Highly Requested!!! Amazon Prime Wigs

Top 5 Amazon prime vendors that highly recommend. Links to the wigs are down below. Don’t forget to like comment and subscribe

26 inch closure deep wave wig: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RD1KQKD/r...

24 inch frontal loose deep wave wig: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087Q5BJWX/r...

14 inch frontal bob deep wave wig: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075GGWP17?r...

22 inch transparent frontal wig: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MQ7N1Q1/r...

24 inch 613 frontal wig: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W9KGZHV/r...



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Hey everybody welcome back to my youtube channel. Today'S video was a highly requested, video and um, i'm finally getting around to posting it um, but before we get started, don't forget to hit the subscribe button and make sure you turn notifications on to get notified of new videos. So, let's jump right off into the video all right, so today's video gon na be about um the amazon vendors that i use to order my weeds and stuff from so um the first week that we're going to start off with will be the um, i think, Is a it's the wig that i just colored if y'all watch my very first video that i uploaded it was the wig that i turned from black to red and that was a um, a 4x4 lace closure, and i make sure that i include all the links Down in the description so that you guys can have access to them as well and um, it was 26 inches and i it was 162 without taxes, but i don't pay for because i have amazon, prime but um. I think the text was like seven or eight dollars and the um the store that is from is the amanda store and, like i said, the links will be down in the description and this wig goes all the way up to a 28 inch, and this is How we look and a lot of y'all asked me like how do i find my hair? I just go based off the reviews, i'm not that's. That'S all that i do. I read the reviews and i look at the stars. It got at least half four stars for me: um. Sometimes the reviews do be jacked up, because the way that the girls be throwing the wigs on, like i'm not going to order this hair. But if it's more good reviews then there's bad reviews. I always end up ordering the hair and then, like i said they do have to have at least four stars for me to order it. So that's the first wig and the second wig that we have is um. This hair is this wig that i got on now. It'S a 24 inch loose wave. I think it is lose weight, yeah, loose, deep wave and it's a frontal, a uh 13 by four, it's 150 density. So it's pretty full and it doesn't ain't, nothing yeah! That'S just the back of it: it's pretty full some good hair, real soft, it don't shed um, you can't strain it, but i don't like the way it looks when it's straight in. I ordered this in a 24 inch and this one goes all the way up to a 30 inch and i paid 197 for it and that's without taxes in the store is called senong show store and again the links will be down in the description, but this Is it right here, so that's the second wig and again this is the wig right here at least the knocks perfectly. As you can see, it didn't take that long for them to bleach at all. So that's one thing that i did like about the hair um. It'S very full, so that's nothing and then it don't shed. I only have to wash it once so far and that's because i only be putting like oil and mousse and stuff in my hair, so this i only have to wash it once, but that's really about it. The frontal hasn't started boiling. So that's another thing that i like and um they didn't come with no bad smell, neither one of them. So that's nothing that i do look for in my wigs, because i don't want nothing that that smell funny and um. The third wig that i'm gon na show y'all is from the jessica hair store, it's a 13x6 lace front, wig, it's a vibe and it did come pre-plucked but um. I had plucked it some more and i had ordered it in a 14 inch with um. The density on the wig was 150. and for the price was 127.20, and this is how we look. I'M gon na try to insert some pictures of um how it looked. If i don't y'all just excuse me, but again the links will be down in the description and then for the last two weeks. I just ordered these wigs and um. If you follow me on social media, i did say that i'm gon na be um recording two more tutorials, the first one i'll record is going to be on a 6 13 week and i'm so so excited because i've been waiting to work with the 6 17 Wheel for a little minute but um, the first wig is a 13 by 4 lace front and it's a transparent lace. I ordered it in 22 inches and it did say that it came pre-plucked with the bleach knot with the knots bleach. My bad job and it was 202 for it and the store is uh relinda and then that's how i look. The reviews have me sold on this wig like y'all, should just y'all gon na have to go on there and see like the reviews and how it looked on their head. That'S what really made me order it. I can't wait to wear that one either and then the last and final wig is the 613 wig. The store is kalissa and they say it's a glueless wig, but i always glue my wigs down and um. It says pre-plugged then instantly out of hair is 150 and i ordered it in a 24 inch. It'S a 13x4 lace frontal and i paid 269 for it without um before texas and that's how it looked so yeah, like i did say, i'm gon na make sure that i include all the links down in the descriptions um when searching for here on amazon y'all. Just read the reviews: just re-read the reviews and you're gon na have to scroll through a couple of them because you're like i'm, not gon na, buy this because they just i promise you the way some of the people be having the wigs on it just makes You not even want to buy the hair no more, but if the reviews is good, if it has at least four stars, i order it um look at pay attention to like the communication that the people say that they had if they had to shift their hair Back how the seller was with shipping their hair back or having to replace they order and stuff like that, i'll look at that as well, but um i do have amazon prime. I get all my ways in like two days, probably like two to three days now we're covering everything going on, but yeah i haven't had any bad hair yet um, maybe because i've been ordering for them for a little while. So i know how to you know probably outweigh the bad hair and the good hair, but that's really about it. Um hope that you guys enjoyed this video. This was a highly requested video y'all, like people kept asking me like. Where did you get your hair from where you get your hair from? How do you know which vintage to order from, and i told y'all that i was going to upload a video, so i hope that you guys enjoyed this video, don't forget to like comment and subscribe until next time. Peace,

Regina Martin: Thank youuuuu I’ve been looking fr a wig didn’t know if I could trust Amazon bt you eased my mind your video was mad helpful ❤️

Lavonne Montagueo: Thanks for sharing boo!

Tiawia: Which wig did u order 13x4 or 13x6 for the second link ?

Tiawia: & what volume of bleach did u use and how long did u let it sit

ThePressureQueenn: What wig do you have on ya head?

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