Tuesday Grey Wig Find Of The Week |. Exciting News! Shop My Wig Sale

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HOW TO MEASURE YOUR HEAD: https://tinyurl.com/5xjj923f

#grey wigs #angelasilverlinings #QualityGreyWigs

My head measurements: I am an Average to Large

Circumference: 22/1/4”

Ear to Ear: 12"

Front hairline to the nape (just below occipital bone) 13"

Front of Hairline to Chin: 7”

MY AMAZON STORE*** Angela - Silver Linings

(Named One With Grey Hair)

I’m frequently asked about the wigs, accessories, and beauty products discussed on this channel. Many of them are listed here: https://tinyurl.com/96wwht84

(Wig Care Section) https://tinyurl.com/npz68wvn

*I earn a small commission on each sale

I'm thankful for all my past, present, and new subscribers, and I am grateful that you take the time to watch my videos, love and appreciate you all!



Music Provided You Tube Audio Library

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License - Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) ©2021

Production by Angela - Silver Linings


Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor a professional cosmetologist, esthetician, or licensed hairdresser. My views and/or comments are my own and Silver Linings will not be responsible for "experiences" you may have with any brand or company I talk about or share. I share honestly about my own experiences and your decisions are your own when deciding to make any purchases based upon watching any of my content. Please see the link below for our disclaimer policy for all of our videos on the Silver Lining YouTube and other Social Media channels.


Welcome to another edition of tuesday gray wig find of the week today's wig find is going to be a lot different than what you're used to seeing i've decided to sell some of my own wigs from my own private collection, gently, worn or only used for reviews. We'Re going to talk about that right here, right now on silver linings. I just want to take a moment and say that it's good to be back. I was away for a couple of weeks, sort of on a little mini vacation, just taking some time to reflect reset and focus on some things that needed my full attention. So i hope everything's well and right in your world and i'm so glad that you're with me today. So let's get on to today's video. The first thing that i want to do is show you a video that i did back in august of 2020 august of 2020. I'M going to make this go full screen and uh. So, as you can see, i'll just play a a couple, a few seconds of it, i just don't even know who would wear this. Who would wear this? Tell me if you know i would wear this okay. So basically, what i just said is, i just don't even know who would wear this. Who would wear this? I don't even know. Well, let me tell you something: if you look down in the comments section of that particular uh video, you can see that there were a lot of comments as actually i got a few emails private emails that people wanted to buy that wig, and so that wig Is one of my husband's favorite wigs? It was the first wig i ever bought. It was one of the worst wigs i ever bought, but i put it on and i wore it around the house. I mean who wouldn't want to have hair like that right. You'D probably be sought after by every modeling agency in the world, but um it just sits in the box. It never does anything. I have some beautiful wigs that are long that i wore after that. So i have put together a webpage, and it looks like this and it's over at someone with gray hair and it you'll see it right there it's up in the um, if you scroll up to the top, it says shop and it will be right in that Area, if you click on shop, you'll be able to see what wigs that i have for sale now notice. It says coming soon. I will be building out this part of my website, it probably in the next week or so um. Don'T worry, i'm still going to do wig reviews, i'm still going to do my saturday reviews my sunday spa all that, but i really need to to sell some of these wigs. I'M looking up at my my shelves and gosh. I'Ve got a lot of wigs up there that are just sitting there, either gently worn, meaning i've worn them less than three times, maybe not even worn them at all or just use them for a rig wig review. So i'm going to do some research and see what the price point for asking should be if you are interested in if you've been following me and you kind of know. Well, you can look at my reviews and see what what wigs that i have reviewed in the past and you're interested to know when this sale takes place. Please go over here and subscribe, go right over and hit that subscribe button and i'll get an email and i'm not se, i'm not set up yet for auto emails. I'M still trying to decide what service i'm going to use. If you know of a good one out there that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, please let me know um but uh for now i'll be i'll, be checking my email to make sure that i got your email, but just make sure that you subscribe over Here, because this is going to be an ongoing event, i may talk about it in my videos. If i remember i may not, i might forget, but this will always be up. It will always be available. That'S my new thing that is basically my gray wig find of the week. I actually did go out to the internet to see about finding some gray wigs for you and there really hasn't been a lot of movement in the last couple of weeks. I think a lot of people are laying low because of what's going on in the world um. But maybe that's just my brain, i don't know, but i did try to find something that i thought would be super special and maybe a great deal. I just didn't find anything, so i thought well what better time than just to tell you i'm making a store. I'M going to sell my wigs so um. That'S that's! Basically it for today's video and, if you like, please give it a like. It really helps me with the youtube gods. You know it if, if people like your videos, it helps push you up to the top of all the other millions and billions of people that are looking for whatever they're looking for, and always i love to read your comments below. I try to respond to every single one of them. Let me know what you want me to do. I just did a video that's going to hit on sunday for sunday, spa and on thursday i will be reviewing a wig that was in one of the tuesday gray wood wig finds of the week, so i'll be working on that and uploading that on tuesday. So, as you can see, i'm back and it's good to be back and i'm hoping everyone is well and everyone that you love as well, and so as always, if you like, give it a like hit little bell, icon and subscribe. So you don't miss any of my upcoming videos. I appreciate you being here with me today, thanks so much for watching bye, bye, you

Jean Jacobs: Greetings Angela! Oh I remember that wig!! I thought she was so glamorous on you!! Of course I would be interested in buying some of your wigs if they are in my price range. Good to see you back again. Love and blessings ♥️

Pam C: Hi Angela…glad to see you back. I love your videos, the colour in your videos is the truest I have found. Your lighting is so well done. One problem I am having with my silver wigs is permatease. I enjoy the fullness it gives, but I find that silver/ grey wigs show the “ nesting” so much more so in some brands. I have had to send back three wigs I loved, because of it. I wondered if you might mention more about that in your videos..if you think it is noticeable etc. It’s so disappointing to get delivered and see noticeable permatease in the part and bangs. Thanks for your reviews they have really been a big help!

Marylynne Cartwright: Hi Angela! You are a life saver! Love your personality! Your down to earth approach to reviewing gray(yay) wigs keeps me a fan!! I wear Silverstone color in Godiva Secret Wigs company. I’m very excited about the wig shop you’re opening. Can’t wait to see the selection!! Thanks for caring.

Lynn McKenzie: Glad to see you back. I love your Amaretto and might be interested if she's for sale. In case it helps you any, I have bought some from Front Porch Wig Chat and she usually sells the ones she used just for reviews for $135 (including shipping to the US) ❤

lindaandroestrickland strickland: i'm excited to see your store coming up... i have subscribed and sent my email.... God Bless

Patricia Blankenbaker: I always enjoy your videos.

Betsy’s Nest: I’m trying to find the closest color to my natural color. White, with a touch of blonde. I think my gray is more like a platinum. Any colors you’d recommend?

Nancy . Valler: Nice!

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