The Dye Strip Technique Aka Going Gray In Secret! Part 1

Want to grow out your gray hair and ditch the dye, but don't want to bleach it and don't want to cut it? But don't want to go full-on "cold-turkey" because you don't want to rock a demarcation line (aka "skunk stripe") during your grow-out? Then the Dye Strip Technique of Going Gray is for you!

My guest: Diana M. discusses how she went gray "in secret" using this technique, that she learned from YouTube's own Suzan Barnes!

Check out my EBook about it - it has all the details:

Make sure to check out my related blog post, which contains even more info than the video!

Follow Diana on Instagram:

Follow Katie on Instagram:

Check out Suzan's original video here:

Check out my blog for more gray hair tips:

Hey ladies, it's Katie from Katie Goes Platinum., It's been a while., I'm sorry, I'm not more of a frequent YouTube creator., I'm still trying to learn how to keep everything in balance, especially since this lockdown started.. But here I am because I've got something exciting to share with you. My friend, Diana from @ on Instagram is going to share with us today her method for going gray in secret.. It'S call the dye strip, technique and I'll. Let her explain it because she explains it much better than I could., But it's a great solution for those of you who don't want to deal with a skunk stripe, while you're growing our your gray hair from dark, brunette dye. I mean really anybody could do it, But for those of us with dark, brunette dye, as you know, when you let your hair go gray, you get a demarcation line that can be pretty harsh.. Mine was very harsh if you look back at my Instagram photos., But I was happy to do that.. Not all of you wan na do that.. I get that a lot.. A lot of you are going gray during lockdown and you're, using this time to go gray when you're away from all the peer pressure of colleagues and friends and family.. So if you want to hide your grays, even though we're in lockdown, this is still a good way to do it, because, while you're on those Zoom calls, nobody will know that you're going gray., So I'm gon na. Let Diana explain this to you., Please make sure to stay for the whole video, because the first part of the video is Diana explaining how to go gray with the dye stripe technique.. The second part of the video is me asking her questions., And the third part of the video is a little video tutorial that I appended to this video. Just to give you a quick rundown again of how to do it. Make sure to follow @ on Instagram and Katie Goes Platinum.. I'D, appreciate, it. And please make sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel and click the little alarm bell to get notifications every time. I post a new video.. I haven't been very good about posting new videos., I'm still trying to get used to being on camera.. I was a photographer for over 30 years and I kind of prefer being on the other side of the camera.. But a lot of you are asking me to do more videos, and I promise I will. Hi everyone.. My name is Diana.. I am @ on Instagram and I'm here with Katie Goes Platinum to talk to you about the method that I found on YouTube. When I was looking to embrace my gray and like many of you, I scoured the internet for the best way. And all I could find. Was techniques to use, highlight and low lighting, which does damage the hair quite a bit and can turn it. As I kept hearing this new word to me, blorange., You can cut it into a pixie or grow it out, cold turkey. And I just feel like there had to be a better way, a better way for me., And so I happened upon a video by Susan Barnes and she explained a very to me very simple technique that was non-damaging and I decided as soon as I saw it, that that is exactly the method I was gon na use.. So what she did was she took a section of hair about two inches by six inches. And what she did was all she did was dye. The roots continue to dye the roots of the hair on that strip of hair and then as soon as it's dyed. Once it's parted and laid over your hair as it's growing out, it masks the demarcation line., Your hair peaks through the little sections of hair, this thinner section of dyed strip and up until that point, when I was trying to figure out what method was gon na Work for me I was using and I'm sure you may have seen a L'Oreal Root. Spray. The color that's best for me is black.. I highly recommend it for the roots as you're growing out your hair. And as soon as I found this technique, I didn't have to use that anymore. And it was a very easy smooth process and transition for me.. I ended up having my silvers look more like peek-a-boo highlights and I did not have an awkward stage in the grow-out of my hair.. Now when I am now that I'm ready to grow out this strip, you ask ``. Well what do you do now? You'Ve grown out your gray.. Now you have to grow out this strip.''. Well, all you do. Is you part your hair on the other side. Voila? Where did it go? It'S hiding underneath and just barely peaking through your gray hair.. So that's it.. Now my strip of hair is growing out undetected underneath my beautiful gray hair. That God gave me that I am embracing and that I love, and that is the technique that I used. [ Katie ]. So, just to make sure I understand you dyed that hair and then you are parting it so that the dark black hair is covering all the gray. That'S growing out Yes. [, Katie, ], Okay and then, when you're all done, you flip it and it looks like you're already done., You flip it and it's done. [, Katie, ] And nobody's the wiser. Exactly the other thing too, with dark hair. Is that you very rarely have much dimension to your hair and the one thing that I loved was every time I would take a section of hair and curl it. I would get this dark light, dark light, dark light and, of course the gray would just go further and further and further down my head, and it made for this amazing, incredible dimension that my hair's never had as a dark-haired person, my whole life., And so it Actually made it really fun. A really fun transition. [ Katie ] Yeah, that does sound like fun. And it's definitely gon na solve the problem for a lot of women who are very upset by their demarcation, line. Yes., [, Katie ]. Personally, I didn't mind it as much because it was a sign of liberation to me.. So if you are a lawyer and you're up in front of your peers - and you want to look 100 % professional, a lot of women have trouble growing out their grays where their demarcation lines shows.. I think this is a great alternative.. So now I'm a sloppy home dyer. So when you're dying at home, how did you protect your grays from the dye that you use on the strip.? So what I did was. I actually spoke to my hair stylist, who really guided me.. She didn't actually do the dying or section off the hair for me, but she was a great guide and she actually highly recommended that I use Vaseline on either side of the strip, as I was dying it to protect and give a nice coat. And I mean I put a lot of Vaseline.: It was no problem when I shampooed my hair and it shampooed right out.. It wasn't greasy or anything like that, but it protected the hair very nicely, as I was dying, the roots of just that section of hair.. Now you can also go to a stylist and have them do this sectioning off of your hair. If that is what you feel comfortable with., If you don't have a friend or someone in the household who can help guide you as far as dying it, but I was able to do it the entire time at home., [, Katie ]. Oh that's, wonderful. Yeah! That makes things so much easier. And since a lot of us are gon na be at home for a while, this is a good thing to know.. Yep being able to get into a salon is tough right now and they're slowly opening, but it is a method that you absolutely can do at home with, of course, the guidance of a stylist.. I'M sure that they'll be very supportive of you and your decision, and I wish you the best of luck. (, lively, music, )

Katie Goes Platinum: The dye strip technique is a fantastic way to go gray gracefully! If you enjoyed this video and would like more gray hair tips, Click here to subscribe:

Lynn Grillo: I have watched dozens upon dozens of videos about growing out gray and this is the very first one that gives me any sort of actual solution. Brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing this info!

Jenny: I ve embraced my natural silver this year by having my hairdresser put a half head of foils in to breakup the regrowth. It’s worked really well and getting lots of positive feedback. Another way a friend did hers was using semi permanent hair colour slightly lighter that your dyed hair colour. It doesn’t leave an obvious demarcation line and you just keep going lighter and lighter. ‍

Chloe Watt: This is such a fab video. Both you ladies are absolute babes ! and give me hope for my new grey hair/life-style! I got my first few when I was 23, 31 now they’re coming quick and fast and actually can’t wait for it to fully turn now I’ve seen this

Linda Romanowski: This is a great idea and Diana looks wonderful! I am growing out mine cold turkey. About 2 1/2 months in and my dyed hair looks so much lighter than the natural hair growing out (assume from fading). I am going to just let it ride and I can't wait to see what my natural silver pattern looks like when it's all grown out.

Shelley R: This is how I did my grow out. After three years, and Covid quarantine madness , I got bored and decided to dye my hair again. I will go this method when I decide to go grey again. It really is almost painless.

Teresa Gould: Brilliant idea. I was so sick of looking at my demarcation strip I buzz cut it and I love it. Very drastic I know but immediately back to my own hair which is working for me. BUT everyone else thinks in totally nuts. Xxxx

Amanda: I started this process on Thursday after watching your video. This is a great idea. I had about 1 1/2 new growth, naturally dark brown hair. Went to the salon,explained process/ video and am pleased with results. The stylist was apprehensive, kept stearing me towards highlights, stripping, other time/ costly processes. After looking at me like I was crazy, she finally agreed to do it. For me, this was the way to go. Thank you both for the great information.

Nikki Valdin: I've been letting my hair grow out since February since I have been staying home. I plan on doing this method when I have to start going out in public again to ease the transition. Thanks for the tutorial. The hint about the Vaseline is very helpful.

Tippytoe: I’m lucky my hair is doing this naturally. The top portion of my hair doesn’t have a lot of grays so there isn’t a noticeable demarcation. But every underneath has harsh demarcation line. So this has made growing out my gray easier.

Sam Honey: Great video!! Growing out my grays and I highlighted the front and sides to blend it in but I have dark hair and right now it's a medium brown with highlights. Going to do this so I can cut the dying over and over to keep up with the dark roots. Best video of transitioning to gray I've found!!!!

V. 1954: This is how I'm doing it. I'm almost four months in and I just have one issue; my hair is really thick and changing parts is going to be a bit of a pain but I'm determined to stick to it. Thanks so much!

Dee_xx: I understand this, but I do not want to grow out my grey only to flip my hair over and start growing out all over again, even though others can't really see it. I would colour that part with semi- permanent colour. It's such a small area to do every 4-5 washes.

Armchair Planner: Thank you so very much! This is by far the best method I’ve seen that suits my goal of growing out my grey, sans expensive and repeat visits to the salon, while at the same time looking presentable for work. I did my first strip last night on my 3 month “covid grow out”. The only change I made was that I’m using semi-permanent dye so that it fades without having to grow all the way out once I stop dying. Fingers crossed!

Anita: Thank you for posting this. I think it is the perfect solution to my second time around grow out. Really appreciate the demonstration at the end of the video!

Cheryl: One tip I would like to mention is that if you decide to go gray, make sure you have your teeth whitened! The gray makes our teeth look dingy and we look aged by it. I am getting a total smile makeover. Will be better than a face lift. lol.

Kimberly Holt: OMG, just what I was looking for. I have tried cold turkey, and blending with sprays, but I love this idea! Thank You for sharing.

Roslyn Franken: This looks like a really practical approach. I would love to try it but just wondering how it works if you have bangs or put your hair up a lot which is my situation.

RamblingRose RV Life: This was SO HELPFUL

Joleen Jenkins: I really love my dark brown hair but that line of demarcation was driving me crazy every 10 days so I used a hair color remover and I'm just putting a light brown semi permanent color on it so I'm basically camouflaging the gray but not with permanent color

Tez T: I’m using this method but without the dye. I’m using root wash out spray and the streaking effect is essentially the same. So fa anyway

Linda Marocco: Awesome video!... thank you so much... I am 3 months in if this skunk line gets too much to handle I will try this!!!... thank you both SO much!

Linda: A very practical and beautiful way of going grey gracefully, especially for brunettes/dark hair beauties! Thank you for this video.

Take Down: I see that what you did would work. I just let mine grow out for a year & I’m wearing a hat with a pony tail and I plan on having my hair layered next fall. It’ll be below my shoulders by then with chin level layers.

Sandy Moyer: So glad I found this! Does this work if you're dyed a medium/dark brown with ash on pure white hair? I have been dying my hair for 22 years and I'm 99% white. I so would like to rock my white shiny healthy hair but looking for ways to do so. This looks like the perfect solution!

K H: Going to try this! Scared and excited all at once ..dying my dark hair every 3 weeks! Thanks for sharing still wondering how wide to make the strip. Also I have long bangs hmmm. I’m guessing the part you stop dying also gets faded and washed out looking?

Michele N Olson: This is fantastic! I'm sending you both ((Hugs)) I can't wait to try this!

Connie Murphy: HI thanks for video. I did something similar. I only did my roots around my face but left out the bang "sparkels " are only above my eye brows :) I like it! connie :)

Thestoragestudio: Loooove this technique. Genius! However, I’m one of those who can’t part their hair any other way. Boo

Janie Hall: Hi Katy thanks for the video. I’m naturally dark brown. I’m 8 months in. I’m salt and pepper. My new hair growth. Is so soft. Your hair looks great

Renren72: I had grown out my grays , but I looked so old .... So I dyed my hair again (copper brown). But it is so much work, I have to dye it every 3 weeks!! I am now growing my hair and when it is the right length I will dye it darkbrown (that was my own colour before I got gray) and I will do the Dye Strip Technique. I love the Gray Stripes very much. Maybe that is my stile to begin with !!

L H: Is it important to only dye the roots of the strip and not the entire strip? Looking at the pics of this process, it looks like the dye is on the whole strip. Thanks for this idea!!

Justine Brown's Bookshelf: I’m basically doing this but with a blonde strip. I tint it pale ash so it blends with the grey underneath.

SM: Well never too late I guess after 8 months cold turkey I have dyed some parts because of the demarcation and today I have used colour remover again growing out grey after 4 weeks is worse. But if I am not orange by tomorrow I will use this technique

millie in British Island of Jersey: Amazing, thank you

rhonda w: Man I wish I had seen this technique 6 months ago. What a great idea

Christen " " X Eggz: My only problem is my hair grows so fast that it is white shining through in a week. I considered this technique and then decided to go white with toppers and wigs

Caz Remusnoc: That is GENIUS! Thank you

nicole S: Brilliant!!! Especially since i have varied color and old relaxer!

Lorraine Herrera: Love this video, but you didn’t cover the hair that frames your face on the sides. Would you just keep using the spray cover up ?

GGGG1040: I will to this as soon as possible — really bad I didn’t see before.. thanks

colemaninmaui: Brilliant!! Thanks ladies

Colleen K: What about the back of your head? I can understand that this would work for the sides of your head, but it still seems like there would be a line of demarcation on the back. Am I missing something?

Angela Schapiro: Amazing. Thanks for sharing

Carol Bowen: I’m guessing this works better for straight hair as my curly hair doesn’t have a defined part ☹️

paintnknit: Great idea!

madelaine madelaine: i like this idea, just starting my journey and have a long awaited trip to family in about 2 months so dont want to go there with a skunk line! question though is, does this small section of hair cover the grey at the back of your head, it doesnt look like it would?

crackerjack4u: You may have mentioned it, but if you did I didn't hear it. What type of dye did you use for the strip- permanent, demi or semi?

Christine Placko: What do you use for the gray I have dark hair

mmariona70: Starting my journey back to gray using this method

Michelle S: So dying the hair strip at root level means that has to grow out too

Allyson Caistor: Would it not make more sense to do the thinner strip silver so it's done and dusted when it's grown out underneath

Thanna S: I’d love to try this technique but can’t figure out how to make it work with bangs!

Ilyana’s Cocina: What about using something natural like Henna? Lush sells the henna bricks and although a bit messy to put on, it dyes the hair while conditioning the hair and scalp.

Rhonda Scherrer: What brand of dye did you use?

Kristy C: What if you have short bangs in the front, like Betty bangs and a center part?

immadomenow: Just to let you guys know, God didn't purposely give us gray hair, it's an inherited imperfection due to sin. We were originally supposed to stay young and never grow old and develop these woes of aging. Glad to see there's a solution to combat this temporary flaw.

Beverly Thompson: How does this work when you have short layered hair?

rattylol: This wouldn't work for all women, mine is really long and wavy and this would show, I was only doing roots of the top section for years but got sick of it now my hair is 3 inch grey strip at roots, mid to light faded brown and then very dark brown mixed with grey underneath, I love the grey stripe and the grey mix but I hate the faded brown dye that I can't work out how to get rid of.

LOUIZA N.: Is this your natural grey? Or you did any overtone?

Jacqueline D.: It seems this technique is only good for side parts. Is that correct?

Suzan Barnes: Great video! You look Great!

JR Pacer: Wish l knew this 3 years ago....oh well manage the cold Turkey method....

TheMarinemom02: Beautiful gal with beautiful hair.

Eva Emery: What I don't understand is you're trying to get away from dying your hair so I don't get how you're doing this I have dark hair I have gray just in the front of my face n color the rest but i m getting tired of coloring my hair so I just don't get what you say about dying the hair because if you're going to let your hair grow out Gray you want to get away from dying your hair

Leticia Correa: In the video you mentioned temporary/washout spray on hair color. Why can’t you just use that and wash it out every so often?

Take Down: Lol Bless your neighbor!

MRS. BEAN: You would look cute with bangs

Dog-gone: What about bangs?

MissyC: You are beautiful!

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