Wig Talk Wednesday! New Estetica Sunlit Blonde, Plus Other Blonde Comparisons!

Today we are unboxing the brand new BLONDE color by Estetica Designs which comes in 5 of their most popular styles including Avalon, Orchid, Jett, Jamison and Finn!

We are also showing you color comparisons by other top quality wig companies like Noriko, Jon Renau, Tony of Beverly, Raquel Welch and Ellen Wille.

Let us know what you think in the comments!

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Kim is wearing Orchid by Estetica in the color Americano along with Crimson LipSense and Scarlet Gloss.

Misty starts out wearing the Fresh Chic by Gabor in the color GL4-8 Dark Chocolate along with Napa LipSense and Glossy Gloss.

Wigs Featured today by Estetica all in the color Sunlit Blonde:

Orchid 9:20

Avalon 12:15

Finn 14:00

Jamison 16:00

Jett 18:20

Color comparison of the Estetica Sunlit Blonde to the following shades:

Estetica's Finn in SilversunRT8 21:10

Jon Renau's Palm Springs Blonde (Brooklyn): 22:30

Noriko's Seashell Blond-R (Meadow) 24:30

Ellen Wille's Silver Blonde Rooted (Esprit) 25:45

Raquel Welch's Shaded Biscuit (Straight Up With a Twist) 27:00

Tony of Beverly's Rooted Platinum (Starly) 28:20

Well, no, why not what's the ice boot they have rain boots? Do they have spikes in them like cleats like the um? What are the tire chains yeah? I got some boots with chains on them. Well, you're going to need them, hey everybody i have well. I didn't wear them today. You have snow boots. Is that the same thing snow boots, the pink ones? Oh yeah, the pink ones, and then the other ones that i have hi allie hi? How are y'alls everybody cold? Where they're at i mean i feel like. I feel like alaska winter, so it's like a dumb question to ask ali that you know it could be. I don't know you could be having a heat wave could be like you know, 20 today, hi rhonda, oh ryan, is coming to see us on wednesday. Next week, awesome: yes, hi everyone, hi erin, yes, hi everyone! We are in the about to be in the frozen tundra, we're in apocalypse the thing about the thing about texas, though, when they make a huge deal over weather, it's not really so much when they don't really say much. That'S when we get frozen in, i just tricked somebody gwen says misty's wearing starley, it's gon na be a good day. This is not starlit, it is not she's doing something different. It kind of does look like a curlier starling, but now i'm wearing gabor's, fresh chic and every time someone comes in and we put that wig on someone in the shop missy says why don't i have that way. Every time finally happens every single time. So finally, today i'm like, i am getting me a fresh chic, and this is the gl48, which is what they call dark chocolate. What are you wearing kimberly? I am wearing an orchid in americana, so it's part of their chocolate collection, hi maxine, the lion filled the groundhog. I know he saw a shadow, but then i read that he's really only 40 right, but i don't think you guys record me. I don't think i don't think that pennsylvania's really gon na thaw out no, no, but the thing of it is you just have to you know, say it with confidence, and you know then people believe you that's what i say all the time. Jake is watching from dubai. Oh second week in a row, yes hi, charlotte hi beth. Oh i just love, hi beth, i deb says she's excited about the new aesthetica shade. I can't tell you how excited i am. I was like in the worst mood the other day. I mean i'm not going to say why, but i thought it was singing here in time. So that's why we really didn't ask. Why was i going to get here on time? Did someone not follow your instructions? They didn't no one listens to me. I mean, when i say, do something they should they should just do it no um seriously. They had a storm come through and somehow another wires got crossed, so it didn't ship out until a little later, but we haven't well colleen says it's cold where she is and she posted a really cute picture. Today she got a hat on and then another hat on top of that hat and it looks like she's out shoveling snow, which is hard hard work. I couldn't do it, that's why i live in the south. I think snow is beautiful, but only when i like go to colorado and see it on a mountain top from the distance yeah yeah, i'm not good at it, and i could never have you ever even shoveled. Well, yeah, i lived in chicago i just shoveled snow to get in my driveway and yeah. It'S not fun in heels and a suit, oh someone's recovering from cove and i'm sorry, the things start scrolling so fast. We miss some of the messages, so we do go back and read them, usually so anyway, what are we going to do today? We'Re going to show aesthetic is new they're, making a new shade of blonde, which i'm sure you've seen. I didn't put it in the group on facebook, but i did put it on our facebook page their little preview, video, which i am so excited. Yes, i mean they did the silver sun root, which i think is a really pretty color, but it's just a little too light for some people. So i'm hoping this kind of fills that gap. Brenna says it's negative 30, where she is. We have got no right to complain all right, you're, a strong woman. You are strong before we go on. Can i just give a shout out to holly? Oh holly rogers, yes, she's, so sweet she's coming to see me on friday. I think it's friday, friday saturday. I don't know saturday, i'm so mixed up that i don't even know what my name is, but she had us if you live local. I don't know if this is a nationwide thing or if it's local but there's a place called crumble, cookies and they're more like. I mean cookie is just an understatement: yeah, you can't eat one they're thick and they have this they're literally like this thick anyway. She sent those to us this morning. It just made my day. It did me too, because anytime, the weather starts getting kind of crappy. I just want to eat, i just want to like eat comfort, food and just get on a blanket and wrap it anyway. I guess we need to move on. Yes, okay, but you know we get caught up in cookies, i mean i'm a cookie monster. I like cookies, yes, rodney knows what they're about yeah. Oh thanks, janet. Okay, let's go! Let'S go, let's go okay! You got them on your side, so we only have we're just gon na like take turns trying these on. These will all be in the description underneath the video i will time stamp them um after we get done and then you'll be able to go back and just click on the time. You won't have to listen to our first six minutes of rambling, which that was pretty good today, sometimes we've rambled for like 10 minutes well, i still have more griping. Did you? What are you dropping about now? Well remember. Last week i was complaining about starbucks going up well, lo and behold: yeah we got new price lists from the wig companies and everybody's going up, and it's not just a little bit and i'm sure you'll notice it on our site. It'S no different than any other industry. It'S just you know. For the last couple years we've helped we've held our prices, constant and absorbed the price increase, but we can't do that again. Yeah some of them are jumping like by over 20 percent, yeah crazy yeah. You know i mean i don't: have the prices updated so about your hint that if you want to place an order in the next day or two, you better do it because um some of them are going to be going. Some of them are going up. Um. Forty dollars, forty fifty dollars, i mean some of them will stay the same. I mean you just it's just it's style dependent, but anyway it's just it's the world we live in. You know, everybody knows. There'S a shipping crisis and the the shipping costs have tripled, and so they've got to get everything over here from overseas, because nothing's made yeah. I think we should just talk about the whole air freight thing. There'S we won't say any company names. There is one company now you all know how much it costs to ship. Okay, there is one company that if they have a back order - and we want it a little bit sooner - not even a lot sooner but like maybe a week or two sooner, we can pay thirty dollars per week. Thirty five! So that's what it means. Thirty five dollars that rep does not like talking to me because i'm like uh seriously, i'm like you can almost buy a child cedar on the aircraft. I'M like, i can understand if they say 35 for six, wigs or whatever 35 per week anyway. So y'all back orders we're just saying: send them when you get them because ain't, nobody want to spend 35 dollars online. It'S only one casino and the other companies are doing airplay but they're absorbing that cost yeah. Now we know why they're absorbing it because they did a price increase yeah, but i would rather than do that then to come out and say we're. Oh, i do not like feeling like i'm getting nickeled and done no okay, oh my goodness. Christine says they got 19.3 inches, i'm just sorry any place. Any state that has island in the name should be warm. I'M sorry. She lives in rhode, island, oh kim's, here, oh goodness, jeanette says that uh her dalmatian's food jumped up close to ten dollars a bag. That'S a lot: okay, so orchid! This is the wig kim just had on, and oh my goodness it it's well okay, i peeked. How did your parents ever deal with you growing up? I mean i can just seek kim come christmas time and her going. You probably went through all the closets under all the beds looking for presents. I can't so she peeked well, what do you think of the peak? I mean i'll. Tell you what i think i think the root color in the orchid looks different than the jet. So you picked it more than one oh well! No! I no i'm looking at the orchid right now, okay! Well! Moving on it's pretty! I can't stand it sometimes i just want to see. I didn't pull it out of the box or anything it's pretty. Okay, so yeah. The first thing i noticed is the root is very light. It'S kind of a warm blonde. Instead of being the normal aesthetic, almost black root, but the color it look. You can't really get a good idea of the color dimension, but it does have a highlight low light. The low light is um, it's a little bit gold, but it's not yellow. No, it's crazy. I was just reading of you know me too. Well, okay, um yeah. I do want to say if, if you get tired of us and we go longer than you want to - please go back and watch because we are going to actually show all these five styles. Then we're gon na comp color compared to other companies, so we'll be doing that at the end. So if you want to kind of talk about, does it look like the others? Look like that, just wait because we'll get there! This is very creamy. Very! It'S really pretty it's a very pretty color. It is it's not considered ash, but i wouldn't really consider it um warm, but it's not technically cool. It'S kind of hard to describe turn around. Let'S look, it does have some dimension, which is sometimes hard to see um, because we have these really bright lights. Um going on it makes it look a little shiny, but there is some color dimension kind of like a platinum and then a little bit of a gold tone, but not crazy. I mean it's it's nothing like if you're familiar with jon renau's laguna blonde um, which has that platinum the 102 running through it, but it also has that really gold. This doesn't have that. You know i think i would wear this color. I think you would wear that color it's! You know it's not the cool blonde that i normally go for, but it's not too it's not too warm. For me. That'S pretty! Oh sarah wants to know how it compares to silver sun root. Well, you are going to see you'll see, but you got to wait all right. Let'S try! I don't know this is really blonde for me. So let me try it before we go to the next one. Oh, my gosh see how pretty the hair i've always wanted to have like this long. My hair gets to point it just won't grow anymore, so these are straight from the box. You guys we have nothing on them. There is. This is a true unboxing um. It'S very pretty very, very pretty oh you're not supposed to put it on yet. Oh, i got ta change the thing. No! Okay! Go ahead. I can't do anything right. Yes, you can okay, first step. I don't want to get anybody confused. Okay, stacy, okay, so here we go y'all already seen it on both of us now so. Okay, now you can put it on we're so professional around here, that's pretty all right! This is avalon. This is another one of my favorite um estetica, wigs yeah. Those are that's so the root is so pretty yeah. It is now. I will say this is kind of reminiscent of a gabor color, where they do the soft shades and not that, but even their soft shades aren't that dark who doesn't love avalon? I love this way: okay, yeah, because i otherwise i was going to have to do a whole other set of those banner things, and i don't know i just get identifications for that. Okay, let me cover up my these. Of course. You'Ve already seen these styles before on this. Oh, this is my favorite, i'm telling you that color is gorgeous on you misty. I love this wig love this wig. Are we squeaking? I don't hear a squeak. No, we might be my joints, i mean no. We don't i've on jeans: i've got black jeans, i've, never worn leather in my life, leather skirt anyway, all right! So here we go finn. I used to have a leather suit and it had a jacket and it had like these big. It was in high school. Had these big shoulders on it - and i thought i was cute becky's asking: if we can give the numerical color codes, this is aesthetica they don't. These new colors are just named, so we don't actually have any color codes on them. If we, if they do come with the color code, usually we'll tell you finn is so pretty. Why do i have this wig? I don't know. I love this yeah and look at these curl. This curl powder is great, of course, we haven't picked it out or done anything because you know we try not to do that until we decided. We want this for ourselves, but has this real, pretty small wand? You know more or less, not so much beachy wave as a small, like maybe one inch all right. I just figured out the squeaking. I have leather over the knee boots on and the chairs, leather and so they're rubbing together, and that makes it sweet. So sorry, so it is your you are wearing leather um. I got on jeans and i had a little. You know shoes today, estetica has such a comfortable cap. It is it's got that pure stretch cap and it is comfortable, oh my goodness deb says just set. It aside, that's hers, these are on the are they. These are on the website ready to go. Oh love it! Okay! Now this next wig i haven't had on my head - and i don't know when which one james jameson and i don't know why i just have never really you know i think jamison is really a wig. That is underrated, because it's really pretty. I will tell you, i talked to the rep yesterday, and these are going really quickly, so, which means i don't their back order. Situation is all over the place. I mean generally with noriko rene of paris. I mean they can give us a date and they're, usually within a month to two you know it could be. I mean this is a great bob. It'S got lace front, mono part back a little further here. Have you ever had a bang in this? Yes, i have: does it work well, um yeah! I can christina this blonde would look gorgeous on you yeah. I really would also is on here and and deb and of course, colleen colleen yeah, there's just a lot and magazine everyone. This blonde. Would i think this one would go for just about any skin tone? Well, and that's what i like about it. It'S just it's a it's really a neutral blonde is what i'd call it, because it if you want it cool or you want warm. I think that i'm anxious to do the the other color comparisons, because i know you didn't do that. You may have peeked, but you didn't put it side by side with any other companies, because these are still in the box when you paint you weren't here yesterday, you just got these today. Oh my goodness, jamison jason also comes in jason. Jameson also comes in the um, that's our male guy's name. He was just here the chocolate smoke, which is a really pretty color and silver sun and icy shadow. This is um you're late, but we are gon na. Do color comparisons by company after we get through with the last style of the five that they're making this color in. But to answer your question, the root is not as dark as palm. Springfont palm springs blonde. It'S got more warmth to it than the palm springs line. You'Re right, the jet does well, it just seems a little darker on the jet and maybe a little bit. Maybe it's because it's permatease, oh, maybe so - and all the others have been like monofilament part elaine. She says i scare her when i look into the camera. Okay, i want well. She knows you have a mean side. I had somebody roll her eyes at me anyway, and i said you can't do that. That'S my job ain't, nobody rolling their eyes with me. Y'All jet is just i love, love jets. Now i know you've seen misty. She puts a little a lot of product in here and gets it all kind of poofed up and uses peace out, cream and yeah. I might do it literally will do anything. I wanted to do because it has so much product yeah. I don't know what i'll do that short hair. It'S the color see short hair. Usually you don't like, but that color looks really good you just you need a short weekend. Well, i have ignite and i never wear it because it was so small, oh and then there's a large camera. Peggy jett would look so good on you. I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite summer. Wig get that all messed up and texturey with some genre, no peace out cream. I like it. I think we better order up some of these yeah for sure, oh gosh. This is so cute. Okay, i can't even look at myself. The wig is so cute. I mean not me, you know what why don't i um i'll put. Do you want to do the color or do you want to? Let'S do that which one you want to wear thin: okay fin, so kim's gon na put the fin on and then we're gon na. Do a color comparison, yeah jerry you're right! You can see the dimension of the color on jet better. So now we're going to compare it to silver sun root. Did i not get a silver sun root? Oh my goodness, i thought i pulled one. She rearranged what i did when she started watching. We talked she thought we were looking in the mirrors. No we're! Actually, looking at the computer screen and she thought how vain okay, so silver sun root bias: jetica, okay, okay, when we started, will you sit in front of a mirror because we couldn't see what was going on on the phone? But that's usually when we did like a pre-recorded ride when we used to sit out when we oh yeah, take that mirror off the wall and move it, which was like this long five foot mirror and then balance it on two chairs. Y'All have no idea. We are so hey, we are the queens of just make it work, that's right! This is what we want to do and just make it work. Okay, so this is silver sun rooted and sunlit blonde. You can definitely see this is definitely more silvery yeah and the thing is this: doesn't look gold until you put it next to silver sun root? No, but i still love that color. No, i do too because, as a like as a hairstylist, if someone were to come in it's so much easier to achieve that blonde than it is this without doing some major damage to the hair, i just i love don't. I know that remember when my hair was dark and i was trying to get it light. It went orange and like green, oh okay, now, let's do a comparison to palm springs blonde you all ready for life yeah and let's look um closely at the root, because the root is definitely different. Okay, this is brooklyn. I did not have room to put the names of the styles, so um yeah brenna. It is like the pale of champagne blonde and one of the colors we're going to compare it to is the new seashell blonde by uh noriko, and i think you'll see that it's uh pretty similar to that kind of. Like i'm in a shadow there, we go our light, okay, so very head the other way, so you can see the root. Well, it doesn't look that different on the camera, but trust me this is lighter and warmer yeah. Just yes, the root is dark. It'S a lace front, so you do have the dark knots. They don't put that light color in the front, yeah a couple of them, but it's not it's not because the root's not so dark it. It doesn't. It'S not like the ones that have the really really dark knots at the front. You know it's not too different. Just just like a little bit of a like, say you had just had your hair hide and toned. This is like a week after toning yeah this one, so this has a little bit more coolness that one has a little bit more warmth, so pretty so pretty. But this also opens up the opportunity for people who are wearing palm springs blonde, because there really hasn't been anything like it to. You know broaden their styles, because now they can move over to estetica too all right now we're going to do the seashell blonde, and i think this is probably really close to seashell. I think so, too. Okay, i hope this vinegar, oh good. Okay. This is meadow which has been the hottest style of the end of 2021. Is the root lighter than the fin? Yes in car and macchiato? Yes, okay! So let's see oh my gosh, i just love this wig. Every time i put it on seashell blonde. These colors are very, very similar, even um, even the root colors, very, very similar, because that root's warmer yeah look at that i mean i'm so happy. You know. John renaud was the first one to do that really pale cool wand and i think finally, everyone else caught on so yeah, so these are really close all right now, this next one's kind of stretching it. I think it's going to be way different, but lynn yeah. Those the word silver is in the word, but it's not. The silver sun rooted is not silver. It'S just very, very light platinum. This is ellen villa the um silver blonde rooted, which i don't know, may not be that different yeah. That'S definitely cooler yeah the roots. Darker, let me turn this way: root's a lot darker roots darker overall and cooler, much closer to a silver. The root in that does not have as much warmth kelly's asking if we can compare to bombshell blonde, not really sure who makes that it's. None of the companies that we have that almost sounds like a belletress color. We do not carry belletress, but i'm not sure all right next up which i i almost on the raquel almost pulled that shaded vanilla, but since they don't make it in very many things, i did the shaded biscuit, which i think is going to be cooler. Thank you. It is belletress, yeah, sorry, kelly, sue, i'm getting there y'all. We just are limited on space. I'M trying to this would be raquel dorothy you're right, we'll wait a few days it'll be warm, we'll, be careful, yeah, um mitzi's asking have we ever seen the one wig from raquel that is rooted version of ice white cream. Yes, it's super super super super light. They don't make it hardly anything, though, so this is shaded biscuit and shaded biscuit has more warmth to it than some of the other blinds like the ice, latte macchiato, but so this is pretty close, though that root's a little darker, but that root has a little Bit of warmth, yeah maxine's asking how it compares to um the rocco wells, ice, sweet cream, ice, sweet creams is a lot i feel like it's just uh. It is lighter, very, very light, and they just don't make it rooted in hardly anything, not a lot of color dimension to that it just is very, very super light with no root. Okay and one more all right, one more. Let'S see we're going to go to tony of beverly now you all know i'll have some starling, it wouldn't be complete without starley. That'S right, and so this is the rooted platinum by tony of which is the root's going to be darker. But again i mean all these colors are so similar. That was straight up with a twist someone's asking what raquel wig that was yeah, and that was straight up with a twist. The ellen villa was a spree. This is starley uh. We showed meadow by noriko, brooklyn and john renaud, malcolm general, you're, listed in the description of the video as well um. So if, if you miss it, you can't go back for reference and do that. So definitely that's definitely cooler than this one. But it's it's! It'S rare to find a tony beverly color, that's cool! You know, that's this light, so i'm glad that they're making something, but the root is definitely darker, but i like that color, i don't know i like all these colors. I like them all. I'M very happy very happy. Yes is rooted, icing, gray or silver. It is silver rooted icing from tony and beverly. Is there another one? No, i think it's more yellow. Okay, maybe we'll do like one one episode on just all the tony beverly blondes, because they get really confusing and yeah, because yesterday, when i was pulling i had, would i have like 20 wigs pulled out and i'm like? Oh yeah, that's a lot yeah um! So that's pretty much, i think what we think compares across the board. I thought i gave you oh, this is silver sun reading. Did you put that on? I did. That was our first comparison. Okay, so what do you think like him? I do. I know this. I like this jet, i'm gon na get it are you i am i'm good, i'm gon na get this fin or aphan. Sarah. We didn't choose champagne r, from rene of paris, because we chose the seashell blonde, because it's a little closer um. The champagne tends to go a little bit more gold quite a bit more. It'S not really considered a cool one in my opinion, yeah, so all right. What else is going on? Oh goodness? Well, we may not be here tomorrow or the early part of friday. So if you call and don't get us, then just leave a message: you'll know that we're snowing yeah. I guess it's probably going to be snowed in. If you leave a message, i get a an email, so we know so we have upgraded our technology to the point that we now can do things a lot more remotely. Yes, don't forget, we do lipsense y'all. We have a huge stock of lipsense. In fact, we're sending an order in today so pretty much if they make it nine times out of ten we're gon na, have it and carry it um if they stop making it. Of course, we don't have it and there's a few crazy colors that we don't get like the blues and the blacks, because you know nobody wears us, but don't forget lipsense. You can't order that on our website. You have to give us a call 972 972-380-5306 or you can actually send an email over and we can correspond that way and the email address is mwig. Boutique gmail.com. Yes, what's our wig of the week? Well, i don't know you don't know. No. We haven't talked about it so y'all. This coupon code is not ready to go. I think we should do meadow. I know we've done it before, but they're in stock and they work through all the back orders and it is pretty much a hot wig. Silverstone is already back ordered again: okay, but yeah meadow is great. Do we have silverstone? We don't know. I just went that last one out, yeah, okay, but we do have silverstone rooted, yes, um and of course you saw see, show blonde rooted. You have lots of colors yeah so and don't forget about kate. We showed you that last week that is a an exclusive, so kate is now made in silverstone for us. We have like four, i think, left out of all the ones that we ordered. So we already have them on order again, but if you want to get one of those then make sure you get that ordered, i don't know. There'S and we've got. Did we order more wreaths and sugar cane? Yes, because that sold out just we did and i'm going to go ahead and just go on a limb and say this kevin i've talked about it. We haven't come to a conclusion, but we're going to come to a conclusion right now, you're going to put me on the spot we are about to order. I can't believe i'm saying this jackson in melted, marshmallow and moonstone nice y'all ready for that. I haven't even told the rep i haven't told alicia, so it's gon na happen. It'S gon na happen, jackson's a great wig. We don't show jackson often and we've had many requests for that, and so finally, i'm like okay fine can we just have to do this? So they will be limited, so make sure, and when you just watch our social media and we'll let you know when they're ready to pre-order all right wig of the week meadow 15 off wow 15 is the coupon code. You'Ve got to put it in the coupon code box. Misty just needs about 15 minutes to get that fired up and you'll be ready to go. That will run through sunday, central standard time, midnight and valentine's day is coming up y'all. I know i'm excited, so we have something special. We do have something special and i know i keep saying it, but we really do because we love you all. Yes um. I don't know what misty had on at 7 30 7 minutes and 30 seconds, but she's gon na put that in it'll be listed. So just give that you need to give her a couple hours, because we've got people in the store, appointments and whatnot. But she'll get it done. Oh well, so um just go to youtube and then pull down the description at the very bottom. It'Ll say wigs feature today and next to the wig i'll put a time all you got. Ta, do is click the time and it'll go straight to it. So oh hi, cassie yeah, we had a zoom meeting yesterday, oh yeah. I thought i recognized her name. We just shipped out her stuff. Today we did. We did so hi. Lorraine can't wait for her to get her wig and when she gets her way, we're going to have another zoom meeting all right. Well, we have we've been on five minutes, all right, we've rambled on enough all right. You all have a great week. Everybody stay safe. Again, if it gets too icy, we won't be in tomorrow, um. We may open late friday, but we're gon na all stay safe so that we can keep doing our thing anyway. See you guys next

Sharon Kay: After years of wearing wigs, discovered it’s important to view wigs in a full length mirror to get total perspective, just like when choosing eye glasses, helps a lot, ha! just found this out.

Mia 17: Y’all are a joy as usual. Stay warm and safe

Bunnie Jorgenson: i love the blonde comparisons by colors and styles. I want a Jackson in Moonstone so badly! You two are such a joy to watch, makes my day.

Robin Sampson: Misty, I love you blonde. I'm always surprised you don't think you should be blonde. You both look amazing. Thank you.

Linda Lee: That is a perfect background for me! I love it I can see you guys really good that type of background I can really see the wigs the detail of them thank you so much for that

Deborah Jenkins: Hello ladies! You both look fabulous in the blonde wigs shown today! I have enjoyed seeing all your videos! Have a safe week and May God Bless you both always! Lols Deborah

Diane Joy Bender: That blonde looks "buttery" on my laptop. It is really pretty. Thank you for showing us!

Annette Cinquemani Falbo: These wigs are so pretty! They all look great on you both! Glad I found your channel!

Suzanne Dawson: Wow! I LOVE that meadow in seashell blonde Wait!!! I’m liking the EW Esprit even better!

Annette Cinquemani Falbo: I stumbled upon your channel last night and had no idea what you sold!! I was just listening to y'all chit chat and talk about crumble cookies... And then holy moly off came the hair!! I was like OMG they're wearing wigs!?!?! I had just been sitting here admiring both of your do's!! It was hilarious to me, but it was no accident! I just had all of my hair buzzed off last Monday. Long story but, I was losing all of my hair!

Shirley Kates: Love this comparison…thanks ladies!

Deborah Prince: The comparison between sunlit blonde and silversunrt8 was a huge help to me! Thank you so much!

Angela Stevens: I love these comparisons!! Does Avalon have permatease on top & at the Crown? Cause I would need that.

Stephanie Essex: I love that new sunlit blonde color.

julie moses: Color comparisons were brilliant!

David Huey: Gosh Kim, I have never seen you look prettier than in that Finn, Janis Huey

Loren LASH: You two are so fun to watch

jaycreelz: Love your channel so much but had a hard time hearing you both in this one. The sound was low and a bit like you were in a well. Could be at my end but thought I'd mention it. Thanks for such fun and useful content. Stay safe in that Texas weather!

Karen Fiddy: Hi Beautiful Ladies, we have a ton of snow here in Kamloops British Columbia Canada…love watching you both..

Come To The Art Table with Victoria Grace: The lighting is quite a bit less on Misty than on Kim and you guys cast a strong shadow behind you each. Unsure if this is due to the purple background or not...thought it was just me..but it is the same every week.

Julie Robinson: LOVE Crumble!!!

Sharon Kay: HolaFingers n’ toes crossed my friend will fly outa DFW tomorrow 2.3.22, to Ecuador with my Claire and Alva!!! Waiting for weeeeks ya’ll. s

Sunny Dale: do you have a longer version of Tony of Beverly Starly? If so what is the name of the wig? i like Starly but i think a bit short for the shape of my face

Cynthia Marvin: Misty, you wearing Finn as well at 21:20? Looks shorter‍♀️ thank you

Sue Davis: Wow if they could make that in a non-rooted version....

Ashlee Anderson: How does Sunlit Blonde compare to SS Sunkissed Beige?

Jill Burton: What style RW is the shaded biscuit Misty put on?

Emma Lee: What was the first wig and color Kim had on?

DeeCee: Jackson rocks!

Suzanne Dawson: Why don’t you carry belle Tress?

RUTH C: The wig names are not listed with the color comparison

Jeannie Cawley: I have 8 inches and still snowing

PrairieSageWitch: -36 here in Sask

Constance Holzer: No

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