Seamless Wig Install | Chit Chat Hair Grwm | Alipearl Hair

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Hair details: 180% density deep wave 13*4 lace frontal wig 26 inch

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Easily Installed Headband Wig ➤

U Part Wig Virgin Human Hair ➤

Alipearl Lace Front Wig 180% Density Body Wave ➤

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Hi guys it's zoe and welcome back to my channel. So today's video is another hair review. Um we've got alipo hair today and this hair came with some lashes and a edge comb and it is a 26 inch unit um. I did get curly hair again. Sorry guys, i you must be getting sick of these curly hair tutorials, but i promise this is the last one i just had to you know get in with this one, because i just love curly hair. You just can't go wrong with it and, as you can see, it was combing through really easily and the curls are very loose as well. They almost look like wand curls um, so this will actually be a talk through tutorial, so we'll get into all of that. In a bit and like the full details of the hair, but i went ahead and just quickly bleached. The knots like i normally do with my jerome muscle bleach and just spread that on and left it on for about 45 minutes. Actually, no, i left it on. For about 35 minutes, i want to say the knots on this wig actually did process really quickly, so yeah i'd, say 30 minutes for this for this unit. So i washed all of that out - and this is what the curls were looking like when they were completely wet and, as you can see, it's just literally like the nicest curl pattern ever um, and this is what the knots were looking like after i just went Ahead and plucked the knots off camera, this is what they ended up. Looking like and yeah, let's get into the actual tutorial now, okay, so i'm going to start off by grabbing my mac studio fix powder in nw58. This is one of their darker shades um. I'M normally like an nc50 in mac, but i find that when i use a darker shade down my skin tone to tint the lace, it does show up better. If i make sense, because if i was to use like my normal complexion onto the lace, it would just look a bit too light. I don't know it's weird, but the only thing i did find with this lace. Guys um, i don't know if you can see it now, because i have already tinted it. It'S sort of it's kind of dark. Even for me. Luckily, i was able to tint it enough to get it to match my forehead, but if you've got a lighter complexion than me, i would say, try and find a transparent lace on their website. I know they do offer transparent lace there, but i feel like this on someone. That'S like i don't know lighter than me. Would struggle tinting it i don't know, can you guys see that i don't know how well that's showing up on camera, but yeah just make sure you get a transparent lace? I think this is just the general rule of thumb with anything if you have lighter skin. Always always look out for transparent lace, because i do believe this is their medium brown lace anyway, so yeah. That is what it is. Okay, now that we've got the lace nicely tinted, i'm just gon na go ahead and pop the wig on off camera. So you just wan na make sure that everything's aligning as close as possible to your hairline. This um - i don't know if i like, don't get the correct size. I think that's the issue like i don't know if i need to size up or down, but i don't know if you can tell, but it's not really like aligning with my sideburns. So i have to really like maneuver the way it's sitting on my head, um and also i don't know if i mentioned it, but i didn't actually sew an elastic band onto this unit. I don't tend to do that with my front tool unless i like really really need to - or it's just too big for me yeah. It fits snugly on my head. So i don't feel like i needed to say that on this is probably one of the harder parts like i'm really struggling to align everything right now. I think that's, okay! Is that probably not, but let's find out once we cut this lace, i'm just gon na bring this down a little bit to hide that big, ass forehead. That'S what i love about wigs like i can just hide my massive foreheads under my wig, and you know, call it a day. Nobody has to know so anyway, while we're here. I thought i might as well answer some questions because i don't feel like you guys know me that well, you know i haven't ever spoken about myself that much on my channel i mean all you guys know is i'm a capricorn which i don't know. Maybe that gives off my personality a bit. Maybe that's why i haven't been sharing a lot but yeah. I just thought: let's do some questions. Okay, first question is: how old am i um, i'm 21 years old, i'm turning 22 on january? The 19th? Don'T forget that guys, but yeah, i'm 21.. I often get told i look very young like especially when i'm not wearing any makeup. I'Ve been told several times that i look like a 14 year old little girl, so i don't know take it as you want it, but yeah, okay. Another question is what country am i originally from? I am ugandan rwandan and, like the tiniest bit somalian, like i'm talking in h, somalian, but i i claim it with my chest. Like my grandma was basically half somalian and yeah. I sound like one of those girls that try and like include like bare flags in there flipping instagram by it. That'S what i'm sounding like right now, but let me claim it: okay, um, but yeah. So that's where i'm originally from i lived there till. I was three years old yeah. I was three when i moved away from uganda, so i didn't even mention that um and then once i left uganda, i moved to the netherlands. I lived in rotterdam for about two hours. What ten i wan na say. I lived there till i was ten and then i moved to england. So you know i've been here for 11 years now, guys 11 years. So i'm just trying to explain you to explain like what i'm doing as i go along. How do youtubers do this because i'm trying to have a conversation and also teach basically i've just worked the hairline and just clipped everything back, so i can see where i'm cutting the lace. Okay, so, as you can see, i've just cut like a few little slits here at the front, and this just makes it a lot easier to cut in sections because, like i always say, cut your lace in small sections and take your time when cutting the lace. Because if you now grab it from here and go straight down this way like go, you can take your time. I know the lace ain't going anywhere just breathe, so yeah definitely definitely take your time to make it look realistic. Like i always say, i need to buy one of them, but again eyebrow razor they're, the best things ever, that's what like the professional hairstylists use like they make cutting the lace so much easier and it makes it look a lot more realistic as well. So, like they're, literally like five pounds for a pack of 10 on amazon, so definitely definitely look into those okay. So the next question is what is my favorite foundation and my favorite foundation of all time is um the mac pro longwear waterproof. It comes in a little squeezy tube and i wear the shade nc50 in it and when i tell you it's one of the few foundations that doesn't give me like a horrendous smile line, i always get the worst little like smile lines, um on my cheeks. Every time i wear foundation powder like there's nothing, you know i can do to stop it, but when i wear the pro longwear it kind of helps minimize it um it's time to glue the hair down. So i'm going to be using my trusty ors. Why can't i sleep today guys i'm going to be using my trusty ors, fixer spray and gel um similar to the got to be spray and gel um, except this one is just better for your hair, because it's got special ingredients that are meant for your. You know your edges being under constant tension. There got to be spray like it wasn't really made for wigs, but this specifically was so yeah. That'S why i like using it but either like either or like, are amazing. Okay, so now that we've got the wig essentially glued down, i'm gon na part, the hair i normally tend to do before i put the wig on just to make styling a lot easier, but you know, as usual, i was lazy um, but yeah, i'm just quickly. Gon na do a middle part, i think, and then i'm just gon na clip everything back again guys. I'Ve literally forgotten about these questions. I don't have an attention span good enough for this, i feel like. I should just do a separate video answering like everyone's questions, because this is a lot like i'm trying to be technical and yeah. Forgive me, but i gave you some some answers to a few things. I don't know um, okay, right, baby hairs. Where do i want them today? I'M thinking middle, like one hair like a little sweep here and then side like here and then a sideburn yeah, just gon na section off a little bit from here, maybe like that much and then i just take my mousse and i just mousse the area that I'Ve just decorated from just to keep it back and yeah just so i don't get confused with things then, taking my hair gel the one i was using earlier, i'm just gon na use literally like the tiniest amount, like i'm talking, a grain of rice, i'm literally Just pressing pressing the hair down just to keep it in place again, while i cut the other baby hairs and then i'm just going to trim it down to my brow just before, where my brow starts to do that so yeah, like i said the this hair Does actually come with one of these little brushes um to sweep your baby hairs with so you'll get this you're good to go so i'm just gon na sweep the baby hairs right now with the gel that we've already laid down and a bit of mousse. Okay. So guys, look at the difference. Baby has made, but yeah i'm just quickly, gon na, because i've got loads of mousse down on my hair right now, i'm just quickly. Gon na grab my hair dryer with my comb and just press everything down and make sure that everything's dry before we use our hairband okay. Moving on i'm gon na grab my trusty hairband. Everyone always ask me where i get like this specific headband from it's literally from an old jumpsuit guys like i, had a little wrap around thai waist thingy, so i just took it off and used it like it's the perfect fabric for it, but, like i always Say you can use anything for this guys thin strip of fabric like this tights old pair of leggings? If you cut them up into a thin strip, you can use literally anything like use. Your imagination just needs to be a thin strip of fabric, but yeah. I'M just gon na tie my hair up and just wrap this around my head and just leave it on while we style the rest of the hair okay. So this, for me, is another tedious part, i'm just about to, as you can see, i'm just brushing all the hair out because i'm about to wet the entire body of hair, so we can start styling and putting the product in. I'M really surprised how easily this hair brushes through by the way like it feels soft, i'm gon na grab my tiny, pathetic spray bottle and just start wetting all the hair. This guys, i'm gon na speed through this, because it's actually gon na take a good 15 minutes. Okay, once i've done, i'm quickly going to go, do the other side of the camera. Now, now that those little sections of hair are wet, i'm going to go ahead and move on to styling. So the first product i'm going to use is my shea moisture, leave-in conditioner and i'm just going to run that all through my hair, i'm literally taking like that much guys. So i'm just going to run that all through the legs of the hair. Oh, my god, my hoodie, i'm focusing on the ends as well. Okay, now i'm going to go in with my ors hairdress again just to help moisturize the color. I don't use as much of this. I only use like a little bit next, i'm just going to go in with my ors hair gel again, i'm using about a dollop of that and i'm just going to scrunch everything through my hair. I used to just use um loads and loads and loads of hair mousse to sound my curly hair, like when i'm talking like mountains of moose, and it was cute like it's really good. If you're trying to like go for a wet look um, but it did make the hair really crunchy every time i used it. So that's the only part that i didn't really like. It was very stiff, but i find that when i do this, the hair still looks defined, but it's not stiff and it still has body, especially when it's dry like yeah. It just doesn't feel crunchy. It'S just a lot nicer to work with, so i definitely recommend this and now i'm gon na do the top of my head and i will be right back okay, so now that i've got all the hair nicely saturated and product, i'm just going to remove the Hair bands and do the last bits of mobs of styling, so i actually forgot to film a proper outro for this video, but i do hope you guys enjoyed the video. I hope you learned something as usual. Make sure you like comment and subscribe and i'll see you in my next video bye, guys

Chiicheme: that wig looks gorgeous!!! great video

Charline Paulin: YES Capricorn’s ❤️❤️ love the install and thanks for sharing

R Cee: You have such a sweet voice. You seems like such a nice girl. The hair looks bomb on you too sis ❤️

Joetta James: This curl pattern is bomb

Catherine Cherlene: Gorgeous

ItsHerLondon: you are soo beautiful where have you hiding hair looks bomb

Talisa Liberty:

Lanajha Brown: How was shipping?

Lashay_R: How long was shipping ,

Benn: Did you buy it yourself please

Jaleah Stewart: is this sponsored ,???

BEA Reparações: Please, stop lying about this company, what's up with you? Do you have a lot of money to spend?? Doesn't cost you to give that money, or is it for free?! Or for you, as a youtuber, ALIPEARL sends a different hair? Stop being greedy and cheating other people. You guys make beautiful videos, saying that your hair is very good, as good INFLUENCERS you have to advise good things and not trash like ALIPEARL.

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