The Doux Done Did It Again! (Most Fun Natural Hair Products Of 2022?)

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Phoenix, AZ 85036



What's your hair type?

3c-4b, low porosity, fine hair

How long have you been growing your hair?

Almost 7 years!

How old are you?


Can you recommend products?

Whatever you see me use and like in a video..that's what I suggest! But always use what works for YOU.

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As always!

Thanks for watching!

Much Love ❤️


WillOnAWhim is a one-stop shop for all things hair, travel, food and shenanigans! Enjoy!

This video is sponsored by audible. Audible is the home for all your audio entertainment from best sellers to new releases. Celebrity Memoirs, Thrillers Mysteries, business motivation, girl a whole bunch of stuff. You can listen to it all through the audible app sir, as an audible member, whether you're on the go girl or, if you're at home, for the laundry washing dishes. You get one free audiobook every single month and that's for you to keep forever. But then you also get access to a very strong and growing selection of audiobooks podcasts, guided meditation, audible, originals and that's in my opinion, that's where it's at and you can stream and download that whenever you want new members can try Audible for free for 30 days By going to will inawim or you can text Will on a whim to 500 500., it's so nice that the holiday spirit has found its way back to me, girl, I'm like Full Throttle. So I've been listening to this audiobook and I'll set up the mood and everything I'll be like on my couch I'll, put the little fireplace situation on the TV and I'll pop on the naughty and the nice and the nanny. It'S about this girl who gets hired through like a staffing agency to work as a nanny for literally just one week for this guy who she had across us on in high school. Who became this billionaire and had a kid and now he's kind of a single dad he's never blinked an eye at her and so she's like going into this nanny job. A little mortified, but also his previous nanny for his daughter, walked out, because his daughter is like his daughter is like bad, so she's dealing with this Crush that she had on this guy he's also a billionaire that plays a role. His daughter is a little devil and the job is paying her three times her rate, it's written by Willa Nash, it's narrated by Vanessa, Edwin and Aaron shedlock, it's a four hour and 11 minute listen, and so you get like a real full story. I recommend you get into the holiday spirit, there's so many different audio books out there for you to choose from and new members can try, audible free for the first 30 days, just go to or textbook and women to 500 500, and you can start listening Today, I'ma get back to pretending, like I can actually digest, eggnog and I'll talk to y'all later bye. Oh Christmas will never be the same twerk the sound and his little elf crew twerk, the sound twerk, the sound twerk, the Santa and his reindeer and two twerk for Santa twerk for Santa twerk, the Santa you know what to do: twerk Center twerk, the Santa twerk, Pretend just twerking steps. What'S popping everybody, my name is, Will and welcome back to another episode of vlogmas today's interesting because a box showed up at my door. I knew it was coming from the zoo wow. No, they really did it up. Y'All saw me: try the Moose whoa, it's it's. You know what y'all. Let'S have a moment of silence for all the girls. The tears come rushing back every time. I think about it very rarely in this economy, where people are just kind of copying and pasting hair products. Do you find a product? That'S like truly disruptive changes, your whole routine and the way things are done. The do did that here do lose death. I'Ve seen it work on just about every hair type. Now I'm obsessed and curious, so they sent me some stuff. First, we got the you know. What I like about this is that it has this little drawstring. Can you see that I think we have a bunch of products from the B girl line? I I don't know how many lines there are, but this one's the B girl, I'm not I'm competitive. The packaging is so like this is the Box. How cute? Oh, my God, it's so cool! They did that you know how to be wearing Buffs on um um Survivor. I think this is one of those in a cool sticker that I can add to my locker over here that I've been putting stickers on. Oh yes, yes ma'am, we have a rat tail comb. Oh it's! One of those Combs has like that parting tip. We have a lanyard girl. What conference we going? We go to the conference, the Dew conference. It doesn't have this um brush. Huh. I'Ve been seeing these around. Do you all know what these are for? What'S this, we have a setting foam crazy, sexy curl, a little riff off of crazy sexy cool that was like everybody's, like AOL email account out loud uh. This is a conditioner. They call it a condition, I love it, they really have a hold on branding, they know who they are. They have a community they're very thoughtful with it right, and this one is the lady's first shampoo supercharged honey, moisture retention, shampoo. So it must feature honey because it's a b. We also have the honey moisture Mask The Sweetest Thing. Oh I'm living on today. I love this. We also have the Mist, demeanor shine, Mist, High reflection, shine, Mist, push it uh, I'm so obsessed with this product, a braid and Edge gel. Maybe we'll do some braids today, I haven't been like this excited to try products in a while. So let's go ahead and go into the shower and put these things to work. We don't get down like that. Everybody we're gon na work. So, let's go to work, hoe, okay, she dried and fried so after a quick rinse, I'm gon na pre-poo with the conditioner y'all know. I like the condition before I shampoo, get the shed hair out detangle a little bit and you know just prepare it for cleansing. Rinse, that out and now on to the shampoo came out the bottle like Silk as she should applied it straight to the Dome raked it down. Just like how I always do nothing changed here: nothing new, here's, some close-ups of my hair with the shampoo in it now scrub. That thing I got my handy dandy, shampoo brush, so gentle, yes, so tough girl she'd be scooping the dead skin. The flakes the dandruff, the hater dust right on up, I love my shampoo brush, I'm really thorough with this as well going in over the same area area, maybe two or three times to ensure a clean scalp for today's style, I'm going to rinse. All of that out, here's um my hair post, shampoo and now time to apply the mask. Some of y'all are shy with this, but um not me. I'M gon na grab a ton and apply it to my hair until it's heavy with the product making sure everything is nice and cozy under the mask I'm gon na. Let it sit there for 15 or so minutes and then rinse it all out and we're done with the shower. Let'S wrap this thing up and get my final thoughts on the products before we Style out of the shower, and I have to say that that was lovely. I am shocked: wow the conditioner and the shampoo, both stunner, the shampoo actually stood out to me like I've, said many times that shampoos and conditioners to me. Rarely do anything like surprising to me, I'm like they all do the same thing. It'S just silky smooth. It has cationic honey in it, aloe vitamin, b c and e keratin, silk amino acids all this stuff in its show. You know what I mean. If you love me, tell me, show me: the conditioner must be hungry because she ate you are so corny. Oh, my God. Wait, I'm just whoa. Okay, please settle down. This is sick. She eat me up even more. This is a three in one. You can use this as a pre-poo, which is what I use it as a leave-in conditioner or a rinse out conditioner the do. How about you don't in the shower. I was like. Oh, I wish this was a leave-in conditioner, because my hair was eating it up. Literally, like it says, specifically formulated for thirsty hair on the mend powered by science of supercharged honey to reclaim your hair's natural softness bounce and shine now the sweetest thing. This is the mask girl formulated to help both your scalp and your hair. So I like really laid it in there. One thing I'll say about this is that I really appreciate that it didn't sit, because all these other conditioners, that thing is sitting. I don't know if this is like a it's a scientific metric, but it did feel like it just soaked up into my hair. My hair absorbed it. I don't know all the factors as to why that wouldn't happen, but that happens a lot with most leave-in conditioners and deep conditioners. This girl don't count her in that she said. Don'T put that on my name. I don't know nothing about that lifestyle. Whatever y'all got going on, because that's not me now we can get into styling and I feel like I have to change everything around now that I know that this is a leave-in conditioner as well. I also have this foam honey setting foam just like the do. Moose def, it's an all-in-one Styler that conditions detangles defined and sets wash and goes twist outs, braids and twas all in one step they out here during the Lord's work, actually, the Lord probably just delegated it all to the town, because the Lord don't be up I'll. Be like Laura, can you help me detangle today? What happened? What happened? I thought I was gon na get some help, but the dude really is doing it. What I want to do is maybe that back there, some bantu knots, but also maybe like a braid or two, but I would do want to test this out. I want to see how it works, because I'm going to use my parting comb to pre-part my hair. Just do that really quickly and then I'll come back and style hair party. I want to try out the foam situation to see if it's like the deuce mood. Death moose do death, moose death, do my god! Oh okay, oh artisanal, vanilla, warm soap! I'M definitely going to go in again yeah, because my hair is how long is it? It'S been like an hour parting and my hair kind of dried up, but wow wait. I can see it coming. They don't got another hit back to back number ones. That lady is not playing about - oh my God that lady, not playing by her back, give me my coin. This is just a phone huh one product and my hair was most definitely dry. This is a fun product. I love stuff like this is cool crazy. Sexy cool period period period - okay, so I'm gon na actually, unfortunately rinse this out of my hair and just move on with the leave-in conditioner, because as much as I would love to do a wash and go right now, I want to do the other style more. So I'll be right back, okay, now leave-in conditioner, which is literally just the conditioner. I use like five seconds ago a little bit of that. Oh, it smells so good. It'S not like candy! It feels sophisticated. We love to see it nice and moisturized, I'm not looking for any definition out of this product. Oh yes, medium! I love the texture of this. It'S not so thick, it's spreadable, which is why it works as a braid gel just put that all along the edges. It'S super spreadable, so I'm going to bring it down into the hair strands to get rid of any flyaways, because I I want it to be Sleek like that hold up now, because, oh, my God, who is this woman, making these products, because why the B gel Got a little bit of curl too. This stuff is so moisturizing. Okay, I'm gon na finish this style up and I'm gon na come back when I'm done yeah. I just finished my day: [ __ ], it's been working. My patience you've been going through the same [ __ ], 40 hours foreign. I have thoroughly enjoyed the products that I use today, literally every single one of them from the shampoo. I think I'm gon na name, not all of them. Shampoo, conditioner hair, mask push it. Leaving the style is complete, yes, I'm complete. I'Ve been complete. It took me way too long to put do this, like this shouldn't have been more than like one hour. I started this thing at four: why is it 11 o'clock at night p.m? I'M tired! She is how long you been doing here, um for like three years: yeah, that's cute. Can you turn around for me my two little braids on the side I just tied in the back, like literally like shoe strings and just did a little. My scalp feels clean moisturized. This is the Banger. Do moose death two another one, conditioner tender slip, super moisturizing, and then I used it again as the leave-in conditioner, for these get be real. Get real shampoo, super silky hair was clean afterwards, but also defined, and this stuff right here this stuff right here is what I'm giving all the girls for Christmas. No, you can show frizz the door with this one yeah girl, I'm obsessed with this cute little style. I'M definitely going to probably take it out in like two days. I already know I sleep like this: what that's not gon na work back there, but shout out to the do if you haven't tried the products yet and you're looking for new products. If you already got products in your thing, girl stop it keep using them until they go on. You don't need no more, but if you are going to the uh store, definitely check out the dude. Their products are really cute quality as well oftentimes when bottles are like super cute and like flashy, like these, the products almost always miss because they're compensating over compensating with marketing these just are good inside and out. So look at the material. You should be going home. You'Re gon na be the judge of it. I'M gon na link them down below, but that brings us to the end of this video. I hope you all enjoyed it if you did go ahead and give it a big thumbs up and if you want to stick around be my friend, be my homie go ahead and click that subscribe button. Don'T forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, not Snapchat, but definitely Tick Tock. I will on a whim and girl what else girls too many things. My second YouTube channel will underwent more. You can follow me anywhere. Just don't follow me in real life. Okay hope to see y'all back here real soon for another episode of wheel on a whim, but until then bye foreign

firstnameIsac: I will NEVER get over Will’s editing style lmao. In the nicest way, Will you a whole clown lmao

48mavemiss2: The style was beautiful! Will always puts me in an instant good mood

courtney jones: I wanna try it sooo badd. Buuttt i literally have PTSD from products with honey it. I was chased off the beach by bees so its a hard no for me which makes me so sad bc i love The Doux

Kazz: The way "Twerk for Santa" lives rent free in my head lol. An absolute bop.

4yoon: your hair is always so shiny im jealous. i looked it up and my local walmart has these products so ima go check them out tom!

Diane S: I just tried the Doux Mousse Def with UFD Curly Magic underneath. It was MAGIC!! Absolutely love the combo for a Wash and Go.

Gexx The Hawk Raven: Imagine a neck pillow that preserves our hairstyles like the Egyptians did.

Gabriel Davis: I heard the bee girl custard has a hard hold as well and stellar reviews

Patience: It’s always a joy to relax and watch your videos after a long day

Jen Abraham: I like Mousse Def so I'll definitely try the honey version of that!

Adia W: Will, I had a dream that I saw you walking around in my city but I wasn’t sure if it was you. And then you said “hey guys, welcome back to WillOnAWhim!” so that I would know it was you. Then you put me in your latest vlog

Kennell Cole: My doux order arrived while I was watching this. I can't do all that lol but excited to try the products.

Getta T: Yessss I just tried this line minus the condish and I loved it…I also have the CREAM that I’m going to try with a gel

Rubeus Swagrid: You know you’re a youngin when you completely miss the theme of the products.

Mr Jahangeer B: Loved the video, Will! Continue shining! ❤️

Jessica Murphy: I’ve been wanting to try this line but can’t find it in store . I love the hairstyle you did, especially the braid bow!

Dana Fisher: The inches, the shine, the definition, SIR ❤

Queen V: Hey Gorls !

CrziiChiki: I always see this at target. I think I'll try it after watching your video.

C M: Love it! ❤️ so shiny and beautiful

Reeses_puffs: I was convinced by the first video you made to try The Doux. Chile let me get my money up

DiJah Medi: Watching this while wearing my DOUX bonnet‍♀️

JustMightyJayy: Are these products good for low porosity hair, because I would love to try them. Love u

DuckDuckGoose: His hair grew soo much! And the parts!

Sinclaire J: I read that book and many other spicy Christmas books last year

Ashleigh Springs: If you don’t get low for twerk for’re lying! Also the hairstyles never miss

Chocolate Angel: I need to try these on my 4 c hair.

Jasmine Tawfik: I love the results!

Moka: It looks so shiny!

Obsidyenne G: Will, did you receive the Bee Girl Honey Curl Custard? Happycurlhappygirl swears by the custard.

ReganNia’ Reed: Literally on of my favoriteeee YouTubers ❤️

C M: Now I gotta buy that braid gel

ijuswannacwatsgoinon: Rock star. Great review. I'm influenced.

Z Beauty: how you gone sell me on buying these products then read me for having too many

krazy_catladyy: Thank you for the video ❤️

Raven: Back to back! Hey whimsies

Chyanne J: I just love when you post

Alexander Ivory-Brown: I LOVED THIS STYLE! Ugh, my grwoth is happening but I got some time before I can do Bantu knots! Looking good. I think if I had those braids, I would let them hang low but what you did with the shoe tie was cool

Zyaria.Atalya: I wanna say the doux is my fav

xel simone: i LOVE the styles you be coming up with

Claire J: This is such a cute style!! Don't make me wash out this washngo.

Just Kayla: Yup Im sold. The SHINE??!! DEFINITION??

Johanna Gayle: O...M...G I was just thinking about Will's editing skills as well Will yr editing skill is no.1 cos u put in sooo much effort to make these videos Thanku u are truly talented

Andre Camacho: one thing about it… audible loves will and i love this for him!!!

Blue Violets: “You can be the judge of it” I love Tiffany so much

Tay May: i use the three row comb to define my hair its MAGICAL

Cori: How’s the smell of the bee line? I really like the original line of doux products but not a huge fan of how “perfumey” it is. I prefer sweeter smells

World Wanderer: 12:05 I needed that reminder

Mona Jackson: The hair style is everything!!! You did that will!!

Hexx Aurum: i guess my nieces and nephews won’t be getting shit for christmas lol.

D R-K: I am going to pull the trigger and try this brand out. Thanks Will!

Shvonne Speaks: The curl custard from this line is life changing! A must try

Tamera Lynn: Mist Demeanor in the house

Kayla Crump: what’s the song that starts at 9:57

Getta T: Your Bantu knots always come out fire!!!

Wounded Possums: I just came back from the salon i wanna wash it again already hahaha

MAMMY MOUNTAIN: Love the hair style

KELLY SMITH: do a silk press

Kayla M: Babeeeeee that honey like came to slayyy

Mercy Ogunjemilua: THE BANTU KNOTS

Sydney: Hereeee Love You Will

Fatima Irving: lovely

Just Shara: Yesss!

Solange Garcia: I loved that they referenceed female rappers or their songs

S. P.: Love you Will ❤

Michelle Frazier: Hair style was fire

LuKisha Green: When reviewing products for the first time, I believe you should shampoo, conditioner and hair care products afterwards. Merely in basic order to truly see how the products works.

Jamie K: Wait bc that book sounds interesting!

mstamalaj: I want to try this line

Biscuit Lover: I'm early for once. Yay!

Chanelle Novoséy: You ate this up!! okkkkaayyy

H I D D N B E A U T I E: This hairstyle

Murphy Carla: Chile I’m ready to place an order

Denise Foster: Hi Will !

CieLoc’d: Gorgeousssssssss

Yoooooooooo: Hi im back ❤

Stephanie Marcella: ✊

mstamalaj: Fckng dj khaled

Aazon Timmons: yes

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