Uamazinghair | 613 Bob Lace Front Wig With Dark Roots | Amazon Prime


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Name: Brittany

From: Washington DC

Instagram: @britt.vert

Twitter: @Omofaba

What'S up, you fool, it's a girl perverts and I'm back with another video period, so y'all see ya. Whenever I come on camera with a Bonnie or away cap, then you already knows about it happening like y'all know the drill. I don't even need to tell you guys, so I just can't tell by the title I'm going to be doing and wait review today. What'S up the hair I'm gon na be reviewing today is from you amazing, hair company. This is the bag that it came in. It'S the regular bag that it comes in. I know how to back seat still I'm a beauty here, a lot so see you, amazing, hair bag and on the bag. You can see their Facebook link, Instagram, link, the Amazon link, the number and the website. So today I had a lace, closure, human hair, wig, 150 density, color, 4/6 13 and it's 10 inches okay. So it is a 4 by 4 lace, closure wig. It came in this, but I took it out. It also came with this light skinned wig cap that I cannot wear, because I'm not this color, and then this was gon na leave to check out what else, and then I came with this card that they always give y'all. They always give it all these cards, and you know so. You can go directly today, Lane, ok, so the back is pretty strong, pretty sturdy, so I'm probably gon na use it for this wig and minions leave. So let me show you guys the weight yeah. This is the wig guys. I cut it a little bit. I did cut it a little bit because the was throwing me off so I cut it. They said it was ten inches, but it was looking more like 11, so I just you know, cut it a little bit now. I am gon na put it on my head, but I wanted to see something first. So this is the color color 4 to 6 13. So my plan was originally to dye the hair with watercolor on camera, but I spoke to a friend and she was like no put it on first see how you like it - and things like that. So I am gon na put it on and see how I like it, I'm probably not gon na lay it down honestly cuz. I don't know how it's gon na go and I don't wanna waste my product, but this is the way I'm talking too much. So this is a good 130 density. The density wasn't on the packet, but I mean I'm gon na tell you this 130 10 inches. It is a 4 by 4 lace, closure, so y'all see 4 inches down 4 inches down 4 inches wide and then the rest is, you know the cap. It comes with a comb on the side, a comb at the back, straps and another come on the other side. The die isn't a bad job, but the back isn't the best either. I think I'm just gon na have to use the hair from the closure to cover up that part. I don't know if you have to see it's a little bit patchy. You see right here, it's a little bit patchy, but I'm gon na put it on now. If you don't know anything about 6:13 hair, it's very yellowish when you first get it, it gives very much yellow tease, and I don't like that. So I'm gon na tone the hair. Now you tone 6:13 wigs using purple, shimmering light shampoo! That'S what you use! I'M gon na show you guys how it looks before and after so you know what I'm gon na put it on my head now and I'm gon na tone it and I'm gon na come back and show you guys how we look after I told you, but Um yeah put this on so as y'all can see it's on my head now, so I told y'all I plucked on the middle of it. That'S why the hairline look like that. It did not come like that. I plucked that myself and I haven't put any foundation on it. This lace is very transparent. That'S why you can see the color of my wig cap so well um. The color is not bad like I said I straightened it in everything too, but it got a little bit messed up after I let it sit down somewhere, but, like I said, the quality of the hair is good. The hair is soft, it's true the length now after I uh after I done cut it. It'S very true to the ten inch lace because before it was given like 11 - and I wasn't feeling it so - it's giving 10 inch now definitely giving 130 density, which is not I'm okay. With that for a long way, cuz you don't. I wouldn't want my blonde blade to look to for especially the not that it's short you know it's only ten inches. I wouldn't want it to look like a fool, so it's cute like it's cute. I just need to you know, pluck right here. That'S four inches of lace is going to pluck okay and I'm gon na tone the hair. So let me turn the room, so I can see your back. So this is the back ten inches. Okay, it's ten inches! I am not used to block bars. I'M sorry! If I keep looking at myself because I'm not used to blonde, I do not have blonde wigs. If I ever get a blonde wig, I'm going to dye it. So it's like I've, never worn a blonde wig. So my friend was right before I dyed it. I want to experience how it feels to be a brown-skinned girl with blonde hair and I'm lucky, because the it already comes with dark roots, which is something I said. If I ever have blonde hair, I would want it to tell me dark roots, but this is more like an ombre, so dark roots would have stopped like right there. This is more like an ombre type of thing, which is also fine for me. So yeah, that's how it looks right now, so I'm gon na go tone it. It'S not gon na come back and show y'all the difference, because y'all see it looks yellow. Let me get closer, it looks real yellow. I don't know if it's true the color in the camera, but it's very much yellow okay, so I'll come back! We'Re gon na see the difference between this. What'S the difference between this and how it looks after its timed. Okay, bye, okay, so in fact, after toning, the hair - and I don't know if I can see it's not all the way to right here as y'all can see. But I don't know if y'all can tell, but this color changed drastically like it went from brassy and my yellowish to more, like you know, just told like I'm feeling the wig a lot more than I was thirty minutes ago. I'M feeling that the heck - oh yeah, I know how I get when I get this purple brush. Ah, I can't stop brushing. I own was drying it, but I wanted to just show you guys just in case the Sun went down before I finished. Y'All can see that that color has changed. I know y'all can see that you know, but yeah, I'm gon na show you guys what I used when I was telling y'all about that. I English, okay, I was going wow, I'm I'm going to show you guys to shampoo that I use to tone this hair. Alright. This is the shampoo that I used to tone the hair. This shampoo is specifically made for this purpose. Two tone: 613 units. It'S called shimmering light shampoo, blonde and silver color, enhancing shampoo, brightens and refreshes blonde highlighted and silver hair. So that's the purpose of it, and this was ten. Ninety nine eleven dollars affordable. So the hair needs to dry so that I can you know so I can straighten it and then show you guys how it looks cuz now, I'm feeling it now. I don't want to turn it to. I don't want to dye it quite yet. I want to enjoy the blonde because it's giving, I didn't, forget the back now. Okay, so this is how it looks like I said: it's not all the way dry, but that's how it looks. Okay, so it was cute. So I'm back, the Sun is pretty much gone but finished cutting the lace. Now I'm just brushing the hair out. It'S pretty straight, pretty stressed rated. It could be, you know, but all the hair wasn't dry. So it's going to look a certain way from now. I like it and I can see myself wearing it. I just don't know with what fit and where and when, but I will definitely wear this wig. Oh I like it. I may still diet because I'm just so tempted to but also the hair has been through. So much already its 613, it's been bleached, it's been dyed. I just used the shimmer lights on it. I don't know if we can go through another process, so I am a little bit worried about that. But the wig looks good and I'm feeling it for room. Okay, so I'm back, I put on my lashes, it's nothing to see. What'S here now, y'all see, this is how it would look. If I had lashes on this is a final look, push it back a little bit. So this is how it would look if I was okay, I'm not let me go out to the store or something and go get something real quick. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. Please make sure you like comment and subscribe to my channel. The link to this hair will be in the description box down below. Okay and I'll, see you in the next video

reyanna princesa: I love when you were feelin yourself at 6:20 like girl GET INTO ITTT Also Thank you for the review!

Glam by JSN: Thanks for the review! I can from amazon, I got the 16”

Princess Ejindu: This is cute!! I might have to try it

Kiana Monaé: Thank youu for the much needed laugh and review!!! Def subscribing‼️

Kiana Monaé: Thank youu for the much needed laugh and review!!! Def subscribing

winz & friendz: Almost to 200 !!! Periodt


Bigg Sexxy: Do you think it worth the price, because I want to get a 20 in

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