Watch Me Make This Peekaboo Bob (Green)

Hello loves watch me make this peakaboo bob with my sewing machine

Hey guys welcome back to my channel today, i'm going to show you guys how i achieved this beautiful um peekaboo bob, i'm going to show you guys how i started i'm going to show you guys meet on the sewing machine. So first thing you want to do is i always do double. I double my tracks in the back, the first two bundles, but it's a bob. So i only use two bundles for really short bobs. You can get away with two bundles when you do a bob. So basically, what i'm doing is lining my tracks up side by side. Now, when i first learned started learning how to work on a sewing machine, i thought you had to put the tracks on top of each other, but we do not want um. We don't want that, look. We want it to be side to side, so basically um going side to side, but you want to like double back to the beginning, like you want to go backwards. So there's a reverse button on the sewing machine that you will have to push and it'll um help you to go backwards, but right now all i'm going to do is hold those two tracks. Together with my hands. It seems so hard when i first learned how to do this like this was the hardest part to me. But all you got to do is hold it firmly and i'm sure i have a long way to go, because i think some people do it without even holding it together. But for me this works. The tracks are literally side by side. You can see, got my tracks side by side, which is wonderful. That'S the look that you're going for and now i'm going to show you guys. So that was the only track that i double left because, as i get um, as i said before, i'm only using two bundles. I do have a four by four transparent closure guys i made this wig, i'm not gon na lie for myself, like i was making it for myself, but every time i make a wig, i'm a business, i'm a business reminder person. If somebody wants to buy it. I'M going to allow them to buy it like i'll make me another one, okay. So basically, what i'm doing is um put in my measuring um tape up there and you're going to basically follow the lines, and you see the line. That'S under the number three you're going to go by that one by the number four by the number, five and you're just going to keep repeating that same step after that. Of course, you're going to draw the lines on the side matching the lines that you're drawing right there once you do that you're going to fill in the little sparse lines in the middle, because once you take up that tape, it's going to be gaps. So all you got to do is fill that in, but you can see i'm going to do it on one side and i think i'm going to do the other side off camera. So now, basically, what i'm doing is i'm going to add that the double wefts to my wig cap, i'm going to put it directly on the lines that i drew now when you're doing it, as you can see like i'm, holding the bottom of it, because the Cap can get underneath. You don't want to sew your cap together, so you just make sure it's laying flat and make sure you have a good view to follow the guidelines on your cap. Trust me guys this stuff. It gave me a run for my money when i first started off. I broke my needle every five minutes. I didn't know how to reverse it. I did not so when you reverse it, you have to hold the ledger down like i didn't know how to do. None of that all right, so here's the bob wig once i'm finished, i did the rest off camera. Please excuse me and my pjs i'd be nice and comfortable guys. So i basically bleached the back after i bleached the back. I did put the green color on it this after i plucked it and look at this guys, it's so pretty it's so pretty this bob sold within the first day that i posted it. I will be making another one, because i have to make one for myself. I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please like and sub, and let me know what other videos you guys would like to see. So pretty that's the finished result that was my baby right there. That wig was my baby have a blessed day. Guys hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will have made more wig videos to come.

C. Dyamond:

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