Wig Review Of Adoration By Gabor In Brown/Grey.

Wig review of Adoration by Gabor in Brown/Grey.

Hi and welcome to my wig review today, i'm reviewing something different. This is a brown gray color. This is adoration by gabor and i thought i'd try this color, because when my bio hair comes back, it kind of comes back in this color. So this is brown gray and this wig is available at such a great price point: it's a basic cap. It doesn't have a lace, front or monofilament part, and it doesn't have much permatease. So if you like, a flatter look, it looks good and in the part line you might be able to see a little bit of the permatease. But it's not too bad. When you look on you can't really see it and the darker colors may mask it. A little more or you could add a little dark root spray there to mask it a little bit and in terms of the specifications the bangs are 5.5. You can brush them to the side or you can trim them if you wish. The top is about 10 inches and the nape is 5.5 and it does weigh about 4 ounces. So it's a little little heavier because it's a shoulder length style and i think it's a nice style. I'Ve used this on zoom calls and it looks really good on zoom calls i'll do a spin around, so you can see it all the way around. So this is adoration by gabor in brown gray and i'm not sure if i'm quite ready for brown gray. Yet so i may be donating this to the cancer support community and i highly recommend that if you have wigs that you aren't using wash them freshly, take them to your local cancer center or cancer support community, because there are people that are losing their hair. Suddenly that need options, so you can help somebody out, so i hope this has been helpful for you. I wanted to share this color with you, because sometimes people are looking for a brown gray and especially in a longer uh style. So this is adoration by gabor and thanks for tuning in - and i hope this has been really helpful -

Marie S: It looks just as natural as the wig you reviewed yesterday even though this one has a basic cap. Thank you

PJ Mundy: looks wonderful!

Vicky White: I have this one in lt red. Love it. Ty. Hope you are doing better. ❤️

S.A. Kenyon: Thank you for reviewing this piece. I like it a lot.

Stephen Gouvion: This is not a favorite! You look so cute in lighter colors, sorry. (by Sue)

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