Installing A Wig With The Crochet Method | Ft. Hergivenhair

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I capped. The wig was only $429 after shipping. Still expensive but not $500!

Hey guys welcome to my channel it's nikkimar and I'm back with another video, and today's video is going to be a wig and stall. I know my wigging stalls are usually voiceovers, but today is Friday. This video is going out tomorrow. I ain't got time for the voiceover, so we're just gon na talk our way through it. This is the way from her giving hair. I will insert all of the footage from me unboxing, I'm pretty sure I still have it um. This is like, obviously, not how it came. I watched it today. I watched it just how I would my normal hair. So if you go back to not my last video but the video before that um all the products I used to wash my hair besides, like the deep conditioner and the heat damage mask, I used on this. So it's still slightly damp. I washed it at probably 9 30 this morning, but I kind of like it damp because I was if it wasn't damp, I probably would have just wet it with a spray bottle anyway and yeah I'm gon na get into the install um. I use the crochet method, so I wanted to show y'all how I did that um, because it ended up looking really natural. A lot of people like I feel like I could see that it was crochet, because I didn't obviously and everybody that knew that I didn't. Could see it but like a lot of people at the pageant, because this is the hair that I wore to the pageant a lot of people are asking me like. Is that your real hair? I was like no, you know, because I'm a liar, so I was like yeah. No, it's not my real hair and they were like what so yeah. I think it's a real cute technique, um. So now I'm just taking the twist out. I put these twists in so I can condition it because it is a lot of hair like it's making me rethink if I want long hair, because this was a lot of washing to do it smells really good, though, see that curl pattern after washing it like It is Heavenly, I think I got the smallest wig cap size, but the wig is still kind of big on me. I'M gon na clip these two together um in the back, and then it also has this other band that you can put together, but it doesn't really do much um and yeah. I'M going to show you guys how I do the crochet method, so I have straight back braids in you want to keep these braids contrary to most wig videos. You want to keep these braids um big, because you're going to crochet through them, so it makes it easier when they're not like super tight braids, but everything else is kind of braided back um and I'm gon na just throw it on. So this wig was like 450 ish and then after shipping it was like um like 465 or something or maybe even more than that it was very expensive girl and every day I'm like. I can't believe I spent that much money, but you see the quality. Is there I'm just taking these two Combs and I'm just sticking them into the braids? They call these a lot of the videos. I'Ve seen with this method called these like anchor braids sticking them in, and I try to get them kind of close, but also flat and look that's good enough. Um and then I have the comb in the back in um, but yeah. This wig was closer to 500 than it was to 400. I mean I'll leave all the specs and everything of the wig down below, because I don't necessarily remember I got. I ordered this wig October 9th. It is December 2nd right now so yeah. I don't remember like it's already giving like oh my gosh, and usually so. If, if this was like my if the wig was completely dryer, this was like another day of wearing it. I would have used this stuff. Take a look. It'S the Auntie Jackie's ice ice. Curls grape seed style and shine recipes. This is what I use the weekend of the pageant and I would just comb it through and twist it and kept my curls looking nice. I basically just took care of it like it was my real hair I'll show y'all. So you can just do leave out with this wig, but the first time I installed this wig. I still had all that heat damage, so that was literally not an option, so I had to do the crochet method. If I wanted to wear this wig and how you do, that is, oh, you want to stick the crochet needle. So you want to stick the open hook through I'll show y'all again, because I was a little bit of a mess and then you want to just grab a little piece of the hair and then pull it through over and then that's what you get and you Want to do that all around your head and it doesn't take - I mean all around the part and it doesn't take as long as you would think it takes like I'm gon na just do this. I might speed it up, but I'll tell you right now we're at like this. Video is at five minutes um and then I'll show you what the time stamp is when I'm done so, you want to make sure you're pulling it through like out that way, which I'll show you when I get to the other side, what I mean, but because You got to pull the hair through the in inside and you got to get a good grip on the hair, so you don't deal with a lot of tangling and then take down is actually not that hard. I don't know if I'll show y'all, I'm not sure I'll, take down in this video because I'm not wearing this hair to work tomorrow. I just want to get this video out or actually maybe I will do y'all see, is giving growing out of my scalp, but then I just keep going you just. Basically, the goal is to not see any tracks and you don't want to you: don't want to grab like huge chunks of hair. So you really just want to get the hair like right on the that first track, because if you get like big old chunks, it's gon na be bulky. The only hard part is like the needle. Getting stuck at some places like the needle is totally stuck under. All my hair release take a little strand, close close, the needle. Sometimes it's very much trial and error. Like the first time I did it. I was definitely but y'all see how there's like a big truck right there. So I'm trying to get some hair to cover that track. You got ta go under your hair, though, and over the track. That'S that's the big mistake I was making when I first tried to do this method. I was like how do you get the crochet needle under the track, because it's very much like you can't get the needle under there um, because the inside of the cap is like there's no space in between the tracks like a normal wig like there's, there's like A cap there, a mesh cap so yeah, I would say like that: first quadrant right there is like done and then you just want to keep it going all the way around. But like this side looks like it's giving scalp, and that is why I was willing to pay this much for a wig, because this is just something like if I ever want to give natural batting. That'S that's another reason why I don't want to wear to work, because this is too expensive for the general public. It really is like I'm not wearing this just on a random Wednesday, I'm wearing this when I'm trying to give like, I might wear it on Christmas. What I'm trying to give like and obviously it is a little damp right now when it's not so damp. It is a little bit shorter. It'S a little more like like that, but foreign. So for the back Parts you want to take it under your hair and going backwards grab a little bit in the hook close the hook and then pull through and then the Messier. It is the more natural it looks, the less clockable you are, so you don't have to be perfect, like get in perfect strands or perfect uh hair pulls through because the Messier, the more natural. The only thing I will say about this method is by the end of the weekend because, like I said I wore this to the pageant that was, I made a mistake. I should not have stopped playing with the crochet needle, but it just didn't feel like it was coming through, but by the end of the weekend my part did feel like very much sore like you ever had some super tight braids and it has like your part Feeling sore that's how it felt also, I have several Grays in my head, like lots of gray hairs and this method just totally eliminates them, except I have one short one in the middle that it's just gon na, be there I'm gon na come back up to The front here this is what I meant by, and I said I was gon na speed this up, but clearly I I can't because I won't stop talking right now. We are at 10 minutes and 42 seconds, though so it's been about six minutes since I started like I am amazed by this technique and I'm telling you when I was taking it down, because I took my hair down like we drove back from the pageant. The pageant ended. What is this in my hair? I don't know what that is in my hair, we drove out for the pageant, like we left the pageant Saturday night and we came all the way back home, which is like four hours away. We came all the way back, so we didn't get back until it was close to midnight. It was maybe like 11 p.m, ish and um, because it's like I'm taking my week off tonight, I'm not I'm not sleeping with this on another night, so I took it off and at first I was having some difficulty getting the hair undone. But honestly, once you take the comb out the combs in the front out, once you lift them, the hair starts to kind of unravel out of the part on its own. I that's not painful. That'S not why I made that face. It'S just trying not to damage my hair, because this does seem like it could be slightly damaging. So this is where we're at. I think I could probably pull another part or something through this front piece. Well, I don't know buff it out a little bit and I might be done y'all what we're looking like. I can't tell because I can't see any traps, but it does look like there's just like a little bump there, but yeah, and then this after this part how I like to wear it out. The pageant was I like to do one ear, one part behind my ear yeah. I could probably do a little more I'm gon na do one more. Actually, I'm gon na do one more section up in the front, because I see it now. It'S like just right up there, mostly the way that the the Clips are in and not the crochet method. That'S making that part look a little less natural, but I still think it looks good enough, but how I liked to wear it was, I put one part behind my ear and then I pulled out my little edges from like my real hair on the side, which I kind of braided them down so hard, but I just pulled out a little edges on the side and then I would pin it back and then do I have a comb in here. You can like fluff out the the part on both sides. Look a little more natural and yeah. I'M gon na put some edge control on because I think that's the icing on the cake I'll be right back. So I should have mentioned before I cut that clip off that we were at 15 minutes so 10 minutes total, but I did when I went to the bathroom to grab my Gorilla Snot. I noticed that there was a part in the middle. That'S like very much invisible. You can see the tracks like right there, so I'm gon na pull that. So, although I'm not wearing this tomorrow, I still want to give y'all the most natural finish for the video, and I might take some pictures too. Now I'm going to take it's not and just kind of some edge control and, of course, y'all it'll look better. If I was not doing this on camera, I feel like I've said it a million times once I turn this camera on. My hair is going to be a little bit uglier than it is going to be, if I just to not turn it on, but it's fine, you're, fine and also the more you sleep on it. This is like the one hairstyle almost like faux Locs. You know how faux Locs, like the rougher, the more you have and the longer you have them the better. It looks that's kind of this hairstyle like the more you sleep on it, the better it'll look. So it's already looking better. I'M gon na throw my scarf on. Also, you have to be comfortable with your forehead for this hairstyle, because it's definitely given a lot of forehead action like it was just one picture I took up after the pageant. I ended up deleting it, but I recovered it out of my recently deleted because I was like I need this memory, but my forehead was on Mambo yeah. Let me show you all the back of the hair and yeah I'm just gon na put on my shirt. Real quick and wash my hands off and then I'll be back to show y'all the finished product. This was so quick and easy. Sorry, I was done with the video. Hence me not having the shirt on anymore, but I did want to show y'all like the sides and stuff because I feel like I didn't, show you all that some science look I try to do like. I don't know if y'all seen the Fenty fashion show the little hairstyle Rihanna. Did I'm gon na try that probably not till next year, though, because I'm tired, maybe I'll, do it this year, I don't know but yeah yeah. I want to show you all that let's just tell the side so you can leave like edges out. I don't have much edges to leave out, but you can't leave edges out. So you can do more. Like pulled back, looks - or you know a little moment, but the more you pull it, the more the crochet shows. So if you wanted that anyways okay, I'm going for real now, okay, so I had that scarf on for all of 0.2 seconds. So I really didn't. Do much, but this is almost the finished product. What I'm looking for is a little elastic, strap on this side. It'S like it's like up in the wig I can't find it hold on. I feel like that's. Why that's another reason it looks like it's sitting weird like I have this one, here's this one, there's one on the other side. I just felt it there. It goes. I got it that was stressful anyways. The reason I was looking for is because I want to tie those together just to make it a little tighter, like they have hooks on them, but the hooks don't really do much. So how I had the pageant is I just tied it behind my head and then put the comb, because I don't like putting the comb in the back of my head because the back of my head, we all know it. It breaks off. If I look at it the wrong way and then yeah this is it like, is it not cute, of course, normally I'll put some product or something on it, but I did just wash it today, so I think I'm gon na. Let it be like this, but you can like Define the curls more. You can leave it more big. You can kind of make it more flat. I think like this is fine for now, though, and yeah, I will leave all the details and stuff like the hair that looks like your natural hair, because that was my thing going into the pageant and this girl at the patent. She asked me she was like what made you go and wear your natural hair to the pageant, and I was like I really just did not want to have to manipulate my hair texture for a wig like or or a weave or something for a hairstyle. And that's real, like I, I didn't want to wear lace because I didn't think I could lay it or get it laid well enough to be unclockable and I didn't want to leave out because my hair is not even though it was somewhat heat damaged. My hair is not meant to be straight, so I was afraid it was going to be puffing up while I was there and it was going to look a hot mess and yeah. So this was the best option for me and I'm really happy with the decision that I made. I don't know if it you know, I don't know if this wig was maybe the reason I didn't win, because it was a little too much. It wasn't very much like the typical pageant hairstyle, but I don't really care I feel like it was the most authentic to me and, like I feel like, if my hair was longer, this would be the pretty much the texture-ish it's a little more loose. This is like a, I think, a 3C to a 4A I'm more before b4c, but this was the closest I could get so I'm definitely happy with it. I'M happy with the purchase. It did take a very long time to get here, um but kind of shorter than what they even quoted me. If you're gon na get a wig like this, I would definitely a lot like 30 to 40 days um for it to arrive. I ordered it October. 9Th I got it on Halloween, so October 31st. So if y'all want to know how long it's going to get this way, but they also sell lace, wigs and they're like custom constructed, so they quote a way longer time. It'S like 20 to 30 days processing and then like 10 days, shipping or something like that. So it's a lot and you pay a lot for shipping and it comes International but worth it yeah, because this is definitely like. If I want to look extra good somewhere, I'm I'm putting on this big - I am, I am so yeah anyways. I really really hope you guys enjoyed this video. Please make sure to like comment and subscribe. Please tell your friends to subscribe and I'll see you in the next one bye, really quick before you go. I did just want to show you how I took it down. This took like all of four or five minutes. I just lifted up the Combs and, as you lift up the Combs, the parts of the hair that you crocheted in start to kind of rebuild themselves, and they just pull it out so yeah. That'S how you take it out. Super easy doesn't take much time. That was a big concern I had going in how it would take down be. It is not that bad, oh foreign,

Just Deja: This is so cute! I love this hair so much, literal goals!! Could you do a video of bringing the curls back to life?

Nicole Jones: Absolutely Gorgeous

Bria Valentine: ❤

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