Rochelle W/ Roots Wig- All Rooted Colors (Official Godiva'S Secret Wigs Video)


Rochelle w/ Roots Wig-

This wig is also available in non-rooted colors (not shown in this video)-

This wig is also available in a LARGE cap size in select colors-

Colors Shown in This Video (In order by Browns, Reds and Blonds)
















In this video, Rochelle and Danielle will model each "rooted" color that our gorgeous wavy wig, Rochelle, comes in. A rooted color has a deeper color at the base of the wig to give the appearance of regrowth, or "roots." It looks extremely natural; after all, who would ever think you were wearing a wig if you had roots! They will compare colors side by side as well, to let you see the differences between similar colors. Rochelle is a full, dramatic wig with layers that move so effortlessly you'll think you're dancing! Your hairstylist can easily add more bang, thin or trim Rochelle to reflect exactly how you want to look. Pull up the sides for extra height or wear it full and wild. Express yourself - be Rochelle!

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Godiva's Secret Wigs carries the lightest, most realistic wigs and hairpieces you've ever seen! Whether women are interested in wigs for convenience, career, travel, romance or hair loss as a result of medical challenges, our wig consultants and stylists create a modern, upbeat approach to wigs that is second to none.

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Hi, i'm rochelle and i'm danielle. We are the mother daughter, team of godiva's secret, wigs yeah in this video, we're going to show you all the rooted colors that our beautiful rochelle wig comes in, which we are both wearing yes, so rochelle, is this gorgeous just wavy full, just beautiful wig, with tons Of movement, it has a longer bang which can be trimmed if you want um and so we're going to go through all the rooted colors there's another video that shows all the non-rooted colors it comes in including three grays so make sure you watch them. Yes and rochelle wig also comes in large. Yes, so, let's get started so i'm wearing the darkest rooted color called coffee latte. It'S a beautiful brown, with a blend of like a caramel and a little bit of a radish. It'S just a gorgeous very natural dark brown. Color beautiful and i am an almond spice and what we mean by rooted if you're new, is that all through the entire wig up to the scalp area, it looks a little bit deeper. So it looks like your roots are growing out. That gives it an incredibly natural look, yes and the roots are actually all throughout the wig. So even down here you can see your hair, but even down here you'll see the dark roots are all throughout yes gorgeous here are the colors. You can see the difference. We would love for you to take notes as you're looking at colors that you think you might want to try, because there will be a quiz at the end. So next i'm going to put on almond roca, so i always like to brush. I don't usually use a brush, but i like to brush just this front, part back and then sometimes i'll do a little brush around the face. That'S about it great to my brushing, and so when you receive our wigs by the way. All of these wigs we have not touched or looked at we've just pulled the colors. They haven't been trimmed teased, brushed altered in any way. They are all exactly the way you would receive them right. So this is the almond roca color, so you'll see it has just a lot of this beautiful golden blonde mixed with the brown um similar to almond spice, but definitely not the same so we'll, yes, so almond, spice and almond roca. All the almonds, wonderful and check out this movement by the way. Oh, you had to do it before me. Okay, now i'm going to show you honey, wheat, honey, wheat, r. Again, all of these have a root look, so they will have an r after the name - and there is another video that shows rochelle wig, like this style, exactly the style, but without roots, that's the honey, just a beautiful beautiful, more of a cool color cool brown. Look how natural yeah the blending is very subtle right, but it gives you a little brightness if you're, a typical medium brown, try honey wheat, let's see what color is next next color we're going to get into the reds, so i'm going to be putting on auburn Sugar - and maybe rochelle, can play oh, maybe i will i'm busy admiring myself like all right. There may be a show: okay, oh raspberry ice. Oh, i melt for rest very ice and rochelle sounds like a yummy like ice cream yummy like a sorbet, yes and all our wigs are adjustable down below to make the wig looser or tighter. We also have videos that show actually how to make your wigs, bigger or smaller, actually doing simple alterations as well. Yes, danielle does amazing tutorials, so i'm wearing average sugar, which you'll see here, is kind of an auburn color. With a little bit of a golden highlight, and then rochelle is wearing raspberry ice, which is a little bit more a little bit brighter red um. With that beautiful golden highlight and a few like little cherry cherry highlights. Yes, you can see it running through beautifully just through the hair right here right here beautiful. So here we go. This is for you to compare right, the colors to help you choose the perfect color for you, the perfect color and many of these colors also come in all of our other wigs. So that's the beauty of godiva's secret, wigs many of our wigs come in all many of our colors come in all of our wigs and even hair pieces and a lot of our top pieces come in these colors as well. Yes, the next color i'm going to put on is irish spice, okay, so we're still in the reds right now, and it's really fun. Many of you, like me, you're blonde or deeper, but you want to go red, but red is such a pain to dye our hair and keep it. So wigs are a brilliant way to be able to experience being a redhead right, and these reds do not fade. So if you get a red wig that you like, it's always going to be that color, yes, which is so nice. The other benefit for a fuller curlier wig like rochelle, is our wigs are very high quality synthetic. So when you wash them, they dry the way you bought them exactly so irish spice. So it's a little brighter a little bit lighter red and it has a little bit of blonde running through it beautiful it's, a good thing: you're, not six feet tall and i'm 411 hey. So this is again the irish spice. Okay and now we are going into copper glaze. This is an even lighter red, really great. I'M gon na shake mine and show you rochelle full and we're still in the warm reds right, and so, if there's feels like it's too much hair on your face, you can tuck a little behind the ear. You could clip a little up on the side with a simple, even bobby, pin or just a little snap clip right. So it's easy to you know: change looks if you put it on right, where, like oh, it's too much hair just play with it a little bit right and we're not doing a perfect job in this video, because we really use this time to show you colors. We don't want to sit here for two hours. We don't want to follow you. Yes, time is precious. Yes, copper, glass, yeah. So it's a little more of a copper with a little roots right. So all of these have roots every color, we're showing you is rooted right. So this is this beautiful, copper and it has like darker and lighter just so much dimension, gorgeous love it. What fun it's fun to be red! Okay, let's see what color is next, so i'm gon na do the lightest red, which is called maple sugar great. So this is a beautiful kind of could be more toward the blonde like red. I call it a little deeper strawberry blonde right. It'S got those definite blonde highlights, but the majority the base is warm a very light red. Oh the way, the blonde just brightens those little pieces just a little bit. We don't do gaudy, big stripes, okay, dye ideas, secret, wigs, they're, very subtle, beautiful, but they lift you yes wow. So again, this is the maple sugar and copper glaze. So next we're going to be getting into the wands. My typical color that i have my hair dyed to match. Oh well, yes, i can do butter pecan and i can do creamy toffees. So yes, because look oh yeah close! So oh threw you off honey. That'S awesome, she's, usually creamy toffee. So you don't want the forehead so low, okay, bring it slowly up to your hairline, so i'm still going to keep mine on, even though it's a red. I just want you to be able to compare um because they're, saying kind of the same darkness, mine. Just a little redder is more blonde. Yes, so the butter, because uh like a buttery color butter, but it has like these little hints of a deeper brown in it. If you can see these little bits like a low light, which is so natural and gives it a lot of great depth, so now i am going to fix my ponytail. Maybe you can tell them all about it as well. Absolutely so! Well, i was born and 19, we started godiva's secret, wigs in 1997. Ladies and we actually started at a swap meet and just grew and grew, and i am the only boss danielle has ever had ever now. Danielle runs the company and i ins, i assist her in little different ways that i can, but we just love this experience, we've shared together and to be able to empower women personally and professionally and for career for travel for romance it's so fun. Every day is an exciting day and our wigs are modern, light and airy, and we wear them too. So we know what you're going through nicely done, there's something better on the spot right there i can always yap, so the color i'm wearing is called mochaccino r. So it's this beautiful color, i don't know what you call it just a little girl. It looks like the sun kissed, your soft brown hair right, like a light brown with that golden, i'm going to say it this way. Let'S say you had mousy brown hair, although i don't normally say it. This is an enhanced. Just takes you up right, a few uh kicks of a little brighter brighter color. So you know, and then rochelle has on that butter pecan still not that there's anything wrong with mousy brown, hair. Okay, i just want to make that clear, be who you want to be okay. Next, i'm going to one of my favorite colors nutmeg f. So, even though it says f, it is still a rooted wig, one of our most popular colors and the f. It means frosted. So it has that light blonde frosting all throughout. Yes, it's warm, it's got the blonde and it's got the dark roots. It'S got it all beautiful, moving right along i'm going to be putting on the sugar cane color sugar cane. Yes, so we're getting close. These are close, but there are subtle enough differences that we want to offer you more choices, and this way you can really see them side by side to see the differences. Yes, so here is sugar k r. So this is gon na, be a lighter blonde and it's gon na have a little bit of like a d uh like a deeper red, almost but very subtle throughout it. I don't know if you can see very very subtle, very nice yeah, but i think that's. The main difference is that it just has lighter depth when you say this is warmer nutmeg f. Yes, this is more strawberry. This is going to be lighter, but with those little hints of it, so you can really look at the colors. You can really see the difference. Now. Rochelle is going to be putting on creamy toffee creamy toffee. So i think in these two these are very similar. Colors, the main difference is going to be the creamy toffee's going to have more golden mixed in, and the sugar cane is going to have a little more of a reddish like a light. Radish mixed in, let's see so see if you can see a little more golden over here and just a little more reddish tone over here. I almost took my eyelash, often okay. Next i'm going to put on our lightest rooted blonde color, which is champagne. I have owned rochelle in champagne r, which is our platinum for my wig. Honey is over eight years old wow and you know when you have a few wigs. None of them ever get old, they're just waiting to be worn, and it is amazing, again kind of like shoes if you wear the exact same pair of shoes every day, they're going to get worn faster. But if you have six or seven or eight pair of shoes, you switch between they're going to last forever right. So this looks good. Oh, it is sensational on you. So this is the champagne r color. It'S like richelle said it's like our platinum blonde color and it has these amazing roots. So what i love is my eyebrows are dark, and so i can wear a blondes because of the dark roots. So in our other video we have creamy blonde, which is our lightest blonde without roots, and i personally can't really get away with that color because it doesn't have these roots. But this goes with my eyebrows and that's what makes it make sense yes and look realistic and that's what we want. We want you to blend into society and not stand out trying to make sense right. So again, this is the champagne rochelle has on the updo creamy toffee creamy toffee gorgeous. So these are all the rooted colors that our rochelle wig comes in and remember. Rochelle also comes in a large cap size as well in rooted and non-rooted colors, including three gray. Colors uh, maybe two - i don't know it's a surprise to us, let's check so thank you so much for your purchases for trusting us. We are passionate about what we do and we thank you so much for watching. Yes, thanks for watching bye,

The Wiggy Woman: I have Rochelle and she's super fun! I also love how you are both wearing the same piece, and have it styled for your face shapes perfectly! It really shows how versatile Rochelle is!

margaret small allan: I go mad for Rochelle in Nutmeg F. It's a really super colour, and suits my old road map of a face, especially if I put a little make up on! You're both the mastercraft of wigs and their care! ...old Tich.

Maria: My favourite wig, just love it in all colours. Those waves, I like it a little "high-and-messy"" too, fell in love with freedom, rochelle, candice also but I`m too old for such a long hair. Great video Lady˙s, like always. Those roots are really giving the most natural look. Just love it. Thak You <3

Gail Walton: what a treat to see you tonight!! I know I have to have a Rochelle wig!! I'm torn in the color though..I'm a blonde but I like the rooted....decisions

Um mm: Thank you Ladies for the comparisons, I am convinced and must act before I look really bad. I too am a wig virgin, I have lost over 80% of my hair from this rona virus and it is still coming out. I am "senior" but my hair was still thick... I have been binge watching your videos and have decided the Rochelle is for me. It is how my hair used to look too. Now I am trying to decide on the color I want to be. My husband thinks I am nuts and that my hair looks "fine".... but as much as his opinion counts, I am done listening to him. This is about Me now!!

deanna elsen: You two are just so cool have a great and blessed day.

Shelley2655: Beautiful ladies and beautiful wigs

Teresa Messenger: Oooo...diggin' the reds!! Quality!!

Green Eyes: Will large ever be available in more colors, such as sugar cane? That color is gorgeous. Its like the winter version of nutmeg.

romantic horror: These rooted colors are really nice. The roots are subtle, not the typical 4 to 6 inches long. Looks way more natural this way, like you're almost due for a touch up appointment for your roots.

Cami A: Great products!!

D W: Gorgeous ladies❤ rooting length is perfect, very natural, not too much! Does chocolate kiss come rooted?

Geeta Singh: Coffee latte R is soo beautiful

Kitsi Dale: Ooh, I’d like to see candice in this format.

jayandess: I wonder how many people know who Godiva was? How did you decide on the name?

Cinda Abbey: I wish you would make a Kayle beach waves top wig and the Kayla wig in marble brown and a gray color.

Jean Mastrangelo: They look like two different wigs on the two of you…. One looks fluffier than the other…

Keri Stevenson: What wig is the almond Rocha? It is adorable, I want one! Please get back to me ASAP! Wait, I think they are all in the Rochelle wig…hmmm, so pretty

Barbara Chandler: Oops, wrong button. I looked at my new Rochelle Silver Stone, on a wig frame, turning it to all angles, loving it but scared to put it one. “ what if it’s too small, too big, what if it didn’t suit me.” I put it on, heard the Angels sing and went to work! I work in memory care at an assisted living. The place is usually teeming with people, the only person who saw me was new, didn’t know me! But soon enough I ran into people and everyone loved it! I would say to the many people living there, “if I had your beautiful gray hair I’d never dye mine again!” I now have gorgeous gray, went to work owning my hair just a few hours of getting it, very brave of me, I love the length, the wavy curl, the glow, the movement! I heard the Angels sing! Thank you so much for all you do for those of us in despair. ❤️

Just Me: You mentioned a video that you have to show how to secure your wigs. Could you please link it to your videos so that we don't have to go searching for it. Would love to know how your wigs are secured.

Pikica P:

Gloria Pratt: was R having cocktails in this vid? : )

BRENDA HAY-BEER: I looked through your wigs. I was looking at medium length wigs not because that i don't have any hair its because i can't stand the hair i have nor do I know how to style it because I have one bad left wrist which prevents me from doing much with my hair, plus from all the hair coloring I've put in my hair it was damaged over time. My hair is very frizzy. Basically it's ruined and im in my 50s now. You're wigs are nice but you didn't have many medium wigs to choose from but the ones you had i never expected them to be so high in price. Im surprised, although you do have nice wigs.

Keri Stevenson: Those wigs don’t even look like the same wig at the beginning.

Rhonda Jones: Please Almond Spice in Large

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