How To: Wash Glue Off Lace + Reinstall Old Wigs Ft. Affordable Amazon Wig | Martina La'Trice

Hey girl hey!!!! This is my first video on this channel! In this video i show you how i wash glue off my lace and lso the reinstalling process. Enjoyyyy and hopefully you find this video useful!

Comment if you found this useful and any other content you would like to see from me.


Steps on Removing Glue from Lace:

1) Bring water to a Boil

2) Add dish washing soap

3) Let the wig soak for 20+ minutes

4) Remove Glue


Products metioned in this video

- Amazon wig:

- Silicon Mix :

- Ebin Spray :


More about me

- I'm 20 years old

- Im From Kansas but live in Texas


Connect With Me

- Instagram : @youngbosstina

- TikTok: @youngbosstina

- Snapchat: @youngbosstina

- Pintrest: @youngbosstina


Music Used in Video

- - Music by A Magnificent - Joy of Life - [](https:/...)

- Music by Ryan Little - Sticks and Stones - [](https:/...)

*I dont own any of the music


Current Sub Count: 5


Key Words: #wiginstall #amazonwig #frontalinstall #wigmaintance #wig #amazon #laceglue #glueremoval #youngbosstina

Affordable Amazon Wigs , Remove glue from lace wig , Reinstalling Old Wig , Wigs from amazon , Wig Maintance , Martina La'Trice , Martina Latrice , Martina Bryant

Who'S buying 300 wigs again hold on. Let'S, let's get into it real, quick, just real, quick, some something's like come on, hey girls, so I just wanted to share the most easiest fastest, most efficient way that I remove glue from my lace um. For me, I tried so many different other techniques like I used to sit there for hours with a toothbrush and poor alcohol, and I had to rub it or even one time I seen on Tick Tock that this girl she was like use a mirror and you Take the lace and you take the glue and you rub the glue on the mirror, and that was it was just not working. It wasn't given what it's supposed to give. So I found a technique that works best for me and I'm going to share that with you, and hopefully it works for you too disclaimer. This is nothing that I invented. I just seen it one day and I started using it and I loved it. So ever since then, this is the technique that I've been using so also make sure you stay to the end, because I'm gon na talk more about this and I'm gon na show you guys because right now, it's blow dry, but I'm gon na show you when It'S wet and even when it's blow dried, it's still looking so yeah without further Ado. Let'S get started with this video. Thank you, foreign foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign foreign. Thank you, hey girl, okay, so I got the wig and I was gon na. Let it air dry, but I was like uh. I need to get this video, so I decided to blow dry the hair and y'all. Look how full it is. I just oh, my God. Okay Emma's gone for a hundred and something dollars. I don't know if, in the voiceover, I've already went over like the details about this wig, but just in case I didn't um, the wig is from Amazon. I got it for I think 110 18 and I forgot the exact price I'll put it somewhere on the screen. The link to the wig will be in the description down below also girl. Make sure that you stay tuned for next week's video, because I'm going to show you how I'm styling this wig um different hairstyles, that I'll do and a lot of them are Pinterest inspired. So you stay tuned for that and if it's already up I'll link it like somewhere up there, my edges back yeah call me back just cut it. I found some scissors and then just kind of I like to follow my actual hairline. So whenever I do stuff like this, I follow my actual hairline. I need to bring it up some I will just like to like wherever my hairline is at that's, where I like to cut. That'S just me personally: some people don't like being so close to the hairline, but to me that's what I do. Okay, so y'all may or may not hear a random background, but anyways so once that is done, uh what I like to do with this extra part. I just kind of bring it to the back and that's only to help the facts stay a little bit more. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it don't um. This part really isn't that necessary, but it's just something I do so. What I do this is what it does. I take my finger - and I spray just a little bit of this on here - just to help like this area, like the ones that are still kind of laying up, I just help them lay down. Sometimes I really don't even apply a cap because I feel personally - and this is just me - my personal experience - sometimes I don't apply caps because it really doesn't make that big of a difference to me to me at least um, but I know for some people. They might I don't know so what I'm going to do is I like to put the wig on my head first, just to see how it is so we're just going to use this and just pin it back and like even these here, I'm getting ahead of Myself, but I just want to cut this off and I didn't bleach the knots on this the unit, mainly because I feel like I don't have to like - I wore it without bleaching or not, and it still looked it looked good to me. So I have this Foundation: it's not really my color, but I'm using it so and what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na just dab it I'm just dab it all on the inside of my wig. So I don't know if y'all can do that. Like I said it's not covered, I haven't bleached the knots on this unit um. All I do is just put foundation and FBI. You feel me I'll be okay, because I also like to just go ahead and hot comb it backwards, so that way, all the hairs and baby hairs and everything's out of the way. So that way, if I do need to plug anything, um I'll be able to see clearly with all the hairs left to the to the back, so I'll just go ahead and I clip it flip it down. So that way, the hair in the front is now out of the way. I don't know if you guys can see that foreign excited foreign okay, so I have it on and it's kind of looking very helmetish. But that's okay, though, because I'm gon na pluck and stuff like that, because I have to replug it because I cut too much off just to get rid of like this whitish Outcast or whatever. I just take my fingers. So, as you can see it like kind of helps it a little bit like this side is like more whitish and this side kind of Blends in a little bit, but it's really hit or miss with this um technique. Sometimes I'd be working, sometimes it just it. Don'T um, but for the most part I do, though, so I don't know if you guys can see the difference. You see right here and then right here. It'S still a little white, but it's not like as bright white as it was so then I just go and I just dab it in I just I might even go in with like a little ratel comb and just press it down, press it down and press It forward, so that's just that's a little soft tip for my girlies, but yeah so see so on this side hold on I'm gon na zoom in just a little bit. This side is definitely laying down a little bit more um. It still has like a little white Outcast, but it's better than what it was right here. So we're also going to fix this side too. Y'All can ignore my ignore this pimple, okay and today it just wanted to be faint. Okay, if you see it behind your business anyways but yeah, so let's do that and then do the top two, and I just all I do is just dab it in to make it like mixed. Sometimes people just go all the way around. I don't really do that because for one whenever I do that it might, it makes my lace lift, and I don't like that so yeah girl I'll do is just spray and dab. It is a little more time consuming. But for me I feel, like I see better results whenever I do that. So I don't know if you guys can see, but it is slowly going away and I'm gon na take my red tail comb and just push it in all right push it in push it in and push down. Basically so that way, it'll and then I haven't put my elastic band down yet, but I am going to so some people will just put it all on. You can do that. But for me like I said this is just my method and how I do it and how it works for me. So, if that's something that you feel like works for you, but in all like spraying, it you do that, but for me sometimes it'll lift because all of that wetness on it and it just it'd, be too much of a mess. For me, I'm trying to get this glue off in here, but it won't come off all right, all right, um, all right, so I'm just taking my time. Okay, so I think I already stated this in the previous clip, but the method that I'm gon na do is a little bit different. I probably shouldn't said it right now, because I am going to come back and like take out for baby hairs, but I'm gon na just put some mousse around the outside around the parameter just to I guess, set it in place. I don't know like. I said this is something new, so if it works it works. If it don't. Oh well, okay, so then I bought these little things that I think the beauty supply store. So I just wanted to try them. So I like elastic band, is a little dirty so and that's also kind of why I don't want to put it directly on the lacer just yet, starting with my elastic band around it, I'm gon na tie it real tight just to get it to the lay Set and they're like I'm, not sure we sat in there um and I'm just gon na comb through it like. I said, I'm not styling it until the next video. So if you want to go check that out, I highly recommend it of me like how I'm gon na style it and everything oh eyelash it from it. Now it's time to the big on the rail or the unveil, all right, so all right, it was crunchy. Yeah a little ASMR, please a little ASMR, oh okay. Okay, all right! All right! All right! Let'S put some edges on this. It looks they don't look bad. It looks good, I'm just wanting to add some baby hair. So that way, it's not so just bold and then I also have to plug too because, like I said, I did cut off a lot, but right now, I'm just taking some alcohol and cleaning up all the extra glue around the perimeter just to make sure that Um in the future, like it, don't be trying to stick or nothing like that. You know what I'm saying so yeah, that's what this whole part is you doing boom. I don't know if this is the smartest thing to do, especially since I just glued it down now I'm going to pull the lace, but I really don't see no other way. So, okay wait a minute I might be on something this week did come pre-plucked when I originally um when I first opened it: okay, okay, we're onto something we are on to something here: darling because her jeez I was like. I don't know it's looking very helmetish. So I don't know if you guys can see the efforts that I'm making to collect this hair, but I'm just going through I'm just gon na keep clicking, and hopefully I don't give it like a bald spot, because one time, one time I was plucking and I Accidentally get the Hairball spot and I was like damn it all right hold on. Okay, we're gon na we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere. Let'S just plug this side too, actually put together, I'm just kind of going through and just randomly plucking. There'S really no method to this madness right now, just kind of just plucking just to pluck and see what all I can uh accomplish with this style here all right. So since I just um it got tangled okay, let's brush it out. So this is all the hair that I pluck out. So hopefully it doesn't look a little bit better. I don't know - hopefully I don't like collect too too much. I just don't want it to look like a like a helmet like it's too thick and I accidentally did cut the because, what's it called um here too, what let's go like this, since I've already put everything right here, this area looks okay, I want to go Through we're gon na put it back here, like I said, there's really no method to this madness here. So whatever comes comes, never done that, hopefully I don't over, pluck it but um yellow. You know. Oh okay, it's not that bad! I just once I activate hairs. I feel like I'm gon na get some more yeah yeah yeah yeah, so I'm gon na pluck on this side, and then I will see you guys in a little bit. Okay, so yeah, like I said this, one kind of looks a little bit better, so I'm gon na click on this side and hopefully do a suggestions. Do a little song go by town. I like to go like where my Arch and my eyebrow is, and I like to go up so I go up and then that's where I like to pull out my oh baby. Girls, I'll do a little c a little curve, not that, oh, my you know what I'm saying like there's something I really like real slight um about this really big hair too so we've been here too. I might get a little bit too tired, but fudge it perfect. So we got that cool and I also like to just look. You know, I'm sure too slowly down just too too quick. Okay, let's see if I can sorry DIY, you know what I'm saying it's too long. You know here just put some more slightly. It'S not too thick, then that in here I like that yo y'all see it y'all, see yeah and then just go up and hold it. You know not too much, but just enough you know the Vibes and then the exits I kind of just put it throughout. My hair just to yeah, go see with these, I'm not the best as I baby hair, so hey y'all. So I just you know what I'm saying we just yeah and we just kind of like yeah and then the excess like um y'all can see. But there's like a little bit still like hanging off like right there and I'm just gon na cut that I'm just gon na Snapchat this the trick is to go up and down. So that way, it's not just blunt. Even so, I cut off this little extra. You guys can see y'all. This is so fun. I love like getting towards the end because it's like oh the final product. You know what I'm saying: anyways, okay, okay, look at the little curl like right. Now I'm not a baby hair expert because y'all just y'all not messing with me for real. I don't know I like that, though, like it's cute, maybe if I got it took her up. No, I don't like that go away. I have to sniff snip. Yet again, all right and just just to fluff it out again and boom. You feel me: okay, baby hairs, lay your down yeah yeah! This is what I do. This is what I does you don't put it on actual toothbrush and see if that makes a difference. I don't know we just trying stuff purple her and y'all see like you got ta like flick the wrist. You know what I'm saying. Y'All get excited, bro next fight um. This always happens. One baby hairstyle be coming out, looking oh good, scrum, dailyumptious and then the other one just be like girl. Is you okay and this one is giving girl? What is you going through? I don't know um, you know um, it's so I don't know like. I don't know how to explain it. Okay, that's not that bad! That'S not that bad! That'S not that bad Purp just to hold it down! Um! I think I'm gon na like fold it in half so that way, just strictly on the edges, all right, real quick. Hopefully I don't cut myself, look at her. Okay, just go ahead and comb it out all right. I forgot. I have lettuce, I'm gon na tell y'all. I don't know if it's because I put that silicone mix in this hair or wood, but it is so soft right now like this hair is soft right now gout, oh, my goodness, red doesn't look like it's coming out of my scalp like this. Is my hair. Y'All, like y'all, can't tell me that you can't tell me that this is not my hair. I color. Now. Okay, you can okay, you can see a little bit if you get a little too close, but if you're, not that close you're gon na be like girl, is that your hair and I'm gon na be like yeah yeah. It is, it is, and what about it? Okay, so, like I said before this video ends, I wanted to show you guys this hair and it's curly State when it's water, sometimes I apply moose, but right now, since I am gon na go to sleep because it's one o'clock in the morning, I'm not gon Na go to sleep with a wet head, no ma'am, so I'm gon na put just a little bit of water, but once you see the full like little water and mousse, I will be posting a video on ways that I style this wig. So it also make sure you guys check that out. I'M gon na put it like somewhere up here in the description. You know what I'm saying so keep an eye out for that video. It will be up pretty soon but, like I said, I'm just gon na spray, some water on this hair and then show you guys what it looks like: okay, okay, the spray bottle with just regular water. In it it says leave-in conditioner, but I promise y'all. It'S just water, so I'm gon na spray, I'm gon na split the hair in half and I'm gon na do this side. So that way you guys can see it and, like I said earlier, I'm not gon na put too too much water on it. I just put a whole bunch of water in my ear - oh my goodness that was very uncomfortable, but I like to really saturate the ends because the ends get fluffy like quicker, but yeah. I like that, I'm like look hold on. Let me see if I can zoom in hope you guys can like see extinguish Ed. It might be a little key damage because I did blow dry it like over the dryer, but we shall see which, on the most part, like look bro, I'm getting so excited. This hair is oh a hundred dollars a hundred dollars for this wig Amazon y'all going y'all gon na see me yeah yeah y'all gon na see me. I said I wasn't gon na put that much water on the hair, but here I am stretching it, but so this is what it looks like. So this is when it's blow dried, and this is when it's wet and this isn't even no mousse added or nothing. This is just water like straight water, no leave-in conditioner, no, nothing just straight water y'all, and this is when it's blow dry, so y'all see the difference. Y'All see come on. Do you see the difference? Yeah we'll get closer to the roots and everything but yeah. So that's that's that ends up yeah but yeah. So this is what the hair is. Looking like and some parts in the back. I didn't get wet water, but that's my point but, like I said it was only like, I think, a hundred and something dollars. So the link will be down below um. It'S two o'clock in the morning. I'M tired. I'M going to sleep, see you guys in the next video

Ryan Little: Loving the hair, Martina! And honored hear my music in the background :)))

sara :o: Periodtt

Brianna Simone: YESSSSS

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