How To Bleach Your Hair At Home Like A Pro!

Co-Founder Brian O'Connor breaks down 5 bleach techniques that you can do at home and with a friend!

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Hi guys i'm brian o'connor, i am co-founder of good day young and i also helped uh develop and make most of the colors that you guys are hopefully using and if not, hopefully you will be after this here we go so today we're talking about gadayang's, lightning Kit, why are we talking about it? Because a lot of the times lightening your hair at home can be super scary, and we want to take a little bit of that notion out of it and hopefully make it a little bit easier, a little less scarier and make you go from sticking your little Tippy toe into the water to just jumping head first step, so a few things about our lightning kit. Why i love it? Why i use it in the salon and day to day, is one vegan and cruelty. Free love check two: we have coconut oil and we also have soy protein in here, so both are going to be beneficial. Coconut oil is going to give you moisture that you're going to need after lightening your hair. The soy protein is also going to help give you more strength in your hair from what we are doing. We kind of want to counteract everything that we're doing and making sure that for every little bad thing we may do, we give you two or three goods um, so yeah. So that's the first um our boxes are perfect. Why? Because they're already the exact amount in ratio for you all, you have to do open your packet. Add your developer mix really good. It'S a one to two ratio, but we already have that covered for you. So there's no worry! There'S! No measuring you just get right to it. Our developer is 25 volume. The reason that i chose to go with 25 volume is a nice middle of the road. Sometimes 30 can be too much. 40 is never okay. In my opinion, when lightening hair, you really can blow up the cuticle really fast. If you are a textured curly person, low, lower volumes tend to work better because of the porosity that is already coming from your hair, from it being naturally textured, naturally curled. So what we don't want to do is just blow out our cuticle right off the bat and so 25 volume is a good middle of the road we recommend at least 30 minutes usually longer, but what you can do is check every 5 to 10 minutes after 30 until you reach the desired level of lift the level of lift that we say here at good day, young would be the best, for you is a level 10 which is a light golden blonde, so like the slightest tint of yellow to the blonde, and that Just really sets the foundation for the intensity of the pigments in all of our shades um, even the ones that last two weeks being that light, gives you enough. Color deposit enough intensity, but it'll also allow for no undertone to be creeping through and if you're not lifted light enough, that can definitely happen. You can um with purples, for example, if you know a color wheel, anything about color theory, yellow and purple cancel out each other. So if you're too, yellow too brassy too golden it's gon na dull down and it's gon na mute out your purple, because if you mix, yellow and purple together, it's gon na go very neutral, very fast. And so, if you really want that stone pony to pop, you need as little yellow tone to it as possible. Remember it's already pre-measured. All you have to do is open, combined mix and get to working. What you want to make sure to do, though, is you don't want to mix this up before? You know what you're doing, because as soon as you start mixing this up, and you really put the powder and the developer together, it's activated. It'S going to instantly start working and time is money, so every minute that it's sitting there mixed up it you're you're, lessening the strength of your um enlightener. So please be mindful: don't mix this up until you're ready to apply it. You know what your target is. Let me get these jumbo sleeves out of the way here. Okay, so i'm going to mix this up and then what we're going to talk about today is just some easy application at home ways to use your lightning kit. Maybe you don't want to do an all-over process. Maybe you just want pieces, streaks strands tips, it's just a way for you to kind of be the artist and creatively test the waters on what you want to do. So let's talk about how many lightning kits it may or may not take to do an all over bleach out process. I would say, based on this baby dial, i would say probably two boxes, maybe three, but it's really important to keep a lot of product a lot of enlightener on the hair because you don't want it to get dried up. So, let's start off. I have me a little already cutely divided section here. If you as you can see, i don't know if we can kind of how close we can get up in there, but i did a zigzag part in here. The reason i zigzagged this is i'm going to die out this chunk in the front here, and i created that zigzag in the hair. Here i use a rat tail comb. You can even use a clip if you needed to the reason i did. This is because, after this is all lightened, and we let down the hair and it falls, it's going to be a lot softer, more diffused, look between the blonde and the brunette hair here. So, rather than just being this really boxy hard, like bleach section of the hair, it's gon na it's gon na diffuse a little bit softer in between the natural color and then the pre-lightened hair. Now, if you want that really hard, look, then by all means do a really clean parting box. It out the reason i'm just doing this is just to show you something different. I feel like it's really easy to do that hard. Heavy part - that's very simple, but a lot of people don't know that, like when you're sectioning and if you do bigger zigs, it's all it's just all a different way of diffusing and how diffuse that you want. It will depend on how big your zigzags. So what i'm going to do first is we're going to do this as if one this is virgin hair because it is um two we're going to do it as if we were applying it for the first time to virgin hair. So what we want to make sure is we want to keep about a half inch from the scalp. The reason you want to keep off the scalp - you don't want to immediately go in there and apply bleach to your scalp. Is your body? Temperature will help process and develop faster. So if you put that you're basically going to have what is known to um professionals, this hot root, so your about an inch to a half an inch will almost it'll it'll automatically be lighter because of the natural heat. That is coming from your body, so what we want to start with is this mid section and the reason that's important is because that's going to take them the longest to lift there's no heat, it's um, it's, hopefully, god willing - it's not damaged here. It'S not overly porous so you're going to need that to really like sit the longest. Your ends they're porous they've between pollution heat, day-to-day life, they're gon na lift easier from just natural elements that are out there. So i'm gon na take a piece of aluminum, foil or foil and um. The reason that this is good is it helps conduct heat as well, so you're going to get a quicker, more, even and consistent, lift when you're using foil and using it to kind of keep it separated. So again, i'm just going in here i'm keeping it about a half an inch off the scalp or less, and i'm going to really work this lightener in there. Now i like to probably i wouldn't say it's wasteful - i like to use a lot of enlightener when i'm doing this, because you want to keep the moisture in the product. So, the more that you have, the less likely it is to get dried out as soon as your lightener starts drying out it deactivates it so you're not going to get an even consistent lift. So if anything mo overusing or getting two three boxes of enlightener is probably best for most people, because you really want to make sure that this stays saturated. There'S a lot of product on the hair um because that, like i said it's going to help, keep the consistency and the lift there and you're going to get a better lift because of it. So i don't want to say ombre but very similar to that. So what you're going to do is you're going to tease, so i would start at the middle push up and then push the rest of the way so keep in mind. This is when you brush it out. It should be fairly easy. I always use a wet brush, something that gets really tangles out really easy at the bowl. So what you have by doing this is you've really diffused all that hair you've created these different textures through it, and then this is going to be what our is we're going to kind of have that rudy. Look that lived-in look! So when you and the key here is to just kind of lightly feather this up, where it's closer to the teased area, because that's what's gon na make it diffused and really soft, and so here when we do this after it processes you're going to have that Really rudy look here and then it's just going to go down and it's going to be this light diffusion to color on the ends. So a slice is going to be more coverage, more color. So again you don't want it too thick. You should be able to read through it and that's important of reading through it, because if you can't read through it, you have too much hair and you're not going to get consistency in application of your product or consistency in your lift. For your end result, and the end result is what we're going for here. It'S what matter most, because if it's not the right level of lift, which should be a level 10, which is a pale yellow, then really you're, not getting the full effects of our color and the next section i'm going to do here. For you, we're going to weave weaving is good, because what it does is the bigger your weave, the more dimension you're going to get. So i have these i've taken these bigger pieces. We'Re going to leave these out drop those down so, like i said, i have these big weave pieces and what this is going to give you is it's going to give you a lot more dimension as your end result, so your natural is going to pop through Here more, but all of these pieces are going to be lighter again working up, i always like to brush up because again i want it soft. I don't want this harsh line and sometimes, if you get too close here, especially with lightner and if you're not used to it, you can create bleed spots, and so, where you have this hard line at the end, that's been bleached out, but nothing else is and It looks terrible you'll notice it instantly when you rinse it out and there's really no way to cover it unless you can find something that perfectly matches your natural color to blend it out of what you could be doing so here, i'm going to do baby lights. Baby legs: it's going to be really diffused. It'S going to be really soft. So if you're, someone who has a 9 to 5 job that they maybe don't appreciate or understand you expressing yourself through using vivid colors, this would be something that could kind of maybe get you a slide through the door. If not, we have our whole darker days line, which is office, appropriate shades for you, baby lights, just imagine taking really fine, quick, short weaves. So that's a baby light. This is going to be, like i said, very soft subtle. This is um. This is really pretty for someone who wants color but wants the unnatural air quotes natural kind of approach to it again. We'Re talking about using bright colors here x, girl rock lobster all in this together. So these are going to really pop more, but if you're just using the lightning kit - and you only wanted to have those blonde pieces, this is going to be a really soft kind of sun-kissed. Look for you so over processing, overlapping and the right level of lift again right level of lift to us is a level 10. That'S pale yellow. So if you can't achieve that, i would not lift more than twice so if you did one application you processed, maybe you processed for 45 minutes. Maybe you processed for only 30 just depends on you, your hair, your genetic makeup, if you rinse it out after that, first application. It'S not quite as light as you would like it. I would say again try to push pause, maybe circle back around in a day or two. I prefer a week because this way you can kind of maybe do some conditioning treatments put moisture back into the hair before you lift again, then circle back around and like and again, but what you also want to make sure is say in four weeks you have This really nice gorgeous pale blonde here and your roots start to come in. Well. What you want to make sure you aren't doing is dragging that lightner through all that pretty already lifted hair, because you're going to get breakage you're going to burn your hair off you're. Going to get damaged also, if you're someone who has all over color bleached hair, you don't want your root area if you want to maintain it properly to get longer than an inch again. This is because it that your body heat helps lift. So if you want that ample right amount of lift an inch anything further than that, that's where you're going to start to get banding as it grows up, because the further away that it gets from your body heat. It'S just not going to be as light. So a half an inch to an inch of new growth, and then i would be touching you know my color up and only touching up the area that is dark that i need light so kind of. In closing, i hope that i didn't talk too fast. One up the spout informational, maybe you had an aha moment. Maybe you're like this bull told me absolutely nothing. I didn't already know. Well, that's okay. Sometimes we need a refresher. Sometimes we need to hear it as a reminder that we do know what we're doing um. I'Ve been doing this since i was 19 and i still have moments where i watch somebody working and i'm like back to basics like i i'm like, if i just slowed down and thought a little bit so all i want you to do if you're watching this Is slow down, educate yourself take the time if this wasn't helpful and you still feel like you're you're needing more info to help guide you in the right direction to feel more secure about taking the fear out of this and putting the fun back into it. Let us know, let us know what you want more education wise. What do you want more informationally um. You know i it's easy for me to stand here and talk about this one. I went to school for over a year to learn how to perfect my craft. I have known that this is what i wanted to do since i was 12 years old and i stand behind a chair four days a week doing this. So, of course, i do get that it's very simple for me to sit here and talk about how this is um, but part of that is is i want you to know that we're here to help we're here to make it easier and the tools are all There we make really great products. I feel that i'm very proud of especially this lightning kit. I'M i'm not just saying that. I i think it's great, because i helped with it. I know it's great because the ingredients, the formula the um just the wherewithal of i've, used plenty of lightning products from plenty of other companies, and there are some really great products out there. I'M just really proud of this one, so yeah. In closing, i hope that this was informational. I hope it was less scary. I hope it can be fun and i hope to see you around thanks. You

tiny iguana: love all the tips and tricks in this video ! definitely tempting me to bleach and dye some pieces of my hair

ari violet: I’ve been thinking about bleaching my hair for days now. This is my sign to do now lmao thank you

Ana Laura: some real interesting points!! thank you and keep the good work

Peachez: I didn’t get my desired color w th e kit and was wondering when it’s safe to bleach it again ! So does this mean I can only touch up my tips and not go full scalp the second time I lighten it ?

Jade West: I dye half my hair red on October haven't dye it since now is all faded to a light pumpkin blonde color is it safe to bleach it now

Lulu Fraaije: yes brian our hair lecturer!

oRAINgE: Wait.... i think this is not supposed to be out yet

oRAINgE: Im early

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