Hairdresser Reacts: Blonde To Green Hair Transformations

Hi Beautiful! Today we dive into the beautiful world of green hair. Few are brave enough to rock the green hair but when they do it definitely pays off!

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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.

Hey, hey, hey, those are love, punches, hi, beautiful thanks for being here. You look stunning fabulous amazing, gorgeous beautiful, just every one of those words. You are those words. Thank you for being here. What we're doing is we're watching people die their hair green, a color that a lot of people don't like a color. That a lot of people seem to be scared of seem to think like mm-hmm. But green does not look good on me, but actually green is one of my favorite hair colors. It is so beautiful because not a lot of people do it and it's still just a color that hasn't been fully tapped into a color that hasn't been used and abused. Maybe 2020 is the year for the green hair. We shall see so: let's watch some people color their hair from blonde to green. Let'S do it our first green hair, color transformation is gon na be by Jay Pham her video is called hair transformation. I dye my hair again phantom green arctic fox whoo. Phantom green sounds like a fun color that I am must see happen today, all right, let's begin okay, so this is a professionally done. Color we're bleaching our roots. Okay, that's! What'S going on here. What are we doing? I thought we were going green stripping out the old color. Oh, it looks like she had some pink going on in there a lot of different things going on all in that one head of hers. I mean definitely we're making progress here, we're getting towards a beautiful, clean slate to lay the green color over we're. Looking for a perfectly blonde, beautiful, clean palette to work with and we're getting there so far is do Malibu's DDL, which is the direct dye lifter to kind of remove most of the color, and next we're going to touch up my roots. Okay, whoo. Let'S get our clean blood there's still banding in my hair yeah it looks nice, but underneath we're like your hair, so light, though don't don't do a color it'll just cover everything that we did but they're just so much banding I'll show you the back. Oh, that would drive me crazy. Oh oh, we love mac and cheese. Okay, lift me high enough and just like, so that's really hard to fix, and I don't know if I want to make someone go through the time of fixing that we never know what the colorists was really working with. You know I didn't get to see her hair before the colorist went for it. You know I didn't get to see every little piece of hair down here. We just saw kind of the top. However, I don't know if I would have left a client like that. Oh girl, it was catchy and honestly should have been a really easy fix, but again I didn't see the whole head. I only saw the top part and it looked really easy to fix. I mean it just had some leftover like pink pigment, and it really should been fixed with you know: foils painting that banding putting a foil there to heat it up and get rid of all the banding and just using the correct developers on the route versus the Mid sections just to like completely get this hair to a beautiful white blank slate shouldn't have been that hard from what I can see here, but I wasn't the stylist working on it. You never ever know. However, her hair does look slightly rough, so I can see why she's probably gon na go home and color her hair green, we'll see there. It is we're going for it. Oh it's like an emerald green yo. This is gon na look so sick on her. Oh, I'm so glad she won with the darker color and honestly, it's okay to for her to have yellow in her hair, because green has yellow in it. So when she puts green over yellow, it's just gon na kind of make it a brighter green. It'S not going to affect the color and could turn a weird different color. It'S just gon na be like a more fluorescent green rather than a muted down like forest green. I actually prefer leaving a little bit of the yellow in the hair when doing green hair. Like this, I thought I'd sit on the blonde for a little bit, see if I like it see. If I want to work with it, I don't blame her stylist, like I bet she has really tough hair to lighten. She probably has really dark. Hair Asian hair is known to be very coarse, very hard to lighten. I understand yo. I can't wait. It'S gon na be the sickest color ever on her. It'S gon na complement her skin so much it's gon na, like really just add to her vibe, make her look artsy and fun, and fresh and fierce, and it's gon na, be so to him good, and I want to see it on your head immediately. I thought. Oh, it's dark dude, it's dark! She is separating into four sections she's going in those sections, she's making sure they are all perfectly covered perfectly saturated. It'S gorgeous. I'M very satisfied right now and I just want to sit here and just take all this in and just watch this wonderfulness unfold in front of me Wow, okay, J! Oh, I see you applying like a brow. The only thing I'm gon na say is I'd. Be careful with those ends, but I mean she is using a pretty dark color. So you probably won't see any sort of like weird variation between the color on the top and they color on the ends. But if you're doing a lighter color on top of poorest blonde hair, the top of the hair is gon na, be obviously less porous than the bottom poorest hair really sucks in any kind of color. Sometimes you can end up with a lighter root and darker ends, because your ends really sucked in that color a lot more than the Rouge did, but I don't think she's gon na have that problem here. But to combat that problem, you can always make your hair a little bit damp at the bottom before applying the color. You can also start at the roots and mids and then applied to the ends like ten minutes later after you finish the entire head. That way, the ends don't sit as long on the hair as the it's in the midst do, but do you you know yes go for it, girl go for it, girl go for it, girl go for it. Oh it's already. Looking sick I'll, probably show you tomorrow show us blue, oh, why is it so blue holy crap? Why blue, when i swatched it on a white piece of paper? It looked green, okay, I'll see you. When I see you yeah, I think it's! Okay, I don't love it. It'S two colors. She took the words right out of my mouth, exactly what I was worried about happening happened. I was so excited for this one dude. I thought this is gon na, be like yeah like one of those moments or you're. Just like well, I'm like wow. That was a transformation. She looks great and it really fails to meet those standards of feeling like it was the most beautiful color imaginable, a lot of things that I also don't understand. Why are her ends blue? That was actually the whitest part of her hair. So why did the green hair color pick up blue there unless she put like blue in the color that I wasn't aware of? I don't know, but still has all that banding and spotting that's shining through her hair. This is what happens when you don't work on top of a clean slate when you have errors within the blonde, it's still content to shine through, even if you put a demi-permanent color or a darker color over it. Your hair will pick up that color differently in different spots that are more porous and less porous. So it created this all around. Like kind of splotchy you mess, she still looks pretty, don't get me wrong. Like dude, you look awesome like it's. Definitely an interesting hair. Color, it's just not perfectly done, which is fine, like whatever man, and I don't know why. I only use one color. It'S very blue. When I style you like it's a little cuter. Where is my hair in more natural way? But even then not really, I don't know, I thought I would try to grab an extra clip for you guys all think it's working anyways thanks for watching. I really appreciate y'all. Do it, I feel bad. I wanted it to work out were hurt so bad next time just work with a cleaner slate before going green. I still don't understand why her ends of all places. Turn blue. Am I missing something? It'S been a long day for me, but I like can't understand why her ends would turn blue. Let me know guys if you're a hair stylist. You know the reason why let me know down below. I have no idea and I'm kind of interested that happened. I don't know man. I'Ve had enough of that. We need a good transformation here. Hopefully this next girl gives it to us alright. So up next, we have Stella Seanie dye, my hair emerald green. What'S going on with your hair man, what's going on with your hair, tell me what's going on there, it is gray and it looks dry. It looks like it's just like it looks hella thirsty, getting thirsty just thinking about it. Let'S keep watching my hair shade and each time I have failed miserably, I was actually really nice, except it never turned out emerald. Today, I'm gon na give it one. Last girl, I mean a green hair color is comprised of blue and yellow to make green. So I get the blue. I just don't know why it's such a strong amount of blue - I guess blue just overpowers the yellow in color. I don't know I've never had a problem with making people's hair green. I don't know why this is happening to all these people. Here is kind of this really like I like it. I really like the color. I don't like it, so you should great. It'S got hints of blue in it, but I'm also noticing that it's feeling quite a lot. Of course my roots are growing out like crazy and basically I'm just done with it. Obviously, the first one today. What are we you, okay, so the last girl just used that same color and her hair turned blue. However, I don't believe it's the colors fault, I'm not blaming arctic fox. I think that it's the palette, but the color is working upon. If you were to put this on straight, I belong here which probably turn out very like Joe curry. It'S got no hands of blue in it. So it's definitely not the color that I that's what we thought, but my hair already is very it's quite a strong tinge of blue as it is, I'm probably going to mainly use phantom green and but mixing just a hint watch out for that blue. I don't think she needs any of the blue. She already has like steel colored hair there's already plenty of existing blue in her color. Currently mixing a blue in might give her another blue haired catastrophe moment. I don't want that to happen. Okay, I'm going to be going in with my original emerald to die. Pea 623 dark blonde emerald by Schwarzkopf a pearl essence. I'M going to mix it in equal rate parts with 7 volume developer because I literally just want to deposit the color, not lift anything. Otherwise. My roots are going to be too bright, so we just discussed so that the color that you previously use, which is the color that you're now currently using, didn't work for you and turn your hair blue. Why are we now? I'M switching back to that when we just talked about using arctic fox. What am I missing here guys I'm going to go in with phantom green arctic fox mixed with a tiny bit of weight? Why why very slightly I'm going to see that as I mix it? Maybe this Schwarzkopf color is a little bit darker and she wants a darker colored green route to lighter ends that makes sense, but I'm a little lost. So here she goes with this color that looks very icy blue. This is the Schwarzkopf color that she was just talking about that didn't work last time that she's now, using again, for no reason that I know of I don't know how we're gon na get a blue color over this dark slate grey color. She has existing on her head. I don't know you guys, I just don't know about this one or any of these. That is blue. I don't know why it said it was green, but it's blue. She has a lot of talent with self coloring. So now she has the green and I feel like we're gon na get this kind of interesting blue to green in color, which i think is awesome. Hopefully, this all works out in the way I think it's going to, because if it does it's going to be spectacular, however, I don't know how the Greens gon na cover that dark grey. I really don't know I really don't. This is something I just don't know. Oh the hell bees so pretty if it works out. Oh yes, wait. I wan na bring you in closer I've been trying to give this exact hair color for the past three months. I'Ve dyed my hair procedure. What'S the best formula to create it looks so hot holy Pete. I don't even know, though, how do we go from the hair? We started with that gray, dry, multicolored, hair to this beautiful, vibrant, shiny, green hair. Oh, it does have quite a strong blue hint to it, which I'm very grateful for, because the minute this starts fading, I would rather, it fades on the slightly more teal turquoise side. Rather on the straight up, it's literally the color of my dreams. I can literally show you inspo pictures that I've been one thing to achieve since day one. It'S lighting really isn't doing it justice. Yes, it is. It looks so good, thank God for that video Stella. Thank you for that. You absolutely nailed that color. That was great. My attitude has really recovered since the last video, where it just completely failed. This was perfect. I love the fact that it went from blue to green. It was just a great combination of colors that really complimented her skin her base. Her eye is her everything he just gave her such a boost. Everything was great. That'S all I have to say about that. So pretty so awesome. Let'S move on to the next video in our next video is by a girl named Jana Nikki, and it's dyeing my hair green for the holidays. I mean I thought I liked the holidays. This is taking it to a whole, another extreme level. Let'S just analyze her hair, real, quick, like we always do she's working with the same kind of palette. The first girl was, she has this sort of pink root, and then she has these kind of yellow ends with the black roots. It'S a lot going on. I just hope I pray to the hair gods that this all comes together well and it all works out. So this is the color I'm gon na be using today. It just so happens to be the exact same color all three people, all two other people use arctic fox. You must be selling off a lot of phantom green, because that is the only green anybody will use is apparently and then I'm gon na be mixing a little bit of this guy Transylvania. This is like their black color, because I want to deepen the green to light forest green because okay, just phantom green on its own. This is what it looks like hey. I know we've seen it already, so it's a nice green, but this is a little bit more Grinchy yeah. I was going for it like I'm going for like more of a deep forestry yeah. I think that's a good idea. I approve of that for sure yeah forest green, I'm nervous, okay, let's go ahead and just get started, so I'm gon na mix up the color and see if we can get the right shade all right. So this is what just the Phantom green looks like it's cream man a little bit just a blacks. Not we can just do a squeeze bottle. That'S gon na be a really great color for her hair, especially to cover up all of this going on. If excuse me, I mean I don't know what else to call it is a lot of going on over here. You did put a lot of Transylvania really dark. Now. Oh, it's gon na be a dark green. I hope I mean it's always gon na watch that right so even yeah, even if it's not right sure in about a year it'll wash out, hopefully does that look like it's gon na be the same. That'S not usually how it happens with dummy permanent color, but we can bring any color is gon na be better than what I have right now, liquid. Yes, pretty crusty like this is the leftover color from the electric electric or electric orange. Whatever thing that I just did Koral super outgrown, but at least this color will cover them up. I'M gon na go ahead and say it. This is gon na, be so good for you Jenna, it's gon na, be so good. It'S gon na be so much better than what you have. I wouldn't worry about it. Man, don't sweat it. It'S gon na, be so good on. You we'll see, though yeah I'm gon na end up bleaching, my roots for a different color, so Dean for that. I'M always thinking like three colors ahead, so even after this fades, I have like a different color plan, she's just all over the place, Transylvania both have blue undertones. So that's why my gloves are blue. They must have very strong blue undertones because we've seen a blue moment happen on somebody else's head. This color is apparently supposed to fade through the blues and not look super green and yucky like as it fades so, hopefully do that make sense, not gon na. Look too trash once it's fading, like a faded, green hair, you know yeah. No, no, you don't you. Don'T I've seen that before in fact cuz, then it saves you time after, like after you do all the roots you just have to do a little bit of the end, Jan I've. No with what she's talking about so she is saying: she's gon na do the roots and mids before the ends, because you can go around to the end all at once and it's super easy, but the real benefit of doing that is so your ends. Don'T turn dark green and your roots turn light green. You don't want that stone. We want it all over beautiful color or darker roots and letter ends, because that's how a hair naturally looks a bit lighter at the ends, typically from Sun, and you know when your hair grows out after the summer. You end up with dark roots and light ends. So that just looks more natural and prettier. That way, even though we're going for a totally not natural color, but it makes sense. Okay, I swear color the hair and eye color that hair Jenna. You know she's going in there and she's doing a very precise color job. It'S what I love to see it's. What gives me life it's? What makes me happy my people put a lot of work into their colors. Wait, I'm actually not hating it with it like styled and everything and with like makeup and all this, I feel like it's a lot holy Shi that just made her look like a completely different human being, and I love to see it. I love a major transformation. It'S so fun to see, however, if I'm giving you a critical breakdown of your color I'd say there is a few things that I don't like about it. It'S a fun color in general. The root ended up green and the ends ends in a blue, but she is wearing extensions, but the ends just look so blue. Oh my god, I came to a realization. Oh my god. The reason why her ends are turning blue and why the first girl's, hair turned blue also at the ends is because, like she said, arctic fox phantom Green has a lot of blue undertones that, when it fades it doesn't turn green. It turns blue. However, when you apply to solid white hair, you're gon na get all of those blue undertones showing up it's gon na really suck in the blue and then what's happening on her roots. Is that they're, yellow, because phantom green is so strong with the blues, the blue and the yellow are mixing and creating a beautiful, green color ha. That is what's happening. I understand now, but yeah. It'S kind of sad, because now we have blue ends. Again she looks cool, though, let's see what she has to say. It'S like it's like, I feel like I look like I go to makeup school, but without extensions I always have any makeup. The green doesn't suit me like it's too cool toned. It brings up this, like these greens in my skin, that I don't didn't even know I had these green under. Oh No, so this is not gon na be around for very long. It'S pretty much just for the holidays and I am planning on having a different color by New Year's. I think it looks really cool, but I'm not like the best thing I've ever seen on. Ok, we just saw one major fail. One major success and one slight fail slight success. I'Ll take it man I mean the second girl. She definitely killed it. That green was amazing. I love it. I love green hair. So much if you end up coloring your hair green, send me a picture or record it or do whatever you want. I'D love to see it green, hair. Excites me. Nobody really wants green hair and salons everybody's, very scared of green hair. I get it! It'S definitely a look. It'S definitely something that you really need to embrace it's it's a hard one. For what reason I don't know. Actually I had green hair once for like a day and then I hated it. That'S okay. It was fun, but those are all the girls turning their hair from blonde to green. I had fun watching them. I hope you guys do too. That is all I have for you today. Don'T forget to follow me on Instagram Twitter, tik tok, a prime out of my see my hair care brand ex mondo has dry shampoo dropping on January 17th. I can't wait and you can find more information about that dry shampoo on our Instagram at X, mondo, hair and more product launches are coming. You guys, we are about to give the entire world beautiful, glowing fabulous, hair with X, mondo, and that is all for today. Thank you guys for watching, don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time.

Brad Mondo: I think green is gonna be the hair color of 2020

Genesis C.: Me: it doesn’t look that bad Brad: it’s awful Also me: disgusting

Julia Schulz: I've got to confess. The second girl's hair transformation is so satisfying that I come here to watch it again and again for some time now.

⭐️ toe juice ⭐️: Brad needs to react to Stella Cini's video ''All the Times I Dyed my Hair in a Year'' he would LOVE it, and if he loved her emerald, he is in for SUCH a nice surprise with the other colors she has done :)

Ashley Oh: Both girls used Transylvania to darken their green which is just super, super dark pigmented blue dye according to the creator of arctic fox. That's why on the white ends it shows up as more blue since that's what the colour they mixed ACTUALLY looks like on a blank, untouched white surface. The top was more green because the roots were yellow to start out with and cancelled out the blue in the mixture.

Hot Trash: Brad: “such a simple fix” Also Brad: gives a huge explanation of how to fix

Zoe: Everyone’s talking about her hair but the first girls tattoos are BEAUTIFUL

Ayla: Don’t get artic fox in phantom green; it almost is always super inconsistent and washes down to that blue. I’ve tried it out on like 3 different people to poor effect on 2 of them and it turned blue on the third after one wash. I think it’s the way they mix it; the blue pigment is very strong. I switched to Lunar Tides’ Juniper Green.

Saksham Ranga: I dyed my hair dark green about 10 days ago too!! Had yellow brassy tones, but that just gave me amazing hues in the green!! I LOVE IT!!

CJ and Auntie Yaya: When I dye my friend's hair I have her buy two or three kinds of purple so that I can do the roots with the darkest, mids with the 2nd darkest and ends with the lightest. Then I comb through from the roots so that the colors pull out so she has a variety of shades streaking through the hair. This eliminates any "splotchiness" because the hair isn't one specific shade. throughout.

Adell Webster: For those who don't know. Emerald green (or arctic fox's phantom green) had heavy blue tones. Blue pigment is a smaller molecule and because of that it tends to absorb more easily and deeply into porous hair. (The same reason blue hair likes to stay on the hair sooooo long and can stain) In porous hair you want to make it more yellow toned to combat that!

ella drew: Brad: Green is the colour a lot of people are scared of Me: yes it’s scary Brad: but actually Green is one of my favourite hair colours Me: yes I love green hair

Leticia Heron: 2020 was definitely the year for green. I tried to dye my hair green for Months but it seemed everyone whose colors I wanted were sold out! Finally got around to it around July, and I look around the townsfolk (I work in the only grocery store in town) and of course I see green hair everywhere lol. Took 4 tries and 3 brands, but I finally got the shade I wanted

Zanha Shameer: Brad:this is the year of green COVID: yesssss

Desi's Kitten Corner: im so glad he stood up. i been trying to read his shirt reclaimed. i feel better now rec lai med

victoria freese: I dyed my kiddos hair neon green. It looked STUNNING‼️ she’s a natural light blondie. When standing next to Dad with his safety green work shirt you couldn’t see where her hair started. Or where his shirt ended. Oh to be a pre-teen again

Jay Pham: When Brad chooses your laziest/worst hair color video ˙ ͜ʟ˙ This is so unreal, I've been watching you for awhile now!! Love love your videos

Tammy Holtz: Seeing the last two girls emerald green hair was absolutely beautiful! Sure inspires us to go green. My absolute favorite was the bob cut!

Katarina Oliver: See the thing is, green is one of the most complementary colors when worn (depending on the shade and warmness/coolness of course) so why wouldn't it be a good hair color.

Dont worry About it: I love how these girls have a problem with every time they dye their hair green it comes out blue, when I’m the opposite every time I dye my hair blue the shit comes out green

Amber Brown: I love when Brad gets all worked up and has to get out of his seat

Varsha P: brad is so emotionally invested in these girl's hair and I am LIVING for it

Shyla Thiel: I've actually binged watched you for over 24 hours now. You are super fun to watch. Thank you for your videos. They are great!

Ingrid: Can we talk about how much Brad boosts up one's self confidence? It's like therapy but better

jessymay: I love these videos.....I get a ton of compliments right off the back [thanks brad ;) ] and then I get to watch Brad jump up and down with excitement when a person nails their hair color. Pure joy!

Jade Gourley: I died my dark hair green once and absolutely loved it. It mainly looked really dark brown in artificial lighting, but the green really popped in the sunlight. I miss that hair so much, but unfortunately I have a job that doesn't allow it anymore


Valeria Calderon: The fox Green is the worse green ever. Everytime I've used it the blue in that dye over powers and always gives me a more blue green instead of green green. Changed the hair dye and my hair finally got to a green i wanted. Idk if its cause it oxides to a blue tint

Isabel Lengruber: I love how Brad is really involved with his work on hair stuff, he's so passionate

m: Dyed my hair green in early January 2018 and it really set the tone to my best year ever. Went through a breakup with a toxic partner a week after I dyed, had a slight mental break down a couple of months later but the GLOW UP throughout the rest of the year was just magical. I really believe starting the year off with green hair helped aid all the beautiful transformations of that year. Also, tip from someone who had dyed their hair a lot of "unnatural" colors is always pick between 2-3 shades within the same color family when dyeing your hair. If you have banding, it will help with that but will also just give a glorious multi dimension to whatever mer-person hair color you choose.

NazyR: Never doubt Stella!! She's amazing!

megan •: His intro is so underrated. Nothing says “this is a place for positivity” than telling your viewers they’re beautiful right off the bat.Brad is a role model fr fr

advictoriams: I am actually super into this little emerald moment I've got going on right now, and I think I'm in love with emerald, minty hues. Would like to try some pantone color matching. Oh. Thanks for the keeping the yellow pigment for brighter greens. It really helped

AnisaLeah: I decided to try a green wig this year and I love it. I get so many compliments whenever I have the green hair

Brynn Egellhoff: His intro makes me smile everytime!! I love his videos so much they make my day so much better!

viviana ♡: I've been doing pink on my blonde ombre ever since i got it done But once the bottle of pink is done i don't know if i should try blue or green. I'm leaning towards an olive green since I'm very warm toned but I'm not sure yet.

Anna F: Me in my head: that doesn’t look so bad Brad: that looks awful! Me: Yh awful!!

Emma Henderson: I’ve had various teals/emerald/forest green shades over the years but it keeps fading super quickly to blue at the moment despite using the same dye and shampoo combo

Wombat Person: lol my hair has been green for almost a year now, it matches my eyes. My fav dye is the one n' only, argon oil, in emerald green. it's pretty, no developer needed and it doesn't leave your tub green. Manic Panic and Arctic Fox green dyes tend to come out more blue and it fades weird.

K&M. 4/8/16: I’m blue rn and gonna do green ends I actually bought the super blue I love it so much the smell and the glitter in it absolutely beautiful loved the color I’m going to use manic panic green on it ❤️

Susanna Danner: I actually think Brad´s hair looks particularly great in this video!

orangepumpkins: Arctic fox Aquamarine is an amazing color. On my hair lightened to an ash blond it turns to an amazing dark teal but on lighter hair I've steal it go lighter and bluer. It's one of my favorite colors to play with.

eternityofsong: I know we’re talking about the green hair but Brad- you are looking so nice today! Love the hair and you always make me smile

Carrie Johnson: I did my sister's hair green in November and it turned out really good. It was her first time bleaching her hair too. But it did have some darker dyes in it.

mydarkestdays xp: brad is the only youtuber that makes me smile at the beginning of every video

Ivy: Me: It isn’t that bad Brad: it’s awful Me: It’s awful

Kare Bear: I dyed my hair emerald and I absolutely loved it.

Muzziccjunkie: How have I never seen this video? I just got my green hair last week! (And my color came out somewhere between the second and third women, which is EXACTLY what I wanted .) After obsessing over green hair for months and months on end— I finally popped my fantasy-hair cherry and got my black/brown hair bleached (balayage) and did a black root/base and GREEN!! And it’s so pretty I want to eat it!

cierra gorgoglione: just got my wisdom teeth out, and i've been binging brad for my whole recovery. literally cant watch anyone else

Savy Sav: Stella is beautiful with that green she's making me want to dye my hair emerald right now even though I just dyed my hair purple

pick: second girl: "I hope my hair doesn't turn blue again" also the second girl: "so I'm going to mix this with blue"

Patricia Jacobs: I love watching Stella almost as much as I do watching Brad

Javi: stella cini is a professional hairdresser, put some repek on her name!!

Trudy Itwa: Stella always does a good job on her hair

Caitlyn deAmbra: Also, yellow light! So as the hair bends away from vertical you're going to see different shades of blue which will intensify the effect. (Like lighting a set.) Additive vs subtractive color.

Sophie: I love watching you Brad, loving how much he cares x

Puru Rin: I went neon green in march, something I never thought I'd do. But I actually love it.

Lillie Schlitz: I LOVE GREEN HAIR! I went from red to green hair and adored it! It was a pain to take care of but so glad I did it

Ellie F: Jay’s hair ended up reminding me of a peacock feather. The second girl’s hair turned peacock green, which I kinda feel are two different colours.

Juliet Tyrrell: Brad: “You look stunning.” Me: looks down at the Pringle’s chips crumbs on my shirt.

Amanda: I know when I've used arctic fox, if you let the dye set and dry in the bowl, you'll see metallic tones surface. One of the purple dyes gets straight gold glitter over the surface and the turquoise does something similar. I think it has to do with their formula more than anything

hexonyou: love watching this and sitting all the way through to the end where Brad's saying how much he loves green, people don't ask for it enough, etc... Then it just dons on me: oh yeah, MY hair is green right now! lol. I think he'd love the blue to green hawk I have going on atm

Alexandra Cvikovic: The Second one truly turned brad straight

Camille Kill: I been on the fence for a while and I just bought everything to do green hair and this is the video I needed. Whatever happens happens

Menesse: For the first girl: The dye she used has a blue undertone (more of a sea green). The yellow in her hair made the dye greener, but the ends were more white which made it more blue-ish. It says this on the arctic fox website: "Phantom Green has strong blue undertones, so it will often fade to more of a deep blue shade, especially on very light hair." Edit: Okay, you found out as well at the end, hahaha nevermind

Kelly Liefeld: Thank you for the video Brad getting my hair done green tomorrow so I've been binge watching your videos

Hi Hi: Stella Cinis green hair was literally so beautiful. That color was made for her. I hope she keeps it that way for a long time.

nena_lecter: On my hair happened the same thing of Jay Pham: the ends (that are white), with green color comes out blue :D I think that's because the yellow pigment in it didn't set properly on super damaged hair.

Robbie Mc: I've used lots of greens, and honestly every time I've used Arctic Fox Phantom Green, it's got cool undertones rather than warm, so it just looks more blue

StayImperfect〈3: I dyed my hair green on accident, and everyone was obsessed with the color, even me. It made me feel like a fairy lol

Heather Bishop: Green is going to be my next color (acid green, to be specific!) and this just makes me so much more excited! I'm letting my Arctic Fox pink fade out of my mohawk as much as possible over the next couple months then hit it with a light bleachwash to kill the rest of the pigment before going in with the green. I'm going to be Beetlejuice for Halloween, so it's going to be PERF!

TheJoeyist: I was waiting for that "Aha" moment Brad! FYI use lemon yellow first as a filler to insure you get green and not blue :)

amethyst kearns: Phantom green does actually have blue undertones in it. I buy it frequently and it faded to a blue on my ends making it look ombre. I didn't mix it with anything and my hair was platinum blonde. If you go on the artic fox website it tells you what undertones it has. I love the color green it's my favorite.

Sarah & Jens Knudsen: You came up on my Facebook feed a couple days ago and now I literally cannot stop watching. You are so wholesome.

Haylee Robertson: for the first girl: her ends turned blue because they’re so damaged and they couldn’t take the green so they took blue. other colors tend to take blue because of the damaged ends!

Sage Harrison: i come back to this video sometimes because of how great these all turned out!

Anna P: Please react to more Stella Cini videos! I love both your videos and hers! Thank you :)

ThatAwkwardBrit: Green was the first colour i ever put on my hair, i loved it so much! Ironically i did that in 2020 so maybe Brad was right

Just another Vegan on Youtube: I used that same dye as that first chick. My hair was kinda orange when I dyed it and it came out amazing. I have gotten a lot of compliments on it. Mine turned out a whole lot better than her hair did.

Kelly: I thought the first girl's color ended up looking sick as hell on her. The green to blue transition may have been a mistake, but it honestly makes it look really cool

Kace O. DaMondaze: I love the green! It looks gorgeous to me!

Marissa Maté: When I was in high school that's actually what made me fall in love with green. I thought.. what's the most wild color I could do that I think might not even look good. Green! Perfect! looked amazing, and I miss it every day ❤️❤️

Vic G: I’m super loyal to the chick who does my hair. She has come through for me with some crazy shit I’ve wanted to do. That said, after a quarantine full of watching Brad, I want this dude to do my hair super bad.

Swingwing: these vids r making me feel lucky...and brad you are so rad. you r makin my day brighter.

Emily S: brad mondo: “hey beautiful. you look stunnnning” me in bed w a double chin:

Kelly Rattray: Sometimes colour does weird things and there’s no way to explain it my stylist was dumbfounded when the teal dye she used came out mint green on my hair but it was really pretty so ‍♀️ I think apart from the patchiness her hair is really pretty with green to blue ombré

Lisa Aguilar Estrada: I used the exact same bottle and color ( Arctic Fox, Phantom Green). My hair came out the same way green with blue tone ends. Now that it is fading it looks chameleon.

Chris Geroleto: Well.. I'm late to the Party :D but loving and binge watching your videos sometimes, like rn, I love that you reviewed Green! ♥ I love it so much too, and it gets rarely done. I'm a Hairdresser too and here is my Theory on the Green that turned Blue is, that there are 2 types of Green Direct Dyes, Blue based and Yellow Based Green. The Yellow Based can vary from Lime to Grass Green and the Blue Based can vary from Emerald Green to Forest Green. As far as I know and learned, Blue is a very dominant Pigment on porous Hair, just like Red is and so Hair love to grab on that first. Also the Pigment Size is Smaller than Yellow so it sinks into in the Hair faster into that many little Holes that porous Hair has, before the Bigger Pigments have a Chance. She used a Blue Based "Phantom Green" which was visible shortly in the Video as she swatched it, it looked very Forest Piney Green. So just like you said too, I'd always leave the Hair in the Yellow State, prefill with Yellow or Mix Yellow into my Green Shade to get it Green instead of Blue-Green/Petrol color, unless the Blue-Green is wanted then a brighter Blonde is wanted without Yellow. Edit: with the Second Girl I guess it worked out Greener because she mixed in Repair Conditioner made for Brittle/Dry/Lightened hair, so it worked as an Equalizer on the Porosity Issue. Edit2: Yea it's obvious I wrote this while watching, andd you came to the same Theory xD duh me Yea I guess her Hair just loved to pick up on that smaller Blue Pigments first. :o)

patanella: green is so underappreciated which makes it even more special and unique

Kylee Baker: I love the fact I’m actually at a salon getting highlights and the dresser was like, “OMG IS THAT BRAD?!?!”

Chloe Easley: The green looked pretty on the first girl but the second was my favorite it was so beautiful

Jaden Haynes: Lmfao I loved that the first girls hair turned blue- Bc every time I’ve ever used phantom green from AF it looks beautifully green at first and washes out to be a weird but cute cloud blue.

corrgall: Watching this after I just coloured my hair green on a whim! Not gonna lie... I get shocked every time I walk past a mirror lol. Still learning to rock it with confidence but liking that I was bold enough to try

Halla Jones: not a hair stylist, but I've been dying and cutting my own hair for years, and in my experience arctic fox has always changed colors on me. Not really sure why, the deep purple I dyed my hair turned a weird pink and the black turned green/blue teal.

Tahnya Torrell: Brad: a lot of ppl are scared of green hair. Jacksepticeye: TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA!

Ba- (Nina): Ooof Stella really got her groove back and we love to see it.

Bizarish: I dyed my hair pink yesterday using hot hot pink manic panic and it turned out amazing you should react to people coloring their hair with manic panic

Honeybear2312remake: Attic fox is my absolute favorite hair color it always looks good and shows up really well

Jan Freeman: I totally love your videos!!! I so wish you could do something with my hair :(

Isabella Carrillo: I love how passionate this guy is about his job.

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