you managed to get it into a wing. So maybe you can answer that for barbara a little more efficiently, yeah! Well, barbara, there's all different ways: it all depends definitely um. I definitely would say the stocking cap helps okay, because you're holding all your natural hair back if you have very, very thick hair. What i like to do is always separate the hair and sort of take the hair and take it this way, and maybe just bobby, pin your hair on the side and then put the wig cap on, because you don't want the bulk. You don't want the bulk of hair at the back of the wig, you know. So, if you dis, distributed barbara either side, some people braid or some people just split the ponytail right. Two bobby pins then put your wig cap on, because you don't want the the the lump at the back right now we have a photograph of this of raquel in this, and also we use another model as well to show it a little bit of variety on It and so uh this is the photo that we have. You can see, raquel wears it in her color uh, which she loves um, and then we can also see it in the ice granita on our model. So you know two different ways of styling: it two different looks you can get out of it, but just look how wonderful it looks on two totally completely different face shapes. I think it's fantastic, absolutely beautiful! I mean this is what i like. I love it frank. There'S two different types of women and two beautiful women. Of course. Yes, but one one wig, you know different women. This i mean i can safely say that this is gon na work on every age of woman or every skin tone, or every type of lady out there or guy whoever's watching, because you can change this to suit your client because remember you can get this really Big and glamorous, but they can also smooth down to very, very very flat because it's fully hand tied right, um joe kelly asks. Will this wig fit a 23-inch head uh? If the? If it's a good question joe, it can stretch to accommodate uh 23 inches a little bit on the large size. These are average. So you might, you might want to try it out first um and actually see a customer first and try it on them before actually having them make a purchase. Uh kimberly asks: does this week come razor cut or is the nape personalized nope? This is how it comes kimberly, just as you see it, it comes with this razory texture right at the bottom, so you are you're ready to go now. If you have a client who perhaps maybe doesn't want the textured bits at the bottom of course, then you can just etch that out and make it a little bit shorter for them as well yeah customize it i mean what i i know. We say this all the time, because you know what is the point of having wigs that you have to spend a lot of time to style. We, as we as designers, want to make this as easy as possible. Yes, because we all, we also know if you've got a lady in the chair, who's lost her hair and she's scared about wearing the wings. You don't want to be putting it on and messing around seriously right. All you all i say is brush this through give it a spritz yeah, give it a brush through and all this styling is done for you. Isn'T it absolutely? Yes, i mean i actually like to take a wide tooth comb and, along the part, we zigzag. The part most of the time that comes directly with the zigzag that is so that when the wig is in transit, it does not make a memory of a hard part anywhere. So you are welcome to part it wherever you want and with the hand tying you totally can so give this a good run across the part line, and you can see you know once you do that um it opens it up a little bit. It breathes a little bit and then you can go back with a little like restore and just kind of bring back some of the the pieciness and the texture to it. But i always like to comb through it. Some people say shake i like to give it a good combing. It'S up to you it's up to you. Everyone has their way of doing it yeah. So we appreciate that definitely yeah. Absolutely i mean i i do believe brush through then shake you know, and then you put your process on and then the sort of the hair sort of falls like the legs like the puzzle, but that we've made it. You know it's meant to all just fall into place like i said this is a brilliant um, wig, frank um. If you want to customize this, you know you could cut a really beautiful little uh fringe into this. If you wanted to yeah, you can chop into the top, i mean oh yeah. I just think i just think it's a wig that everybody should have in their wig salons. Yes, i mean look at this sweep on this yeah. No, you don't have to wear it off the face at all um, so you know, options, options, options and that's what we always look at just because you see a style of ours photographed a certain way. That was our inspiration doesn't mean you have to wear it. That way, so, especially with a hand-tied top like we have on this, you can alter it any way you like tammy asks um a lot of our styles, come with a color that is lighter around the face. Is there one that has really dark roots all the way up to the front um, not really uh? The lighter the lighter front is something that raquel likes and that we like uh, because we feel like it has a little bit of a sense of panache and we feel like it adds to the to the front. Now you can, though, you can use a little powder, uh eyeshadow or you can even use a little mascara if you want to extend the root right along the lace front. So you can do that by adding a little bit of color on your own and we teach that in our we're on the road class which, unfortunately, we don't have our hearing around the road classes going on right now, but so i'll give you that tip. Now that's one little thing you can do for that um yeah great or i use a little bit of um funniest. I got one. You got a little bit of root spray because i've been yeah myself to cover your nose. I need the hair. How is the hairdressing situation in america? How do you slowly getting? Are you slowly getting back there? Well, we have some salons and wig shops that are opening now, but it's of course they have to abide by the rules of social distancing and also um keeping the place clean and full of antibacterial solutions and sprays. So everyone's trying everyone is trying to do their best and we're hoping that uh clients can get in to see us um. That is that's important. You know we know everybody's dying to get into the salon everyone's dying to go back to their normal life. It'S a little bit of an adjustment right now, so you know kyle. I know you put on a wig when you don't have time to do your route. Sometimes so, ladies people at home, try that you know it's a great option. Oh absolutely i mean what is what has been i've seen a massive surge. You know, there's i'm not saying there's some some good have come out of this, but you know there's so many more of my friends and ladies and clients, people private messaging me because you know we still know that our ladies are going to get chemo have to Go through their chemo they're still going to be, ladies with alopecia, besides not getting to the hairdresser, and everybody is turning into the wig, hence that we are selling out so much in certain colors, and i tell you what fly in, which can be another um. Another cocktail hour, for us frank, would be the top of head because, yes, he's going mad for the top of hands yeah. We will definitely address that so watch soon for uh. Another uh show where we're gon na talk about top of heads. People also, just to remind you again, this lovely wig can be yours. This is ready for takeoff and it can be yours by the end of the show. Just by entering your comments so and then at the very end, we have something even more special for you guys that we just had to go all out today. I don't know was this one of those days? It was a cocktail hour and we wanted to have a little fun. So so why don't we look at our third wig or our second wig? That'S yeah! This is our first, let's go back and the second one that we're going to show you guys is called unfiltered like my mouth many times like these shows these shoulders. Exactly i'm sorry to report so unfiltered yeah is uh. Well, can you speak to it a little bit come on you go for it. I always do the talking and i feel, like i dominate well, you know i get excited yeah i think unfiltered has has caused one of the biggest sort of um furrows, especially on social media. I, on my um on my instagram. I'Ve met some wonderful girls, especially with alopecia and younger girls, and this bob has been absolutely flying out the door. You know, as you say, it's a one length. It'S a one-length bob. It'S got this amazing beach wave pattern, but what i love about it, frank and what everybody is loving about it - is it slightly cut up into the back of the neck right? I love this look so the way that you get a little bit. You get a little bit of that graduation in through the back right, which gives a little a little bit of a stack. It'S not much it's kind of imperceptible, but it gives it a nice contour. And then you also have it coming a little bit longer into the front, and we put some longer tendril pieces in here just to give it a little bit of whimsy and also to give you a little bit of face framing now. This one uh is also um the true to life fiber, and so it can be styled. So if you want a little more curl in it, you want to straighten it a little bit. You'Re welcome to do that as well and kyle. I don't know which color do you have there right now i've got the iced cafe: latte, okay, you got iced cafe latte, yes, so it's one of our brand new um cool tones, yeah, absolutely beautiful um. This is a proper assets. Yeah! Look at that! It'S like a mid-tone right, a sandy blonde, i would say yeah and it's the color. It'S like i'd love this color hair yeah. I know my mother is watching too. This is what we can you see that i mean this is looks like you've gone to the best hairdresser. I mean this is how most people want their hair. You know, but there's something amazing about this. I have seen this frank um, because the girls of the guys i keep on saying girls, but guys are wearing these just as much as the girls. They send me pictures all the time on instagram and i love it and i've seen this look amazing, because it's such a modern ball. You know it's really modern yeah. I i never thought that we could listen. I we know that editor's pick. Is it's a tough ball gorgeous gorgeous? You know the world gloves edged us pick, but then some ladies were saying to me: well kyle. This is this this to me it's the same as editor's pick, but trust me when you put them both together, they're completely different. They frankly, yes, they are very different. I would say: editor's pick is a more uh stylized, more uh, polished and like us, you were in a salon like very stylized. What i think about unfiltered is really nice. Is you don't have the fringe on this? So you have the longer front, and it's also like a blunt cut. It'S got some layering at the bottom, but in general the lengths are all the same, and this makes it very modern. It makes it also a little bit more casual than the editor's pick. So editors pick to me as a little more like glam, where this is a little bit more everyday cash, a little more down played and um. I think that's what makes this so special and it's also a very so if you, ladies, like a a curled curled. Look: okay, the net editor's pick is probably better for you. This one was added to the collection because it has a very undone curl, so you're not going to get. You know it's more like wave. I wouldn't even say it's a curl. It'S more like a weight. A soft undulating wave uh that gives it almost like a if you had wavy hair and you let it air dry. Naturally, it gives you just that, like soft movement in there - and i think that's what makes it so nice it doesn't look pretentious. It doesn't look overdone or over styled, just looks very easy and wearable, and it comes above the shoulders which a lot of our ladies like because it's not messing with their collars. It'S not messing with their clothing, so i think this is a really nice pick. It'S a great lens front, a great lens and a great curl pattern. Yeah. What would you say? I mean it's like a beach wave. It just reminds me, you know when you get your straightener and you just put that little flip into your head, and it just reminds me of that, and i i just love the shape. I love the silhouette. I love the shape. Of course it's lace front. This is this is rooted, but it comes in all the fabulous truth to life. Colors too, it does and yeah it's another thing too. It comes in all the colors. We have the ice cafe latte, which you're showing i am showing 1723 ss, and this is the iced latte macchiato. So this is like a light color, and i think i want to talk about a little bit about the color, because i've had a lot of people like right in um and we're listening to your comments, because that's always very important to us. As i always say, and i've had, a lot of people say well, isn't ice latte, macchiato the same color as uh 1923 ss, and i am going to say that while they look the same 1923 ss and this ice latte macchiato 1723 ss, they look similar. But they're not, and i'm going to show you that so i have a 1923 ss here um, but because the lights on the camera, sometimes depending where you're, where you're watching this from. Let me show you a photograph that i took with the daylight of both of the wigs next to each other. I have an editor's pick in 1923 ss and then i have the new cool tone rl1723ss and if you see them side by side, you'll see on the left. That is the new cool tone and, while you might think it looks very similar to 1923 ss you'll see that there is more warmth in the rl23ss. So if you are uh they're, both gorgeous colors, but if you are thinking you know, i absolutely want zero warmth. Nothing i want more of a plan, i would say, like the 1723 ss would be toned with like um, like a blue bass toner, whereas the rl1923 ss would be toned with a gold-based toner. So uh, that's the difference there and there is quite a difference and the thing about all of these cool tones. When you see them uh, they might look a little similar in your office lighting or your bathroom lighting because of the the warmth. But when you get outside, that's really, where you see the difference, that's where you see a little warmth. Is it really? So let me show you the whole right camera right. Yes, all right funny enough! I'Ve been photographing the wigs on the balcony. For some of my clients, you know who who've been troubled with losing their hair and you're, so right, what a difference in the daylight yeah. So this is the editor's pick, which is a gorgeous wig. We love her um and then the unfiltered here and i don't know if you can see the camera, but really when you go out in the daylight you will see this is gold and this is like a neutral cool tone. So keep that in mind, ladies um. They, i know they look the same, but to answer your questions, that's the that's the dealio over there. It is the dean. I'M frank: what is funny um when you see it when you see them that photo when you put them together, then you can really see the difference. You know you can really see the goals, although i never thought the other one had that much gold in, but when you put it back next to our um, you know our new ash stones. You can really see that we've already alleviated all the gold, which is great. We did uh so sue uh sue menke. I hope i'm saying that right, sue um asks you know about the beachy wages, we're doing a lot of beachy waves and we see a lot of waves. Do we see this trend? Continuing um, i like to say from what i'm seeing is, i'm still seeing a lot of texture. A lot of the shows a lot of the runway stuff in a lot of the magazines i'm seeing texture. Texture is big, all different kinds right, really tight, curls really loose wave. So i do think that that's going to be going on for, like i say, probably for the next two years. That doesn't mean that smooth and straight isn't coming back in and we have to think about our smooth and straight people, and so we are doing that as well as you'll see with the third wig we're presenting from the rockell welch collection, fantastic setup. Let'S talk a little bit about unfiltered cap construction, okay, so what you got with this one? Is the beautiful lace front, so you can wear it off your face. Uh, it's a hand-tied top right, so the hand tying is just done into the top. The rest of it is on the stretch, lace material with the memory cap three, so you get some silicone grip on that which is really good for wear, especially uh. If you're an active person, it gives you a little extra support. Again, you have the velvet nape and the velvet ear tabs for your comfort and the adjustable uh bands. If you need to size it down or up a little bit. So a very good wig has all the bells and whistles in this one too and um. I i dig it you know, and this one could be yours too people this one could be yours too, just fine, yeah and then just just in case anybody's unfamiliar with the memory of capturing. You know what we leave silicon. We put the silicone strips down. Um absolutely amazing for people with no hair. I love it. I love. I love the grip on it. I love the confidence i've um. I put this on people with no hair, and i just i i'm a massive fan of the syllables yeah. I think it's fantastic yeah, yes, it helps it helps, keep it secure, because a lot of people feel secure. Now someone asked earlier about adding clips to these wigs if you want to keep it secure because some, depending on the style in the curl pattern, i should also let you guys know this from a design standpoint. Sometimes we can use memory cap three and sometimes we cannot use memory cap. Three. It depends on how the wefting has to be done or how the wig has to be. The cap has to be created in order to create a certain look. So a lot of times the look at this stage of the game will determine whether it's going to be a memory, cap 2 or a memory cap 3.. So keep that in mind, but you can put some clips in these uh. If you want a little extra security, i would not recommend putting any clips where it's hand tied or where there's lace, because you will tear that if you're going to stitch in a clip, i would do it at the temple area by the ear tab uh. You could sew it into the velvet nape. That'S a good uh place to sew it on or if you must uh, you can sew it in to one of the wefts. So do not anywhere there's a hand-tied area. Do not attach a clip, because you could end up ruining your lovely, wig, absolutely yeah, but um yeah clips. I think if you, if you're a person out there, who has a lot of hair and you wear wheels all the time for com for convenience, like myself, you know, sometimes if my my hair is because you know my hair is so curly um yeah. I will put a curly wig on and then i i have. I will put a few um pressure, sensitive clips in because sometimes, if you've got apprentice pressure, sensitive clips, you can flip a bit of your own hair out quite easily and it's great yeah, which is, which is always a great idea. We do have some people who don't like the light in the front. That is another tip for whoever asked that earlier. I forgot they do, trim the lace back and then they pull their own hair out the front. Um randy asks: how does the silicone work with the stocking cap underneath um? It will work randy. If you have your stocking cap bobby pinned onto your own natural hair uh, it will work it will. It will hang onto the stocking cap plus you have some that goes around the sides, which also gives you a little bit extra security where maybe the stocking cap. You know is a little further back, so you can definitely wear it that way. Uh lisa lynn says that the memory cap three work for someone who has um fine or thin hair. Absolutely it does absolutely, though, absolutely yeah. Absolutely i think it's just great. I mean anything where it comes for um, a wig wearer, especially necessity. Anything that's going to give us that extra confidence and fit and grip, i think, is, is it's perfect? I agree and i agree yeah. It'S been nothing but a success yeah. So, let's, let's take a look at the model we photographed in unfiltered. While i take a sip here, let's take a look at the moderate photograph and she is wearing the 1723 ss that we were talking about. That is the ice latte macchiato that she is wearing and you can just see tumbled natural wave, just very soft, very easy breezy and just very textured wow that such a beautiful image, frank um, such a beautiful model. I mean the hair color, fantastic um, it's been so popular, i have to say so popular funny enough. We were just talking. I was talking to terry, a friend of mine and yeah. There'S a few there's a few people desperately trying to get their hands on this over in in britain, and you know people are loving, it absolutely loving it. You know and um. I think, there's just something about this style that is so fresh, so modern um. So timeless and then you know, if you're a wig wearer and you normally wear a straight bulb like an upstage. This would be a fabulous one to have as well. Actually you know like for some yes to swap and change for summer hair. Instead, you know i'm not a big fan of re-styling the wig i'd rather have the wig style so curly, you know much easier, yes, and if you want, as we said before, this is true to life fiber. You can definitely style this um. You know as as much or as often as little as you want sheila asks, she's been considering a wig. She has always had fine straight thin hair. What would we recommend for her something short or something with some texture? I say anytime you're, considering going into a full wig. I completely recommend going with something that is very similar to a style you have worn in the past or are currently wearing so that you feel most comfortable with it and get it in your own color or as close as possible to your own color. And then once you get used to that, then you can experiment a little bit and kind of branch out a little bit and try some different styles. So that's what i think definitely yeah. Absolutely you know go for the closest thing to your own hair because you know, i think you know it all depends what reasons people are wearing wigs for, but you know there's so many styles. I i don't let we know we. We can see everybody out there. Now, with that with our range i mean there's so many looks you know and we can actually you can. You can get one that's spot on to your own hair and just have it slightly customized and nobody's gon na know. You know yeah, it's amazing. Exactly i mean we're showing you the current uh spring collection, but my gosh, we have a ton of different looks in raquel. That would suit almost everybody. Emily evans asked. Does the darker shade on top carry through if you part it in a different way, emily, yes and i'll, tell you why, throughout the entire wig, you will get the rooted area, because we know that if you have a root on top, you have a root in The back okay, um, all right, so here you are - does not cut corners. We do not try to uh skimp anywhere else on the wig and just say: oh we'll just root the top and leave the rest all solid color. We don't do that. The rooted area is the same length throughout the entire wig so that it looks 100 real and believable yeah and that's right, frank because you know, of course you know, let's beside um fashion reasons. You know you know our heart. I think one of our biggest passions is definitely for people who have no hair or people who are going to be losing their hair, and you know this emulates the closest thing you're ever going to get to real hair, and i think frank, that's why um? I really appreciate the the reason why you put you: don't put the dark root right to the front, because i think it can look very harsh. It can look very, very harsh, and you know i think we don't really. I know we want to look like it's like that's the colors growing out, but we want to look make it. Look like the wig is like your hair is groomed too yeah, but listen. We offer a ton of colors without roots too, so you don't have to get the roots, which is wonderful too. I also want to tell you um, when we added the cool tone, colors um. Of course we have wigs that are vibralite, and then we have our two to life fiber, so in the rock kettlebell collection. You have both please note that, because they are different, fibers right, our vibrolite fiber is different than their true life fiber, and because of that, you may notice that there is a slight difference between the tones, that's just natural that just had to happen because uh there Are only certain colors available in certain, but they are almost they're almost identical, but there is a slight variation so just want to. Let you all be aware of that. If you're, looking at a vibrate versus true to life, yeah, that's right and it's funny that there's a big some people much prefer uh the truth to life. Some people before prefer the vibrolites you know and certain wigs work better. I fight i find in vibra lights. Yeah they doing true to life. You know it's just personal choice. Isn'T it frank? Absolutely absolutely so again, yeah unfiltered. So this could be one. You pick whoever wins today and then also stay tuned, because at the very end we have another special announcement. So i just want to let you guys know that there is more there's more make more. More is more! Absolutely you know more is more. We never park it. No, no, listen! Don'T give listen more, it's always more! For me, you know, especially when it comes to hair, but this is what i like too, about um with these new wigs that we've come up with. I think the density of hair is great too. You know it's, it's it's manageable, you know, and i think that's that's what we were, especially when it came to the hand tied wigs. We were getting asked a lot more for hand-tied, wigs weren't. We frank because we didn't, we were meant to go for people who don't know. Isn'T it frank we normally go. We normally go to europe about three times a year um to germany, to italy. We miss the biggest hair shows in the world. We'Re there every year, um las vegas, uh cosmoprof bologna. Sadly we couldn't, we couldn't get to see all our clients and um. This is why i think this was important to really show these, because i was so excited when these come out and then you know well yeah i meant to tour the world with them and then we got got to see them. That is so true. I mean i was so excited for this collection um and then it was like. Oh you know, with the with the pandemic and everything everything just came to crashing halton i feel like they got. They were missed and so yeah here they are now, and you know we were talking about light density kyle and we have been getting people requesting wigs. That are a little bit lighter density, and so that brings us to our third wig, which is pretty please. Let'S show them, please: okay, a really nice style too, for a woman who just wants a classic smooth blowout, it's wonderful, wonderful, yeah, and we have a picture. I'M sorry kyle. I was just gon na say. While you're about to talk about it, we have a picture of raquel uh in that, and we also have our model photographed in it. So you can see it in two different colors and you could see it worn by two different women um. I think if you just look at the the left, we see raquel just a beautiful classic, blowout long layers just past the shoulders very elegant, very polished. And then, if we look at our model uh on the right, she is wearing one of the cool tone. Browns um, which is she is wearing iced mocha, so the model is wearing on the right ice mocha, that's rl8, 12, sss and uh yeah love that love that absolutely two different types of women again two and styled differently, but um. This, i think again, is another uh. This to me is is another staple. You know, i think, because i always look at um. I look at it through the salons eyes. I look at it through um women coming into the chair, um, maybe gon na be losing their hair and funny enough frank um. I just wanted to tell you that my sister, my sister, is a makeup artist for nas and we've all been working. First of all, again i say it every time i do the live. I just want to say that the wig salons are doing such an amazing job here in britain in europe in america. They'Ve blown me over with the people i've seen on the live because we're going above and beyond to help people because of course, people are losing their hair and then carly called me up and said that one of her makeup, artists, um, sadly, he's got - is going For chemotherapy and going to be losing the hair, but she said kyle she's never had she's, never had sick hair. She had she's, always had terribly fine hair. Oh, she was a yeah and she was a redhead. And of course, what did i just say. I said get online fine because for people who don't know we don't sell, do we obviously frank? I can't tell i don't you know we we, you know our company. Is we don't sell? So basically, i said find the the new restraint well stockist and i said, get this wig and um. The girl was blown away because it is so fine and so light lightweight. I think i think it's the most the light most lightweight um finest wig that that we've had you know it is wonderful and yeah just to let everybody know the reason. Why is because this wig pretty? Please is 100 hand-tied, with the exception of three little wefts in the back to add a little density to the nape. I will show you so you have this lace front hand tied hand knotted in through here hand tied in the back with just some wefting in the nape, so we could fill it in and give you some more. You know some more density in the back. This is so light. I promise you, i mean look at that, i'm just holding it by like a few hairs. It is a dream to wear and it's extremely natural - and that was the idea behind this one. So for you, girls, who don't want the wave and the curl like we've been showing today. This is something a little smoother. This is the new red. By the way, this is the ice pumpkin spice um. So you can see very muted, very soft kyle. What color do you have on your mannequin? There yeah the color i've got on. I have got on without my coat, so you got the the 14 1422 ss okay, okay. So it's a blonde! Yet so she's reading from she's blonde she's rooted she's like the 14. You know it's like the more caramel. You know the she's more of a 14-22 blonde, but she's rooted i just with with with the other wigs. I did sort of style them up a bit. With this frank, i literally got into the box brushed her through, and this is how she falls. I mean i know beautifully beautifully how beautiful how beautiful is she yeah? Is that your denise man again or your ava mannequin kelly, asks what i'm drinking joe?

Anne-Lesley Bedini: Lesley from Australia love the high octane, this was my bio hair I’m so excited about this style, and I love the colour palette so many beautiful colours , the new colour shaded glazed sand is now my favourite blonde.

Robb Endicott-Powers: Having lost my hair at an early age 18......gettting into the faux hair biz at 19..........owning salons.....clinics .......I have worn every type of hairpiece......as I get older and wigs get more realistic..........and liking longer hair......I have really contemplated some of RW's longer styles..........i think her gradient greys would be stellar on men............that being said....Kyle..............when you wear a long wig..........do you have suggestions.........?? Thank you in advance from the USA Robert Endicott-Powers

Robb Endicott-Powers: The colors names sound soooooooooooo much better when Kyle says it.....ICCEEED CAFE LATTTTAY!!!.........great duo you two!!!!

Laurie Sparrow: Waiting for my Flirting with Fashion. My pick is Unfiltered!

Abby Worley: I just wish they came in a large

Indigo Girl: Sorry..too much talking..I want to get to the different wigs!!

Ness el khir 1: the worst wigs I ever seen

Barbara Dejaynes: Hi everyone

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