Quitting Youtube? Detangle & Chit Chat



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amber.ansah

Twitter: https://twitter.com/amberansah





- Ethnicity: Belgian and Ghanaian

- I live in Belgium, Europe

- I have an accent because English is not my first language, Dutch is.

- Hair type: 3c, 4a

CONTACT (business inquiries only)


[email protected]

Hey what is up welcome back to my youtube channel, it's a girl amber and oh my gosh, like first of all, i'm so so sorry for being so, inconsistent lately, like i've been showing up on youtube every once in a while with like random videos with random Content and i feel bad about it now like there is so much going on in my life right now, so i feel like it's difficult to show up every day here on youtube and i feel really bad about it, because you know youtube is a thing that I love the most like. I love love, love creating content, so i really am so so sorry for neglecting you, because a lot of people have been reaching out. Okay, wait! First of all, i'm gon na be detangling my hair, because today's wash day and my hair is a mess okay. So i'm just going to do like a little chit chat. Today, i'm gon na do a long overdue. Chit chat with you guys and while doing that, i'm gon na detangle my hair. So this is an old braid out, it's cute, while it lasted, but it's time to wash my hair now: okay, anyways um, so yeah a lot of people have been reaching out and asking like. Okay, like could you make video on this and this and this or you know, i miss those type of videos on your channel and honestly, i miss it too, if i'm gon na be completely like completely transparent and honest with you guys. The reason why i've been like you know, lacking on youtube is because i don't really feel inspired anymore to create like content. There has been so many times where i asked you guys for like content suggestions. What would you like to see and a lot of people gave me great suggestions but still like, i still feel um a little bit effie about it. You know i've been lacking in my videos and it shows definitely it shows the numbers of my videos are doing. Okay, not too bad, but also not too great, because when i compare myself with a while ago when i was uploading, videos back to back and super excited with, like all my uploads and really in the mood to do this, then you know it showed in my Numbers - and it showed in my videos as well like it showed, i feel, like a lot of it - comes with the fact that i've been doing youtube for so long, and i'm at this point where i'm like. Okay, how many wash day videos can i do uh i've done all the type of washi videos you can imagine. So i don't know what else i can tell you about here, because i had told everything i showed everything that i know and i'm the type of person that if it works for me, i'm not going to change it. I'M not going to change my routine or anything. I still use the same products like back in the days, so it's not that i'm doing stuff different. If i do something different, then i will make a video about it, but still when it comes to hair content, it's just like. I showed everything already so i feel uninspired when it comes to you know, creating like hair care content and also because i'm actually in this transition of um, not being only a content creator, but also like a product-based business owner um and that those are two two Completely different things: okay, if you've been following me for a while now, you know that i'm trying to start my own hair care brand and it's been over a year now. I'Ve been working on this thing over a year, um, which might seem like a long time, but honestly, it's not because i still work full-time on being a content creator right, so i still have a family. So i have a household all those things. So i've been working on that brand curl answer my natural hair product brand for a year in my free time and that's very, very exhausting, especially when things are so difficult to execute. It'S super pricey to start up everything and there's a lot of research that comes with it, because you cannot just start a hair product brand or create a hair product, real, quick and sell it. No, that's not how it goes. You need to test it for months. You need to make sure it's approved um, you know all those things and you know it's it's a lot of work. It'S a lot of work so um! That'S why it's going like slow, but i don't mind it is what it is. I'M not going to rush. My brand, but i still want to launch like next month, um something like that, but anyways, i'm not going to talk about that in this video i'm i want to talk about youtube and why i am lacking why my content is not as fun as before for Some people, because i'm i've gotten that message a few times already, and it makes me sad when i read those type of comments, because i'm really trying i'm really trying my best to keep up with everything. But sometimes it just doesn't work out. But one thing's for sure that i will never ever let this channel die. I will never ever like all of a sudden stop posting content whatever and just you know be like okay deuces, because sometimes you see that from like huge youtubers you've been watching them for years and all of a sudden they don't post content anymore because they have Their own brands right now makeup brands, hair care brands, whatever clothing brands, but i don't wan na. I don't wan na be like that, like i really wan na keep this channel alive. I really wan na keep posting stuff. That'S relatable, authentic and real. That'S going on! In my life, not only about hair, but also about me in general, but still i want to make sure that you can enjoy my content even though it's not about hair. Sometimes i will still do hair content every once in a while, but because i'm going to dye my hair burgundy soon, maybe next week this week i don't know yet so i can make like a nice video around that transformation but anyways at the end of the Day, i don't want to disappoint you guys by not being so active on my youtube channel or creating content that doesn't really resonate with you, guys, um or you know doing sponsored content, because not not everyone cares about sponsored content like i know i said a while Ago that i'm i'm gon na stop doing sponsored content, but um yeah that just i stopped for a month. I restarted doing it. I feel like i deserve the bag currently, okay, because another thing that's going on right now is: i am with a group of other women entrepreneurs. We all have our own business starting businesses. We are going to move in. We actually already moved in in march. In the beginning of march 2022, we have an office. Now we have a dedicated office, it's like, but the thing is about that office. It still needed some work. Okay, because the office we're moving in, is actually like an old building like a warehouse, vintage type of building where they used to cut and polish diamonds, and that warehouse was built in the year 1890s not 100 years ago. But over 200 years ago, which is a long time, though yeah the building is like it looks very old and it's like very authentic, like it's just crazy, i cannot wait to show you guys the whole transformation, because i'm vlogging the whole process. It'S going to be crazy, it looks old, but girl we've been upgrading this place like it's going to be amazing, we're going to transform it to like a co-working space. It'S going to be modern, but still you know with the old background and pops of color, and there are going to be events in that place. Um the floor underneath is going to be transformed in a whole coffee bar tea room, whatever, which is amazing, having a co-working office on top of a coffee place, that's life, okay, so that's amazing! So yeah i've been like putting a lot of time and energy into that project right now, because i'm going to create my filming studio in that place where i film my videos, i don't want to keep filming videos in my own house, because it's just getting very Cluttered in here there's stuff boxes wires. Everything is just laying around here and i don't want that. Okay, i want my home to be a home where i can rest not a home where i have to clean up every single day. I want to come home from work in a clean home. I don't want to keep cleaning up all my products. All my you know, cameras equipment. I don't want to move around boxes the whole time every day, um in my home, okay, because that gives me like stress in my head and that's why i was so dedicated to make it work, make it working at office. Yeah we're all super excited. But you know i'm gon na talk talk about that um in one of my next videos. I don't know when the office is going to be ready. Hopefully it's going to be finished in three weeks, but i'm going to edit that vlog already so you guys can see a bit. You know what's been going on to see the progress, but the full transformation is not there yet, but it's coming and i'm super excited for that. Okay, so i also feel like that new office with my new film studio um, is going to give me like a boost of motivation to be productive, again um and create bomb content like i feel like that's what i need just a new environment with new people. Okay, the girls that i'm going to move in the office with is they are just amazing. They are like-minded girls, we're all moms, which is a great thing as well. If we just understand each other and we're on the same wavelength. Okay, we have the same mindset. We'Re hungry we want to be successful, we all want to be successful in our business. We want to make money, we want to. You know create the best life for us as mothers as women and for our children, our families so yeah, and i feel like an environment like that. Does a lot so having an amazing circle of friends. Around me is just going to is going to make me level up so much it's already happening, so i'm super super happy with that. So that's why i want to say, like please, girl, be patient. Okay, because the good things are coming. I promise you. I know i keep saying stuff like that, but it's just true i mean just a transition right now, not everything is going as planned, but i'm still trying to make it work and hopefully you'll understand. Within a few weeks, what's been going on, hopefully you'll see the fruits of my labor. Hopefully my brand is launched and hopefully i'm going to be in such a better place mentally in my new office and just new surroundings, and it's going to be amazing for sure. I cannot wait to show you guys what have been going on. But in the meantime you know in this transition i am still going to upload, but it's not going to be super consistent, like three videos a week monday, wednesday friday. Maybe it's going to be like a tuesday and a saturday or a sunday and a wednesday something like that. So yeah i'm definitely still going to keep trying to post regularly um. So don't unsubscribe! Okay, don't don't don't run, don't go away because i'm still here - and you can definitely follow me on instagram - because i'm posting like office updates on instagram as well so yeah. If you feel like keeping up. If you want to see what i've been going, what has been going on behind the scenes? You know with the office thing and all those kind of things like just go and follow me on instagram girl. I don't know what you're doing my main goal is still to be an inspiration and still be like transparent and talk to you guys, like communication, is so much if i'm uploading videos back to back and i'm just talking about here - i'm talking about this brand or That or whatever it's just so unpersonal to me, so you know doing videos like this is a time to reconnect and i feel like i should do this way more. Not only about you know my business, what's going on my business, but also in my personal life. You know how i think about certain topics and a lot of people asked if they could see more of like belgium, which is a good idea like i'm definitely going to vlog more especially now in my new office in the new city um, i'm going to show You guys a lot of stuff, i'm going to show you guys around it's going to be awesome. Okay, so stay tuned girl stay tuned, so yeah, i'm gon na be finishing up um with detangling my hair, i'm almost done and then i'm going to wash my hair. But i'm going to wrap up the video right here because my camera is about to die um, but i'm see you guys like in a few days with a new video. So don't worry about that um. So i just wanted to do this. Like quick, chit chat video, this was probably super all over the place, probably yeah, but that's just how it is right now. Thank you so so much for watching until this part of the video i appreciate it so so much seriously. Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. I appreciate it and i will see you in my next video bye. You

Iris Morgan: Instead of stressing about "making content," why not take us along with you while you're living your life? Renovating your office and studio, working to develop new products and all the packaging and marketing decisions that go along with that (without giving away any company secrets), going out for a walk with the baby in the stroller, and lunch with friends who don't mind being on YT. It's hard to maintain enthusiasm for an "old" thing when you're really excited about a new thing. I, for one, will still continue to watch. I don't have natural hair, and my youngest child is older than you, but I find your videos very entertaining.

JackieNaturals: Hey beautiful, so glad you won’t quit bc I have been watching you for so long & you are one of the people that motivated me to start a channel. Congrats on the office. Over 200 years old & I can’t wait to see the video on it.

SarahAlaba: I love this chit chat update! I haven’t been a frequent commenter but I know , in this climate, how important loyalty and how crucial engagement is to creators right now!!! We will always wait patiently for the uploads! Take care!

MeshTheWifi: Don’t stress about only having to do hair videos girl! I personally love watching your vlogs too! Don’t be afraid to branch out. We will still watch you !!! Take care, sending love.

Elizabeth Carrillo: So happy that things are going good for you so happy for the new office and don't worry girl we will wait for you ☺️☺️☺️ shout out to you from Durango Mexico

HEMILLY RIBEIRO: Garota você é meu canal favorito, eu amo seu conteúdo desde sempre. Espero que fique tudo bem e que você faça tudo que tenha significado para sua vida e se sinta realizada com suas escolhas. Estou sempre torcendo pelas suas conquistas

Judy Banas: I get getting stale and not inspired. I’m not sure how others feel but I never get tired of your content. I love to hear you talk even if it’s to tell us what you’re doing. Hell even if you were walking in the park or cleaning your kitchen. I always loved the road trips with you and your friends. Glad you’re going to stick around!

The Random Jack Show: When it comes to hair, Anything in general, I will never get tired of seeing your videos. Even if it’s It’s similar to what you’ve already done. I will never get tired. Love your page.

HEMILLY RIBEIRO: Garota você é meu canal favorito, eu amo seu conteúdo desde sempre. Espero que fique tudo bem e que você faça tudo que tenha significado para sua vida e se sinta realizada com suas escolhas. Estou sempre torcendo pelas suas conquistas

Mona: Hi Amber! No worries. Sometimes we as people need to regroup. Do what you need to do for the good of your mental and physical well being. Whatever the time frame, your worth the wait. Sending you love from Queens, NY.

Cassandra Johnson: Congratulations on the new up and coming office!That sounds so exciting! Don't rush, we will be here! I am feeling your entrepreneurial vibes! This is going to be the creative MOJO that you need!

FEFENATI: Hey Amber. It's only the beginning. Evolving is a process of life. Your evolving and it's beautiful. Congrats on all the projects .

Madison Zink: Honestly I love watching you detangle and style it, even just a twist out is so satisfying. You do you ❤️ I’ll be here for whatever you post I love this channel

Ginnie Howell: Yes, so glad to hear you are doing sponsored content again! Women should never feel guilty for (ethically) earning money. Get it ✨

Sharon Qaranivalu: Wow, read the title and almost freaked out. Glad to see that you're not quitting, but totally understand if you had to prioritize. Now that you're a mom, family will always be first. Hey look if anybody has been watching you all of these years, they should know that life for you is serious and not lollipops and creme all day. You (Youtubers) make it look like fun, but many Tubers admit that it's hard work. We get it girl. Keep working your magic and staying pretty while you do it all Mom. XOXO from the US.

Jaylah Jones: I’ve been a follower for a long time and your content is always amazing because you take time to create your craft. Definitely keep going. Your brand and new project is going to be amazing!!! Also, sponsored content is still great content. It’s important to see that the brands you’ve genuinely support show that same support to you in return. You got this

Bree Dubs: Keep going sis! I love you and I’m so happy you keep uploading and putting yourself out there even if it’s not consistent. You’re an inspiration and I appreciate you! ❤️❤️❤️

IAm Zyire: Hi, Amber you're so down to earth . A real O.G ma! If I ever travel to Belgium it will be to see you. Can't wait to see you in your new office, chica

Carla Matthew: hey girl. im so glad for the update. and im happy that you're not quitting youtube cuz i really enjoy ur videos. congrats on the new office and i wish you guys prosperity in your venture. louts of luv

RPB: Great to see you! Sponsored content is great content you should absolutely get paid for what you do. Excited to see the new office and this new phase of life. Congratulations

Dee: Amber don't disappear on me, I absolutely LOVE watching your content. It doesn't matter what you post, it doesn't matter if the video content seems repetitive, just keep the videos coming.

efhawkins19: I agree with some of the other comments, take me along, the new office, chic chats, daily life, products, seeing more of Belgium. Out of all of this, new content will come. There's something about you girl, I enjoy your personality, and the energy you generate. Keep being you, and thank you.

Mrs. Wheatly: So glad to see another video! I love a good hair care video girl. Bring whatever you got.

Hope W: You DO deserve the bag girl! Keep doing spon con if you want, I'll still watch. Will love to see content around your new office space and the behind the scenes on building your brand.

Jinx: I will literally watch any video you put out. I love love love your hair videos. You were one of the first naturals that inspired me to try new things on my natural hair; but, I think some naturals, like myself, are comfortable doing our own thing you know?! People are starting to do what works for them while trying to find those products that will give them that special routine they need to maintain their hair. What I'm saying is, I will always watch your hair videos but I love looking at your other videos just as much! Your clothing hauls are my favorite, seeing you as a mom, cleaning and organization videos, and building your new brand and haircare line. As a Marketing major, it's cool seeing a brand build from the ground up. Don't stress, you're growing!


GeaDonna Moore: Amber, Take your time. Don't over- whelm yourself. Your health is most important. If you aren't well then how are you going to take care of your adorable child. No one will care for her like you will. Next, If starting your own brand means the world to you from this day forward take your time. Remember don't let launching your hair care brand ruin your health. Next as for content take a rest from it. Rest your brain from content. When you start back up switch it up. How about content that's not about your hair. Talk about what is going on each day in your life or what is going on in the world. Like right now, the higher price of gasoline, so and so famous person is getting a divorce. So and so famous person did this and what your opinion is about it. You can content about running errands, organizing things in your house. There is so much for you to talk about other than your hair. I'd like to see content of you and your daughter at a Zoo or a public park taking a stroll, stopping to sit on the bench and people watch. Take your time Amber and feel better. Bye.

Ayat Telp: I really enjoyed the video … you deserve the best amber ✨

Hāna Thompson: I'm excited to see what you do next!

Indigo Pulchritudinous 👠: I’m glad you’re staying on YT. I’ll keep watching.

Bieke van Riel: you have to do what makes you feel good,bless her x

Windi Stewart: Hi Amber! Maybe you can start doing lifestyle vlogging videos. You're a mom and also juggling a lot. You're very interesting and very relatable so watch so in my opinion anything you share would never be boring. I would like to see more of your personal life if you're open to sharing. Xo

Amanda Olsen: I loved when you did a clothing review. And I love when you talk about being a momma. I think it would also be cool for u to do videos of the other girls and there products.

Tamara Jenkins: Hi Amber...so happy to see your face and glad you are doing well.

Anthea Krieger: Greetings to you, so happy you not quitting!!!

Natalie Nimako: No need to apologize. Everyone has a life that comes primary to social media.

Olivia Haitota: Girl, we miss you on this platform, but we get it. We get you. You are busy. Building a business, having a team, being a mom and being an individual. We get it. Take care of yourself, get yourself right, get your inspiration back, and most importantly, get us that hairline

Obsidyenne G: Hey Amber. I know you won’t quit

Indhira Manzueta: Girl... You start your Chanel with hopes and dreams and this is the time to make them a reality...its ok if you stop hair content even knowing that, that was brought us here to watch your videos... but at this point what It matters the most is see you succed.... So build that brand and sell that hair butter .... I am waiting for it

T MB: I mean you have a new family. I don't expect things to be the same. I just enjoy whatever you choose to create.

Deanfluenza: I'm super excited for you!!! I can't wait

Kaitlynne: Really excited for content related to your new office!

Irene Rossyne: I'm glad you're not quitting and I can't wait for your haircare products (your own brand). Meanwhile, could you give us the link to your hairbrush please. Thank you and be blessed!

Cara M: I love your hair videos however, you can do cooking videos, clean with me videos, day in my life videos, and of course toddler videos with the Princess anything you post will do for me

Exquisitely Aurellia: I'm in the works of formulating my hair products; I was wondering if you could further explain what do you mean by “the product need to get approved”

Carmencita Davis: Whenever you get tired of doing hair videos, hair product review videos, shampoo videos, why don't you turn your YouTube channel into a selling channel so you can promote your new hair products I've seen another YouTubers do this on their channels so once you get your business fully established and everything starts going well for you and you can actually start selling your product to the public this will be a good channel to promote your products on whenever you decide to transition and stop doing hair tutorial videos whatever you decide to do with your life I know that you will be successful

1lynnieboo71: Hi so glad you will not be going anywhere. I would love to see products reviews if possible. Like for Nature's Little Secret products. Also still waiting to get one of those brushes if yours!

Ester Costa: Don't forget cookings videos.. don't forget vlogs and cloth trying.. we love you babe

Marleen G.: Amber, there's so many new products out there that you could do reviews on; gotta wash your hair anyway, right? And that gets plenty of views, I think!

Taj Mahal: How often do you detangle each week?

virgie roundtree: Make a video doing your daughter's hair? Or make a video of you and your daughter at the park. Show us your life in Belgium...

Sunflower Baby: You need a vacation. Or go to a hair convention. Reinvigorate yourself. Find inspiration. But we all know people grow and change. What excited you at twenty is different at thirty. Do you. Be happy.

Myrtle Smith: Good luck



Rissie💐🌸: Nice to know that you're a sell out. Thanks for being real. We love to see it!

Duda Resende: Maybe there is less view so less money and this demotivate a lot of YouTubers

Empress Dede: Can you try ayurveda?

Diamond Gilliam: Heyy

Latoya2594: You never did post where you got that brush

Giselle Joseph:

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