How To Water Dye This Navy Blue Lace Frontal Wig, Install And Styled Tutorial!!!

Facebook: Royale Douglas






















Hi guys welcome back to another video, so, as you guys can see, your girl was blue um and it's only right right blue is my favorite color um and you guys might remember this wig um when, when i had it and i had it um light, i Had it blonde and then it went to like a lighter blue at the end, i just took that same wig and i pretty much just colored the entire thing: um navy, blue um. So in this video i showed you guys how i got the color. I also got to show you guys how i installed it, and i also showed you guys how i flat ironed it and everything like that. So um yeah, it's like super cute super super super cute, um, so yeah. I hope you guys really enjoyed this video. I don't want to make the intro too long, um, just don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel. Okay guys. I just wanted to give you guys a recap on what that wig looked like before. I went ahead and colored the whole thing: navy, blue okay, since first we're going to be starting off with hot water, then i'm going to be taking the tenacious navy royal blue and i think i like four bottles. But i use a total of three bottles and i pretty much just put um the first bottle in there and uh. I think i used the fray one and a half - or maybe just the first bottle, and i pretty much just mixed it up really good and then i just started to dip the wig in there in the hot water, okay guys. So once you get the entire rig saturated, you want to make sure that you're moving the hair around so that you can get inside of the hair because you don't want to have like splotchy pieces or like blind hair left over. You kind of want the hair to um, be even all the way around. So that's what you see me doing now pretty much just combing the product in and moving the hair around. So i can make sure that i get all of the hair strands. Okay, guys. So once you get the entire wig saturated i'm going to let it sit in the water for about five minutes, and this is the end results and i pretty much just let it air dry, okay guys. So this is your girls braids um. I did these braids. I think like like two days ago um, but before i do my ball cap, i'm gon na go in here with this grease and i'm gon na graze, my scalp degrease um, some growth um bomb, and i got this from true match. Um. I forgot how much this was, but you guys can check the website out if y'all want to i'm just going to use myself really fast, and this grease got some type of like peppermint feel or like some. I don't know what it is like but like it makes my scalp feel so good like so so so so so so so good, i'm not gon na try to put it on my hairline just because i don't want my hairline to be too oily or anything Like that, just because i am about to be gluing a wig down when your girl's about to go ahead and do her ball cap off camera and your girl will be right back, okay, guys so now. What i'm about to do is i'm about to just take one of these, i'm just about to take one of these pads and put a little alcohol on me and then i'm just going to clean my hairline off. Just because i what i did use, i did go in with you guys know my bobby brown bronzer in the color deep and i pretty much um put my new stocking cap. So now i'm just going to go ahead and wipe all them afraid off and what this does um, which i always don't seem to do in my videos. But even though i do them, i do them off camera um. It just helps your glue to stick and last a little longer once you get all of the product off of your forehead. So look at all of that that comes from when i did my bobby brown bronzer um. So that's all the extra product that was left over once i did my um cap. So now what i'm going to be using um, i'm going to be using this. My bow hole, active and i'm just going to put it over here. I'M going to do four layers, i'm going to smooth it out, um, probably with the end of this, and then i want to wait until each layer turns clear and because i'm going to speed this up, i'm going to wait until each layer turns clear before i Go ahead and put the next layer on and once i get to four layers, that's when you'll see me um come back on and show you guys what i want to do to my big okay, see you later, okay, guys so now that the glue is like Pretty much dry, i'm going to go in with my wig, i'm just about to pop this one. Have you ever been um and just know, okay guys. So what you see me doing now is i'm pretty much just touching up this part, because it's the absolute no-no um and the concealer that i'm going to be using is that maybelline? I think it's a worm tan and i'm pretty much just going to be using that to make my part a little more defined, because this part is a no-no for me. Okay, so yeah, okay, guys. So this is what your part is supposed to be. Looking like. Okay, it's supposed to be super defined, super straight super neat and that's on period and um yeah. We need to get it together, okay, so what you see me doing now is i'm just pretty much pulling out the hair that i want to be leaving out. For my baby years and then i'm going to be taking my um sebastian spray and i'm just going to pretty much spray, my hairline and then i'm going to take my elastic band and um tie my hairline down for about 10 minutes and then i'll be back. Okay, guys, i feel so dumb, because i thought i was recording, but so what i did was i went ahead and took this off and i just end up cutting all of the rest of the hairs from the baby. With my scissors and um yeah. That'S pretty much all i did um. I thought i was recording, but i wasn't but anyways about the ladies baby hairs and yeah, i'm just going to use my that to be um mousse, which is this right here. I love this stuff and i just put something on the back of my hand after i shake it up and yeah, i'm just going to use this small t performer and yeah we're just going to lay our babies. She'S good is okay, guys again, i'm going to spray my hairline with my sebastian spray. Then i'm going to take my black strips and i'm pretty much just going to tie my baby hairs down until they're, completely dry and then i'll be back all right y'all. So i'm gon na let these black ships sit on my head for about 10-15 minutes and then your girl will be back to um. Show you guys how i style my hair and then i'm gon na do another video on how i'm gon na do my makeup and stuff like that, so please, stay tuned. I'D probably be either uploading that video the same day as this video or the following day, or maybe the following day after that. Don'T hold me to my work, because sometimes it takes a little longer than i expected to upload videos not to just um. I don't think i'm gon na do much to my hair. I think i'm just going to wear it straight since i don't ever really wear my hair straight. I'M going to do that today. So i'm going to use my heat protectant, which also has x as a um oil, and i'm going to be using my um video, i'm also going to have to chase someone to where you put the cone. I guess i'll be able to flatter and chase the comb and that i'm going to be using is my tight um babyliss pro titanium flat irons on the temperature 14., all right guys, um! Now i had to slide iron on for about 30 minutes now. So it's pretty hot okay guys, so we're gon na be talking around doing this um. I want you guys to comment below if you think um. I should start vlogging just because i don't do my hair. That often - and that's why a lot of times - and i don't do my makeup - often either i do but not like every day - so it's kind of hard for me to upload videos all the time. That'S why my videos be spaced out um, but i feel like it. Maybe if i do some vlogging like pretty much like you know like an everyday type of thing, so you guys can kind of get to know me a little better, because i know i kind of just jumped into it and just automatically just started doing here and Stuff, like that, you guys don't really know much about me like personally, so i can do a q a if you guys are like that. I can do a q, a um. Let me know in the comment section below, if you think that would be a good idea for q a as well as maybe start to do. Vlogging and stuff like that. So y'all can get to know me a little better um get to know my family. A little better um also, i wanted to do a tour of my beauty room. I just haven't finished yet because um, it's not a hundred percent done, but i feel like i can. Let you guys see what i do have i mean i can definitely let you guys see the progress that your girl do have because it's like fairly done 100 done, but it's almost done and i know y'all probably sick of these didn't go talk through videos, but Sometimes it's hard for me to do voiceover videos, because my kids and yes, your girl - do got kids like that too, and they are like um loud running around in the background they be trying to like come in the room and record all that type of stuff. So vlog to be like perfect for them, so i wouldn't have to do like voiceovers all the time, because, honestly, i don't really like doing voiceovers. I rather just talk to my face um like how i'm doing now and the reason i'm able to do it. For this, video is because your girl got up extra early, my kids, they still sleep to do this, then my dog, he be barking, he'd be barking, so i already took care of him before i started this video because ain't nobody got time but yeah, just like. Let me know in the comment section below what kind of videos um you guys would like to see me do sorry about that. My husband is definitely texting me right now so and also guys, don't be like afraid to like you know, comment something below because um, unlike a lot of youtubers, i am one that will respond. I don't care what time it is. I will respond. I see a message i will respond. I haven't responded to anyone, so i will respond to everyone's message. I don't really care what the message say. No question is a dumb question or anything like that. Just ask me anything: you want, and i promise you i will respond to your message and that's on period. Okay, it sucks. I. I cannot play any music guys because girls became music right now be dancing bobbing. You know i'm saying but ain't nobody trying to get copyrighted. You know nobody got time for that, so i am doing a hard flat iron. If you guys don't know what that means, it just means that i'm pressing down hard when i go down with the flat eyes um, just because i'm not doing it in very small sections, i'm kind of taking like thicker sections - and i don't want to have to Pass the flat iron too many times so i'm kind of like holding it tight. When i go when i go down you - and this is how i get my hair extremely straight - my husband is blowing me up right now: um yeah! This is how i get my hair extremely straight um by doing the chase method. Okay guys, so i am going to speed this side up and then your okay guys so i'm baked now this is unacceptable. Do you see all this all of this? Okay? Absolutely not! So we're going to take some sebastian spray, we're just going to spray it all in this area. Okay guys, so i hope that video was not too long, but i tried to be super detailed on showing you guys how i got this bomb color because period like we don't want to go navy, blue and if you don't know a fun fact, blue or blue. Any blue, any color blue is my favorite color um, so yeah. I was only right for your girls to go or blue nah. I did go blue before but, like i said it was like with the blind ends and stuff like that. Um. If you haven't seen that video i'll go check it out, because it's bomb as but i love this one, this, i think it's like probably one of my favorites that i've done so far like this. This color, this color gets your girl, like you got your girl feeling yourself, okay, um, but yeah. So i'll see you guys in the next video and if you didn't like and subscribe already, please do so. Okay, please do so! It'S only right. Okay, all right! Bye,

Santana Jane: It looks amazing . How did the hair hold up?

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