Dark Skins Can'T Wear Colorful Wigs Like Light Skins?

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#CynthiaG #Colorism #InterracialDating

We don't think that getting attention from black guys gives you a status of some sort. If you get attention from the white guys, no, you do have the status more than if you get attention from black guys as a man. I'M gon na have to respectfully disagree with that. Well, as a woman who gets attention and who grew up in a white culture more than a black culture, i'm gon na tell you that getting attention from black guys is not a badge of honor. If you're, white, okay and i'm white, you are right. Yes, hey guys, so i wanted to come on here, because i've been getting this video sent to me by a lot of people, and this video involves a three trash bag carrying struggle dusty, who made a typical colorist self-hating post, which we commonly see from black men. In these social spaces - and this post was responded to by a black woman on tick tock and it's the tick tock video that's been making its waves on social media, the shade room picked it up world star, hip-hop picked it up, so it's definitely going viral and To be honest, despite that, i just didn't want to talk about it, because at the end of the day, sometimes i really get tired of trying to talk to black women about black male psychology and listen. I understand that my reach is not as great as i want it to be. I would like to be in a position to where i'm touching more women, where i'm affecting more women, because at the end of the day, i understand very well what the issue is. And while i would never say that black women are perfect and you're going to hear in this very commentary how black women are contributing to the issue, however, the biggest issue within our community is black men. Black men are literally going around complaining about themselves, but projecting it on women, from colorism in the community to violence to crime, to ottawa, like children to single mothers to poverty. Those are all issues that are being caused and perpetuated by black men, but black women are helping to maintain it. We live in a black male, worshiping culture, where we are seeing now more than ever, a rise of black men profiting off of disrespecting and demeaning black women. Now i told you guys that black men tend to be very delusional. They think we live in a society absent of other men, so they act as though other men are not observing their behavior and unfortunately, black women also act as if other men are not existent in society, because they seem to think that black men's behavior is normal And we know this because, although black women complain adamantly about black men's behavior, we still treat them as, if they're not engaging in this behavior. We allow them to control everything from our self value. Our perception of ourselves to our perception of our counterparts, not understanding or realizing, that this is a group of derelict men whose opinion should be taken with less than a grain of salt. Whenever you have your everyday, run-of-the-mill struggle dusty, who can get on social media and rise to fame and prominence because of his demeaning and degrading of black women, which black women and black men alike, love to see they enjoy it? They call it entertainment, not understanding the damaging effects is gon na have generations from now. That'S when you know we live in a toxic community, and this is not how other people's communities function is that to say that they're perfect? No is it to say that they don't have issues, no it's to say that there's a general understanding on how men are supposed to act and, although you have like feminist movements, although you have these different type of movements, it doesn't really affect whether their men are Functioning and behaving like men, but this is something that black women fail to understand, and so what it does is it allows dusty behaviors like this to continue to be perpetuated, and i keep talking about black women's self-esteem and trying to get us to understand how our Self-Esteem and the value that we place on black men, the control that we give them that they don't deserve is what essentially helps them to continue to have the power to demean and degrade us. So y'all i've been on this hair care journey and, i'm sure all of y'all know a huge part of that is finding the right products for your hair and it actually took a little bit for me to do this. I was introduced to a company called everything. Ebony and they have a really great product line, it's an all natural hair care line, that's made for us by us, and i've tried the products. These are products that you can feel working. They also smell amazing. I tried them on my hair at night and the next morning i woke up my hair was soft. It was still conditioned retained the moisture and it was easy to work through so hit. The link in the description box go to everything. Ebony try them yourself. I promise you, you won't be disappointed and remember that everything ebony is hair care made for us by us, and so i'm going to get into this post and i'm also going to get into this video. I'M going to show you guys some comments, and then i want to show you guys just something really interesting to me and how black women play a huge role in whether black men continue to behave like this. Before i do that, i want to give a shout out to everyone who continues to contribute to the content shown on this channel. If you want to contribute, you can email me. The email is in the description box and it's also pinned to the comments section and if you haven't already done so subscribe to the channel thumbs up the video, if your trash bag, banded and you're triggered you can thumbs it down. If you haven't already subscribed to the channel, please do so when you do subscribe, don't forget to hit the notification bell and subscribe to all notifications, so you will know every time i go live and when i upload new content so listen. I first want to show you guys this post here, because this is the post that this trash bag bandit named j hound posted on to his facebook, and i don't even really believe that his name is j hound. I think that this is just his trash bag. Name and we'll get more into that later, because we know black men like to pretend that they are somebody that they're not they live in a realm of fantasy and delusion, where somehow there's some cloud that they have, where somehow there's some social importance that they have. Where somehow there's some desirability that they have beyond the stereotype, that's placed on their body parts, and they would like to cling to that. So you have this man running around here on facebook. Here the dark skinned black man with some raggedy braids that he should have got replaced a long time ago. He claims that he lives in dubai, but i'm thinking if he can't even afford to get his mattress off the floor if he can't even afford to get his hair redone, he probably can't afford to actually live in dubai. If you guys don't know, dubai is very expensive to live in, you can't just go live in dubai, and so no matter where a black man lives he's going to be on the bottom of the social totem pole, where he's relegated to attention-whoring antics in order to Have some relevancy because a struggle bandit isn't just going to be seen as somebody worthy of listening to by other people in society, so what he has to do is he has to engage in attention-wearing antics and the main way that black men like to obtain attention Is to either sit on dj, vlad's couch for free and express their self-hatred or, if you're not relevant enough for dj vlad, to want to talk to you if you're, just a mainstream trash bag bandit, then that mean you'll just sit up on facebook and post stuff. So that you can get attention and you're still going to advertise yourself hatred, because this is yet another dark, skinned black man and he made a post like this silly one here talking about dark skins, can't wear different colors of wigs, like light skins, can so he's Dehumanizing women and reducing them to their skin tone. And then, when someone says black men are the white supremacists of the black community, then they run around screaming foul, as they literally sit up here and engage in the same behaviors. They have the same mentality. They do. The same thing to their community to the extent that they can that they complain that people of no color do to them. So you have black men running around here, engaging in colorism, then featurism and any other form of self-hatred that you can. I have yet, except for dusty trash bag. Youngberg who's also irrelevant to see any light-skinned man sit up and talk about skin tone. Now we know that there are exceptions to the rules, so we know that there are some lighter skinned black men who do engage in colorism, but by far - and i do mean by far it is dark - skinned black men. Most of the time when i see a man in our community speaking negatively about dark skin, it is a dark skinned. Black man and this man is no exception, and the saddest thing is: is that not only is he a dark skinned man, but he laid down with the very group of women that he's demeaning and degrading and created a dark-skinned child as well, and he chose to Put this on social media which prompted this response from this black woman. I want you guys to take a look at this video and then i'm gon na come back and make some comments on it. I didn't even go bother to go to her tick tock because, quite frankly, i'm tired of black women even responding to this and making these dues relevant, but go ahead and take a look at this video. Then i'll, come back with further commentary. J hound on facebook says dark skinned. Girls cannot wear any color wigs like light skins with a smiling emoji. I just have a couple questions for you jay. When you gon na get rid of those stale, ass, plaits you've been rocking, since you got out the poke jam when you gon na, invest in some carmax to get rid of that crust around your lips today. Why you got on high waters with stale shoes and long white socks that don't match jade? Is this your mattress on the floor? Jay terminator? I also discovered that you're a nursery rhyme rapper james, i just helped you hit 13 views. We going up jang. I will but that beautiful woman didn't do anything to me so i'll give her a pass. So why you talking about dark-skinned women wearing colorful lace fronts, their lace prints are about triple the amount of what it would take to get your bed off the floor by jay. Now you guys saw that video and listen a lot of people. Think it's funny and listen. It is funny to an extent i want to do a sidebar. Is it just me or did y'all notice that since me and my sister sat down in that sister talk and talked about the crew season podcast and talked about how they'd likely sleep on mattresses on the floor? They don't have a box spring. They can't afford a headboard or a bed frame. Now, all of a sudden, you hear a lot of people from erica mina to this chick on tick, tock, mentioning bed frames and mattresses on the floor, and i think that's really interesting, because i swear to you prior to me and my sisters making fun of this. I never really heard anybody saying it and look: i'm not tooting my own horn, i'm just saying. I think it's really interesting that now we have a rise of people talking about mattresses, on the floor, but get this i'm not complaining, because i think these men struggle ways do need to be pointed out. They want to run around here talking about their high value, but at the end of the day, they're sitting there waiting for that next stimulus check to hit their bank account just like they claim that you are, they were getting mad when that unemployment benefit ran out Too so you so the trash bag way of life needs to be pointed out, but i do think it's funny how i didn't hear about the mattresses on the floor before and then when i pointed it out when erica minnow was saying, and then i asked if It was a coincidence. Some people said that it wasn't, but some people said that it was, but now i'm seeing more and more in tic tac in youtube videos and on social media posts. People talking about the mattresses on the floor and the need for these struggle. Dusty'S to afford a box spring and a bad frame before they try to deem themselves high value, but in any event, you have this black woman here who feels compelled to respond to this, and i just really don't understand why black women continue to care. Look. I get that you know when you get on tick, tock or youtube or whatever you're a content creator. So you do want to talk about certain things that black men are doing, but what i'm seeing the most of is black women coming on here, flocking to post, where black men are sitting up here, using them as a means of getting popularity, because we know that The main way for black men to get popularity or notoriety or anything, is to demean and degrade black women. They don't really possess any intellect they really don't possess any ability on their own merit to really get attention or notoriety. So what they'll do is they'll. Try to go viral by demeaning black women's skin tone, her hair, her facial features or any other characteristic that lets. You know that she is black and this dude is no exception, because what happened is this black woman did a response and granted? I think her response was great. She pointed out a number of different things, but what it does show is that, at the end of the day, she cares about black men's opinion, and i don't think that black women should do that. The only reason why i'm talking about this is because somebody sent it to me, multiple people sent it to me actually, but so she makes this video. This video goes viral. It hits the shade room, it hits real star hip hop it's all over facebook. It was on twitter, a lot of people were commenting on it, and so her video went viral, which now gives this man attention a man who was otherwise irrelevant because nobody was paying attention to him or his struggle. Braves most black men are sitting alone, wallowing in their own self-hatred, trying to figure out ways to promote themselves. This dude is a struggle rapper. He claims he's out in dubai, trying to get attention. He wasn't getting attention. His music is trash and being ignored by everybody until this woman's video goes viral and the reason it can go viral is because of the overwhelming response from black women. Now you see some of these comments that i'm talking about, where immediately when a black man says something to demean it or disparage a black woman. She automatically gets on here in attempts to disprove what he's saying and to prove to him differently, and that just means that you really care about what he thinks. Now, if you guys go to this dude's facebook page and you go to the post and i'm not going to show it now, because i don't want to put anybody on blast who didn't intend to be on a youtube video. But all over his post is a number of different black women posting their pictures and different colored wigs. These are dark skin black women trying to prove to him that they can look just as good as these quote-unquote light skins and see. This is where black women, dark-skinned black women, particularly, are going to have to check their self-esteem, because we just got done talking about a colorist video or a so-called colorist video by the baby and no net gotti, and it was dark skinned black women complaining that they're, Not being degraded and called [ __, ] and hoes in his videos - and i didn't understand that, like the type of representation that dark-skinned black women want - is something that i don't understand now i get that most of the color is vitriol is directed towards dark skin. Black women, obviously only a fool who's trolling would say that this was not the case. What i don't understand is why dark-skinned black women are seeking. The validation from the very color is self-hating black men that they say that they don't really like. If it's his attention that you want, then just say you want his attention. Approval and validation, but what's lost on me is why you would care about the opinion of a man that you said you feel have self-hatred. I have to say the same thing, because i'm telling you if you go look at this trash bag. Bandits, facebook page right now, you're going to see a bunch of dark-skinned black women posting images of themselves in this do comment section trying to prove something to him and all it's really doing is giving him a fake sense of clout, because this dude is all on His facebook bragging about the number of friends we cross he's getting bragging about his music talking about how he's going to make a dusty comeback all off of the attention that this woman got for responding to his video and so black women don't understand how? Just by giving him a response, you're validating him now he thinks he has some false sense of clout. He'S posting up how to access his music he's talking about how he's going to start live streaming bragging about the amount of views that this video got on the shade room in world star hip hop so he's finding a way to capitalize off of this, and in A black male worshiping culture he will get further than this black women will, even though it's her video that went viral, she was responding to his comments. So now he's riding the wave of popularity that she got just for responding to him and it's a problem and see this is what black women don't understand. This is the setup. This is the trick bag. This is the okie doke, because at the end of the day, this man went out and procreated, not with a light-skinned woman. He went and procreated with a dark-skinned black woman. Yet he's the same one who sits up here and makes a derogatory comment so that he can get some attention and so that he can promote his music. All he wanted was the attention you can go, look at his facebook and see that that is what he wanted and now he's getting it, because the low self-esteem of black women and the need for dark-skinned black women to get validation from dark-skinned black men. It'S what's fueling this, and he knows this. He shouldn't have been able to post this statement at the nobody and then get to trend on the shade room and world star hip-hop, just because he made a demeaning and disparaging comment towards black women. It'S like black women. When are you gon na understand that this is the way black men are trying to rise themselves to some type of social relevancy? They don't have any. They can't make money without you, they can't exist without you, but they know that you've been socialized to be a black male worshiper. That'S why they can say this and then get hundreds and thousands of dark-skinned black women to jump into their comment section and prove something to him. I wish i would try to prove something to any black man other than the one i choose to sleep with. I'M not doing it because to me, i'm not looking at all of them as if they're some kind of kings, no they're, not. I have a very poor perspective of black men and it's because the only perspective black men want society to have to about them is a poor perspective. But this bothered me and a lot of people wanted me to talk about it and the comment that he made. Doesn'T bother me because this is a typical comment that black men make. I already know, they're, wallowing and self hatred. I already know what they're doing. What bothers me is the fact that i'm starting to see how much validation and acceptance dark-skinned black women actually want from dark sea and black men, and you can't say that you don't because if you really recognize that his colorism was a byproduct of his self-hatred, you Wouldn'T want the very same color as self-hating men to represent you in videos. You wouldn't be jumping in their comment section proving to them that you can look just as good as light-skinned women. You will see that the way that he is elevating himself and making himself feel more desirable and, like he's a man, is by pitting you against light-skinned women so that you guys will compete against each other, so he can feel better about himself. It'S the same thing. They do when they come wave access to these snow, bunnies and stargates in your face. Why do you think they're doing it they're doing it so that they can look and feel better about themselves and until black women realize what the okie doke is and recognize this setup you're gon na continue to be demean. Disparage integrated and black men will continue to benefit and capitalize off of the black male worshiping culture. That could only be perpetuated by your desperate need to seek validation and get approval from men who can't even give themselves validation and approval. But you guys, let me know what you think about this: have you gone to this dude's facebook page? Have you seen the comments on there? Have you seen his numerous posts bragging about the amount of attention that he got whatever you think about this get in the comment section and let me know like comment subscribe share. The video when you do subscribe, don't forget to hit the notification bell so you'll know every time i go live and when i upload new content. Thank you. So much for your support and i'll see you in the next one foreign

• spacexghost: I’ve never heard my husband talk about wigs, weave, hair color, makeup, etc. WM worry about more important things like money

BronzeOne: I loved her response. SHE went viral. Just because she did this doesn't mean she cares about what he thinks. She did it to roast him. Good job lol.

Shanchan: Bw, this is why the world can't take bm seriously. The only thing they have the courage to fight is bw and the kind of hair we wear!

Bree Bree: It's something about sleeping 2 inches off the floor that make BM think life is one big hair battle ‍♀️

Ari Gary: “We going up Jay”

Pore Star Esthetics: Her response vid was on point imo.. Black women need to start knocking these goblins down a peg or 2. That doesn't mean she cares about what he thinks and feels. It was a well deserved roast session.

Fi's Affordable Finds: I love how she starts most her videos off with that clip it’s like a constant reminder for BM lol

Jadoree: Black men are always talking about wigs , you would think they would be at the front of the hair business like the asians

Chicky Chic: Why are BM so obsessed with hair?

DianeDiane: Many of these dusties are not just sleeping on dirty mattresses on the floor, but living in their grandmother's basement, unemployed, certified crazy and receiving a social security check.

Dana Bryant: If we REALLY just start to ignore these dusties and their bullshit, they will end up fighting with themselves while we're living our best lives.

Winifred W: I get what Cyn is saying, but I feel that the young lady that roasted this her support is needed to let these colorist know the gig is up. We need the solidarity amongst ourselves. Going on his page to give him clout though, that's unnecessary.

Ashanti: Getting attention from black guys is not a badge of honour if you're black I literally get attention from every guy except black and I am grateful

Celestial Earth Goddess: I believe her purpose was to point out his audacity to talk about Black Women when he looks like he is struggling. Now all that showboating some of the Women were doing to prove something is ridiculous. Personally at almost 42 when I see stupid stuff I usually just go past because insulting them doesn't make a difference. Raggedy people gone stay raggedy unless they want to change. Some men also do stupid stuff like this to get pretty women to put pics on their page. I peeped that years ago, I wanted to tell the women so bad to stop falling for that.

Zora Delaney: To reach more black women (especially young women), Cyn, you need to head on over to TikTok! Via cross-promotion, such a move would also help grow your YouTube channel to the level that it deserves.....

Tre Azzaria: I am a DSBW and I’m definitely not pressed about being in anyone’s video or anything for that matter ‍♀️

Stacey Nelson TV: you're definitely telling the truth about these black men pitting light skinned women against dark skinned women. It's their old talking points from back in the day. They have nothing left Cynthia, and yes these women are copying you about these mattresses.❤️

Lidia Love: This is trianglation. Very narcissistic to compare women to each other. Dusties get their narc supply from dark skin women. The best way to deal with a narc is to cut them off completely. No interaction at all.

Seles Says: Trying to turn us BW SISTERS against each other because of our skin color and I’m glad so many of us are not letting this happen! Colorism is a cancer In our society and we have to keep talking about it and strike it down. BW need to continue to get on code and support each other ! He is dark skinned himself yet talking about ds women!? What sense… lord fix it . Her video was so funny to me too!! loved it and she put him in his place so well!

Tashie D: When are people gonna realize that their opinions isn't always needed. Its okay to keep your opinion to yourself

gymeni: I honestly think BM focus on BW’s hair to the extent that they do because they believe they are being hurtful to us by doing so. The only way we will shut these idiots down is to put them on total ignore.

Miz Akita: It’s sad dark skin blk men hate being dark and hate anyone who is dark. It’s weird!!!!


ThePriam3: Oh boi BM are going to be so disappointed when they “ discover” that their preferences are actually wearing the same wigs, plenty of extensions( clip ins, tape ins, micro links, halos) and they are sleeping in silk/satin bonnets now too.. let’s not say anything… let’s just let it be a surprise

Sophia Princess: I am married to an Indian guy, he never has a problem with weave or make up, I am dated both black men and other races. I have observed that other races or men don't care about those stuff. They are way too busy.

Cheyondra: As a lighter skinned BW I know DAMN WELL those colorful wigs look WORLDS better with the contrast of deeper skin tones! We can't pull it off like yall, this lil boy is out of his mind.

• spacexghost: I bet you he doesn’t even have a high school diploma and reads on a first grade level

Zora Delaney: I get your point Cynthia, but allowing these nonsense comments against BW to fester on social media unchecked ALSO validates said comments. There needs to be pushback, just like other groups do in defense of themselves.

Redd Doll: She cleared him the fuck out

Lovey b: The softness in her *jay* tho

YankeeGirl226: I've heard about dusties and their floor mattress combos before. If you look in the background of these videos, the mattress is always on the floor with no sheets and a bunch of dirty clothes piled in the corner.

Pink Lady: He needed to be dragged. I get it, bw can focus on different things including leveling up, but BW have been ignoring this behavior online for so long and it has emboldened a lot of dusties. The vitriol is often leveled at ds bw. He needed to be embarrassed. It’s getting so bad that other groups are coming out to defend bw. Everyone expects bw to take a lot of disrespect and be the better person. Maybe if we started dragging a couple of years ago, it wouldn’t be this bad.

Raychel Gray: She had me rolling "Jaaay"

KV 4Real Sunflower 👑: Nobody is going to buy his music. He's famous for being roasted. It's funny AF to me.. SHE is the clout here. No one disputes that.

👑DustFreeQueen👑: BM would never disrespect another race like they do their own because they know other nationalities would end them! They know who and who not to play with! I wish those black girls in colored wigs knew about Gyn G!

Taffeta Jackson: Honestly Cyn, we been talking about dudes with mattresses on the floor for a few good years now.... You weren't the first to come up with it or talk about it. Respectfully

Sasha69: If you stare at him long enough your PH balance will be thrown off…

Esha Bing: You should check out, "Murder trial begins for Florida man accused of killing girlfriend, daughter in 2018'' And the sad thing is that allowed him to represent himself during his trial with his hair standing up on top of his head. Who is taking these men serious these days!!!

Chakra Love: Ignore them and stopping providing them narcissistic fuel.

The Oracle 007: Saw this, I ! It was the "Pokie" platts, white socks and floor mattress for me and I needed to be resuscitated! She didn't care and was hilarious!

Nicky: As a dark skinned woman, I truly wish my dark skinned sisters would stop falling for the low hanging, gaslighting fruit of black men's low self esteem and self hatred. They get off on it and it gives them vicious joy in tearing you down because they have nothing of substance to show for themselves or to offer. Dark skinned ladies, I know it's hard not to react, but PLEASE learn not to give this cancer your energy. It feeds off of it and you can see, no one knew who he was before this. You will be consumed and will never heal and recover. I KNOW it's hard, but if you have to, fake it (as in don't give these buzzards an ounce) one step at a time and stop reacting to everything they say. Whoever this person is, he just got a cheap notoriety because of a reaction. All the women that posted their pictures on his post, he laughed at them. Aren't you tired yet?

Angie Saturday: No, that I have always been a joke Cynthia mattress and box springs on the floor. I can remember back in the day how we used to talk about people with mattress and box springs on the floor and I'm almost 50 years old. That's an old joke trust me.

Julissa Davis: But nothing to say about Kanye being blonde or little Yahtzee, or what ever his stage name is? Throw em all away young ladies. Divest until your pockets stay green!

janschild: Why is he worrying about feminine things anyway? And I agree,Cyn, bw need to stay on code and stop gassing these derelicts up.

AnJolie 303: They love hair and I’m tired of DL BM. Just come out of the kitten closet already and join your community in full. The best hairstylists are the gây menz. Shouts out to Ms. Lawrence!

Angela Newman: I think she embarrassed him.

Icy Lykan: Real men don't clock women hair. Well only the men at the bottom of the hierarchy....very bottom, underneath actually. Mattress on the floor type of men

Lisa Also: I'm clapping angrily. She's a class act. I can see her in screen writing. Mr. Hound can be a spokesman for Sleepys Mattres, leave off the last (s) for stupid!

SexyBlackJag: I have heard the mattress thing before Cyn. I am older though. Great content as always Cyn!

Chanda Finch: You've heard silence is complicity? Ignoring this doesn't make it go away.

Downtown on 7th Avenue Handbag Adventures: DSBW started the trend of colored wigs which is hilarious. We start all the trends and cultural norms. You nailed it!! My DSBW need to cut this out. It’s embarrassing. We have the power here. DSBM can’t do anything without us or validate other women without bringing us either. I wish we understood this my Lord .

Black Fame World: She did that as a defense mechanism, I’m sure. As a “lighter” woman, she knew light skinned women would be blamed, so she came to dark skinned women’s defense. Good for her. I just wish the loyalty wasn’t so one sided.

Shannon Sunshine: I’ve heard about mattresses on the floor for both genders for yearss

Tre Azzaria: That is SO TRUE you hardly see light skin men make these sort or comments it almost ALWAYS dark skin men. It’s weird!!!

Country Slang: Maybe if they worry about not being the next hash tag and running from the police....they may get far in life. Yeah, I doubt it.

Dee A.: It's crazy to see how mad they get when you point out that W.M arent scared of them. And they're too slow to realize they arent scared of you they despise you

BiteMeHard: My daughter told me last night her friend that happens to be a dark skinned young lady, liked a boy and he told her flat out he didn't like ds girls only lightskin or mixed. These kids are 13. I told my daughter to tell her friend don't throw pearls to swine. I didn't know the ignorance started so young.

TheStarsDon'tDance: Anybody else dying at the way she says "Jay" she checked his dusty behind, all the way to the trashcan without a dust pan. Also, WHY is it always dark skin black men, declaring what dark skin black women can and cannot do??

BelleAnne: The answer is to NOT go on his page, look at any of his videos, not communicate with them in any way. Maybe in the future we should block out part of the name so everyone doesn’t go on his page… We could watch her video 50,000 times and never go on his page. Bw: stay off these males’ pages. Don’t give them any attention!

Kirsten A: When she called out his mattress on the floor I knew we were getting a video

Jaz The Multi Centillionaire: Aye watching this has me thinking about TLC-No Scrubs, K. Michelle-Can’t Raise A man, and Trina-Fuck Boy! Aye my new theme songs!

Hello Hart: I'm a light skinned black women and this is not a light skin vs dark skin comment because we are all beautiful and look good in any color.... but real talk colored wigs look THEEE BEST ON darker women.

Devine Daughter: “I don’t think this is his real name.I think this is.. just his trash bag name.”

Shee Sez: Things men should be focused on other than women's wigs and bonnets!: Building infrastructure Spiritual Foundation Creating Multiple income streams Acquiring land Astute investing practices Mental and physical health Mentoring fatherless boys Reducing gun violence

Belltown Daisy: Yung Berg has some nerve to talk about ANYONE.

Kiki: Never talk about someone else's appearance when your own appearance is on struggle mode. I LOVED her response!♥️

TiffyQ: Cyn should use tiktok, her videos would go viral

A J The Introvert: When she says Jay:

NaTasha1980ツ: Dark skinned sisters can pass off any color hair, I saw one at my job and she had green and blue hair and it looked good on her.

The Oracle 007: I'm glad she responded comically and went viral. But, BW shouldn't respond to him, pull his vid and show this dusty any photos of them. Blur his face and name!

Kimberly Kimbrough: Thank you for creating your platform, Queen!

Ebony White: They should try competing with WW for a come up and leave us alone.

Miss T D: Take it as a compliment that means you're reaching many women which is what your platform strives to do

• spacexghost: Box-Spring Bandits

Erica James: The same men drawing in hair lines

Uptowner: Love that TikTok response. Hilarious!

Veronica Brown: Yes! His hair look a complete MESS, got the nerve to talk! Matter of Fact, that an old school woman hair style. But our hair wasn't frizzie. We'd part our hair in the middle and corn row our hair. Our hair would be past our neck and shoulder. He's a ....... I'm tired of seeing so called black males wearing their hair like black women!

guacgirl: He must be a hairdresser, knowing what looks best on who?

She is Watching: Stop responding start blocking

Trina Beans: I wear what the f color I want! Idc what anybody think, or says. It’s on my head, I paid for it, I’m wearing it. This sh!t petty, for real

Earthangel1105 Remix: That's a dark skin fella, he's reflecting onto himself ...he might have a blonde wig in his closet

M N: I’m just here to give Cynthia a view...I just can’t care about these issues...life is better when u don’t care but I’m always here to support the content!!! PS- if we ALL stop Responding to these dudes it will help to stop them from getting that internet clout they so desperately want!! They are using us as a bag to get on, don’t help them, No shade!!☮️

Tigerlily Fresh: Kudos to the young lady for speaking the truth. He might receive a little bump in attention and everything else he's looking for - for a little while. He won't keep it unless he changes his way of thinking and stop with the hate. A foolish person with no positive qualities will self destruct every single time. The type of energy you release into the universe is going to be same type you get back!

lovelydeath04: "Is this your mattress on the floor, Jay?" She had me dead!!! Get him and his floor mattress!!!

Ericka Williams Classy Climb Smartphone Money: He is in DALLAS Texas and getting clowned.

PanAfrique History: I like the fact that the sister who roasted him isnt even dark skin I love it. So much irony.

Tina Branch: That video she made WAS funny!

Sarkie: Cynthia says she's tired of black women giving guys like this attention by responding to them but Cynthia's page literally does a similar thing. I'm confused

Ruu Bee: I always love you commentary, and I hope that more women will see your videos very soon.

Kamani: I will proudly admit that I use the terms dusties & trash bag bandits, refer to bed immediately if it is on the floor, and mimick in my dusty voice starting like ‘duhhhhhhhh well the Whyote mahnnn said...” all encouraged from you Cyn! Toot your horn because your terms are definitely going around .

Cren Cottrell: That Z the worker ant from the 1998 movie Ants faced man has NO room to criticize anyone else's appearance

Seles Says: I liked the video as always and a good point you made which is unfortunate, is that some dsbw do want validation even if it’s not a good form. because our image has been disproportionately portrayed as masculine, negative, oversexed, or mammy like and undesirable some of us (not including myself) really just want to be seen at any cost. I am not justifying this, but sometimes people in our community on the lighter spectrum who do not experience colorism as frequently, cannot fully conceive the psychological stress of being dark skinned in a white worshiping society. A picture is worth 1000 words and marketing is crucial in how people are treated in the real world. Think of all the colorist that and shows we consumed that cause us to think certain things about certain skin tones. Unfortunately, dsbw have been made to feel so undesirable that some want to be in the videos and be seen as objects of desire. Some think that if they are desired or seen as love interests this can translate to less violence from bm because bm claim they will protect their preferences (even though we know this varies…)but this is only because of the trauma the community has inflicted that results in low self esteem among many of our dsbw. That’s y I think the video was still worth posting because Her response was not just for him but to show dsbw that we are not alone in fighting the battle of colorism and to counter the TOXIC light skin vs dark skin narrative . The act of a public display of a ls woman standing up for ds women is valuable in my opinion. I think it was funny and of course I hate he’s getting benefits from this but that’s not the girls fault, that’s the disfunction and foolishness in our community. It is important to check people and show them that we don’t think this is acceptable. It is awful that some dsbw were posting pics of themselves trying to prove their beauty to this self hating man, and Cynthia was right to call that out because it does bring several issues that need to be addressed to light and that is where content creators like Chrissy, eloho, and Paris come into play because they try to help dsbw gain confidence but the way she said it kinda lacked empathy and she said” I just don’t get it “ but she can’t because she’s light …. Anyway, can’t wait for the next video !

Shyla Pollard: I just want to say Cynthia g I was so blind and brainwashed to the black community and black men I have been binging your videos for 2 weeks now every single one and sharing them. Because deep down I felt something was off about black men and what they offer. I have decided to start opening up my options. Even though I really don't want to.

Ashanti Scoot: And there were black women on his page who want him to bash the lady who took up for dark skin women. Smh. We need to do better!

That Green Vegan: Cynthia G is so right. Stop giving these men energy. Remember you need oxygen to keep fire going.

Jaesha: I honestly believe that’s why Colin K used a BW image on his book and why he never responded despite the massive protest by BW. He knew BW would bring attention to his movement by stirring up controversy. I agree with you that BW are used as pawns more often than we even realize.

JustCuz Isaidso: Here we are bending over backwards to ensure that they don't feel threatened by us when they are the ones with the paranoidal fearful insecurity problem why should we stop being who and what God has blessed us to be just because they literally intoxicated with an emotional imbalance of insecurity - The goddess black women by Akil

Julia V: You are absolutely correct!!!! He put out the vile bait and our beautiful black queens fell for it. Stop looking for validation from these low self esteemed having bottom feeders.

Classy Subliminals: Both look amazing in any color wig long as the wig doesn't look ragedy or damaged

Christine S: she had time today to come for him and his mattress

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